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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2015

Pearson Edexcel Certificate

Chemistry (KCH0) Paper 2C

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 2C


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Summer 2015
Publications Code UG041072
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should
be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer
matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to
the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced
it with an alternative response.


Answer Notes Marks

1 a i C (neutrons and protons) 1

ii A (6) 1

iii D (11) 1

b 4 1

c i P AND T 1

ii S 1

d (one) more electron than protons Accept more electrons than protons 1
Accept fewer protons than electrons
Accept 2 electrons and 1 proton
(one) fewer proton than electrons
Ignore references to electron gained
Total 7 marks


Answer Notes Marks

2 a gas escapes / gas is lost (from the crucible) Accept gas is given off / gas is evolved 1
/ gas is released / gas is given off

Allow carbon dioxide/CO2 for gas

Ignore copper(II) carbonate decomposes
Reject incorrect name of gas
b (CuCO3(s)) green Ignore qualifiers such as pale / dark 1
Reject any other colours
(CuO(s)) black Ignore qualifiers such as pale / dark 1
Reject any other colours
Allow 1/2 for two correct colours in
wrong order
c i 1 1

ii the last two masses are not the same Part (ii) DEP on correct or missing 1
OR answer to part (i)
no two masses are the same
Accept mass still changing / mass not
constant / mass is still decreasing
Accept results / readings in place of

Accept reverse argument

eg the others are to constant mass
iii D (…spirit burner instead of Bunsen burner) 1


d 3.4 × 100 1

92 % Accept 3 or more sf, eg 91.9 / 91.89 / 1

Correct answer with no working scores 2
Allow 1 mark for 0.92
Total 8 marks


Answer Notes Marks

3 a B (red-brown liquid) 1

b 2 (1) 2 Accept multiples and fractions 1

c i a halogen/an element cannot displace itself Accept a halogen does not react with 1
its own (halide) ions
Accept correct reference to a specific
halogen/halide ion
no reaction / no displacement (would occur) Accept nothing happens

Reject any references to a halogen

having the same reactivity as a
halide (ion)
ii a halogen cannot displace a more reactive halogen Reject any references to a halogen 1
having a different reactivity to a
OR halide (ion)

a halogen cannot react with the (halide) ions of a Accept correct reference to a specific
more reactive halogen halogen/halide ion

iii potassium bromide Ignore any formula 1

Reject any other species with

corrected name


Answer Notes Marks

3 iv M1 (correct products) KCl AND I2 Accept in either order

M2 2 2 M2 DEP on M1

c v (both) reduction AND oxidation occur (in the same Accept (both) gain AND loss of 1
reaction) electrons occurs (in the same

Accept (both) gain AND loss of

oxygen occurs (in the same reaction)

Accept (both) increase AND decrease

of oxidation states/oxidation
numbers (in the same reaction)

Ignore incorrect species being

oxidised and reduced / losing and
gaining electrons


vi M1 (species) I— / iodide (ion) 1

M2 (reason) loss of electron(s) Accept increase in oxidation number 1

OR oxidation number changes from
−1 to 0

Ignore number of electrons lost

M2 DEP on M1 correct, or near miss
e.g. iodine

Total 10 marks


Answer Notes Marks

4 a i zymase Accept yeast 1

ii 2CO2 1
b any value in range 250 – 350 (°C) If range given, it must lie inside 250-350 1
Accept equivalent answers in other units, if
the unit is given
c M1 (reaction 1) fermentation Accept decomposition 2
Ignore anaerobic respiration

M2 (reaction 3) hydration Accept addition

Ignore references to continuous process

d Any two of: 2

Accept does not need separating from
 product is pure(r) / product is (more)

 reaction is fast(er)

 continuous process is more efficient

 greater atom economy


Answer Notes Marks

4 e sugar cane (is readily) available Accept (large area of) land on which to 1
grow sugar cane

Ignore references to glucose

Accept have a suitable climate for growing

sugar cane
Accept crude oil is (too) expensive
no crude oil (to obtain ethene from)

Accept maize in place of sugar cane
sugar cane is renewable /sugar cane is
sustainable / crude oil is finite

f i C2H5OH → C2H4 + H2O 1

Accept displayed/structural formulae)
Accept word equation
If both word and chemical equation given
both must be correct
ii dehydration / elimination 1

Total 10 marks


Answer Notes Marks

5 a M1 (after) 22.3 All answers must be to 0.1 °C 3

Penalise addition of trailing zero once only
M2 (before) 16.7
Award 1 mark for two correct readings in
M3 (change) (+)5.6 the wrong order
M3 CQ on temperature readings
Ignore units
b i M1 100 × 4.2 × 4.9 Accept answer to 2 or 3 sf 2
eg 2060 / 2100
M2 2058
Accept answer in kJ if unit given
Ignore signs
Allow 1 mark for correct calculation based
on incorrect temperature change
ii M1 6.3 2

M2 0.047 Accept 1 or more sig figs, eg 0.05

Correct answer with no working scores 2


Answer Notes Marks

c i M1 2400 2
0.048 x 1000
Accept 50.0 and 50.00
M2 50
Award 1 mark for 50 000

Award 2 marks for 50 000 if units changed to

J/mol on answer line

Ignore signs

Correct answer with no working scores 2

c ii Mark M1 and M2 independently 2

M1 for horizontal line drawn below (labelled or

M2 for (vertical) line connecting the two

horizontal lines AND labelled ∆H (ignore sign)
Ignore all arrow heads
Ignore curves for energy profiles including
activation energy
Total 11 marks


Answer Notes Marks

6 a too reactive / very reactive Accept words with equivalent meaning 1

OR eg highly

high in the reactivity series

b i B (stage 2) 1

ii calcium chloride / CaCl2 If both name and formula given, mark 1

name only

iii (they / the ions) are mobile Accept free to move 1

Accept move to electrodes (allow even if
incorrect electrodes)

Accept ions break free from lattice/crystal

Not just free
Allow they/ions are delocalised
Ignore references to conduction
— (—)
iv 2Cl → Cl2 + 2e Accept 2Cl— — 2e(—) → Cl2 1


Answer Notes Marks

6 c i M1 Correct calculation of Mr (MgCl2) Sample calculation: 2

M2 M1 x 2 M1 = 95

M2 = 190 (kg)

Accept 190 000 g

M2 CQ on M1 when M1 is a genuine
attempt to calculate Mr (MgCl2)

Correct answer with no working scores 2

c Award 2 marks for 4 000

Award 1 mark if one error 2 000 (wrong ratio for Mg and electrons) 2

4 (working in grams instead of kilograms)


Answer Notes Marks

6 d M1 Mix magnesium oxide and sulfuric acid (and heat)

M2 Use excess MgO

M3 Filter (before heating to remove some water)

M4 Heat (the solution) to remove some water / for a If heated to dryness, no M4 or M5

short period of time 5

Allow place in a warm oven (to

M5 Leave to crystallise
evaporate the excess water) to form



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