Submission Details: Candidate's Name Phone No. Assessor's Name Phone No. Assessment Site Assessment Date/s Time/s

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Submission details

Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

Exclusive Summary

This report purposes to recognise all the concerns that have been recognized in assessment task 1 as
well as the plans to resolve them that have been given in assessment task 2. This report would aid as a
monitoring guideline of the action plans to fight the risks of expanding to the new shop at

To begin, a few different issues that have been identified in Assessment Task 1 have been given an
action plan in Assessment Task 2. These action plans have set solutions about how to address the risks
that MacVille may face while expanding the new shop at Toowoomba. Assessment 3 would be
monitoring all the action plans to see if they are successfully implemented so that the issues are fixed
and the business profits the most from the expansion. To correctly monitor the action plans, each
section of the plan is going to be examine individually.

Overall outcome

As it is very evident from the report delivered by the Store manager, the risks that have been
identified during the due course can be classified into certain broader penchants. There has a
significant dimension of legal trouble that have the potential to evolve into severity of concerns. As
the by-law compliance index suggests, the workers are experiencing apparent shortage of water
during dishwashing since the chief moiety of the entire reservoir of water owes a considerable amount
of water from the corresponding council. Thus, the workers have to compromise the usage of water as
per the priority of purposes which herald an implanted scarcity across the whole channel. Though the
initiative possesses a desire to set up native water plants in order to compensate the residual
requirement of water while dropping the foreign dependence. Apart from that, they seem quite
adamant to employ experienced drivers in order to reassures the safety of their indispensable
executive since they are recently suffering from obstructed entrée in to the property.
Below is the report of the plan, implementation, outcomes and evaluation which examines the
ongoing implementation of the risk management action plan

Monitor Risks and Evaluate Process

Plan Implementation Outcomes Evaluation

 Insurance  The financial  Now low risk  Reduced to low risk; could
on “cash on controller had due to be made more effective by
premises” taken out $5000 insignificant 100% compliance with the
the insurance consequence daily banking directive and
cover on cash held (insurance removal of expensive
on premises cover) and insurance on overnight
overnight from “unlikely” cash on premises.
the opening week likelihood
as planned. because cash
rarely kept on
the premises.
 Water  Close taps on time  Saving lots of  No risk now because of
Wastage and stopped using water and the idea we are doing
water reduce water really well and saving
unnecessarily. wastage water no water wastage.
 Water tank has
been built.

 Delivery  The training on

 With new staff
daily to cook and  Very low risk now with
we are saving
delivery these idea and new
lots of time and
employees. Hired implementation. We
doing delivery
new experienced are saving lots of time
on time
staff and increase company
income and getting
new customers.

Refurbishing  The weekly  No risk now. With new

 With these
management and changed furniture
changes we are
meetings and café looks good attractive
doing really
review all the and getting more
well and
reports about customers. No risk for any
changing things
furniture even all kind of damage in
according to
the kitchen items restaurant include the
the reports
needed to be kitchen.

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