Patanjali Yoga Sutra - MCQ QB
Patanjali Yoga Sutra - MCQ QB
Patanjali Yoga Sutra - MCQ QB
A. जात्या
B. र्भोगाः
C. जात्यायु र्भोगाः
D. None of above
A. past
B. Present
C. Past merits
D. Present merits
A. Pleasure is painful
B. Pain is painful
C. Pleasure and pain both are nor painful
D. Pleasure and pain are both painful
80. Seer is –
A. Mental cocept
B. Pure cociousness
C. Both are correct
D. Both are wrong
A. Dharana
B. Dhyana
C. Mantras
D. Abhyasa
102. According to Patanjali, created minds are free from _______ alone (ans: egoism)
A. Egoism
B. Raga
C. Dvesha
D. Abhinivesha
105. In yoga, mahatattwa means the centre of individuality in man around which the
individual functions during different states of consciousness such as ______.(ans: all the
A. Waking
B. Dream
C. Sleep
D. All The Above
107. The mind field born from meditation is free from______? (ans: karma)
A. Karma
B. Mudita
C. Karuna
D. Upeksha
110. The action stemming from the deep impression of samskaras is ? (karma)
A. Bhakti
B. Previous Life
C. Karma
D. Chitta
111. The threefold actions result in ______that later bear fruit. (vasanas)
A. Karma
B. Vasanas
C. Vipaka
D. Chitta
112. What is the consciousness that is separately created and put into operation
separately? (ans: nirmana chitta)
A. Nirmana chitta
B. Bhava chitta
C. Nirshipta chitta
D. Ekagra chitta
113. What is the reason to create several artificial minds by a yogi? (ans: to become free
from knowledge)
114. Which is the highest state of Samadhi? (ans: dharma megha Samadhi)
A. Sabeeja Samadhi
B. Vitarka Samadhi
C. Ananda Samadhi
D. Dharma megha Samadhi
121. What is the last stage of nirbeeja Samadhi? (Dharma megha Samadhi)
A. Ananda Samadhi
B. Asmita Samadhi
C. Sabeeja Samadhi
D. Dharma megha Samadhi
122. Dharma megha Samadhi is the state which is free from? (All of the above)
A. klesha
B. Karma
C. guna
D. All of the above
125. Which among the folloing not source of siddhis according to patanjali. (bogha)
A. Samadhi
B. Tapas
C. Mantras
D. bogha
128. Cause (hetu) and effect (phala) remain so long as you perceive yourself as separate
(āśraya) from your
A. Birth (jāti)
B. Impressions (saṁskāra)
C. Environment (ālambana)
D. None of the above
129. ________ dissolves only when you no longer separate yourself from your
environment (ālambana)
A. Cause (hetu)
B. Effect (phala)
C. Birth (jāti)
D. Impressions (saṁskāra)
132. One of the methods given by sage Patanjali to attain siddhis (ans: mantras)
A. Dharana
B. Dhyana
C. Mantras
D. Abhyasa
133. According to Patanjali, created minds are free from _______ alone (ans: egoism)
A. Egoism
B. Raga
C. Dvesha
D. Abhinivesha
136. In yoga, mahatattwa means the centre of individuality in man around which the
individual functions during different states of consciousness such as ______.(ans: all the
A. Waking
B. Dream
C. Sleep
D. All the above
140. Even though the object is one, perception becomes different because of _____ ( ans:
A. chitta bheda
B. Antaraya
C. Kleshas
D. None of the above
141. The mental perception of daily life is due to _________ (ans: d)
A. Production of matter by gunas
B. Control of matter by gunas
C. Transformation of three gunas
D. All the above
A. shivalingam
B. One’s own form
C. Aum
D. All of the above
144. In state of ______________, there is complete vairagya that the yogi becomes free
from desire to attain kaivalya also. (ans: 3)
