Operation For Aural Haematoma in Dog

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Operation For Aural Haematoma in dog

Haematoma of ear flap.

Special equipment :
Slik or nylon suture material 2-0or 3-0

Site of operation:
Ear flap over the Haematoma.

Special Equipment:
Silk or nylon suture material 2-0 or 3-0.

Surgical Anatomy:
1. The aural cartilage is pierced by many foramina which permits the passage
of numerous vessels from great auricular artery.
2. Due to trauma these vessels rupture and blood accumulates between skin
layer of cartilage forming a haematoma cavity.
3. Haematoma usually forms on the concave surface of the ear, but van occur
on the convex surface or on both side.
Control and Anesthesia
1. The animal is controlled in lateral recumbence keeping the affected ear
upwards after proper tranquilization and anaesthesia.

Surgical Technique:
1. A longitudinal or ‘S’ shaped curve incision is made along the entire length
of haematoma after proper clipping scrubbing and draping the site of operation.
The haematoma is removed and the cavity is curetted and flushed with saline to
remove fibrin debris.
2. Mattress sutures using nylon or non- absorbable sutures materials size 2-0 or
3-0 are placed parallel to the skin incision.
3. Mattress sutures using nylon or non- absorbable suture material size 2-0 or
3-0 are placed parallel to the skin incision.
4. In case of large haematoma. Two or three rows of sutures 5 to 10
mm in width and 5 to 10 mm apart in each raw may be placed. The first row of
sutures are placed at the outer edge of haematoma cavity and successive rows of
sutures towards skin incision.
5. The sutures should penetrate the full thickness of the ear and tied the convex
surface of the ear to just appose the cartilage and skin avoiding the branches of
greater auricular artery. Care should be taken that number of sutures should be
sufficient to obliterate dead space and pockets of haematoma cavity.
Post- operative Care:

1. After treating haematoma, ear canal is flushed; cleaned and

proper medication should be applied.
2. In early stage of wound healing, bandaging pendulous ear over
the head or erect ears in upright position stabilizes the ear flap and promotes
3. The bandage should be removed in 8-10 days. Alternatively
plastic buckets, neck shields should be used to protect the ear from further injury.
4. If the ear is traumatized again, the bandage may be reapplied for
3 to 5more days.
5. Sutures are removed in 3 weeks.

A variety of technique may be used to train small haematoma. Aspiration with 16 to 18
gauze needle or lancing with a scalpel blade may be practiced in haematoma with fluid
consistency. Repeated needle aspiration may be necessary. The ear should be usually
bandaged. Suturing an indwelling drain into haematoma cavity is helpful for continuous

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