Economy Gets New Anti-Viral Shot: Big Spike Again, 44 New Cases in K'taka
Economy Gets New Anti-Viral Shot: Big Spike Again, 44 New Cases in K'taka
Economy Gets New Anti-Viral Shot: Big Spike Again, 44 New Cases in K'taka
`50,000 cr COVER
instead of one, making the THE RBI is expected to cut revive economic activity. Clear-
basket of views more wide- quick sticks, just like its global ly, the general government defi-
ranging than before. It will peers, to contain the COVID-19 REVERSE Support to MSMEs cit (centre and states) will rise
economic fallouts, but India’s Targeted Long Term Operations, REPO CUT Advances to states exponentially (even over 10%).
`50,000 crore
have more columnists so as
central bank maintained a Zen- with at least 50 per cent going Rate at which Ways and Means But if states and the Centre
to add to your wholesome to small and mid-sized NBFCs
reading experience. like calm reserving much of its RBI takes funds Advances (WMA) limit borrow more, the increased
precious ammo for another day. and MFIs; move will ease credit from banks, for states increased by special refinancing facility for supply of government bonds in
The Mailbag section has flow to NBFCs
been redesigned, but its
total space remains
On Friday though, Governor
Shaktikanta Das announced
nine measures to ease liquidity,
Escaping NPA trap
called reverse
repo, cut by
25 bps from
60 per cent Nabard, Sidbi and National Housing Bank; will
channelise fresh loans to MSMEs and microfinance
a demand-slump market will
spike yields higher. That’s why
the market is seeking clarity on
unaltered, happy as we are until September. Will
credit flow and financial stress, All standard accounts availing 4 per cent to how RBI will absorb these
to engage with you. In the three-month moratorium give greater comfort
but received only two cheers in 3.75; expected bonds. “To be fair to RBI, it may
revamped Opinion Page of exempted from the to prod banks to states and space
return. That’s because, the be awaiting the actual an-
The New Sunday Express, to lend more out market borrowings
there will now be more market was expecting a US- better instead of nouncement of borrowing to
styled splash-the-cash mone- rather than unveil the absorption plan,”
space to accommodate parking funds bunching them
your letters to the Editor. tary stimulus where the Fed- NPA norm; aimed at helping together resulting in Choudhary added.
with the central
eral Reserve cracked open its banks avoid a rash of defaults bank higher interest rates Meanwhile, the central bank
Happy reading. vaults buying bonds directly governor indicated that all op-
Editor from corporates and more. tions were on the table includ-
The RBI too has adopted a According to Suyash Choud- money alright, but are lending per cent of the `50,000 crore ing buying bonds from the open
‘whatever it takes’ approach, hary, Head-Fixed Income, IDFC it only to those with piles of rasied via TLTRO 2.0 among market when needed.
but for Das and team, that mo- AMC, the RBI is somewhat un- cash to avoid defaults. NBFCs and MFIs. While he emphasized that
Since March 27, 2020, ment of reckoning is still days, derestimating the real prob- The trouble is, with econom- Besides liquidity, the market macroeconmic landscape dete-
EXPRESS READ when I spoke to you last, or perhaps weeks away. Which lem, which, in his view, is ic activity grinding to a halt, also wants to know RBI’s go-to riorated severely in some cases,
is why, Friday’s measures rang- inadequate availability small- and mid-size firms action plan to manage the over- India continues to be among a
Screen Rohingyas for the macroeconomic and ing from a 25 bps reverse repo of risk capital. Hence, are facing cash flow is- supply of government bonds. handful of countries with posi-
COVID-19, states told financial landscape has rate reduction to `50,000 crore some of the push meas- sues, and absence of Elsewhere, central banks are tive growth.
deteriorated, precipitously Targeted Lending Rate Opera- ures may not yield bank credit could po- coming to the governments’ Finally, he presented a be-
New Delhi: The Union Home tions (TLTRO-2.0) with special much. Just why? tentially tur n them rescue even if it means print- nign analysis of inflation not-
Ministry has asked all states in some areas; but light mention to NBFCs to relaxa- Take banks. Though insolvent. ing more currency. ing that prices will likely settle
and Union Territories to screen still shines through bravely tion of NPA classification RBI is offering ultra- This, in turn, will add to What we all know is that below the mandated 4 per cent
Rohingya Muslims living in their
jurisdiction for COVID-19, as
in some others norms to lower liquidity cover-
age requirement to banks, were
cheap money at just 4.4 per
cent interest, banks aren’t play-
unemployment. To prevent the
ensuing crisis, Das on Friday
both central and state govern-
ments have to spend not only
by second half, which will leave
additional space to reduce poli-
many of them had attended Shaktikanta Das, RBI governor all written off as small beer. ing ball. They are taking the mandated banks to deploy 50 during the 40-day lockdown pe- cy rates later. P10
the Tablighi Jamaat
452 1,766
on Friday.
at slower pace
tion Minister S Suresh Kumar People seeking emergency passes for inter-state travel assemble at the Police packaging, sale and marketing
said, “Earlier, we were testing Wireless Headquarters in Bengaluru on Friday | PANDARINATH B DISTRICT-WISE +VE COUNT cooperative credit societies are also allowed to be carried
500 samples a day. Four days Mysuru 12
across India. out during the lockdown.
ago, this was ramped up and and Belagavi. Most of the cases 22-year-old male, Patient 342 is The Union Home Ministry The lockdown was first an-
Bengaluru Urban 10
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE about 1,090 samples tested. And recorded were in Nanjangud a 38-year-old male, Patient 343 ordered that collection, har- nounced by PM Narendra Modi
@ New Delhi on Friday, 2,070 tests were con- and it continues to be a hotspot. is a 38-year-old male, Patient Ballari 7 vesting and processing of mi- on March 24 in a bid to combat
ducted. We have increased the The Health Department has not 344 is a 26-year-old male, Pa- Belagavi 5 nor forest produce, non-timber the Coronavirus pandemic. It
IMPLYING that the nation- testing and hence, the high been able to break the chain or tient 345 is a 28-year-old male, forest produce by Scheduled was further extended till May 3.
Mandya 3
wide lockdown has curbed the number of cases. This apart, trace the root of the spread. Patient 346 is a 22-year-old Tribes and other forest dwell- On Wednesday, the Home Min-
spread of the coronavirus in we have even started to test sec- Patient 316, a 55-year-old male, Patient 347 is a 29-year- Chikkaballapur 3 ers in forest areas will also be istry had announced a series of
India, the Centre on Friday ondary contacts of patients.” male, and 317, a 11-year-old fe- old male and Patient 348 is a Vijayapura 2 Vijayapura allowed from April 20. exemptions given to different
said the number of COVID-19 Karnataka, with one positive male, are contacts of Patients 26-year-old male. Patient 321 is may be In a communication to all people and services during the
Bidar 1 declared
cases in the country is now case for every 44.56 tests, 167 and 168 who had travelled to a 41-year-old female from Mys- ‘hotspot’
states and Union Territories, lockdown from April 20.
Uttara Kannada 1
doubling every 6.2 days, in- stands next only to Kerala Delhi. uru and contact of Patient 273, Union Home Secretary Ajay The government announced
stead of every three days as where one positive case is de- Patients 318-320 and 341-348 who had Severe Acute Respira- Bhalla said construction activi- movement of all kinds of car-
was the case before the tected for every 44.16 tests. The are residents of Nanjangud tory Infection (SARI). ties in rural areas include wa- go, opening of truck repair
lockdown. positivity rate in Karnataka is and contacts of Patient 52, who Patients 322-324 are residents ter supply and sanitation, lay- shops, high way dhabas. Manu-
“Before the lockdown, the 2.72 per cent. was working at the Nanjangud of Malavalli in Mandya district We have increased ing and erection of power facturing units in rural areas,
doubling rate of coronavirus The cases recorded on Friday pharmaceutical company. Pa- who are contacts of Patient 171, testing, and hence the high transmission lines and laying special economic zones and ex-
cases was three days. Going were from Bengaluru Urban, tient 318, is a 50-year-old male, a 32-year-old from Mandya who number of cases. of telecom optical fibre and ca- port zones have also been al-
by the number of cases in the Nanjangud in Mysuru district, Patient 319 is a 33-year-old is a contact of patients who had S Suresh Kumar, Primary and ble along with related activities lowed to function with proper
last seven days, the doubling Dakshina Kannada, Vijayapu- male, Patient 320 is a 33-year- a travel history to Delhi. Secondary Education Minister will be allowed during the lock- protection for workers who
rate has been 6.2 days. In 19 ra, Hosapete, Chikkaballapur old male, Patient 341 is a CONTINUED ON: P5 down that will last till May 3. work in these units. P7,8,9
states and Union Territories,
the doubling rate is less than
18 April : Another week draws to a close – or is it a beginning?
Astrology doesn’t actually believe in final endings to anything,
as the moment one phase of existence comes to an end, another
is born. This is a process which happens every second of our
lives, constantly taking us into the future along a path which is
partly laid out for us, but which we also create ourselves.
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr. 20) LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
Watch any wild, speculative Everything seems to
schemes. Yours is not the only be working out just fine,
sign subject to rash influences although I realise that HI AND LOIS
but, right now, your best professional there may have been a few hairy
prospects come from long-term planning moments! All that’s necessary is that
rather than a short-term gamble. And you know when to change and when to
why not save your social energy for self- stay still. It’s all in the timing - and you,
indulgent whims of a low-risk nature - of course, have an instinctive knowledge
and just enjoy yourself? of when to move forward and when
TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21) to hang back..
The great news is that cash is SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
about to flow in, giving you Although you may be HARD Solutions to Yesterday’s puzzle
the go-ahead for various a little edgy, I don’t
schemes and long-awaited purchases. think you have anything to ■ Fill in the grid
You have maybe two or three days to wait worry about just now. A great many of BEETLE BAILEY with digits in such
for the perfect alignment. Patience is a you are facing a busy day. At the very
virtue you have in abundance, and right least you must work out how to attain a manner that every
now it’s one of your major strengths. a treasured ambition. Surprisingly, row, every column
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) someone you live with could and every 3X3 box
be a considerable help.
Situations you thought you accommodates the
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22)
knew inside out will suddenly digits 1 to 9, without
have exciting new Normally you’re in the driving repeating any.
dimensions. It’s often like that at this seat, but now you seem to be
time of year, partly because the planets a passenger, travelling life’s ■ Each sudoku has a unique solution that can be
begin to stimulate your remarkable transit system as a passive observer.
creative zones. What you’ve got to do is Stand up for yourself and for your rights reached logically without guessing.
do what you want, not what other people as never before, although that might
think you want! mean that you have to take on new ACROSS DOWN
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) responsibilities. BLONDIE
CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20) 1 One lying in a case? (8) 1 A tree or two, say (4)
Your faith in certain
individuals may have Patience, tolerance and a 5 Voyage skippers try to avoid (4) 2 Stretches between bends (7)
been shattered, but sense of humour are the 9 A minor grant (5) 3 It has a stirring influence beneath the
someone is standing by you. It’s not just necessary ingredients for a 10 Disposition of uncle to have a fling (7) surface (12)
practical changes that are important successful day. Perhaps you might like to 4 A result of some consequence (6)
at home, but an entire shift of attitudes. take someone else’s part if they’re in 11 Failures expected in
It’s time for a spot of domestic difficulties or making heavy weather of electrical faults (12) 6 Arrest for an altercation (3,2)
clarity! And, by that, I mean an otherwise easy load? A few choice 13 Sound cover for some 7 Urge fellows to become journalists (8)
openness and honesty. words could help - if you can find the right
way to say them.
entertainment (6) 8 To complain so may be common all
LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23) 14 A cheap production web server (6) over the world (12)
It’s a good moment to make a AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
17 Yet always the greater? (12) 12 Call-up date wrongly issued (8)
wish. A good ninety percent of Relationships on
all available celestial factors all levels should be more LOCKHORNS DENNIS THE MENACE 20 Gifts appearing in stories about New 15 Before the vote this will decide the
are cheering you on in one form or harmonious, contented and Testament (7) issue (7)
another. Probably the best way to tune in affectionate as the major planetary 21 Heads on the floor? What’s up? (5) 16 Virtuous but cheats badly (6)
to their expectations is via a spot of alignments zoom in on delightful regions 22 A fruitful appointment (4) 18 Farewell to that capital servant (5)
positive thinking. The fact is that even of your solar chart. Go for all adventurous
difficulties can work out to your options, if you have a choice in 23 One of a group of youngsters between 19 Holy man turns to a king and
advantage. the matter, that is. a dozen and a score (8)) emperor (4)
VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar 20)
I know what a doormat you can You’re standing on the brink
be, and that sometimes you of a brave new existence. I YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS
resent the extent to which can’t promise you the world,
others walk all over you. Yet, if you are but I can forecast that life will become Across: 1 Semaphore, 8 Agony, 9 Astound, 10 Studio, 11 Clerks, 12 Overseer, 15 Interest,
discriminating and capable of making considerably more comfortable as a 18 Aerate, 20 Amends, 21 Plateau, 22 Laces, 23 Handshake.
sensible choices, you will be able to separate result of current choices and actions. Yesterday’s
the deserving causes from those that You may have to put your money where Down: 2 Easel, 3 Aboard, 4 Handsome, 5 Easter, 6 Soldier, 7 Hypocrite, 11 Capitally,
deserve only to be packed on their way. your mouth is, though! 13 Entailed, 14 Stretch, 16 Radish, 17 Crutch, 19 Track.