A. samyama
B. Sabheeja samadhi
C. Dharmamegha samadhi
D. None of the above.
A. To eliminate kleshas
B. To eliminate karmas
C. To discover jivanmukti
D. All the above
146. Once a yogi reaches ………………he will be free from both klesa and karma
A. Nirvitarka Samadhi
B. Dharmamegha Samadhi ANS:- DHARMAMEGHA SAMADHI
C. Samprajnta Samadhi
D. Nirvichara Samadhi
A. Avidya
B. Ishwara
C. Nirguna ANS:- AVIDYA
D. Dukha
148. With removal of ……………….the yogi said to be a jnani and he will be a liberated
A. Immortality
B. Contamination ANS:- IMPURITIES
C. Uncleanliness
D. Impurities
149. By virtue of ……………… a yogi can learn the reason behind the transformation
A. Viveka jnana
C. Ananda
D. Asmita
150. When purusa stays in his original nature a person is said to be in ………………….
A. Samadhi state
B. Vibhuti state ANS:- KAIVALYA STATE
C. Kaivalya state
D. Sadhana state
151. Creation of mental activity comes from the sense of …………. Alone
A. Avidya
B. Asmita ANS:- ASMITA
C. Raga
D. Dvesha
152. When liberation reveals itself, the consciousness merges into……………..
A. Inner light
C. Spirit
D. Shakti
(3) When Samskāra is completely finished and the consciousness is completely dissolved, that
state is called:
a) Nirbeeja Samadhi
b) Samprajnatha Samadhi
c) Sabija Samadhi
d) Asamprajnatha Samadhi
(5) When an individual gives up all the enjoyments and the deep rooted taste for it and there is
no return to the life of passion, it is called:
a) Prasuthi Vairagya
b) Apara Vairagya
c) Para Vairagya
d) Samashana Vairagya
(6) Dirghakāla Nairantharya Satkāryasevitah are conditions for the practice of:
a) Vairagya
b) Asmitha
c) Abhinivesha
d) Abhyasa
(7) The state in which all the three guna are equal and completely mixed with each other
a) Linga
b) Alinga
c) Dhyana
d) Dharna
(answer: chapter 1 sutra 45 para 1- alinga)
(8) What is the 3rd stage of guna
a) Specific
b) Nonspecific
c) With Mark
d) Without mark
(answer: chapter 1 sutra 45 para 2)
(9) The state of shoonya is
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Equilibrium
d) Invariable
(answer: chapter 1 sutra 51 para 3)
(10) Types of consciousness are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
(answer: chapter 1 sutra 49 para 1)
(11) How many phases are there in lower consciousness?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
(answer: chapter 1 sutra 49 para 3 last line)
(14) (Sutra 1. 32- 36) which of the following is not a way for removing
a) by inner illumination
b) by controlling prana
c) by observing sense experiences
d) by vairagya
a) misery
b) doing virtuous activities
c) happiness
d) doing vicious activities
a) misery
b) happiness
c) worshipping god
d) tranquility
(17) We should show mudita(gladness) towards ___.
a) sukha
b) dukha
c) punya
d) apunya
(18) We should develop indifference/ Upeksha towards ___.
a) vicious
b) happy
c) serene
d) virtuous
(20) According to Patanjali who is the first, foremost and absolute Guru,
unconditioned by time.
a) Ishwara
b) yogi
c) Patanjali
d) none of the above
[sutra 1.26]
a) Nirvitarka
b) Savitarka
c) Both
d) None of above
(Ans in - 1.42 sutra)
a) Savitarka
b) Ananda
c) Nirvitarka
d) Both (A&B)
a) Sabeeja
b) Savitarka
c) Nirvitarka
d) None of above
(28) Without any argumentation and without any confusion the state of Samadhi
a) Nirvitarka
b) Sbeeja
c) Savitarka
(29) The state in which the three gunas are equally and completely mixed with each
other called as..?
a) Ananda
b) Linga
c) .Alinga
d) Asmita
a) Savitarka Samadhi
b) Nirvichara Samadhi
c) Sbeeja Samadhi
d) Both (A&B)
(31) Once the body is gone and the latent impressions are dissolved in nature, they
are inclined to be ________
a) merged
b) bodiless
c) reborn
d) awareness
a) surrender
c) dedication
d) untouched
a) Purusa-visesa Ishwara
b) Ishwara
c) Ishwara Prannidhana
d) VIsesha
a) Path of realisation
b) Pure awareness
c) latent impressions
d) thought
a) No relaisation
b) self realisation
c) realisation is far
d) realisation is near
a) mild
b) moderate
c) extreme
d) distinction
a) Yoga is discipline
(38) By the practice of yoga, what restrains leading to the disappearance of what?
a) body, mind(sharir,chitta)
b) Purusha
c) vrittis
d) Jyothi
(40) When you identify yourself with what that results into misery
a) Silence
b) mind
c) vritti
d) true nature
(41) How many types of modifications(vrittis) are there which are painful and noon
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
a) Ahimsa,sathya,astheya,brahmacharya,aparigraha
b) Soucha,sandosha,tapas,swadhyaya,ishwarapranidhana
d) Prama,viparya,vikalpa,nidra,smrithi
(43) Direct cognition, inference and ____________ are the sources of knowledge.
a) Sense evidence
b) Testimony
c) Apta
d) Invariable concomitance
(44) Viparyaya is also called __________
a) Vidya
b) Viveka
c) Avidya
d) None
(45) Wrong Knowledge is replaced by ____________
a) Viveka
b) Viparyaya
c) Avidya
d) Both a) and b)
(46) _______ is the vritti of absence of mental contents for its support.
a) Smriti
b) vikalpa
c) nidra
d) pratyaksa
(47) Which upanishad said that in sleep one does not desire anything, nor is there dream
or any other perception.
a) Mundaka
b) Mandukya
c) Chandokya
d) None of these.
(48) Following upon knowledge through words but ______ of an object is fancy.
a) Full of fancy
b) Empty
c) Real
d) Unreal
(49) How many verses are there in Samadi Pada of Patanjali Yoga Sutra?
a) 24
b) 32
c) 24
d) 51
a) 250
b) 99
c) 196
d) 04
(51) In the eight elements of yoga path, Dhyana is best described as:
a) Physical Posture
b) Breathing
c) Concentration
d) Meditation
a) Samaadhi Pada
b) Sadana Pada
c) Vibhuthi Pada
d) Kaivalya Pada
a) Cleanliness
b) Truthfulness
c) Contentment
d) Austerity
(54) What are the three subtle channels within the sushumna nadi?
a) ida,pingala,suushumna
b) Vajra,chithrini,brahma
d) Muladhara,agna,sahasrara