Risk Assessment: An Amicus Guide For Members
Risk Assessment: An Amicus Guide For Members
Risk Assessment: An Amicus Guide For Members
An Amicus guide
for members
Risk Assessment guide 14/1/05 10:00 am Page 1
Introduction 3
Prevention priorities 13
Get it in writing 19
Competent persons 20
Hazardous substances 24
New hazards 27
Record keeping 33
Review 34
Union involvement 38
Published by Amicus
Printed and bound in the Amicus Printroom
This guide to risk assessment highlights the purpose and pitfalls of
workplace risk assessments and aims to help safety representatives
raise awareness among Amicus members.
Employers are obliged by law to ensure that all aspects of all jobs
have been vetted for hazards and that ‘reasonably practicable’
measures have been taken to ensure that workers are not put at
risk. But remember, no one knows the problems of a job better than
the worker who has to do it.
If risk assessments are done correctly they can mean that workers
are properly informed about their working conditions, the risks and
how to avoid them. It is the safety representative’s job to make sure
this happens. However, while safety representatives can be involved
in risk assessments, and should always be asked to comment on
them, the responsibility of doing a risk assessment lies with
Too little regard for the health, safety and welfare of staff can mean
that trained staff go sick or are forced to retire early. This isn’t good
for the worker and isn’t good for the organisation.
Employers should ensure their staff are safe at work, and risk
assessments should tell them what needs to be done to keep things 3
that way. So what is going wrong?
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1. Use your rights. Safety representatives have legal rights to
information and to be consulted about any health and safety
matters in the workplace.
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There are various ways of assessing what the level of risk is, and
they are dealt with later in this booklet. However, they all involve
making judgments about how acceptable a risk is. Management will
sometimes claim that risk assessment is a scientific process, but their
decisions are based on values that the workers who take the risks
may not share.
There is no set way of doing risk assessments and employers can and
do adopt a mixture of approaches. What is essential to remember as
a safety rep is that risk assessments should be systematic and
thorough and that they look at what happens in real workplaces,
not what the employer thinks ought to happen.
This means talking to the people who do the jobs and have practical
understanding of the hazards and risks involved. It means observing
what goes on at first hand, not just sitting at a desk reading
manuals. The test of a good risk assessment is whether it enables
the employer to identify what the risks are and what they need to
do to prevent or control those risks.
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An employer might use a risk assessment to search for the hazards,
jobs, work locations or management issues which could leave
workers at risk.
There are various ways of assessing the risk once a hazard has been
identified. The regulations make it clear that no one method will
suit all circumstances, but whatever method is used must be
‘suitable and sufficient’.
The simplest method is just ranking the risk and giving it a score, for
0 = no risk 1 = slight risk of not very serious injury
2 = moderate risk (more people likely to be injured or more
serious injuries likely to occur)
3 = high risk (significant chance of serious injury or death)
What this does is look at the severity of the risk using a method that
the textbooks call ‘numerical quantification’. This is very subjective
8 and has in-built assumptions about whether it is worth remedying
‘slight risks’ or even relatively high risks if they affect few workers.
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HARM 5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
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What all the systems have in common is that they put a value on
people’s health. No system will claim it can remove risk. Instead it
will attempt to reduce the risk to ‘as low as is reasonably practical’.
However what is reasonable to management may not be reasonable
to you or your members. Usually decisions are based on the cost of
putting things right, and the basis on which these decisions are
made are totally arbitrary.
The most important first step is to find out what system your
employer uses. Make sure you understand it and be prepared to
question the assumptions that are being made. You can also ask for
training on it. Do not be afraid to challenge the findings of such
schemes if you disagree with the results.
Despite all the paperwork and charts that are often generated, risk
assessment is an imprecise affair. Rough estimates of risk might be
presented as fact. What is presented as an ‘acceptable’ level of risk
might be far from acceptable to those asked to take these risks.
The first aim must always be to remove the hazard. If this is not
possible then employers must set up control measures according to
established principles of good occupational health practice and the
general principles of prevention laid down in the Management
Regulations. If an employer claims that a risk assessment has been
done and the assessment says there is no problem, insist on seeing a
copy of the written record of the assessment.
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The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
(Management Regulations) lay down general principles of
prevention which must be followed when deciding what to do
about a possible hazard:
a) Avoid the risk.
b) Evaluate the risks, which cannot be avoided.
c) Combat the risks at source.
d) Adapt the work to the individual – especially the design of
workplaces, and the choice of work equipment and working
and production methods – with a view, in particular, to
alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined
work rate and to reducing their effect on health.
e) Adapt to technical progress.
f) Replace the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less
g) Develop a coherent, overall prevention policy which covers
technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social
relationships and the influence of factors relating to the
working environment.
h) Give collective protective measures priority over individual
protective measures.
i) Give appropriate instructions to employees.