Four persons, who allegedly kidnapped a 22-year-old engineering graduate over
a financial dispute, were arrested by Kamakshipalya police. Thimmaraju,
Narasimhaiah, Ramesh and Manoj have been accused of kidnapping Nikhil, a
resident of Sunkadakatte. Police said that Nikhil’s father Rangaswamy is a
realtor and had financial dispute with Thimmaraju and Narasimhaiah
`59.34L seized: Govt decision after review on April 20 It has been decided to
open homestays and THE Weights and Measures De-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE @Bengaluru hotels in the green partment officials have levied a
zones only, at the penalty of Rs 13 lakh on 373
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to enforce provisions of the AFTER April 20, IT-BT companies can allow 50 per moment. It has also shops for selling overpriced
@Bengaluru Legal Metrology Act 2009, and cent of their staff to work from office, Deputy been decided that hand sanitisers.
only domestic
the Legal Metrology (Package Chief Minister and IT-BT Minister Dr CN Ash- Disclosing this to reporters
tourism will be
THE state government has in- Commodities) Rules 2011, dur- wath Narayan said here on Friday. promoted on Friday, Food and Civil sup-
formed the Karnataka High ing the lockdown. He conducted a meeting with various IT-BT Gandhinagar locality, which is a hub of small- and medium-sized hotels, ply Minister Gopaliah said that
Court that 10 FIRs have been Teams from the food and heads through video conferencing, to discuss the has been wearing a deserted look since the lockdown | NAGARAJA GADEKAL C T Ravi, Tourism Minister officials inspected 5,325 shops
registered under the Essen- civil supplies, legal metrology matter of issuing passes to IT-BT employees, their and found that many were sell-
tial Commodities Act and es-
sential goods worth Rs 59.34
lakh have been confiscated.
and the drugs control depart-
ments were constituted to
check irregularities regard-
transport, screening facilities and other issues.
He later told the media that it is not good to shut
down companies or remove employees just be-
Homestays, hotels to open too ing sanitisers and masks at a
higher price.
Meanwhile, officials also
In a statement filed before a ing the sale of masks and cause there are no new projects. “These are bad BOSKY KHANNA @Bengaluru any rules, the licence will be can- conducted inspection and raids
division bench of Chief Jus- sanitisers. times, and jobs are scarce. Instead of laying off celled and stern action will be taken,” at 12,758 PDS shops where they
tice Abhay Shreeni- The state govern- employees, companies can cut salaries or work out AS the government is preparing a list Tourism Minister C T Ravi told TNIE. found that the owners were ei-
was Oka and Justice ment on March 23, other alternatives,’’ he said. of what will be opened and what will According to the department, some ther collecting money from
B V Nagarathna in re- 2020, amended the The minister also discussed the health protocol be shut from April 20, depending places where homestays and hotels beneficiaries or selling at a
sponse to the court’s Karnataka Essential for employees, and company heads requested the upon the number of cases, the tour- can be opened are — Kodagu, Chik- higher price. Licences of 99
directions to check Commodities Licens- state government to give them directions in this ism department has decided to open kamagaluru, Haveri, Chamarajana- shops were cancelled. This
hoarding of essential ing Order 1986 to in- regard. He said that hygiene and social distancing homestays and hotels in the state. gar, Kolar, Hassan, Raichur, Yadgir, apart, they filed 16 cases and
c o m m o d i t i e s, t h e clude masks and sani- should be maintained, and that guidelines would Though the matter was being dis- Ramanagara, Shivamogga and Chi- seized groceries worth Rs 59.3
state government said that tisers under essential be provided after consulting the health depart- cussed by the government for over a tradurga. He said that bars and res- lakh.
5,086 inspections have been commodities. The state also ment. While the lockdown will continue, the gov- week, the decision was taken now, in taurants will not be permitted. “Only The minister said that start-
conducted so far. The state in- amended the Karnataka Es- ernment will make arrangements for essential the wake of the economic slowdown. some rooms will be permitted to open, ing from Saturday, they will
formed the court that they sential Commodities (Mainte- services. While the Metro, taxis and public trans- “It has been decided to open home- social distancing will have to be main- provide rice and dal free of cost
found 351 cases where people nance of Accounts, Display of port will not function, companies can take sani- stays and hotels in the green zones tained and only skeletal staff will be to BPL card applicants. As
were overcharged. Prices and Stocks) Order to fix tised and disinfected BMTC buses on contract, and only, where no positive cases have permitted. Takeaway counters en many had applied and are yet to
“Instructions have been giv- a cap on the prices of commod- also maintain social distancing in the buses. been reported, at the moment. It has route to destinations will also be per- get their BPL cards, they can
en to intensify inspections to ities. Another notification has Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw of Biocon, Kris Go- also been decided that only domestic mitted,” he said. get the ration by showing the
check hoarding. The situation been issued under this order palakrishnan of Axilor Ventures, Prakash Go- tourism will be promoted. No foreign- Officials said staffers were told that receipt. APL cardholders will
is being monitored continu- on April 4, 2020, wherein the palani of BSNL and others participated. ers and no tourists coming from any if need be, KSTDC hotels would be get 10kg of rice at Rs 15 per kilo
ously,” the state said. MRP of three ply surgical However, CM BS Yediyurappa said a final decision red or orange zone will be enter- handed over to the state government and 2 kg tur dal for two months
The state has taken action masks have been notified. will be taken after reviewing the situation on April 20. tained. If anyone is found violating to be used as quarantine centres. (May and June).
080-46848600 104
Arogya Under
to set up fever clinics for screening of COVID suspects. They 080-66692000 Sahayavani will observation
function too MANDYA BENGALURU 98
must share the list of all Influenza-like Illness, SARI and RECOVERED 13,313
diagnosed COVID patients through COVID KARNATAKA portal 1 KODAGU MYSURU 73
MOVES FAST Will test Chinese RTKs, says minister
ON KITS A N US H A RAV I @ B e n ga lu r u (RTKs) be used on existing ers, like medical profession- Tablighi Jamaat source. We
positive and recovered cases to als, paramedics and individu- have also increased testing
The state Health and Family
EVEN as Karnataka waits for assess accuracy. als with high exposure like over the last four days. Earlier,
Welfare department has issued one lakh Rapid Antibody “RTKs are expected to have civic workers, policemen. we were testing about 300-200
a circular for allocating rapid Test Kits ordered from a Singa- more than 80 per cent “Each test costs about Rs 1,000 samples per day, but now we
antibody-based blood test kits pore company with the manu- accuracy, but RTPCRs (reverse and is easy to handle. Even pri- have increased it to 1,200-1,300
facturing unit in China, Medi- transcription polymerase vate companies can af- and that’s why we are seeing a
Total allocated kits
cal Education Minister
Dr K Sudhakar recommended
localised accuracy tests for
the kits.
chain reaction tests) are
still the best testing
procedure we have
with about 95 per cent
ford them,” he said.
Unperturbed by
the spike in number
of cases in Karna-
spurt,” he said.
The minister said Karnata-
ka, thanks to its early order of
tests and personal safety kits,
Despite China changing its accuracy. I am recom- taka over the last did not have to worry about
policy, mandating quality as- mending that all active two days, he insisted the Union government’s circu-
Doctors and other health workers check a policeman’s parameters at the sessment and FDA certifica- and recovered patients that the numbers are lar stopping states from pro-
Government Science College in Bengaluru on Friday | PANDARINATH B tion for medical inventory be- be tested using the RTKs rising in expected clus- curing equipment. “We are
Allocated for green districts
300 500
racy Made in China testing Sudhakar said. chunks of new cases are ei- ernment. The Centre should
kits continue. Sudhakar sug- For now, the state intends to ther linked to the Nanjangud supply requirements in time,”
gested that the rapid test kits use RTKs on frontline work- pharma company cluster or he said.
record better
660 680
continuing to emerge from the
NIRAD MUDUR AND and their advanced age. The Nanjangud pharma cluster, E X P R E S S N E W S S E R V I C E @ Ballari
RA N JA N I M A D H AVA N @ B e n ga lu r u youngest was 55, while the rest long after authorities putting
were all aged 65 and above. the company staff and con- BALLARI district reported
For For
THE sudden spike in COVID-19 The rate of recovery, 88 so far tacts of infected people under seven new COVID-19 cases on
government government
positive cases by 44 on Friday af- as on Friday, has also seen a quarantine, serious questions Friday. All of them were
personnel in personnel in ter 36 were added on Thursday, heartening surge over the last are being raised over the effi- contacts of the Hosapete S R
public contact public contact taking the latest total to 359 with few days, they said. The positiv- cacy of the quarantine meas- Nagar COVID patient. They
in red district in green district 13 deaths, may have worried ity rate — total cases that test ures taken up the authorities. have now been shifted to isola-
many. Though absolute figures positive out of the total number While the origin of COVID tion wards and are being
may show a worrying picture, of samples tested — is 2.72, cases at the Nanjangud phar- treated.
the rate of increase and the fig- which is also low in comparison ma company is still to be con- The district has till now re-
ures per million indicate that to many other states. firmed, it has come to light ported 13 cases, including a
For special groups in public the state is still managing well as Although in absolute terms 44 that improper quarantining 14-year-old boy, who had come
contact like personnel in compared to several other states new positive cases is by far the of contacts and employees of A ragpicker walks near a deserted KR Circle in Mysuru on Friday | UDAYSHANKAR S from Nanjangud.
ration shops, milk booths, where figures are worrisome. largest number of daily increase the company may have led to Health officials said 11
volunteers, delivery personnel The India figure for total in Karnataka, the rate of growth the spurt in infections. quarantined roommate.” period, 11 pharma employees people, including a 10-year-old
in red and green districts COVID-19 cases per million pop- (calculated against the existing It is said that contacts and em- District Health Officer Ven- were tested positive, suggesting girl, are from the same family.
ulation is 10. For Karnataka, as total number of positive cases), ployees of the company were katesh said that now, primary that quick action and proper “After the positive cases were
on Thursday, it is 5.15, accord- is 13.97 percent. The highest made to share rooms and facili- contacts are being put in single quarantine measures could reported in SR Nagar, we quar-
825 850
ing to state’s COVID-19 growth rate witnessed by ties, including washrooms. A rooms, and that facilities might have reduced the numbers. antined all the family mem-
war room data. This is Karnataka is 57 percent pharma company employee, have been shared earlier in the Patient 52 showed symptoms bers. Patient 89 had travelled
lesser than Delhi’s 97.89, on March 16, a few days who has been under quarantine, case of secondary contacts. on March 13 and got admitted to Bengaluru and later his
For For Maharashtra’s 28.52, before CM B S Yedi- told TNIE requesting anonymi- However, sources said dur- to a private hospital on March relative tested positive too,”
quarantined quarantined J&K’s 25.02, and Telan- yurappa announced a ty, “We were taken away to an ing the initial days of break- 21. He was shifted to KR Hospi- they said.
individuals in individuals in gana’s 20 per million. state-wide lockdown. institutional quarantine facility. out, getting space for quaran- tal in Mysuru on March 25. The official said as many as
red zone green zone Despite the surge in deaths The only area that the state But I was made to share the tining the suspect cases was Mysuru Deputy Commis- 1,340 cases are under home
in Karnataka over the last few is lagging is in testing. Karnata- room with another employee difficult as residents from sioner Abhiram G Shankar quarantine, and results of 158
days, 13 so far, state’s COVID-19 ka’s tests per million is at just from our company. We were in surrounding areas opposed, said that it is not unusual to see cases are yet to come.
death rate is just 2.1 percent, 225, while the India average close quarters and we also had and multiple people were put positives within 28 days, “The district administration
which is much lesser than Delhi stands at 253. Karnataka’s fig- to share the toilet. After a few in single rooms. though 14 days is the norm. is creating a lot of awareness
(22.7%), Maharashtra (17.3%), ures are disturbingly low as com- days, I was shocked to see that The quarantining and follow- asking people to stay home
MP (7.3%), Gujarat (6%), Telan- he was being taken away after
‘Several test positive up period put together comes and we are taking all safety
pared to Ladakh at 3,347, Delhi at
gana (5.1%), and Punjab (4.7%). testing positive. Even if I did
after 20 days’ to 28 days. He opined that the precautions. The public should
1,121, Rajasthan at 594, Kerala at
Health department officials 521, and Maharashtra at 453. not get infected from Patient 52 Though the first case tested patient might have set off a follow rules and support the
said as far as deaths were con- However, department officials (the first case from the compa- positive on March 26, as on chain reaction by interacting administration in containing
cerned, the deceased — except said that in the coming days, ny), I am scared that I would April 15 and 16, which is well with others between March 13 the spread of COVID-19,”
the one in Kalaburagi where the with additional test kits being have contracted it from my beyond the 14-day quarantining and 26. he said.
private hospital had shifted the pressed into service, this figure
patient without informing the is set to rise. That would mean
New health dept app to help trace primary, secondary contacts faster
C H E TA N A B E L A G E R E @ B e n g a l u r u any secondary contacts with ed people had gone to and ers to make entries about the fever, cold or cough. If they do,
symptoms, he/she will be who all they crossed paths patient and his/her primary they will be immediately di-
WITH the number of COVID-19 brought to a fever clinic within with,” explained a senior and secondary contacts. If a rected to fever clinics in their
cases rising in Karnataka, 24 to 48 hours of identifica- of ficer from the contact patient in Bengaluru had districts, closer to their homes.
health department officials tion,” explained Munish tracing team. primary or secondary contacts The patient will be assessed
have gone hi-tech to trace Moudgil, the IAS officer who is According to Moudgil, in the in Mangaluru, the data in the and tested at fever clinics, and
primary and secondary coordinating with the depart- state, an army of nearly 3,000 app will be accessible to the then it will be decided whether
contacts more aggressively ment on contact tracing. people — about 1,000 in Bengal- contact tracing team in the patient should be sent to in-
than they were doing it a few Contact tracers are more like uru alone — go back 14 days to Mangaluru, making it easier stitutional or home quaran-
months ago. detectives. “People who do this where the patient may have for them to immediately tine,” Moudgil said.
