Course Code - Ethnic Conflict: Literature and South Asia

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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences The LNMIIT, Jaipur

Course code -- Ethnic Conflict: Literature and South Asia

Programme: B.Tech. (CSE/CCE/ECE/MME) Year: IV Semester : Odd
Course : HSS Elective Credits : 3 Hours : 40

Course Context and Overview (100 words):

Ethnic Conflict is the lived reality of present day South Asia. A few examples can be seen in the
insurgency in partition of India, Kashmir and Punjab insurgency, partition of Pakistan, Tamil and
Sinhelese conflict in Sri Lanka, Post-soviet Afghanistan etc. The postcolonial South Asia has been
subjected to a politics of an interplay between identity, politics, and violence. The course starts by
providing the analytical/theoretical lens of ethnic conflict to analyze the major cases of identity-based
political violence including ethnic separatist insurgency and counter-insurgency, communal violence and
post-conflict chanllenges of rehabilitation and reconciliation. The primary goal of this course is to provide
students with a critical understanding of these phenomena through the prism of the literature of South

Prerequisites Courses: None

Course outcomes(COs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO1: Critically understand ethnic conflict and nationalism

C02: Investigate into Politics of partition and consequent violence in South Asia

C03: Understand the politics and ramifications of insurgency and counter-insurgency, and communical
violence in South Asia

C04: Better respond to the questions of trauma and cultural identity

C05: Have enhanced inter-personal communication and presentation skills

Course Topics:

Topics Lecture Hours


1.1 Understanding Cultural Diversity of South Asia and

Postcolonial Ethnic Divisions
1.2 Theories of Ethnic Conflict: Primordial, Instrumentalist and 10
1.3 Theorising Nation and Nationalism
1.4 Trauma and Identity

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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences The LNMIIT, Jaipur

Ethnic Conflict and Partition: India, Pakistan and
Abstracts from: Salman Rushdie: Midnight’s Children; Shalimar
the Clown; Tahmima Anam: A Golden Age; The Good Muslim;
Uzma Aslam Khan: The Geometry of God; Kamila Shamsie’s
Insurgency and Ethnic Nationalism
3.1 Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Kashmir
(Abstracts from: Basharat Peer's Curfewed Nights; Agha Shahid
Ali: The Country Without a Post Office); Vishal Bharadwaj: 12
Haider (Film)
3.2 Sinhelese Nationalism vs Tamil Nationalism in Sri Lanka
(Jean Arasanayagam's Epocalyse '83; All is Burning)

Cold War and Ethnic Violence in Afghanistan
(Abstracts from: Khalid Husseni: A Thousand Splendid Suns 8
(2007); Nadeem Aslam: Wasted Vigil (2008))

Textbook references (IEEE format):

Text Book: (Select extracts/ stories/ poems from the following books):
1. Salman Rushdie: Midnight’s Children (1981)
2. Salman Rushdie: Shalimar the Clown (2005)
3. Tahmima Anam: A Golden Age (2007)
4. Basharat Peer: Curfewed Nights
5. Jean Arasanayagam: Epocalyse 1983
6. Khalid Husseni: A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007)
7. Nadeem Aslam: Wasted Vigil (2008)
8. Jean Arasanayagam: All is Burning (1995)
9. Agha Shahid Ali: The Country Without a Post Office (1997)
10. Vishal Bharadwaj: Haider (Film) (2014)
11. Uzma Aslam Khan: The Geometry of God (2008)
12. Kamila Shamsie’s Kartography (2002)

Reference books/Articles:
1. Jeffrey C. Alexander: Trauma: A Social Theory
2. Cathy Caruth: Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History
Neal G. Jesse & Kristen P. Williams: Ethnic Conflict: A Systematic Approach to Cases of Conflict
Donald L Horowitz: Ethnic Groups in Conflict
Donald L Horowitz: The Deadly Ethnic Riot
3. Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
4. Homi Bhabha (ed.): Nation and Narration

Additional Resources (NPTEL, MIT Video Lectures, Web resources etc.):

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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences The LNMIIT, Jaipur

Evaluation Methods:

Evaluation criteria will be shared by the concerned course instructor.

Prepared By:
Last Update: ________

Course Design Template version 1.0

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