Mark Scheme (Results) January 2012: International GCSE Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 2C

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2012

International GCSE Chemistry (4CH0)

Paper 2C
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January 2012
Publications Code UG030257
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Expected Answer Accept Reject Marks
1 (a)
Proton Neutron Electron

relative 1 1 +1 − 1 / one

relative 0 -1 Zero
charge minus one /negative

1 mark for each correct answer

(b) (i) Protons AND electrons = 1 one 1
neutrons = 2 two 1

(ii) atoms of the same element atoms with same molecules / 1

atomic number / compounds for first
number of protons / mark only
proton number 1
with different masses
Ignore references to electrons with different mass different relative
numbers / different atomic masses for
numbers of neutrons / second mark only
different neutron
Expected Answer Accept Reject Marks
1 (c) ((79 x 50.7) + (81 x 49.3))/100

(79 x 0.50.7) + (81 x 0.493) 1

= 79.99 Correct answer on its
Allow 1 mark for a single transcription error (e.g. own scores 2
43.9 instead of 49.3)
Ignore units such as grams
Total 10
Answer Accept Reject Marks
2 (a) (i) B 1
(ii) A 1
(iii) E 1
(iv) C 1
(b) (i) Atomic number 1
(ii) Electrons in the outer shell 1
Total 6
Answer Accept Reject Marks
3 (a) (i) any named soluble metal sulfate / ammonium correct formula concentrated sulfuric 1
sulfate / (dilute) sulfuric acid acid

(ii) correct formulae for all compounds Pb2+ + SO4 2⎯

(mark consequentially on the sulfate given in PbSO4
(a)(i), even if insoluble, except lead(II) sulfate) for 2 marks

(iii) filter 1

wash / rinse (with distilled / deionised water) 1

If no reference to what is being washed, assume
that the residue is being washed 1

filter paper / kitchen roll / blotting paper /

absorbent paper /leave (to dry) / (pace in)
desiccator / (place in warm) oven / heat

If no filtration MAX 1.
If implication that filtrate is washed or evaporated
, neither M2 nor M3 can be awarded
Do not penalise careless use of solution or liquid
for reaction mixture
Expected Answer Accept Reject Marks
3 (b) Any two from

bubbles (of gas) / fizzing / effervescence gas given off

Ignore carbon dioxide

solid / lead(II) carbonate disappears dissolves / less solid

solution formed / colourless liquid any specific colour 2

Ignore incorrect starting colours

Ignore heat produced and temperature change

Total 8
Answer Accept Reject Marks
4 (a) (i) to allow air / oxygen to enter (the crucible) / to to allow the 1
come into contact with the magnesium / solid magnesium to burn /
Ignore references to visual checks of reaction react
completion to make sure that the 1
(all) magnesium has
(ii) reacted

to make sure that all of the magnesium has to complete the

reacted reaction
(b) mass of crucible (and lid) + MgO — mass of mass of crucible (and 1
crucible (and lid) lid) at end — mass of
crucible (and lid)
lids must be in both or neither

ignore any references to the table of results on

page 8
(c) (i) all points plotted correctly to nearest gridline 2
(subtract 1 mark for each error)

correct straight line of best fit (need not pass line as evidence of 1
through origin) correct plotting when
(must be drawn with the aid of a rule) points cannot be seen 1

(ii) 1
anomalous point at (0.26, 0.64) circled
csq on candidate’s graph
Units not needed, ignore incorrect units
Total 8
Answer Accept Reject Marks
5 (a)(i) (damp / moist) litmus paper 1

bleaches / turns white decolourised / loses its 1


(damp / moist) starch-iodide paper

turns blue / black

(allow observation mark only for starch-iodine


(bubble through) (potassium) iodide solution orange / orange-brown /

red- yellow / red
(solution ) turns brown brown
(ignore the starting colour) 1
H2 / H2 / H2 / h2 / h2 / h2 H / 2H / h / 2h
(b) (solution is) alkali(ne) / hydroxide ions sodium hydroxide / NaOH any other named ion 1
(present) / OH − (is present) or substance

ignore references to sodium ions

Answer Accept Reject Marks
5 (c) (i) (10 / 2) = 5 1

(ii) (5 x 24) 1

= 120 dm3 (units required) 12000 cm3 1

mark part (ii) consequentially on part (i)

award second mark only for use of 22.4
Final answer must be to 2 or more sig fig

Total 7
Answer Accept Reject Marks
6 (a) Cu(OH)2 Formula showing 1
penalise incorrect use of cases and subscript correct charges on
ignore names the ions
(b) to remove carbonate (ions) / to avoid precipitating to remove 1
any other (named) insoluble (barium) compounds compounds that
/ to remove ions that would form (white) would form (white)
precipitates precipitates
(c) CuSO4.5H2O / CuSO4 5H2O (i.e. no dot) formula showing
correct charges on
the ions
(d) (use a clean) wire / glass rod / silica rod any method of copper rod / any metal 1
introducing the solid that will burn or melt in
ignore references to hydrochloric acid / solution into the a flame (eg magnesium,
flame. e.g. (wet) aluminium)
wooden spill / tip or
sprinkle in

(to put) solid in non-luminous / Bunsen flame Bunsen/non- 1

luminous anywhere
No marks if solid is in container eg test tube / tray in answer
/ crucible Burner in place of
Blue for non-
Total 5
Answer Accept Reject Marks
7 (a) it /gasoline is used (as a fuel) for cars there are more cars Any other wrong use, 1
than ships eg domestic heating,
ignore references to uses of fuel oil and gasoline aeroplanes, ships,
burning better etc
(b) (i) C4H8 2C2H4 1

(ii) Catalyst - silica / silicon dioxide / silicon(IV) oxide zeolite(s) / 1

/ alumina / aluminium oxide aluminosilicates

Temperature – 600 – 700(°C) 1

Any temperature or
If more than catalyst given, all must be correct any range within 600-
temperatures in Kelvin
Answer Accept Reject Marks
7 (c) (i) Cracking – any two from: 2
y continuous process
y pure(r) product
y fast(er) process
y takes place on large(r) scale
● high(er) percentage yield
● 100% atom economy
ignore references to cost
(ii) Fermentation – any two from:
y sugar is a renewable resource / uses a reusable resource
renewable resource
y country has suitable climate/ enough land to
grow sugar cane / plentiful supply of sugar (cane)
y country has no / little crude oil
y (ethanol produced) suitable for making alcoholic
drinks /
y takes place at lower temperature / uses less
ignore references to cost

Total 8
Answer Accept Reject Marks
8 (a) (15.0 ÷1000) x 0.0010 1

= 1.5(0) x 10-5 1.5 x 10 −2 for 1 mark 1

(b) answer to (a) 1
(c) answer to (b) x 1000 1
answer to (b) ÷ 25 for 1
correct evaluation (= 0.0006(0)) 1 mark
(d) Mr of SO2 = 64 1

answer to (c) x Mr of SO2 (= 0.038(4)) 1

Final answer must be to 2 or more sig fig

(e) The wine is drinkable consequential on (d) 1
Ignore any explanations
Total 8


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