“Tremendous efforts have wo rk a r e r a r e l y i n t h e contracted the disease and then track the contacts and quaran- The process will continue till
been put in to design this app. spotlight. Employed by state go forward from the day he tine them. all the exposed people are out
We will disclose more details health de partments, they became sick to look at all the “The data will be accessible of circulation. The state at pre-
once we launch the app in a have the experience of investi- places he may have gone to at our call centre and execu- sent has 3,669 primary and
couple of days. With this, our gating tuberculosis and to find his primary and second- tives will call the patient’s sec- 7,892 secondary contacts, who
tracing will become faster and HIV cases. They are highly ary contacts. An otherwise congested Electronics City Main Road wears a deserted look during “ ondary contacts and ask them are under observation of the
also ensure that if there are skilled in finding where infect- The app allows contact trac- the lockdown on Friday | NAGARAJA GADEKAL if they have any symptoms of health department.
T M Vijay Bhaskar, chief secretary, GoK, wrote to district commissioners
of Shivamogga, Chamrajanagar, Koppal, Raichur, Hassan, Haveri, Kolar,
Chikkamagaluru, Yadgir, Ramanagara to start testing people with
Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Influenza-like illness
State government to conduct at least 5,000 tests in Bhubaneswar within next seven days Home brew: asymptomatic
cases could
@ Bhubaneshwar /Hyderabad / Vijayawada
/ T’Puram / Chennai
Pradesh reached 572 by 10 am
on Friday with another 38 peo- Sanitiser turns be age factor’
liquor for many
ple testing positive for the virus
in the last 24 hours. No death
ODISHA has not reported any was reported during the period
COVID-19 case in the past 48 and the number of recovered C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1
hours, as all the samples sent and discharged from hospitals
for tests have come out nega- has been increased to 35. B A L A C H A U H A N @Bengaluru es in the grey market. This is “The reasons could be the age
tive during this period, a not possible without a nexus factor. Moreover, it depends on
health and family welfare de-
Only one case in Kerala ALCOHOL-based hand sani- between some CL2 licencees, the viral load. The lesser the vi-
partment official said on Fri- As many as 10 persons, includ- tisers are meant for hand hy- agents and law enforcement ral load, the less symptomatic
day. The state has so far re- ing six from Kasaragod, recov- giene, especially in demand agencies,” he added. the patients are. Co-morbidity
ported 60 coronavirus positive ered from Covid-19 in Kerala on during the COVID-19 pan- “It is a bootlegger’s mar- such as diabetes, hypertension,
cases, including the death of Friday. Only one person from demic. But some despera- ket. A bottle of 650ml of beer, heart, lung disease, chronic ob-
one person. Kozhikode tested positive for does are drinking the sani- which is priced at `160, is be- structive pulmonary disease
However, with Bhubane- the infection through primary tiser in the absence of IML. ing sold for `600 and brand- make people vulnerable, and
swar emerging as a COVID-19 contact on the day. Two from “In the absence of licit liq- ed whisky with an MRP of therefore symptomatic,” Dr Na-
hotspot in Odisha, the state Ernakulam and one each from uor, people have reportedly `1,600 is being sold at `4,500 garaj, RGICD director, added.
government on Friday has an- A man walks past an ambulance at Government Medical College Omandurar in Alappuzha and Malapuram re- resorted to consuming alco- in Bengaluru,” he said. At a press conference on Fri-
nounced to conduct at least Chennai. Thirty people from Tamil Nadu, who had tested positive for COVID-19, were covered as their latest result hol-based hand sanitisers,” During lockdown 1.0, the day, health officials said some
5,000 tests, samples of which discharged from the hospital on Friday | DEBADATTA MALLICK turned out to be negative. said a highly placed source. department registered 923 people who are mildly sympto-
have been collected from dif- Some incidents are being re- cases out of which 717 cases matic do not even notice their
ferent locations in the city. hospitals in the state has new positive cases on Thurs-
TN reports 56 fresh cases ported in Dharwad district, are heinous, involving ille- symptoms, but can pass on
These tests will be carried out touched an all-time high of 66 in day, taking the total number Tamil Nadu reported 56 fresh where people are consuming gal transportation and sale the virus to others who, in
in the next seven days. a single day on Thursday, indi- o f p o s i t ive c a s e s t o t h e cases on Friday, taking the tal- hand sanitisers after diluting of IML. “The deputy commis- turn, may develop moderate
cating that there is hope to win 700-mark. ly to 1,323. On the brighter side, them with water, he added. sioners, revenue officials of or severe symptoms.
Cases touch 700 mark in TS the war against the coronavirus 103 people were cured and Alcohol-based hand sanitis- concerned districts have sus- As of Thursday, the high-
The number of discharge of sooner than later. The only jar-
38 new cases in AP discharged. er contains 70% alcohol, pended 44 licences. They est number of cases were in
COVID-19 positive patients from ring note is that there were 50 The Covid-19 tally in Andhra (with inputs from PTI) glycerine and hydro- can be cancelled even,” the 30-40 age bracket with 74
gen peroxide. “Whis- said the officer. The cases, followed by 69 cases
ky contains 40% alco- highest number of in the 20-30 age bracket, as
Government of Karnataka.
(Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department)
Office of the Executive Engineer,
PWP & IWT Dept. Division Bidar
No.:EE/PWD//Dvn/Bdr/8443/AE-1/2020-21/22 Date: 17-04-2020
InvITaTIOn fOr shOrT TErm TEnDErs
On behalf of Government of Karnataka, The Executive Engineer. PWP & IWT. Dept. Divn. Bidar invites
Tenders from eligible Tenderers for the following Work. Tender documents may be downloaded from
e-procurement portal of the Govt. of Karnataka Viz. Tenders must submitted
through e-procurement portal on or before 16.00 hours on 27-04-2020 Further any other information can
be seen from the e-procurement portal or can be had from the undersigned.
sl. name of Work amount put EmD Period for
no. to tender (in rs) Completion of
(in rs) Work
1 2 3 4 5
1 Providing Basic Amenities to Airport Terminal at 4,24,82,256.59 6,37,234.00 01 Month Only
Bidar (Balance work) under KKRDB. Work Indent
1) Date of opening of Technical Bid : 29-04-2020 at 11.00 am
2) Date of opening of Financial Bid : 04-05-2020 at 11.00 am.
Sd/- (Prashanth P.r.)
Executive Engineer.
PWP & IWT. Dept. Divn. Bidar.
Heightened rhetoric about a Western plot, quack remedies Iran has blamed the US for the
debilitating sanctions that have pre-
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN and blind faith added to the problem in a nation where vented imports of protective gear
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. senior clerics and politicians have died in the pandemic and medicines. Sanctions have also
— Ramnath Goenka impeded import of materials for do-
mestic production. Iranian advo-
cates of this argument have called
it “medical terrorism”. It is not
clear why it could not import medi-
cal requirements from China and
Russia, both of which have close BIRTHDAY
ties with Iran. The US, which ini-
SMALL BUSINESSES tially ignored appeals for waiver of
sanctions, then offered medical and
HURT BY PANDEMIC humanitarian aid. But this was pre-
dictably rejected by Iran.
He led a generation of patriots
After the Trump administration from the front.
ne of the heaviest burdens due to the junked the nuclear deal (JCPOA)
pandemic lockdown has fallen on the
PINAK RANJAN Former Ambassador, Former Secretary in MEA and reimposed sanctions in 2018, He made us proud
CHAKRAVARTY and currently a Visiting Fellow at ORF, Delhi
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Email:
Iran’s oil exports and foreign invest- of our yesterdays.
ment dwindled further. The US has
(MSME) sector. The sector, whose lead- He remains the guiding light
sought to reduce Iran’s oil exports
ers expressed fears that they would be ran was the first country after Chi- among pilgrims from Iran and to zero and cripple its principle
unable to pay wage bills and rents this month, na that was ravaged by the corona- abroad. No quarantine arrange- source of revenue. American sanc-
of our tomorrows.
is trying to see light at the end of the tunnel in virus and for some time, was the ments were declared, though educa- tions not only prohibited its compa-
second most affected country. Coro- tional institutions were shut down. nies from doing business with Iran
the exemptions from lockdown for factories
announced earlier this week. navirus cases in Europe and the US The Iranian government also re- but also targeted third-country com-
Most CEOs from the sector fear that though have risen rapidly since then. Iran voked permission for Doctors with- panies. This led India too to reduce born 18 April 1904
is now eighth on the global list. The out Borders to set up a field hospital and finally stop oil imports from
some of them will theoretically be allowed to virus spread rapidly in Iran in the to treat virus-affected patients in Iran, which was the third largest
reopen for business, the stringent conditions early stages, though it has now been Isfahan, apparently on the suspi- supplier in 2019. China, however, The New Indian Express The New Sunday Express
that have to be met—workers hostels, sanitisa- contained, but not before causing a cion that the team of foreign doc- disregarding American sanctions, Dinamani The Sunday Standard Malayalam Vaarika
tion and medical screening costs—may mean very high number of deaths of med- tors will steal the genomes of the continued to source oil supplies The Morning Standard
many, if not most, micro and small players ical workers. Iran remains the Iranian strain of Covid-19. from Iran, bypassing the US dollar.
would find it almost impossible to start opera- worst affected country in the West The first two victims to die were Economic slowdown and Cov-
Asian region, with around 78,000 in Qom, the bastion of Iran’s Shia id-19 will lead to lower demand for ing zero growth in 2020. There has can sanctions with their financial
tions anytime soon. That many of them are cases and over 4,850 deaths. clergy. It is likely the virus was car- Iranian oil in China and increase been a surge in unemployment, re- system Intex to provide medical
within city limits such as in Mumbai or Surat Iran does not share a land border ried by Iranians returning from pressure on Iran’s revenues even serves have plummeted and the cur- supplies to Iran worth around Euro
will mean they will have to wait till May to re- with China. Why did it get affected China or students from China or further. From a high of 2.8 million rency, Rial, has tanked. Meanwhile, 5 million.
start. Millions of daily-wage earners who work in the pandemic’s early stages? Chinese workers engaged in con- barrels per day, oil production has Iran has appealed to the IMF for an India has been airlifting Indians
for this sector will continue to remain in limbo. Heightened rhetoric about a West- struction of a high-speed rail link. dropped to 1.4 million barrels per emergency loan of $5 billion. stuck in Iran. The IAF has been do-
Medium-scale businesses, especially those in ern plot, quack remedies and faith It was also transmitted by pilgrims day. Iran’s economy has been effec- Though American sanctions ex- ing the heavy lifting in bringing
all added to the problem. On Febru- in Qom thronging Shia religious tively crippled with the IMF predict- clude humanitarian items like med- back Indians stuck abroad and Air
industrial estates feeding larger industries,
ary 19, Iran announced its first con- shrines. The prevailing belief that icines and medical equipment, com- India too has played a stellar role.
will find it easier to tackle the new rules and firmed case. During the same month pilgrims were insulated from the panies have been reluctant to do President Rouhani has written to
extra costs as they are financially better off huge rallies were held across Iran to virus did not help. These shrines business with Iran as US banks global leaders, including PM Modi,
and may be helped by their larger business commemorate the 1979 Islamic Rev- have since been shut down. have avoided financing any human- for help in easing American sanc-
partners for whom they manufacture. olution. Elections were also held in The virus has not spared the high itarian trade with Iran. The poten- tions and medical supplies. The
Struggling to live through a prolonged slow- February with Supreme Leader Ali and mighty. It has felled senior cler- tial Democrat Party presidential irony is that just a few weeks ago,
Khamenei exhorting all Iranians to ics, former ambassadors and politi- On February 19, Iran announced its first challenger to President Trump, Joe Iranian leaders had issued intem-
down in demand, a rising debt trap and in-
ignore the virus and come out and cians. A policy of denial has now case. During the same month, huge rallies Biden, has called for easing US perate statements against India on
creasing costs, the MSME sector, which ac- vote. There was no attempt at imple- given way to grudging acceptance sanctions. He has asked for specific Jammu and Kashmir and the Delhi
were held to commemorate the 1979 Islamic
counts for about 30% of the country’s GDP and menting social distancing and Pres- that Iran was slow to respond, mis- licensing arrangements so that violence. India has lifted the ban on
Revolution. Elections were also held with
half of its exports, was hoping for a financial ident Hassan Rouhani dismissed taking the virus as a common flu. companies find it easier to export export of paracetamol and hydroxy-
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei exhorting all
package. The sector has been promised liquid- the virus as “one of the enemy’s Iranians ignored warnings and the medical supplies and banks have no chloroquine to select countries.
plots to bring our country into clo- government had to impose a coun- Iranians to ignore the virus and come out and doubt about falling foul of sanc- Iran too may benefit from this.
ity through various schemes, including RBI’s
sure by spreading panic”. trywide lockdown from the middle vote. President Hassan Rouhani dismissed tions. As the clamour has grown for Iran’s economy, like those of other
decision on Friday to go in for a targeted long-
Steps like closing the religious of last month and order the security the virus as “one of the enemy’s plots to bring international assistance to Iran, Eu- countries, will take a greater hit
term repo operation of `50,000 crore that will shrines at the holy city of Qom were forces, including the Army, to im- our country into closure by spreading panic” ropean countries like France, Ger- from coronavirus than American
make available funds to NBFCs and micro-fi- delayed, causing the virus to spread plement the lockdown. many and UK have skirted Ameri- sanctions in the near future.
