Regulations Governing The Conduct of Fellowship Examination 2021
Regulations Governing The Conduct of Fellowship Examination 2021
Regulations Governing The Conduct of Fellowship Examination 2021
The National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria was established by enabling law
Cap N59 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 for examination and certification of
Postgraduate Medical/Dental specialists among other functions. Sections 7 (a) and (b)
state that:-
“The Senate shall have responsibility for the running of the academic affairs of the
College including-
a) the organization and control of courses of study at the College and of the
examinations held in connection with those courses; and
b) the award of degrees, diplomas and such other qualifications as may be prescribed
in connection with examinations held as aforesaid.”
Pursuant to these powers, the Senate has prescribed the following examinations in each
1. Primary Examination: The objective of this examination is to test Basic Science
Knowledge as an indication of the candidate’s readiness for Postgraduate training
in the relevant Faculty
2. Part I Examination: This examination is administered to test cognitive knowledge
and basic professional skills in the relevant Faculty.
3. Part II Final Examination: This examination aims to test the candidate’s readiness
for the responsibilities of leadership in the specialty. Those who pass are eligible for
appointment as Consultants. The format of these Examinations varies from Faculty
to Faculty and the details are provided in each Faculty’s Handbook.
College Examinations take place twice a year. Primary and Two- stage/Screening Part I
Examinations take place in March and September, while other aspects of Parts I, Doctor
of Medicine and Part II examinations take place in April/May and October/November
1. Each Faculty shall recommend to Senate for approval, the appointment of a court
of Examiners of 5 to 10 members and the Court shall be charged with the conduct
of the Examinations of the Faculty. The Chairman of the Faculty Board shall be the
convener of the Court of Examiners and shall preside over its meetings. All
members of the Court shall be Examiners but all Examiners need not serve on the
Court. Three members including the Faculty Chairman and Secretary shall form a
2. The tenure of the Court of Examiners shall be two (2) years renewable for
another tenure of two years only, to run concurrently with the tenure of the
Faculty Board..
3. Other examiners shall be determined by the Business Committee of Senate
and the number shall be carefully related to the number of candidates for the
examination in each case
4. When it becomes necessary to change or replace Examiners, or a member of
the Court of Examiners in-between Senate meetings, the President shall give
approval on behalf of Senate.
3. Fellows who are at least eight years post qualification shall be eligible for
4. An examiner for part II shall be a Fellow of at least ten years who must have
supervised two successfully defended dissertations
advice of the Board of Examiner shall attract a sanction ranging from suspension
for 2 years to outright ban.
1. In order to ensure that the bank of College test items grow, every examiner has a
responsibility to prepare and submit questions appropriate for the examinations in
which the examiner is participating.
2. All Examiners shall attend the meeting of Examiners at the beginning of the
Examination and agree on the criteria of assessment, as well as the marking
3. At least two Examiners shall independently mark every essay script and the
candidate’s score shall be the average of both their assessments.
4. In Oral and Clinical examinations, each candidate shall be examined by at least 2
5. All Examiners involved in College examinations shall meet within 24 hours of the
completion of each examination to consider the conduct of the examination as well
as compile the results on a Master Marks Sheet which they shall all subsequently
6. The Faculty Board shall consider all examination results, reports of misconduct,
petitions as well as other matters arising from them and make recommendations
to Senate.
7. In the case of misconduct by candidate(s), the Coordinator/invigilator shall write
a report on each case to the College Registrar and the Faculty Secretary
immediately on completion of the examination in which the act of misconduct took
place. The meeting of the Court of Examiners shall subsequently investigate and
report to the Faculty Board who would report to the Senate. The case shall be
referred to the Disciplinary Committee of Senate.
8. Uploading of Assessed Dissertation: “Apart from the Faculty Secretaries
uploading signed Master Mark Sheets on the portal, every Examiner assessing a
dissertation shall upload a detailed assessment of the performance of each Part II
candidate on the portal for candidates to access within 48 hours of the
examinations”. For candidates that have a Provisional Pass, this should include
corrections as appropriate
5. The Faculty Chairman is responsible for the correctness of question papers and
must therefore exercise great care in supervising the authoring and banking of test
6. During authoring and banking, Faculty Secretaries shall submit electronically all
selected test items for cloud storage in the College server in the Registrar’s office.