HSE inspectors are there to help us, but should only be used after
discussion with the employers has failed. 13
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The employer’s main risk assessment duties under these regulations
are to:
a) Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the
health and safety of their employees and the risks to others
who may be affected.
b) Identify the preventive and protective measures needed.
c) Introduce the preventive and protective measures needed to
improve workplace health and safety.
d) Review the assessment if there is reason to believe that it is no
longer valid – for example, if the process has changed, the
building has been refurbished or an experienced worker
has left.
e) Keep a written record, where there are five or more
employees, of the findings of the assessment and any groups
of employees particularly at risk.
Risk assessment is not just about identifying the hazards from the
actual work activity. Risk assessments should cover issues such as
staffing levels that can seriously affect how work is done in practice.
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The significant findings of a risk assessment must be recorded if
there are five or more employees (although even where there are
fewer than five a written record is useful evidence that the
assessment has been carried out). The findings must be made
available for inspectors and trade union safety representatives to
inspect and satisfy themselves that the risk assessment carried out is
both suitable and sufficient.
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Under the Management Regulations, employers must appoint
‘competent persons’ to assist them. These may be employees or
outside consultants. However, if the employer already employs
someone who is competent they have to use that person rather
than contract the work out to an outside body or consultant.
Amicus records show that some managements are trying to get the
best of both worlds – delegating risk assessment responsibilities to
lower grade workers, then failing to act to remove risks themselves.
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The law also requires employers to do a specific risk assessment
when any dangerous substance is being used. The Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) took effect in
1989. Like the Management Regulations, which were introduced
four years later, they place duties on employers to assess the risks to
health of exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace and
bring in preventive measures.
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As the type of work we do has changed over recent years, so have
the kind of hazards we face. While the injuries and illnesses
identified with manufacturing are important, the biggest causes of
ill-health through work today are stress and musculoskeletal
illnesses such as back pain and repetitive strain injury (RSI).
There are a wide range of hazards that we are only now beginning
to recognise. These include:
a) Infections – including hantavirus infection, chronic fatigue
syndrome, AIDS, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, hepatitis C.
b) Stress – including burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder.
c) Strains – musculoskeletal problems, including over use injuries
and ‘microtrauma’ injuries.
d) Physical – electric and magnetic fields and possibly related
cancers, reproductive problems and skin rashes.
e) Chemical – conditions including multiple chemical sensitivity
and male infertility.
f) Hypersensitivity – sick building syndrome, new asthma
disorders and other breathing problems.
The lesson is clear enough. Trust the evidence of your senses – sight,
smell, hearing, touch – your surveys and your members because they
are a far more sensitive gauge of work hazards – particularly ‘new’
hazards – than the occupational health and safety industry.
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■ Biological hazards
Lab cultures
Legionnaire’s disease
Weil’s disease
Animal allergens
Plant allergens
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They may try to argue that certain workplaces are low-risk or that
the hazards are not significant, so they don’t need to look at them.
These are not valid reasons for failing to act and you should
challenge them and keep up the pressure on your employer in the
normal way so that priorities for action can be agreed. The law says
that your employer must provide a safe system of work as far as is
reasonably practical. That means that all hazards that are identified
must be removed or reduced wherever possible.
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Your employer must keep a record of accidents, injuries and near
misses, however small. In addition, all serious accidents – or those
which result in an absence of more that three days off work – must
be reported to the enforcing authority. Your employer should keep
records of all periods of sickness. Where a worker is at risk of
exposure to a harmful substance they must offer health surveillance.
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Once the risk assessment is complete it must be kept under review
and a further risk assessment carried out if there are changes to
working patterns or the equipment used. It must also be reviewed if
there has been an accident, incident or near miss. It is good practice
to review all risk assessments on a regular basis, even if no changes
have happened. This should usually be done every year.
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Amicus has drawn up the following checklist for safety
representatives to help them assess and monitor their employer’s
risk assessments and action plan.
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It is the employer’s responsibility to carry out risk assessments.
However trade union safety representatives can play an important
part in ensuring that they are done properly.
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Until October 1996, the term ‘safety representative’ meant trade
union safety representative. The law said safety representatives only
had the right to exist in workplaces with a recognised trade union.
But a new law has changed that. Now members in workplaces
where unions are not recognised – as well as workers in workplaces
without any union – must be consulted about health and safety
matters too. These regulations can help Amicus members become
active on health and safety issues in workplaces where we do not
yet have recognition.
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■ An inspector can:
a) Issue an improvement notice so that an employer is required to
take action to put things right in a specified time.
b) Issue a prohibition notice stopping specific activities because of
the ‘serious risk of personal injury’.
c) Prosecute the employer in court. Penalties for breaking health
and safety laws include fines and imprisonment of the
You should normally only contact the HSE after management has
failed to respond in a reasonable time to issues you have raised
through recognised channels and procedures in your workplace, and
in consultation with your Amicus Regional Official.
If you do call HSE inspectors in, you will have to convince them that
40 your problem is a priority or a high risk. It can help if you can list a
whole number of hazards, their severity, the number of workers
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affected and the regulations that the employer is breaking. The HSE
will also want you to demonstrate that you have tried all avenues to
sort the hazards out with your employer before reporting them.
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