nance companies, which normally lend to this
sector. While these schemes will help the small
firms tide over with working capital loans, it
rime Minister Narendra Modi has Amid a deluge of fake Twitter, economic hardship and impatience many states did not get adequate of the total number of cases and
always had little to complain when WhatsApp and TikTok posts, the over the lockdown measures have time as the Centre had not intimat- only 1.5% of Covid-19 deaths in the
FOR ‘MAKE IN INDIA’ it came to commanding a captive
audience and their support. His
government’s arm, the Press Infor-
mation Bureau (PIB), has had to set
brought misery to the most vulner-
able citizens. These people are also
ed them in advance about the lock-
down—when the first positive case
world. The rise in the number
of cases is also showing signs of
four telecasts to the nation since the up a portal—Covid-19 Fact Check worried about their kith and kin was reported at the end of January slowing down. However, there is
he testing process may be rapid, but the pandemic began in India have Unit. Receiving queries by email, it back in their villages and would feel and the restrictions were suddenly deep concern in some quarters that
kits have been ridiculously slow to ar- drawn record viewership. Whether has been giving responses in quick safer in their company. imposed from March 24 midnight. India has not been able to test
rive. States like Kerala, Chhattisgarh, it was calling for the one-day janata time on Twitter. This is besides the It is another story that the lock- enough to count all cases and
Punjab, Delhi and Tamil Nadu are ready curfew, declaration of the lockdown daily bulletin issued every day re- down has been supported by the af- deaths, opening to the possibility of
to move to mass testing, but have not or saluting the medical workers by garding the government’s deci- fected states that asked for it to an underestimation of the severity
banging plates and lighting lamps, sions, developments and progress be extended. of the crisis.
been successful in procuring the required
he has found the masses respond to on containing Covid-19. The Centre has argued that it act- But Dr Raman R Gangakhedkar,
number of test kits. TN, for instance, wanted his appeal. The extension of the Notwithstanding such efforts, ed in right earnest with whatever head of epidemiology and commu-
4 lakh kits to begin mass testing. The first lockdown did not provoke any out- Modi’s aides have had to contest resources at its command. Any ad- nicable diseases at the Indian Coun-
batch of 50,000 kits was expected to arrive by burst as many expected this to hap- claims by sections among detrac- ministrative lacunae, bottleneck cil of Medical Research (ICMR),
April 9. More than a week later, it got less than pen. They shared the government’s tors and political rivals that are re- and inadequacy has been done has held that the country had done
half—just 24,000. According to a senior bu- belief that this was the most appro- sorting to rumours and extrapola- away with—whenever and wherev- better than most other affected na-
priate option. tion to spread confusion they hope Their mental plight in relief er they have occurred. Of course, tions—in first testing the travellers
reaucrat, though the state had placed an order
Yet a day later, Modi had to frown may result in a bad situation for the camps waiting for food to be handed the states too must play their part as arriving from abroad, tracing their
from China much before the US, kits meant at a social media campaign claim- government. These sections were to them is painful as everyone waits the lockdown—if enforced in full contacts and families, and finally
for it were allegedly diverted as the death rate ing to honour him. Suspecting foul encouraged by the unrest among for the lockdown to be lifted and the letter and spirit—is set to bring re- enforcing quarantines marking the
in the US had reached alarming levels. The play, he told his well-wishers that if huge numbers of migration work- pandemic to die out. Consequently, sults to check the contagion. In an cluster and containment zones.
WHO’s executive director Dr Mike Ryan said this plan was indeed out of goodwill ers, which was first witnessed in some unverified buzz about the affidavit filed in the Supreme Court Now, with the arrival of lakhs of
India had not filed a complaint with the global for him, people should take respon- Delhi close to the UP border in the start of buses and trains for their on April 14, the Centre held that 54 rapid testing kits, surveillance is
body against America for jumping the queue. sibility for taking care of at least last week of March, and, more re- destinations, backed by messages lakh people had been given food bound to increase manifold in
one poor family. Beyond the note of cently, outside the Bandra railway circulated by doubtful political since the lockdown started. Anoth- many places.
In the case of Chhattisgarh, unethical busi- mild rebuke in the PM’s tweets in station in Mumbai and in Surat, Gu- characters, have only led to chaos er 30 lakh were being fed by NGOs. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is
ness practices put more lives at danger. The this regard, there appeared to be ap- jarat. They have been preceded or and the resultant police response. Employers and factory owners were indicating that he is biding time for
state’s Health Minister T S Singh Deo told the prehension among the top echelons followed by innumerable stories of There are also disturbing reports giving shelter and food to another 15 a full-scale fusillade—once he is
media they had floated tenders for 75,000 rapid that the battle of perception is men, women and children even about those under testing resorting lakh people. An additional 60,000 clear that Modi is failing. But will
test kits on April 12, but had to drop it later due never-ending. ready to trek back to their homes in to attacks on medical workers in people have taken refuge at relief Modi let that happen?
to predatory pricing concerns.
Interestingly, none of the central or global
bodies have been able to solve the issue. WHO
made it clear it cannot do much to resolve the
global shortage in testing kits. In India, the
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) A friend in need All doubts must be cleared Oppn playing spoilsport UP’s food move laudable Ideal but might not work
has also been unable to meet the demand. As India’s decision to supply hydroxychloro- This is with reference to Data scam? It is unfortunate that opposition Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi The reports that Telangana CM
quine and paracetamol to 55 countries— Only probe can clear doubts (Apr 17). parties everywhere seem to be playing Adityanath’s call to provide food for K Chandrashekar Rao doesn’t want to
not even 10% of the 45 lakh-odd kits ordered
many of which will be on humanitarian The Sprinklr data scam raises a lot of spoilsport over every effort taken by everyone in need whether or not they lift the lockdown until there are no new
from China have arrived yet, many states have grounds—should help the nation become valid doubts in the minds of the public. any ruling party. In spite of Kerala doing have identification documents is a cases in the state is an ideal solution
reached out to local private manufacturers. a universal friend to other countries. The It is not known how Sprinklr, a company its best to control the spread of the welcome measure. A good number of but not favourable from an economic
The ICMR has been slow in granting approvals decision was taken after ensuring there already facing fraud charges, was given virus with innovative measures, the people in our country still do not have standpoint. The Centre’s plan to
to private companies. Initially, just two firms was a requisite supply of these medicines the deal. It is imperative that all doubts data scam is an impediment. At such a Aadhaar cards, ration cards, etc. Denying gradually ease curbs in select sectors to
got approval, which was then extended to a few for domestic use. over the deal be cleared. trying time, everyone should cooperate them food for not possessing these reactivate the economy is good.
more. Here again, the hurdles are aplenty. K V Raghuram, Wayanad S N Anil, Chottanikkara with the government and bring up documents would be brutal. O Prasada Rao, Hyderabad
allegations after the crisis is behind us. Cicily Thomas, Muvattupuzha
Most of the raw materials needed have to come Growth has been hit No proof to back charges K Nehru Patnaik, Vizag Rahul’s mature comments
from abroad. Slowly but steadily, India is mak- The report predicting a grim economic The criticism of the hasty decision VIP wedding flouted rules Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has, for
ing progress in making its own kits. scenario for Asian countries, including to draft Sprinklr should be tempered Tech and a human touch The recent wedding of former Karnataka the first time in a long while, come
With millions of poor people at risk in India, is not surprising. Growth in by the urgent need for effective data This is with reference to Using CM H D Kumaraswamy’s son flouted out with mature words while reacting
the country, and the international supply disparate areas have almost ground to management in the wake of the technology to take on the coronavirus almost all lockdown rules. While he to the Centre’s efforts in dealing with
chain working against us, governments must a complete halt after the imposition pandemic. The opposition seems to have (Apr 17). It is laudable that the Greater originally said that guests would wear the virus. Though he criticised certain
of the lockdown and its extension. Our no proof to back the charges against Chennai Corporation is using technology masks and social distancing would be moves, he also gave decent suggestions.
consider diagnostics as a priority ‘Make in
economy has not been in great shape for the Kerala CM. It would be better for along with human efforts. Considering followed, pictures of the wedding show He deserves praise for his statement
India’ sector. Given the right push, Indian test a while now and the cascading effect of the government to release all relevant India’s demography, such grassroots none of this being followed. Authorities that now is not the time to fight the PM,
kits could replace Chinese ones in the the lockdown would only make it worse. details as soon as possible. policies will be productive. should take strict action against this. but to take on the virus unitedly.
global market. C V Aravind, Bengaluru Manohar Alembath, Kannur Vinod Narayanan, T’puram K Ragavan, Bengaluru Jayaprakash Reddy, Nalgonda
C O V I D - 1 9
of the global workforce WORKERS SUFFER
(2.7 billion workers) live in
countries with mandatory or
recommended closures
R I T W I K A M I T R A @ New Delhi
Epidemiologist vacancies a
relief was temporary. The em-
long-term livelihoods and ployer handed out Ramcharan
wellbeing of millions a receipt of `2,700 — an
Source: ILO amount that would be deduct-
ed when he resumes work at
195 mn
decline in working hours
Rajasthan. “We are surviving
on rice, roti and potato most-
ly,” said Sunila Devi.
UP’s Chitrakoot district | EXPRESS
Air India starts transporting
essential commodities
Apart from helping stranded Indian citizens from
French family stuck in UP village amid lockdown, treated as guests
abroad, national carrier Air India has started N A M I TA BA J PA I @ Lucknow son Tom, had left their country as the Maharajganj border with
transporting essential agricultural and medical embarking upon a world tour in Nepal was sealed after the an-
commodities. Under the Centre’s Krishi Udan OUT on a world tour, little did their swanky four-wheeler at the nouncement of 21-day nation-
scheme, the airline has identified multiple cargo Pollarez Patrice and his family end of 2019. They reached India wide lockdown.
destinations including UK and Germany for ferrying from France’s Toulouse realise from Pakistan through the Wa- Initially, curiosity drew the vil-
essentials such as fruits, vegetables and medical that they would be stuck in lock- gah Border on a tourist visa in lagers to this family. The villag-
items. Recently, AI ferried 28.95 tonnes of fruits down due to the coronavirus pan- February. ers have been providing them
and vegetables to London. The flight returned with demic and will have to take ref- Having After visiting many cit- with food, tea, snacks and other
15.6 tonnes of general cargo material. The carrier uge in UP’s tiny village of ies in India, as they were about to essentials. Of course, they have
has also started the service on routes to Israel, Maharajganj, around 300 km cross over to Nepal when they been following the social distanc-
China, Seychelles, Mauritius, Sri Lanka and from Lucknow. were stuck at Lakshmipur village ing norms.
Maldives amongst others. Krishi Udan was said to The family of five, including of Maharajganj. “India is great and so are its
be launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation on Patrice, 40, a motor mechanic, his Staying in their vehicle parked people. Once strangers to us, now
international and national routes. wife Virginie Pollarez, daughters next to a small temple near a for- these villagers are doing their
Ophelie and Lola Janniefer and est in the village since March 25 Pollarez Patrice with his family was on a world tour since 2019 | EXPRESS best to help us,” said Patrice.
PLASMA THERAPY Ahmedabad 41 27 Mumbai 34 24
Bhopal 41 25 Panaji 34 26
After Kerala, Gujarat has sought Jaipur 40 27 Patna 36 23
permission from ICMR to start Amritsar 28 20 Lucknow 39 24
Convalescent Plasma therapy clinical
Port Blair
trials for corona patients IN BENGALURU Srinagar 14 6 Chandigarh 33 21
CM Chouhan is faced with onerous task of accommodating BJP old-timers, provinicial leaders and Scindia loyalists in Cabinet
Shivraj Singh Chouhan was those from Malwa-Nimar, Bun-
sworn in as Madhya Pradesh delkhand and Vindhya region.
30 29 30 chief minister, the Council of Then, there are senior leaders in-
Ministers remains elusive for the cluding Gopal Bhargava, Rajen-
state which has recorded around dra Shukla, Yashodhara Raje
1,300 Corona positive cases and ruling BJP confided to TNIE that his loyalists. The talks have trig- Scindia, Gourishankar Bisen and
21 20
60-plus deaths. the complex task of accommodat- gered speculations that the Cabi- Bhupendra Singh, besides other
Faced with criticism from the ing all ministerial aspirants from net formation is likely to happen BJP MLAs like Arvind Bhadoria
Figures in %
opposition over the state not hav- the core BJP as well as MLAs of The delay in government formation has within the next few days. to be considered.
nothing to do with politics (as claimed
ing a Cabinet, especially a health the Jyotiraditya Scindia camp — Informed sources within the According to the sources, the
by the opposition Congress party)
minister, despite the COVID sit- particularly six ministers of BJP said the initial plan was to Cabinet could follow the UP model
uation reaching alarming the erstwhile Kamal Nath BJP spokesperson have a 25-plus Cabinet, but it with Narottam Mishra from the
4.6 LAKH: TOTAL propor tions, Chouhan government — could be could take shape with 10-12 min- BJP and Tulsi Silawat, the health
CALLS IN INDIA maintains that the Cabinet another factor for the de- tional president and Union Home isters for now. Three to four min- minister in the Congress govern-
isn’t being formed as his l ay i n t h e C a b i n e t Minister Amit Shah twice in last isters could be Scindia loyalists, ment, as deputy CMs. A BJP
government’s priority is to formation. three-four days in Delhi and dis- despite their leader pressing for spokesperson, however, main-
CHILDREN battle the infection. Scindia has reportedly cussed possibilities for the forma- more than five. tained that the delay has nothing
DISTRESSED But insiders within the spoken to BJP’s former na- tion of a Cabinet and inclusion of Chouhan faces tough task in to do with politics.
lakh calls in 21 days, with a
majority of them received
during the lockdown
Kolkata: Former Indian football team captain A family is given 15 kg of SETTING an example for others in these trou-
Bhaichung Bhutia lodged an FIR in Siliguri against foodgrain till its number comes bled times, two Bohra Muslim brothers in Mad-
a landlord for throwing out a Sikkimese girl for another time. The foodgrains hya Pradesh have donated their entire standing
having signs of fever. The girl had to spent nearly bank has got more than 1,000 wheat crop for the poor and underprivileged lot.
