Artix7 Verilog Word File
Artix7 Verilog Word File
Artix7 Verilog Word File
The purpose of this design is to introduce to the basic FPGA
design and programming tools. For this purposes, first
perform an installation of the tools and then implement an
adder circuit using FPGA design flow.
Objective :
Design and develop a Verilog model for full adder on FPGA
and calculating power, area and time delay.
Verilog Code:
Test Bench:
Simulation Result:
Go to RTL AnalysisOpen Elaborated design
Power Analysis:
Go to Project Summary Check on chip power
Total on chip power = 2.815W
Dynamic power = 2.707W
Static power = 0.108W
Area Analysis:
Go to Project Summary Utilization Table
No of LUTs: 1
No of IO: 5