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Tutorial 2

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Tutorial on Sediment Transport

1,Examine the stability of the bed material (𝜌s =2650
kg/m3, mean diameter=1 mm) of a wide stream having a
slope of 10-3 and carrying a flow at a depth of 0.3 m. And
What type(s) of transport and bed form, if any, do you
expect in this stream?
Threshold condition: Shields criterion Wide
By constructing a d (=1 mm) line on Shields diagram we
obtain or τc=0.035×𝜌g×1.65×d

Available boundary shear stress 𝜏=𝜌gRS=2.943 N∕m2

Thus, minimum d for stability=5.2 mm>1 mm. Hence the
bed material is not stable.
And available𝜏∕𝜌gΔd=U2∗∕gΔd=RS∕(1.65×0.001)=0.181, and
from Shields diagram this relates to bed dunes to high
regime plane bed transition
2. Considering a natural stream with a bed slope I= 0.0009 and
median grain size d50 = 3mm, the flow per unit width is 12m2/s
and the water temperature is 20oc. Will the channel bed
sediment be subjected to sediment motion according to the
shields curve?
From shields curve
Using d50 = 3mm = 3*103µm,
the critical bed shear stress,  b,cr = 2.2N/m2
The applied bed shear stress,  b also calculated by
 b = ghI
First Let’s Calculate h=?

From q = u h = ch1.5 I 0.5
Since d50 = 3mm> 2mm,Lets assume the flow is hydraulically
rough regime,then the chezy coefficient   12 h
C = 18 log  
 ks 
 Ks=6.8d50
 Ks=6.8 *3*10-3 = 0.02m
 12 h  1.5 0.5
q = Ch1.5 I 0.5 ⎯
⎯→ q = 18 log   * h I
 ks 

 12h  1.5
12 = 18 log  * h (0.0009)

 0.02 
log(600h) * h1.5 = 22.222

Solving h by Iteration h=3.55m

➢ The applied bed shear stress
 b = ghI = 1000 * 9.81 * 3.55 * 0.0009 = 31.34 N/m2
• Since  b = 31.34N/m2   b ,cr = 2.2 N/m2 then the
channel bed sediment is subjected to sediment motion.
3. A wide open channel with a plane sloping bed has a bed
surface slope I=1*10-4. The bed material characteristics are
d50=3mm and d90=6mm.Other data are ρ=1000kg/m3,
ρs=2650kg/m3, v=1*10-6m2/s. What is the maximum discharge
(per unit width) without movement of bed material?
 For no movement of bed material :
The applied shear bed stress,  b  Critical shear bed

stress, b,cr

From shields curve,

Using d50 = 3mm = 3*103µm,
the critical bed shear stress,  b,cr = 2.2N/m2
 b = ghI =  b ,cr
2.2 = 1000 * 9.81 * h * 1 * 10 −4 , h = 2.24m
q = Ch1.5 I 0.5
 Since d50 = 3mm> 2mm,Lets assume the flow is hydraulically
rough regime, then the chezy coefficient
 12 h 
C = 18 log  
 ks 
 Ks=6.8d50 =6.8*0.003=0.02
 12 * 2.24  m 0 .5
C = 18 log  = 56.3
 0.02  s
− 4 0.5 m2
q = Ch I 1.5 0.5
= 56.3 * (2.24) 1.5
* (1 * 10 ) = 1.89
❖ There fore, the maximum discharge per unit width is 1.89
4. A trapezoidal channel has water depth (in middle) of h=2m,
bottom width b=15m and side slope 1 to 2 ( ϒ=27o).The
bottom is covered with rounded stones d50=0.05m,
ks=0.05m.What are the maximum bottom slope and the
maximum discharge to obtain stable bed ( use shields)?
From shields curve,
Using d50 = 0.05m = 5*104µm,
the critical bed shear stress,  b,cr = 45N/m2
i) The maximum bottom slope ( I cr )
The middle part of the channel is stable if,
 b ( middle ) =  b ,cr but  b ,middle = ghI
ghI =  b ,cr
 b,cr 45
I= = = 2 *10 −3
gh 1000 * 9.81 * 2
 ii. Maximum discharge (Q ) cr

Qcr = AC (RI ) 0.5

 Cross sectional area, A = bh + mh 2 = 15 * 2 + 2 * 2 = 38m 2

 Wetted perimeter, P = b + 2h 1 + m 2 = 15 + 2 * 2 1 + 2 2 = 24m

Hydraulic radius, A 38
R= = = 1.6m
P 24

 Since d50 = 50mm> 2mm,the flow is hydraulically rough flow,

then the chezy coefficient
  12 h 
C = 18 log  
 ks 
 Assuming R  h for wide channel
 12 R 
C = 18 log 
 ks 
 12 * 1.6  m 0 .5
C = 18 log  = 46.52
 0.05  s

 Compute Qcr
−3 0.5
Qcr = AC ( RI ) 0.5
= 38 * 46.52(1.6 * 2 *10 ) = 99.995 m3
Qcr = 100 s
Fi: Initiation of motion for a current over a plane bed, τc, cr = f (d) Shields (1936)

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