Frequently Used Construction Industry Terms
Frequently Used Construction Industry Terms
Frequently Used Construction Industry Terms
English to Spanish: Inglés a Español:
Unlike English, Spanish spelling is very phonetic — that is, the letters consistently correspond to the same sounds. Some of those
sounds are difficult for an English-speaking tongue to handle, but fortunately, the resulting English accent won't usually get in the
way of understanding.
Spanish vowels are very short and pure compared to English ones. Even in unaccented syllables, they are pronounced clearly —
completely unlike in English, where unaccented vowels all sound like the vowel in but. You need to remember that there is no such
sound in Spanish. It may feel strange to pronounce every vowel, but Spanish won't work without doing it. Spanish vowels correspond
to the vowels in the following English words:
a = "father"
e = "bet"
i = "be"
o = "go"
u = "to"
Two vowels together can be more challenging. In this guide, the letters "w" and "y" are used to indicate when they glide together as
in some English words. For example:
ay = "side"
auw = "sound"
ie = "yen"
ey = "say"
No attempt is made in this pronunciation guide to approximate the real Spanish sounds of "b," "v," and "d," because trying to
remember to pronounce them correctly can be very distracting and make you self-conscious if you are a beginner. It may take time,
but you'll pick them up on your own by listening to others talk. Meanwhile, getting them wrong won't prevent others' understanding
of your meaning.
Another consonant sound that can be challenging for a native English speaker is the trilled "r," represented by rr. In this
pronunciation guide, the trill is approximated by repeating the "r" sound twice, as in [in-ter-rup-TOR] for interruptor.
You may be accustomed to seeing pocket pronunciation guides that use common words of English to approximate the sounds of
Spanish, like [deer-ek-SEE-yon] for dirección. We have avoided that approach for two reasons:
1. It perpetuates bad pronunciation of Spanish by not teaching you to keep your vowels short.
2. By relying on the un-phonetic and irregular spellings of English, it masks the regularity and predictability of the
pronunciation of Spanish, making it harder for you to learn.
Abatement (asbestos, lead, etc.) Remoción de riesgo (de asbesto, etc.) [re-mo-SYON de RYES-go]
Blue prints Planos [PLA-nos]
Bloodborne Acarreado por la sangre [a-kar-re-A-do por la SAN-gre], transmitido por la sangre
[trans-mi-TI-do por la SAN-gre]
Bulldozer Tractor con pala mecánica [trak-TOR kon PA-la me-KAN-i-ka], niveladora [ni-ve-la-
Dead (deenergized) Sin energía [sin en-er-HI-a], muerto sin corriente [MWER-to sin kor-RYEN-to]
Deenergized Sin energía [sin en-er-HI-a], muerto sin corriente [MWER-to sin kor-RYEN-to]
Designated person Persona designada [per-SO-na de-sig-NA-da], persona autorizada [per-SO-na auw-
Double insulated Doble aislamiento [DO-ble ays-la-MYEN-to]
Electrical shock Choque eléctrico [CHO-ke e-LEK-tri-ko], sacudida eléctrica [sa-ku-DI-da e-LEK-tri-
Face (of excavation) Pared [PA-red], cara [KA-ra], lado [LA-do], talud [TA-lud]
Fall hazard Riesgo de caída [RYES-go de KAI-da], peligro de caída [pe-LI-gro de KAI-da]
Fire alarm Alarma de fuego [a-LAR-ma de FWE-go], alarma de incendio [a-LAR-ma de in-SEN-
Ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) Interruptor de circuito con pérdida a tierra [in-ter-rup-TOR de sir-KI-to kon PER-di-
da a TYER-ra] , interruptor a tierra / fallo [in-ter-rup-TOR a TYER-ra / FA-yo]
Helmet Casco [KAS-ko]
Measuring tape Cinta para medir [SIN-ta PA-ra ME-dir], cinta metro [SIN-ta ME-tro]
Oxygen deficient Deficiente en oxígeno [de-fi-SEN-te de ok-SI-he-no], nivel bajo de oxígeno [ni-VEL
BA-ho de ok-SI-he-no]
Plank (board) Tablón [tab-LON], tabla [TAB-la]
Safety glasses Lentes de seguridad [LEN-tes de se-gur-i-DAD], gafas [GA-fas], anteojos [an-te-O-
Safety net Malla de seguridad [MA-ya de se-gur-i-DAD], red de seguridad [red de se-gur-i-
Steel construction Construcción en acero [kon-struk-SYON en a-SER-o]
Unprotected side Lado expuesto [LA-do eks-PWES-to], lado descubierto [LA-do des-ku-BYER-to]
Unprotected edge Borde expuesto [BOR-de eks-PWES-to], borde descubierto [BOR-de des-ku-BYER-