four hours outside her rented room before Bhutia quintals of grains. Inspired by the teachings of the Bohra Muslim
and his friends came to her rescue. Athina Limbu Brain child of a well-off farmer, community’s spiritual head Syedna Aali Qadr
rented a room at Pradhannagar in bengal’s Siliguri Rana Ranjeet Singh of Chamai Mufaddal Saifuddin, Riyaz Zaman and Mustafa
town and four days ago she developed a fever. ‘’Her village, the foodgrain bank start- Qamar Zaman earmarked wheat grown on 25
landlord came to know about it and forced her to ed services on April 5. “Initially I bighas of land at Bhullan Pura area in Guna dis-
leave the house. She had no option left other than had to motivate the farmers of lo- trict, 200 km from Bhopal, for the poor on
sitting outside her rented room,’’ said an officer of cality. To begin with, 70 farmers Wednesday. The entire crop was donated to the
Siliguri police station. The former footballer was in came and joined with me for run- Guna administration for harvesting and distrib-
Siliguri and he came to know about the incident. ning the bank with the foodgrains Rana Ranjeet Singh (wearing hat) speaks with farmers who are members of the foodgrain bank | EXPRESS uting it among the needy and poor who are facing
He and some of his friends came to Limbu’s rescue donated by them,” Singh told difficulty in getting food for their families.
and took her to a state-run hospital. ‘’The doctor this newspaper. of foodgrain,” said Singh, who that migrants and labourers of “We had invested around `25,000 to `30,000 on
at the hospital examined her and said it was just The Shahabad range is famous was sent to the US in 1969 as the any caste and creed can call for wheat cultivation. Guided by our supreme reli-
the flu. He also gave her a letter clearly saying she for cultivation of foodgrains, in- best farmer of India. “Impressed help,” Singh said. gious leader’s teachings and appeal of the dis-
A norm was
had no signs of coronavirus infection,’’ said Bhutia. cluding rice and wheat. by the humanitarian initiative, Foodgrains are not kept at a sin- fixed by farmers, trict administration, we’re donating it for feed-
The girl returned but was again allegedly not The foodgrains donated by nearly 700 farmers of Rohtas, gle point as it would require who are ing the poor and needy people,” said Zaman, the
allowed entry following which Bhutia intervened. farmers are kept at their homes Kaimur and Buxar districts have transportation and farmers have stakeholders of younger of the two.
and distributed free among the voluntarily become stakeholders to spare their time unnecessarily. this bank, under According to Zaman, the standing crop could
needy whenever they approach of this bank and donated “Labourers can either directly go which one can have fetched them anything from `3 lakh to `3.5
donate 1 kg to 50
Foreigners’ tribunal member the bank for help. “A norm was
fixed by all the farmers, who are
foodgrains in bulk quantity.”
The farmers keep gathering in-
to farmers or are being referred
by me to allot them grains donat- kg of foodgrain.
But many donated
lakh. Both Guna district collector S Vishwana-
than and police superintendent Tarun Nayak
faces flak for ‘communal rant’ stakeholders of this bank, under
which one can donate 1 kg to 50 kg
formation from local sources
about anyone facing hardships to
ed to the bank.”
People like Mangal Kumar, a la-
more than that
lauded the donation by the two siblings for the
poor in these hard times. The two top district of-
Guwahati: A Congress MP in Assam has demanded of foodgrain. But many came and help them with foodgrain. “Now, bourer of Dumraon, is thankful to R R Singh, ficials appealed other big farmers to contribute
the removal of a member of a Foreigners’ Tribunal donated more than that quantity my cellphone number is public so the farmers for bailing him out. foodbank founder to the Corona Relief Fund.
(FT) for his alleged statement that the violators of
Tablighi Jamaat besides “members of Jehadi and
Jahil” should not be considered for relief. In a letter,
Barpeta MP Abdul Khaleque drew Chief Minister
Sarbananda Sonowal’s attention to a letter,
allegedly written by Kamalesh Kumar Gupta, who
Duo who killed Guv seeks legal advice over
is a member of FT, Baksa, and addressed to the
Health Minister. In this letter, dated April 7, he
(Gupta) listed donations given by himself and
SPO among four Uddhav’s name for Council
other members and staff of Foreigners’ Tribunal in
Baksa to Assam Arogya Nidhi, to combat COVID-19 slain militants S U D H I R S U R YA W A N S H I @ Mumbai
with a totally reprehensible condition at the end
which read as follows: Our only prayer is that the F AYA Z W A N I @ Srinagar MAHARASHTRA Gover nor
help may not be extended to the members of Bhagat Singh Koshyari has
violators of Tablighi Jamaat, Jehadi and Jahil,” FOUR militants, including two sought legal advice after the
Khaleque wrote. Observing that Gupta’s decisions, who had carried out a fatal attack state Cabinet recently recom-
in matters pertaining to citizenship, will be tainted on a SPO recently and stole weap- mended Chief Minister Uddhav
by anti-Muslim bias, Khaleque submitted the The attack helicopter at the site of landing in Punjab’s Hoshiarpur district | PTI ons, were killed in two encoun- Thackeray’s name as a member
member concerned be removed from the tribunal. ters on Friday in Kashmir, the of the Legislative Council from
Liquor comes and goes Our correspondent in
CBI charge-sheets five
Liquor shops in Guwahati and elsewhere in Assam had opened last Guwahati The Central Bureau of Investigation filed a
Monday, much to the joys of drinkers. However, the euphoria lasted prasantamazumdar@ charge sheet against a former credit
barely two days as the state government had to revoke its order on manager of Bank of India in Guwahati for
opening of the liquor outlets following the Centre’s guidelines on allegedly misusing his official position and
the extended shutdown that did not give any relaxation. With entering into a criminal conspiracy with
revenues badly hit in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and GUWAHATI DIARY the proprietors of two private firms, a
lockdown, the Assam government had granted permission for the businessman and a surveyor of an
sale of liquor. People were seen making beelines outside the shops insurance company, during 2012-14. A case
but careful enough in adhering to social distancing. A low-key Rongali Bihu celebration was also registered against them and
Even as COVID-19 confined people to their homes in the Northeast state of Assam, it some others. The bank official in question
had allegedly sanctioned the term loan Assam gets PPE kits from China
failed to dampen their Bihu spirit. However, unlike in the past, the Rongali Bihu —
the spring festival of Assam — is being celebrated at homes. Given the government’s and cash credit loans for purchasing Assam is the first state in the country to order and receive 50,000 Personal Protective
guidelines on social distancing, the Bihu committees in Guwahati cancelled all machinery/excavators, civil contract work Equipment (PPE) kits from China. With these, the state’s stock of PPE kits has risen
programmes this year. At the Latasil ground, the Guwahati Bihu Sanmilani had a by violating procedures and guidelines of to around 1.5 lakh. A cargo flight, carrying the items, had touched down at the
brief programme on Monday where a small group of people congregated. The the bank and disbursed the loan. It was Guwahati airport on Wednesday evening. Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma
Rongali Bihu, which marks the onset of Assamese New Year, is among three Bihus. alleged that the borrowers failed to repay received the consignment. “Another BIG reason to cheer! Keeping life first as the
The others being Magh Bihu, also called Bhogali Bihu, and Kati Bihu. Rongali Bihu is term loans and cash credit loans, causing motive, we’re glad to have imported 50,000 PPE kits from Guangzhou, China. I am
a time of feasting and merry-making. To the farmers, it is a time to prepare their loss of over `1.98 crore to the bank, happy to receive this special flight along with @Pijush_hazarika at #Guwahati airport.
fields for cultivation. sources in the federal agency said. A big reassurance for our doctors & nurses,” Sarma tweeted.
Beijing 23 14 SNY Los Angeles 19 11 LC
Colombo 33 25 TDS Melbourne 16 10 LR
Doha 28 21 SNY Moscow 7 1 HR
GLOBAL Dubai 29 22 SNY New York 9 4 LR
WEATHER Houston 24 20 TDS Singapore 34 26 LC
health care workers in Italy have been infected with LR: Light Rain HR: Heavy Rain Istanbul 18 10SNY Toronto 9 5 LC
the new coronavirus, a study has found TDS: Thundershower LC: Light Cloud SNY: Sunny London 16 8 LR Washington DC 15 5 LC
Pandemic turning into a Native American tribes sue Roche eyes Covid antibody Malians head to polls, Smoke from wildfires near Swedish princess dons Rolling Stones to perform
child-rights crisis: UN govt over relief funding test launch in May braving conflict & virus Chernobyl engulfs Kyiv scrubs to help healthcare in support of medical staff
Children have so far largely Several Native American tribes Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche Voters in Mali will be called out on Smoke from wildfires in the Sweden’s Princess Sofia has begun The Rolling Stones will perform
escaped the most severe sued the federal government said Friday it had developed an Sunday to complete long-delayed contaminated evacuation zone doing shifts as a healthcare during a star-studded special
symptoms of Covid-19 but the Friday, seeking to keep any of the antibody test that it hopes to roll legislative elections, defying a around the wrecked Chernobyl assistant in Stockholm after event also featuring Taylor Swift
social and economic impact “is $8 billion in federal coronavirus out in May to detect people jihadist insurgency and the nuclear power plant has engulfed completing a three-day course to and Billie Eilish, set to broadcast
potentially catastrophic for relief for tribes kept out of the previously infected with Covid-19, lengthening shadow of coronavirus. Kyiv, placing the Ukrainian capital help ease strained healthcare globally Saturday in support of
millions of children,” as per a hands of for-profit Alaska Native even those who displayed no The elections aim at reviving faith near the top of the global air resources during the new health care workers combatting
United Nations report. UN corporations. The US Treasury symptoms. Roche said in a in political institutions at one of pollution index. About 1,000 coronavirus pandemic, the Swedish coronavirus. The event is put on by
Secretary-General Antonio Department is tasked with doling statement that it had developed the darkest times since Mali gained firefighters backed by aircraft have Royal Court said Friday. The the international advocacy
Guterres said the reduced incomes out the money by April 26 to help the Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 independence from France nearly been deployed to battle the forest 35-year-old completed a three-day organization Global Citizen in
of parents would be particularly tribes nationwide stay afloat, immunoassay, which using a blood 60 years ago. It is the country’s blazes near the site of the world’s course last week to be able to help collaboration with WHO and
affecting children. respond to the virus and recover. sample can detect antibodies. first parliamentary poll since 2013. worst nuclear accident. out during the crisis. superstar Lady Gaga.
deaths from the virus Africa will
see this year even under the best-
Google waives
ad fees to help
news outlets
One day Parvin was toiling
Philippine President Rodrigo
to meet the fast-fashion Duterte has threatened to
case scenario, according to a new demands of European order the military and police to
report released on Friday that WASHINGTON capitals, the next she was take control of the country’s
cites modelling from Imperial among hundreds of capital if people do not start
College London. Under the worst- GOOGLE said on Friday thousands of Bangladeshi obeying a virus lockdown.
case scenario with no it would waive fees for clothes workers made
interventions against the virus, publishers using its Ad instantly jobless as the “The military and police will
Africa could see 3.3 million deaths Manager platform for the coronavirus pandemic enforce social distancing at
and 1.2 billion infections, the next five months as part struck. Big-name curfew... It’s like martial law.
report by the UN Economic of its efforts to support international brands have You choose,” he said.
Commission for Africa said. In the news organisations reel- cancelled billions of
best-case scenario, the continent The body of a dead patient is carried into an ambulance outside a New Jersey ing from the coronavirus dollars in orders,
could see over 122 million cases nursing home, where a pile of 17 bodies has been found | AFP pandemic. THAILAND
decimating Bangladesh’s
The move comes in ad- The
most important export
BEIJING Authorities say infections likewise does not include any dition to Google’s “jour- Thailand’s leader says he will appeal Philippines has detected about
industry and hurting in
and deaths have been under- deaths at home or in nursing nalism relief fund” an- directly to the country’s 20 5,660 coronavirus cases and
particular rural woman
CHINA acknowledged on Fri- reported almost everywhere. homes. The country’s statistics n o u n c e d t h i s we e k , wealthiest people for assistance. PM recorded 362 deaths
who dominate the
day that the coronavirus death Thousands have died with Cov- agency has said the actual which will include emer- workforce. Laid-off Prayuth Chan-ocha said the
toll in the one-time epicentre id-19 symptoms — many in number of dead could be gency grants to news government alone cannot solve the MALDIVES
workers are complaining
city of Wuhan was nearly 50 nursing homes, which have around 15% higher; others outlets. of being dumped without health and economic challenges With 8 new virus infections,
per cent higher than reported, been ravaged by a disease that think it will be far more. Google’s Ad Manager any help. posed by the pandemic, so other the Maldivian authorities have
underscoring just how serious- hits the elderly the hardest — And in Spain, the country’s is an automated platform sectors should join what he called extended a lockdown in the
ly the official numbers of infec- without being tested. Four 17 autonomous regions were which may be used by “Team Thailand.” capital island of Male to cover
tions and deaths around the months into the outbreak, na- ordered to adopt uniform crite- news outlets for market- the archipelago.
10 mn
world may be understating the tions are still struggling to in- ria on counting the dead. The ing messages on
dimensions of the disaster. crease their testing capacity, country has recorded more websites. Thousands of workers
In Italy, Spain, Britain, the and many are still far from than 19,000 deaths, but the sys- News organisations -- some of whom had A business council
United States and elsewhere, their goal. tem leaves out patients who getting hammered by a earnt just $100 a month advising the government warned Travel within inhabited
similar doubts emerged as gov- In Italy, officials have ac- had symptoms but were not weak economy and down- -- have staged protests that as many as 10 million Thais islands has been banned until
ernments revised their death knowledged that the tested before they died. turn in advertising even complaining that factories could lose their jobs in the next few further notice. The country has
tolls or openly questioned the country’s official death “There is a general as they ramp up coverage have not paid them months if the crisis doesn’t ease reported 28 cases
accuracy of them. toll of more than feeling that the epide- of the health crisis. AFP
“We are probably only seeing 22,000 understates miologists don’t have
states on reopening
ment’s expert panel on the h o m e s a n d we re n o t ing information, but I don’t
crisis. tested. think that’s true,” said Hermel- China's economy shrank for the this roadmap for states under the
Worldwide, the outbreak has A government survey re- inda Vanaclocha, an epidemi- first time in decades last quarter headline “Opening Up America Again”
infected more than 2.1 million leased Friday of about one- ologist on Spain’s top virus as the virus paralysed the nation
people and killed over 145,000, third of Italy’s nursing homes panel. “It’s simply not easy.” PHASE 1
according to a Johns Hopkins
University tally based on fig-
ures supplied by government
health authorities around the
found more than 6,000 residents
have died since Feb. 1. It was
unclear how many were a re-
sult of Covid-19.