7. Examiners must make available to the College Registrar, the exact source of any
copyright questions used in the examination papers, as soon as the examination
has been held. This is to facilitate copyright permission when these questions need
to be published as past questions.
1. The Senate shall approve the appointment of fellows who shall be responsible
for the proper invigilation of candidates during the Fellowship examinations
2. It shall be the duty of the invigilators to exercise constant and vigilant supervision
over the candidates.
3. While the Examination is in progress, no persons other than the Coordinator,
invigilators or College officials shall be allowed to enter the Hall and at least one
of the invigilators of each paper must be present during the first and the last 30
minutes of the papers.
4. In the event of ambiguity of questions the Coordinator/invigilator shall seek
clarification from the Faculty Secretary. The time appointed for the examination in
each paper as indicated in time-table must be strictly adhered to and can only be
altered in unavoidable circumstances with the President’s expressed approval.
5. No candidates may leave the examination hall once the examination begins
except to go to the restroom or to the first-aid room; such candidate must be
accompanied by a staff of the College to be appointed by the Examination
6. No candidate shall be admitted after the first half-hour of the examination has
7. If any candidate finishes his/her paper before the stipulated time the
Coordinator/invigilator may, at his/her discretion, allow the candidate to submit his
papers and retire. Such candidate shall not leave the Hall during the first or the
last half - hour of an examination.
8. Candidates shall not remove any examination answer script used or unused from
the Examination Hall.
9. Silence must be maintained throughout the Examination period by the invigilators,
Attendants and Candidates.
10. Smoking shall be entirely prohibited in the Examination hall, as indeed inside all
College Buildings.
11. Candidates must stop writing immediately at the end of the Examination. Any
candidate seen to be writing must be noted and informed of the risk of being
disqualified. Candidates who persist must be reported to the Faculty Secretary.
12. At the close of each Examination, candidates must hand over their scripts and
question papers to the appropriate Coordinator/invigilators as they leave the hall.
Coordinator/Invigilators must check these materials, tick against the attendance
list as they are received from the candidates, arrange the scripts in numerical order
and seal them together with the signed Attendance List in special envelopes
provided by the Academic Department. The Secretary of the Faculty shall keep
records of the scripts received from the Coordinator/invigilators and the scripts
issued to the Examiners.
13. Examination Assistants:- In the conduct of Oral and Clinical Examinations, Faculty
Courts of Examiners may retain the services of non-Fellows/non-Medical staff who
shall be remunerated at rates decided by the Senate from time to time.
14. The essay booklets and all examination materials remain confidential even
after the examination. It is of utmost importance that all booklets be returned, and
counted for completeness, by the Coordinator/invigilator immediately after the
examination. The booklets shall be stored by the Examination department of the
College for five years before they are destroyed
15. In case of ill-health during the examination some first aid will be provided and the
case shall be reported to the Registrar and the Faculty Secretary???. College shall
not entertain any request for deferment or refund of examination fees.
6. The Academic Department shall notify the chosen examiners on the portal so they
can commence assessment of the dissertations uploaded on the portal.
7. The examining assessor is to upload on the portal a detailed assessment of
performance of the candidate’s dissertation defense.
8. In case of a candidate with P-1 or P-2 (Referred or Rejected in dissertation
respectively), the dissertation is expected to be represented at the next
9. In case of P- (Provisional Pass), the candidate shall access the report of his
dissertation report of his dissertation defense uploaded by the examiner in order to
make corrections as appropriate. Once the candidate uploads the corrected
dissertation, the disposing examiner is notified on the portal to confirm if the
corrections were properly done. If properly done, the assessor shall recommend
conversion to Full Pass.
11. Corrections are expected to be made within 3 months of the date of the Senate
meeting that approved the initial result. Failure to make requisite corrections within
3 months necessitate the candidate to reapply for a subsequent examination and
resubmit the dissertation for a fresh assessment as if he failed the previous
12. Candidates with a Full Pass shall be notified via the portal to upload a clean copy of
his dissertation on the portal. After payment of requisite fees, copies of the
dissertation in the appropriate Faculty color shall be produced for the College library.