China raised its overall death
toll to over 4,600 after Wuhan,
where the outbreak first took
hold, added nearly 1,300 deaths.
The world’s second-largest
Covid-19 restrictions
March 14 negative export, retail sales ● Employers should encourage
ily easing restrictions will “You’re going to call your
and other data pile up. telework
cause more people to die. own shots,” Trump told the
Instead, they expect a The White House outlined governors Thursday afternoon ● Individuals who go out should
gradual crawl back to three “phases” under which in a conference call, according avoid gatherings of over 50
BEIRUT growth in low single each governor would deter- to an audio recording obtained
Workers can return to factories and construction sites. Shops digits in the coming mine the permitted size of by The AP. But pointing to
will remain closed and office-goers are still encouraged to work PHASE 3
AS some wealthier Western nations begin easing quarters gatherings depending on their sparsely populated parts of the
from home. People told to wear masks while commuting. The coronavirus restrictions, many developing coun- location and levels of country, Trump said some ● Employers can resume
government believes this is enough to avoid new outbreaks
tries, particularly in West Asia and Africa, want infection. states were already free from unrestricted staffing of
to do it too, but they cannot afford the luxury of Trump’s recommendations the impact and can open “liter- worksites
April 17 any missteps. were a far cry from his previ- ally tomorrow.”
GERMANY ● Vulnerable individuals can go
3,380 They lack the key tools — a sturdy economy, Full-year GDP growth ous calls for a sudden end to so- Britain, which shut down out, but practice distancing
Daily new cases well-equipped hospitals and large-scale testing — expectations have fallen to cial distancing measures -- as later than most of continental
that are needed for finding their way out of the 1.7%, according to a poll by well as his earlier call for the Europe, said it would extend its ● People should generally
Lockdown pandemic. Even a spirited public debate about an nation to be fully open in time lockdown for at least another consider minimising time spent
starts on the AFP news agency
March 22 exit strategy, common now in Europe, seems un- for Easter on April 12. three weeks. Agencies in crowded environments
thinkable in countries battered by conflict, cor-
ruption or poverty.
Shops of the size of 800 sq metres will be allowed to reopen from
Monday and some children could soon return to school within
Consider Lebanon, a tiny country teetering on
the abyss of bankruptcy with a fragile health sys-
tem and a restless population. A monthlong lock-
down has thrown tens of thousands more people
Peak still at a distance in Russia as cases spike
weeks. The ban on gatherings of more than two people in public
and on large public events will remain in effect into poverty, pressuring the government to loosen MOSCOW many other Russian regions.” To this Putin responded that
restrictions. But medical resources are limited, Moscow’s mayor Sergei So- governors “are sitting there in
prompting doctors to call for continuing them, RUSSIA said on Friday it had byanin on Friday reported the order to overcome
AUSTRIA even at the risk of a social explosion. recorded 32,008 coronavirus completion of a 500-bed hospi- challenges”.
April 17 It’s the same in many developing countries: Eas- cases, including a record 4,070 tal built within weeks, which Moscow, Europe’s largest
Daily new cases 78 ing lockdowns could increase infections and in the last 24 hours, as Presi- will start admitting patients city with some 12 million in-
Lockdown quickly overwhelm hospitals with limited beds dent Vladimir Putin warned Monday. habitants, has been under
starts on and breathing machines. of “very high” risks, particu- But Putin said every region lockdown since the end of
March 16 Keeping restrictions in place risks social up- larly in the ill-equipped must be equally prepared, March, but officials have com-
A railway station is disinfected in
heaval and more economic losses. provinces. Moscow on Friday | AP even as several governors com- plained that many residents
At the same time, inadequate testing and a lack Official figures showed more plained of a lack of medical are flouting confinement
of transparency could lead to misguided deci- than half of the new cases Speaking during a televised equipment and specialist staff. rules. Deputy mayor Anasta-
WHO IS BACK AT WORK AFTER APRIL 13 sions, said Rabah Arezki, chief economist for the were registered in Moscow video-conference with region- Vladimir region governor sia Rakova warned the city
Small stores, particularly hardware shops can reopen. So can Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank and the surrounding region. al governors, Putin said that Vladimir Sipyagin said his re- “will face difficult weeks”
public parks and garden centres. New limits on number of people in and a senior fellow at the Middle East Initiative. So far 273 deaths have been re- “the risks surrounding the epi- gion of 1.36 million only has 71 ahead. “The peak in morbidity
shops and a rule on wearing face masks in some public places The IMF said it’s prepared to commit its $1 tril- corded in Russia, including 41 demic’s spread are still very ventilators and half the need- should arrive in the next two
Data on cases from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control lion in lending capacity to needy nations. AP in the last 24 hours. high, not just in Moscow but in ed resuscitation experts. to three weeks,” she said. AFP
Market 986.11 MARKET
Sensex 31,588.72 H41
24 carat (1 gm) H4,687 H450
Per kg H43,550
Dollar 76.37
Watch 273.95 Nifty 9,266.75 H41 22 carat (1 gm) H4,479 H0.45 Per gm H43.55 Euro 82.69
CBDT sets 28% With TLTRO 2.0, hope of credit flow to NBFCs up
higher direct tax THE RBI announced measures
broadly covering four aspects:
(i) liquidity (ii) incentivising
their willingness to actually
provide credit.
under the liquidity adjustment
facility (LAF) has been cut by
25 bps to 3.75 per cent.
bor rowings in the initial
months of current financial
year to tide over liquidity
Siddhartha Mohanty, MD &
CEO, LIC Housing Finance:
Hopefully this will give borrow-
charges raised
will remain the
year,” the circular said.
The department has set the `3.2 lakh crore in financial
few months, observed Nielsen
India, even as consumers sur- Figures in % chain biggest hurdle
50 in the next
target for Mumbai at `4.07 year 2019-20 against a 11.8 per veyed stated that they will in-
logistics a six months,
lakh crore with `2.31 lakh cent decline from the previous crease online shopping by more ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU @ New Delhi
concern according to
crore as corporate taxes and year’s collection of `3.63 lakh 20 per cent.
`1.62 lakh crore as personal crore. The Delhi circle also Data compiled by the market The Telecom Regulatory Au-
income-tax. For Delhi, the tar- managed to collect `1.46 lakh researcher shows that a steady thority of India (TRAI) on
get has been set at `1.89 lakh crore in financial year 2019-20, fall was seen across most retail Friday almost doubled the
Price surge for 0
Customers 0
crore with `1.12 lakh crore 9 per cent down than that in channels, barring moder n international call termina-
Supply chain &
mobility issues
capacity shortage
Sourcing of raw
raw material
Cash flow
Engaging with
Closure of
items in portfolio
defer buying
from corporate taxes and financial year 2018-19. trade in the last week of March, tion charges, in a move that
`76,957 crore from personal In this context, officials too after a high double-digit growth will benefit India’s telecom
income-tax. acknowledge that this is high- during the first three weeks on operators. The move is a
However, going by last er. “Yes, it has not taken into account of the nationwide lock- shift from the earlier fixed
year’s collection, this target account the lockdown impact. down. While cash and carry rate of 30 paise per minute to
seems too ambitious. But till the time there is no fi- trade channel saw a de-growth a new forbearance regime,
Direct tax collections for fi- nal report on the impact of of 44 per cent and growth in staff at retail outlets. While some of the key shifts in con- months, according to a survey which allows telcos to choose
nancia year 2019-20 stood at economy, we will go as per the traditional trade fell 6 per cent, there was some pantry loading sumer behaviour,” he added. Nielsen held with top industry a rate between 35 and 60 pai-
`10.27 lakh crore, missing original target. We will revise modern trade saw 6 per cent by retailers till mid-March, In particular, ‘evolved hy- leaders. In fact, top companies se per minute.
even the revised tax estimate it when the final report comes. growth during the first phase constraints in replenishment giene’ products including hand pointed out that they may now The International Termi-
of `11.7 lakh crore by `1.42 Till that time, there is no point of the lockdown period in of depleted stocks post lock- wash, sanitisers and floor look to calibrate growth strate- nation Charge (ITC) is a fee
lakh crore, and even fell 8 per speculating,” said a senior March. E-commerce too saw a down dented sales,” said Sa- cleaners, and staples such as gies by increasing focus on e- paid by an International
cent short of the `11.17 lakh CBDT official. dip in sales as shuttered ware- meer Shukla, west market lead- packaged atta, packaged rice, commerce and collaborating Long Distance Operator
crore collected during finan- The official added that the houses and movement restric- er, South Asia, Nielsen Global breakfast cereal and cheese with regional brands. (ILDO) to the network that re-
cial year 2018-19. target will not be difficult, giv- tions forced some e-tailers to Connect. “The focus on person- saw high demand and growth. Post Covid-19, “technology is ceives a call. The telecom reg-
Mumbai, which accounts en the Vivad se Vishwas temporarily halt fresh orders. al hygiene, organic food, medi- Going forward, supply chain also expected to act as a cata- ulator had, in February 2018,
for 32 per cent overall tax col- scheme, which is likely to be “The sharp decline in sales cal needs, fitness, education and cash flow will remain the lyst for convenient consumer cut the ITC chargeable by IL-
lections, managed to collect extended beyond June 30. was propelled by shortage of and financial investments are biggest hurdle in the next six experiences,” Nielsen said. DOs to 30 paise per minute
from 58 paise per minute.
According to TRAI, the
Only 25% fashion retail stores may WEAK DEMAND newly introduced forbear-
ance system allows opera-
PV sales may take next tors to set the rate within the
Jewellers feel it will be hard task to bring clients back to stores APRIL DUE TO LOCKDOWN
E N S E C O N O M I C B U R E A U @ New Delhi
B I N I TA J A I S W A L @ Chennai join back,” said a member of According to jewelers, there business is lost. “We hope to see
the All India Gem & Jewellery is zero demand, and hence, it is some business during Diwali ALL petroleum products have witnessed a massive drop in de-
THOUGH the Central govern- Domestic Council (GJC). not wise to make the work- only. FY21 will definitely see mand during the first half of April due to the nationwide lock-
ment has given the green signal According to GJC chairman shops operational now. The reo- over 50 per cent fall in overall down announced to help check the spread of deadly Coronavi-
to resume limited economic ac- Anantha Padmanaban, the in- pening now will, in fact, raise business,” said Padmanaban. rus in the country. As a result of halted economic activity and
tivities from April 20, the relax- dustry is staring at a loss of the expenses, they say. GJC feels that Centre should travel, India’s fuel consumption dipped by a record 50 per cent
ation will hardly help bring around `70,000 crore due to the “There is no immediate re- urgently consider measures in the period.
back the sound of hammer in pandemic. lief for the industry. Even if the such as reducing customs duty Petrol sales were down 64 per cent, diesel slumped by 61 per
jewellery workshops. “The sector’s condition is ac- shops are opened after the lock- to 4 per cent, besides allowing cent, while aviation turbine fuel (ATF) consumption collapsed
Jewellers feel it will be diffi- tually a matter of concern for down, buying gold jewellery retailers more time to file tax by staggering 94 per cent as most airlines have stopped function-
cult for them to reopen work- us. We missed major business won’t be a priority for people. It returns. ing, according to provisional industry data for fuel consumption
shops, as showrooms are closed that happens in the marriage will be difficult to bring the Even the artisans are uncer- in the first half of April.
and there is no demand at all. season due to the lockdown. customers back to showrooms,” tain of their future. “We don’t However, the demand for LPG has increased as the govern-
Adding to this, a majority of Stocks are lying unsold in Padmanaban said, adding that have any work since March last ment allocation of free cooking gas cylinders to poor households
the artisans have left for their closed showrooms. Akshay retailers across the country sell week. I may have to look for has led to rise in consumption by 21 per cent during the period,
native places, and the lack of Tritiya is also a good business 50-60 tonnes of gold every some other job to sustain my the data showed. The data pertains to sales made by three public
public transport would make it season that the jewellers lost month, but due to Covid-19 out- family,” said Ashok Parmanik, sector oil marketing companies. The 21-day lockdown period
difficult for the remaining to due to the pandemic,” he said. break, almost 60 per cent of the an artisan in Chennai. announced earlier led to shutting of offices and factories.
Bayern star fined for
Bayern Munich winger Kingsley Coman is facing a $54,385 fine and a
compulsory autograph session as punishment for driving the wrong car to
hand dryers
boat-mounted fan similar to a LONG TIME TO
snow cannon to shoot salt PROVE THEORY
crystals into the air Favipiravir is used during flu outbreaks, but animal studies show it
VIRAL DISPERSAL Despite the success of the affects foetal development; is not prescribed for pregnant women
experiment, at least four
PROMISING RESULTS years of research would be
LONDON: Using paper towels to
dry hands is substantially more needed to prove the theory CLINICAL TRIALS looking at a variety of factors.
Researchers from Southern
effective than jet dryers for re- Cross University said the They include clinical out-
moving viruses, including the results from the trial RESEARCH TOKYO: It is approved for use comes — meaning effects on
novel coronavirus that causes were encouraging in flu outbreaks and has been fever, cough, oxygenation, re-
Covid-19, according to a study. The experiment was carried out deployed to treat Ebola, but covery time and time spent in
Hand drying is important to by Southern Cross University and now Avigan is being trialled as hospital — as well as how
minimise the spread of danger- the Sydney Institute of Marine Science a p o t e n t i a l c o r o n av i r u s quickly the virus clears the sys-
ous microbes since failure to re- treatment. tem, along with x-rays or CT
move them increases transfer to It was performed last month, before a Avigan is the brand name of scans for pneumonia.
environmental surfaces and in- comprehensive scientific survey found that the drug Favipiravir. It was de-
creases the opportunities for the reef had suffered its most widespread veloped by what is now known
What sets these trials apart?
transmission and spread, re- coral bleaching on record as Fujifilm Toyama Chemical While doctors have already
searchers said. and approved for use in Japan been experimenting with Favi-
The researchers, including BIG TURBINES REQUIRED in 2014. But in Japan, it is only piravir for treating coronavi-
those from University of Leeds, approved for use in flu out- rus patients, these trials will be
To have a significant impact on the reef, a
investigated whether there are dif- breaks that aren’t being effec- conducted according to rigor-
full-scale experiment would need to be 10
ferences in extent of virus trans- tively addressed by existing ous guidelines intended to en-
times larger, involving the use of several big
mission, according to hand drying medications. It is not available Representational image sure the drug is safe and effec-
barge-mounted turbines
method, beyond the washroom to on the market and can only be tive across a broad range of
the hospital environment. manufactured and distributed drug could help shorten recov- patients.
Four volunteers simulated con- Researchers claim that if the at the request of the Japanese ery time for patients, with Chi- “Smaller studies have been
tamination of their gloved hands experiment works it could reduce government. na’s ministry of science and reported but it’s hard to draw
using a bacteriophage — a virus the bleaching stress by about Favipiravir works by block- technology hailing it as yield- conclusions from these as pa-
that infects bacteria and is harm- ing the ability of a virus to rep- i n g “ ve r y g o o d c l i n i c a l tient numbers are small and
less to humans. Their hands were licate inside a cell. results”. the trials often don’t compare
not washed after contamination Researchers said the effectiveness of the There are some safety con- There are currently around versus (a regime of) best sup-
— this was to simulate inade- cloud-brightening technique would drop cerns: it has been shown in ani- five clinical trials ongoing in portive care and placebo, more
quately washed hands. Hands significantly as the ocean warms further mal studies to affect foetal de- countries including the US, Ita- often to another drug,” said
were dried using either paper tow- velopment, meaning it is not ly and Japan, where Fujifilm Stephen Griffin, a virologist at
els (PT) or a jet air dryer (JAD). WHAT IS BLEACHING given to pregnant women, and announced it would be testing the University of Leeds.
Each volunteer wore an apron, some doctors say they would the drug’s efficacy on a group
to enable measurement of cloth- not recommend it for children of 100 patients through until
Comparison with other drugs
Bleaching occurs
ing contamination during hand when healthy corals or adolescents. the end of June. Scientists are studying a wide
drying. Hand drying was per- become stressed by The Japan study will involve variety of drugs for possible
formed in a hospital public toilet
Can it be used for Covid-19? administering the drug for up treatment of coronavirus pa-
changes in ocean
and, after exiting, samples were temperatures — Some doctors began trying to 14 days to patients between tients, including Remdesivir,
collected from public and ward ar- causing them to Favipiravir to treat coronavi- 20 and 74 with mild pneumonia. another antiviral. One study of
eas. Surface sites were sampled FILE expel algae, which rus patients early on, reason- Gaetan Burgio, a geneticist at the two drugs as a treatment for
following contact with hands or ing that its anti-viral proper- Australian National Universi- coronavirus found Favipiravir
drains them of their
apron. The team found that both ties would be applicable. Some ty’s College of Health and Med- was only effective at relatively
JAD and PT methods statistically
significantly reduced virus con-
Climate engineering to vibrant colours
initial results suggested the icine, said the trials would be high concentrations.
tamination of hands.
According to the researchers, solve coral bleaching REEF IN DANGER
Warmer seas caused
mass bleaching
event in the past
for 10 out of 11 surfaces, signifi- by climate change five years,
cantly greater environmental An ambitious “cloud brightening” experiment has have damaged the raising fears that
contamination was detected after been carried out over Australia’s Great Barrier Reef health of the Great much of the
JAD versus PT use. Viral disper- in an early-stage trial that scientists hope could Barrier Reef, the reef’s coral could
sal to clothing was 5-fold higher become a futuristic way to protect the coral from world’s largest be permanently
with JAD compared to PT, the re- global warming. We take a look coral system damaged
searchers added.
S earch engine giant Google has announced a series of new policies
to force developers disclose exactly how much and what they are
18 04 2020
An assassin has been paid to LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION.... IN WRITE SPIRIT
murder his client’s ex-wife,
who is living with her current
our plans may have got stalled during the lockdown but
husband. While the couple yell let your creativity flow. The New Indian Express, Ben-
at each other from different galuru, and HarperCollins Publishers India bring to
rooms, over a tiff, the assassin you a story writing contest, where 10 budding writers stand
enters the house to finish his a chance to win exciting prizes.
Please submit original works of fiction, along with a title,
assignment. It is soon revealed Danish Sait in English written in 600 words or less. Only one entry per
that the couple is in different person is allowed. Five winning submissions will be
rooms because of one them is featured in Bengaluru City Express and Harper Broadcast,
quarantined after testing posi- Saad Khan’s of the movie. an award winning e-newsletter from HarperCollins India
While the whole film was with over 18,000 subscribers. Five others will win one Kindle
tive for COVID-19. The assassin, newly-released written, shot and edited in six book each.
however, is not aware of it. short film, days, it took one day for Khan
to write the script, which was LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS APRIL 27, 2020.
featuring actor then emailed to all the actors. WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MAY 4.
Danish Sait, social The actors and the editor dis-
cussed the rundown over a vid-
Contest open to residents of Bengaluru only.
Send your submissions to bengalurucityexpress@gmail.
media influencer eo call after which they shot the com with the subject: ‘Writing contest entry’
individual scenes at their re-
Disha Madan spective homes. To give the film
and comedian a professional touch, Khan
even asked the actors to shoot
Vamshidhar from two different angles. He
Bhogaraju, is about says the plot came from one
seed of thought about what an
what an assassin assassin would do during this
would do during time. “The best part about do-
ing anything is to just go for it.
this time; each Disha Madan Sometimes we overthink, try to
We even took care of actor shot their own polish it further and that’s
all the specifications, when we lose the plot. Though
like the colour of part at home ● Monika Monalisa himself. And no, there was no my idea was raw, I decided to
violation of the lockdown rules pursue it,” says Khan, who has
clothes to be worn during the making of this short been posting a lot of live videos
by each actor so t’s still a task to be able to film. All the scenes were shot with Sait on his Instagram han-
find a way to smile in on phone camera by the actors dle since the lockdown began.
that it enhances the these tough times. But in their respective homes. Fans can even look forward to
character Saad Khan’s recently-re- Sait’s scenes were shot by his another video before the lock-
—Saad Khan leased short film, COVID- mother while Madan’s hus- down ends.
iot Positive, can still man- band took care of her parts and After the success of the mov- WEDDING BELLS
age to tickle your funny Bhogaraju handed the respon- ie, Humble Politician Nograj, Nikhil Kumaraswamy, son of former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy,
Vamshidhar bone. The six-minute sibility to his wife. Khan took Khan is coming up with a web- ties the knot with Revathi, the grand-niece of Congress leader and
Bhogaraju film stars the cast of help of his brother. All the indi- series with the same title. Sait, realtor M Krishnappa, in Ramanagara on Friday.
his upcoming com- vidual scenes were then who plays the title role, has
ing webseries, stitched together into a single been releasing videos of his
Humble Poli- film by editor Arjun Choudary. mono acts, giving an account
tician Nograj “I had the whole movie planned of the current situation with a
– Danish in my head. We even took care touch of humour. The web-
Sait, Disha of all the specifications, like series also stars comedian-
Madan, the colour of clothes to be worn writer Bhogaraju and Madan,
Vamshid- by each actor so that it enhanc- a leading social media influenc-
har Bhoga- es the character,” says Khan, er with over 5.5 lakh followers
raju and Khan who also wrote the screenplay on Instagram.
hen Indra Nooyi stepped incredibly supportive, but Nooyi had one piece of advice he biggest prob-
down as PepsiCo CEO in more so, his parents and my to women: Don’t be like me. “I highest grading during lem for Bengaluru
2018, people around her parents have really been sup- was overly critical of myself. I appraisals and I would is its elite central-
assumed that she would portive. My daughters may not would get the highest grading ised government.
dreadfully miss her role and appreciate it as much... but during appraisals and I would
look at my boss and say, When I say elite,
company which she had been that’s how it is... full of trade- look at my boss and say, ‘I don’t ‘I don’t deserve this’ it’s about one person decid-
associated with for over two offs. You have to set aside guilt deserve this’. We tend to put ing for 99 per cent of the
—Indra Nooyi
decades. But surprisingly, and juggle priorities,” she said, ourselves down. At the same population, which has to
Nooyi found herself enjoying adding that she is currently time, it’s easy to say don’t let stop. There has to be a
her new life, delighted not to be working on her book, which is critics get to you, but at some ground-up planning based
doing what she used to do. “I’ve likely to be released next year. point, they do. I would agonise
Behram Siganporia, on participatory decision-
honestly forgotten that life. It’s Nooyi let her audience in that over it and that was my flaw,” musician making, so that everybody’s
now about teaching, enjoying as she reads her book, which is said Nooyi, adding that she interest get reflected. As a
time with family and looking to work-in-progress, and touches made sure she projected a com- his is a rare opportuni- result, the imagination of
advising start-ups,” Nooyi said upon integrating work and posed and confident look, ty that we are getting, to the city will include you, not
during an hour-long online ses- family. knowing that several people stay home, relax, rest, exclude you, as it is today. Leo Saldanha
sion organised by Millennium She recalled her early days in would be looking to her every and catch up on sleep. The individual should Enviromentalist and
Mams’, an organisation started the corporate world when she morning as she walked We ignore the importance of learn to work as a network citizen activist
by two men, Bishnu Dhanuka was not just one of the few into the office. “The sleep in our day-to-day hustle. of interest groups – could
and Sanjay Bhuwania, that women in business, but also an life of a CEO is very Everyone’s busy, and we tend to be a particular interest or lions and all this is because
works towards financial litera- immigrant woman of colour. lonely. You can’t come ignore some basic things like common cause, and try to of centralised decision-
cy of women through classes “Even to this day, the number home and discuss is- sleep. This is also a good chance mobilise public voice to making system. So if you
on finance and investment. of women in meetings is about sues... in the little for people who are staying with make sure the local govern- manage your local govern-
Addressing an all-women’s 30-40 per cent. It’s still not 50 time that you have, their families to get closer and ments function from the ment wisely, then a disaster
audience Nooyi wonders if that per cent. We need to figure out family wouldn’t spend time together. So I be- ward committee. For in- like this is minimised.
was her life after all. “There how to support each other rath- want to talk lieve this is a good opportunity stance, the ongoing issue of Ward management in the
were times that I was exhaust- er than compete with each oth- about those,” for everyone to kind of reset COVID-19 pandemic should city has been terrible but at
ed, but my father-in-law would er. It’s about competing with she said. and reflect, and also under- not be managed from the least the ward committees
stand the kind top down, but from the bot- have been functioning,. If it
of impact they tom up. The government was fully functional, it
CORONA WARRIOR have on the has been doing it complete- would have been better
planet. This is ly opposite of what public at managing the chaos
also a great health management re- in the city in a normal
For ‘fur’-reaching
● Monika Monalisa their way but it looked more time to sup- quires. The places which circumstance.
like a case of abandonment. port artistes, have been successful have a The other issue that the
People, especially pet owners,
STAY SAFE who are doing very strong local govern- city stares at is that it has
hile most people are need to understand that ani- a lot to stay ac- ment. Take, for instance, lost most of its green cover.
craving for spending mals can get infected with tive, stay rele- South Korea. Even certain People should shy away
time with their friends COVID-19 from humans but vant, and keep coming up with parts of Europe have been from being aloof and try
during this lockdown, can’t transfer it to humans,” different ways to connect with badly affected, but they are and save the green cover
Dr Anjali Athaley has no such says the 26-year-old veterinar- their followers. I have been uti- recovering because of a that the city is left with.
issues. The veterinarian’s treated over 15 injured cats. ian of four years. lising my time to write new strong local government, SOLUTION: Once you start
work schedule is more or less Though difficult to determine Though her day is chock-a- songs, make more music, work and a classic example for looking at doing things
the same despite the lock- the reason behind such behav- block, Athaley wouldn’t have out, and do some cleaning, and that is Germany. ground-up, when it comes
down. “My shift starts at 11am iour, Athaley doesn’t negate it any other way. “It’s hard to also get some much- needed But in a centralised gov- to authorities, a lot of solu-
and I still treat the same num- the possibility of this being have a work from home option rest. ernment system like India, tions will emerge automati-
ber of animals every day,” says lockdown-induced stress. in this profession. But I enjoy In my opinion, the lockdown we may not have a national cally. I don’t think one can
Athaley, who works at Bozo This stress has also been what I do. Moreover, it is an es- should be relaxed a little bit. outbreak but we had a na- point out the list of solu-
Wags, a veterinary clinic in manifesting differently. Once sential service so it won’t be Services for daily wage work- tional breakout, which is tions, because what is the
Akshaynagar. news of COVID-19 affecting an right to not be available when ers and mig rant workers the migrant worker issue. solution for my neighbour-
She has also been treating animal came out, many con- there is a requirement,” she should be open. That being Now we are staring at hun- hood might not be the one
stray animals, and points out cerned pet parents have been says, adding, “Of course, in said, there should not be an op- ger and starvation of mil- for another.
that there has been an in- reaching out to her. “Some this situation, my parents are tion for people to congregate or
crease of instances in cruelty days ago, two pedigree dogs really concerned about me gather. Courier services and de-
against them. In the past were found abandoned on the even though I take precau- livery services should also Let your mixed feelings about Bengaluru get stirred up, as an influential person
month, she and her team have streets. They might have lost tions,” she says. start off, immediately. talks about things nice and nasty about the city in this weekly column
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18 04 2020 2
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in Hatha Yoga literature that has cashews)
tremendous spiritual importance for
the practitioner. The lotus flower is an Dates/Sugar- as per taste
eternally important spiritual symbol. (soak the dates in water
In Buddism, legends say that a lotus for 30 minutes for smooth
bloomed everywhere Buddha set his blending)
foot. Fruits (banana/mango)- one
PERMANENT WHAT THE THE STAND A GOOD Sit on the floor or on a mat with legs
RECORD WIND KNOWS INDIAN WIFE: stretched out in front while keeping
By Stephen King Add all the ingredients
the spine erect.