6 = good pass P+ B
5= pass P C
4 = borderline P- D
3= fail P-1 E
(ii) In scoring out of 20, 14 = Very Good Pass P+1 A
10= Pass P C
8 = Borderline P- D
6= Fail P-1 E
15= Pass P C
12 = Borderline P- D
9= Fail P-1 E
(iv) In scoring out of 60 (using single unit score per item e.g. in MCQ tests).
36-41 = Good pass P+ B
30-35 = Pass P C
24-29 = Borderline P- D
(v) In scoring out of 100 (using single unit score per item e.g. in MCQ tests).
50-59 = Pass P C
40-49 = Borderline P- D
P-1 E
(vi) Dissertation
P+ Accepted
P- Provisionally Accepted, requiring reassessment after correction
P-1 Referred
P-2 Rejected.
To pass the Examination, a candidate must obtain a score equal to or greater than
the Pass score.
The Pass Score for each of these and the overall examination is as determined by
standard methods (Modified Angoff).
1. Obtain a score equal to or greater than the Pass score in each of the sections.
2. Obtain a score equal to or greater than the Overall Pass score in addition to
obtaining a score equal to or greater than the Pass Score in Clinicals.
The minimum components of the Part II examinations are the Dissertation and Viva Voce
(Orals). For other Faculties, it may include Written papers and Clinicals / Practicals.
(1) The Viva Voce section may have one or two parts as
may be determined by
the Faculty Board or Court of Examiners. The aggregate of all the parts shall be
considered together.
(2) The Dissertation Defense may be regarded as:
P+ Accepted
P Accepted with minor editorial corrections
P- Provisionally accepted with significant errors to be reassessed after
corrections or
To pass the overall Examination, a Candidate must have his dissertation Accepted and
pass the viva voce.
(a) However, a candidate who has his dissertation accepted P or P+ level but fails
in the Viva Voce, shall be referred in viva voce only against the next
(b) Candidates whose dissertation needs some significant correction i.e. P- level
but who has passed the Viva Voce shall earn a Provisional Pass. Minor
editorial/typographical errors shall not affect a candidate’s full pass rating. No
candidate may earn a reference in viva voce as well as a provisional pass in
(c) A candidate having passed the Viva Voce but whose dissertation needs a major
restructuring shall be referred in the dissertation only against the next
1. The Court of Examiners with other Examiners shall meet within 24 hours of the
conclusion of examination and consider the results and matters arising thereof.
2. A Master Mark Sheet shall be generated on the portal by each Faculty Secretary.
Results will be entered on this electronic sheet, downloaded, signed by all
Examiners and uploaded.
3. Thereafter, the result of the examination and matters arising thereof shall be
presented to the Faculty Board for consideration and then make recommendations
to the Senate.
5. The Master Mark Sheets, signed by the Court of Examiners concerned, shall
become the property of the College and shall be placed in the custody of the
Deputy Registrar (Academic). The marked scripts shall be preserved in the
examination department. Thereafter they may be destroyed.
6. After Senate approval, the Pass list shall be circulated to all accredited training
institutions and sister Colleges.
7. Potential Examiners are advised to acquaint themselves with the latest edition at
any time.
In the event of a Candidate expressing dissatisfaction with his /her result and request
for a remark of his/her paper:
1. The candidate shall make the request in writing within two weeks of the release of
result by Senate to the College Registrar
2. The candidate shall pay a prescribed fee as determined by the senate
3. The request shall be forwarded to the Faculty Secretary, who will appoint two
independent examiners of cognate experience who had not examined the
candidate previously in that examination to remark the candidate’s paper(s) using
the same marking and scoring guidelines.
4. The result shall be collated by the Faculty Secretary and presented to the Court of
Examiners, and shall be forwarded to the College Registrar who shall present the
result to the Senate for approval.
P.M.B. 2003,
Ijanikin, Lagos.