By Edward Snowden By Amy Harmon Here is the bleak new world of the A NOVEL in a mixer-grinder and
day after, a world stripped of its Bend the right knee and place it on
Edward Snowden reveals for the In Ireland, overcome with By Anne Cherian blend till you get the right
institutions and emptied of 99 per the left thigh. Make sure that the
first time the story of his life, memories of the man she adored Neel has an arranged marriage consistency.
including how he helped to build and consumed by a history she cent of its people. A world in which sole of the feet point upward and
a handful of panicky survivors with Leila, a teacher. They struggle the heel is close to the abdomen.
that system and what motivated never knew, Anne Gallagher is to reconcile their own desires with
him to try to bring it down. pulled into another time. choose sides -- or are chosen. Now, repeat the same step with the - Gurkirat Dheer, Bengaluru
others’ expectations in this story
of two people, two countries, and other leg.
two ways of life. With both the legs crossed
GOOGLE PLAY STORE and feet placed on
opposite thighs, place
your hands on the knees
in chin mudra position.
Keep the head straight
and spine erect.
Hold and
continue with
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gentle long
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BIOGRAPHY YOU By Chitra Divakaruni By Neil Gaiman pelvis Reduces menstrual not attempt this yoga
Brings blood pressure discomfort posture
By Walter Isaacson By Celeste Ng The Palace of Illusions takes us Gaiman’s gods are thoroughly
Based on more than 40 interviews When Lydia’s body is found in the back to a time that is half-history, alive on the page – irascible, under control LIMITATIONS In case of ankle injury,
with Steve Jobs conducted over local lake, James is consumed by half-myth, and wholly magical; visceral, playful, passionate – Relaxes the mind do not practise this
If anyone is weak or
two years - this is the acclaimed, guilt and sets out on a reckless narrated by Panchaali, the wife of and the tales carry us from the posture
Pandava brothers, we are given a beginning to Ragnarok and the Improves digestion has injured knees,
bestselling biography of the path. But it’s Hannah who — By N Elumalai, PhD scholar
woman’s take on the Mahabharata. twilight of the Norse gods. Stretches knees and avoid doing this (yoga science) at Meenakshi
ultimate icon of inventiveness. observes far more.
ankles posture as it places a Academy of Higher Education
lot of strain on & Research, Chennai
Availability and download of the free e-book is subject to creating an account with the sites.
Mahabharat, directed by BR Chopra, was After his brother dies, a para commando officer decides to
your favourite
first aired in October 1988 and had a total investigate the reason behind his death. However, he must
celebs are coping
of 94 episodes. The script was written by fight against the corrupt system to protect his family and
with the lockdown
the Urdu poet Rahi Masoom Raza, based find the truth.
on the original story by saint Vyasa. Cast : Kichcha Sudeep, V Ravichandran, Amala Paul
Gajendra Chauhan
Watch on: DD Bharati
Daily at: 12 pm and 7 pm
The film revolves around Billa (Rajinikanth), a feared Mafia
CHANAKYA don in Madras, who is fatally wounded during an encounter
with the police. Wanting to uncover Billa’s accomplices, the
The series is fictionalised police commissioner Alexander (K Balaji) trains a lookalike
version of the life-history village bumpkin Rajappa (also Rajinikanth) to pose as Billa
of economist, strategist and infiltrate the gang. The rest of the film deals with how
and political theorist, Rajappa learns more about Billa’s gang, and
Chanakya, who was also tries to get all of them arrested.
UPANISHAD GANGA the royal advisor of King
The show shares the knowledge of Chandragupta Maurya. Cast: Rajinikanth,
“Upanishads” explaining its meaning K Balaji, Thengai
Cast: Chandraprakash Srinivasan,
in the modern context through stories. Dwivedi, Dinesh Shakul, YAARE KOOGADALI (KANNADA)
Manorama, Sripriya,
Cast: Dwaraka Prasad Surendra Pal Two friends escape from a mental hospital and move to the city. Reena Roy and Major
Watch on: DD Bharati Watch on: DD National Soon they are chased by a gangster while their actual truth is Sundarrajan
Daily at: 6 pm Daily at: 5 pm
Cast: Puneet Raj Kumar, Bhavana
Mail us:
18 04 2020 3
s the manicures wear off stasy or almost maniacal hap- This is the first time I have too shall pass. everything? How long will I be
and the toes alarmingly piness, to a fear that we may seen the famous Indian resolve. Having a good laugh with the wary and petrified of coming
look the way that nature never be able to get out or touch We are a race that believes in ‘never say die’ g eriatric into contact with other people?
intended them to, and the anything! the concept of dharma and kar- twosome always puts me in a I am such a ‘touchy feely’
joys of experimenting with ex- After having numerous con- ma and somehow, that is very good mood. I can then truly see type of person. Not hugging
otic looking dishes wears thin, versations with people from all re-assuring. I find myself seek- the humour behind the and distancing myself
the ladies of Bangalore have age groups, I’ve come to the ing out the company (telephon- ‘lockdown woes’. Some aunties seems like a punishment.
started to protest! There is a conclusion that a majority of ically, of course) of the older who never failed to tell me, ‘’I We talk of a ‘new normal’. Ex-
veritable clamour to get back them aren’t very clear about generation whose resolve, pa- really don’t know how you actly what will that be? Or do
the bevy of ‘mother’s little what they want to do after the tience and logic has so much can socialise so much Rubi! we just figure it out as
helpers’! Well-heeled ladies lockdown is lifted. People who meaning. My 86-year-old uncle I’m such a homebody... for me, we go along?
have started a protest in their are in business are putting on who lives in Jaipur and my it is just my home and family’, While we mourn the loss of
respective buildings and socie- either a brave or a nonchalant friend’s 90-year-old father who seem to be the ones having our familiar lifestyle afraid we
ties, who have banned their en- face, especially since our gov- lives in Delhi instill in me a the hardest time staying at ‘might’ die, there are hundreds
try. It’s only been three weeks ernment is conveniently vague type of strength that is almost home! They are pining to meet who are dying in our country.
and that’s not a really long time about their plans on how to re- inexplicable! They often talk of up with each other, conduct We are all concerned about our
in one’s life, but this social and vive the economy. Barclays had the resilience of the human and diseases that occur every through all this, they assure beauty and singing competi- survival. But today, let us be
physical distancing has left a initially estimated India’s GDP race, the re-occurrence of pan- century, the horrors of war, me, we get to see the greatest tions and generally deck up in grateful to have survived yet
feeling of depression and rest- growth at 2.5 per cent for 2020 demic-proportioned disasters famine and pestilence. But acts of sacrifice, courage and their best silk sarees. Every- another day.
By The
● Express Features
ver the last 15 days,
Nisha Jain Doshi has
spent many afternoons
– when she might have
otherwise taken a siesta – and
several late nights creating
Birthday girl art. Struck by the current
Aindrita Ray might have outbreak and its consequenc-
es, Doshi has done some intri-
celebrated her birthday in
cate sand art, which depicts
lockdown but not with- the scenario. While the first
out her industry friends slide depicts a happy family,
making it special for her. the second portrays foreign
attributes. “In the harder work- age groups. She realised her Every day, Doshi tion,” she says, adding,
ike everything else outs, we showcase advanced potential when she partici- took out two-and-a- “ Yo u cannot
during this lock- skills such as quick and double pated in a competition among half hours away allow any sand to
Dance like JLo down, football as we turns, ball retrieval, etc. We members of her community from family and splutter. Even a
know it has also have advised students who are where she went on to win the her young chil- grain here and
Guess who is the newbie come to a halt, leav- unable to perform this to stick all-India level competition. dren to work on there is caught
to join TikTok? Actor ing young talents to the basic skill workouts and “Every time there’s been a this DIY project. in a live
Shubra Aiyappa joined the with no options to train. BOCA to gradually move to the en- situation, I’ve expressed my Creating minute recording.”
platform with a bang. She Juniors India, the local chapter hanced versions over a period
of Argentina Club Atletico of time,” he says, adding that
put up a video showing her Boca Juniors, is now bringing while a few trial runs featuring
dance moves on Jennifer about an alternative with home students were under the works, also be told in sign language.
Lopez’s Superbowl dance ● Express Features
workouts and skill-based chal- a complete live session is set to The storytellers include B
performance. “Goofing lenges on their YouTube chan- be held on April 18. Jayashri (Kannada), Ratna
goes online W
around with my first tik nel. CEO and founder Sunanda The series is free for all. Das ondering how to keep Pathak Shah (English), Arund-
tok . And It had to be for Das states that the exercises states that while on-field train- your child occupied dur- hati Nag (Kannada and Eng-
my forever idol @jlo,” she under the ‘Home Workout Se- ing is on a pause, keeping ing the extended lock- lish), MD Pallavi (Kannada and
ries’ are divided into various young talents engaged is cru- down? City-based Ranga English) and Padmavati Rao
captioned the video stages. “We make it a bit in- cial in order to keep their skills Shankara might be able to help (Hindi and English).
on Instagram. tense. We have uploaded 15 vid- intact. “We’ll have regular ses- you. The theatre space’s story- “Today, more than ever be-
eos in the series, each training sions with kids every week. We telling programme goes digital fore, as we look into the way we
is around 4 - 6 minutes and is are also looking to hold sessions
We have uploaded 15 with 22 stories in six languages have conducted our lives and
broken into four parts. We start with professional players from videos, each training by 15 of the country’s renowned the kind of world we are going
with warm-up and guidelines to the UK and Argentina, where is around 4-6 minutes. theatre artistes. The programme to bequeath to the little ones,
follow, before we move on to fit- the kids get an opportunity to in- We start with warm- will be streamed every day for 10 we need to share with them sto-
ness exercises and ball-skills,” teract with the players,” he says, days on Ranga Shankara’s You- ries. Stories that will enlarge
says Das, adding that while the adding that the academy also
up and guidelines to Tube channel, starting April 18. their sense of self sufficiency,
workouts were initially only for plans to enforce new rules once follow, before we move There will be two stories every respect for others, sense of jus-
the academy students, shortly the on-field training resumes. on to fitness exercises morning, at 11 am and 11.20 am. tice, sharing, caring and many
after its first release, it was “There will be a no-contact rule and ball-skills The stories are for children more ways to negotiate and
made accessible to all. for a month or two, which means in the age group 3 to 6 years and shape the different world
Das emphasises that small we’ll practise long-shooting and
– Sunanda Das, CEO, above 6. Besides content in ahead,” says Arundhati Nag,
BOCA Juniors India
touches, ball control/master- passing, keeping the safety Ratna Pathak Shah will be Kannada, English, Hindi, Ta- artistic advisor of Ranga
ing, reaction and movement, guidelines in mind,” he says. one of the storytellers mil and Bengali, stories will Shankara.
finally out and reviews appear to reative Assembly’s Total games has been streamlined
be conclusive that it was worth the War series has always without losing too much depth,
wait. Half-Life is one of the greatest been known for its com- and the overall result is a game
games of all time, and this The Last of Us Part II mitment to providing a where you’ll be engaging in
Everything is
deep strategic historical simula- sweeping campaigns or deft di-
labour of love looks like it’s well No industry has been left unaffected by tion. So, when they announced plomacy much more than star-
worth exploring. the coronavirus, and The Last of Us Part they were doing a Warhammer- ing at menu after menu.
awesome in
II is probably the highest-profile game themed Total War, many people It also deserves mentioning
did a spit-take; but that proved that Three Kingdoms is an abso-
to be delayed by the outbreak (so far!). to be one of the best Total War lutely stunning game. This is
Total War
Disappointing, as the game was at the games in years. Now, they’re re- one of the best-looking games
top of most people’s 2020 lists, but the turning to historical themes — I’ve played recently, and the
specifically, ancient China — overall presentation is nothing
announcement did also say that the with Three Kingdoms. short of jaw-dropping at times.
game was largely done, so also As the name suggests, Total The sound design, the music,
reason to be optimistic. War: Three Kingdoms is based the artistic touches — this is a
on the famous Romance of the titanic duels, calling on RPG- nasty is teetering on the brink example, seeks to unify the rem- game that you want to be look-
Three Kingdoms. Now, you can esque abilities in the process. of collapse. You will take on the nants of the Han Empire, Cao ing at and listening to. So there
Doom Eternal choose to play this game in two Records of the Three Kingdoms role of one of the historical Cao excels at intrigue and ma- you have it — Total War: Three
If you’re stuck at home, what better way to vent ways — either ‘Romance of the offers a more realistic take on leaders of the time, and are nipulating his rivals into costly Kingdoms is a masterpiece. For-
Three Kingdoms’ or ‘Records of history, and a much more tradi- tasked with either assimilating wars with each other, and Lü get being one of the best strate-
some of your frustration than to rip and tear the Three Kingdoms’. In Ro- tional Total War experience; or conquering all other factions Bu…well, nobody wants to mess gy games around (although it is
through hordes of hellspawned demons? Doom mance mode, everything’s just a however, I’m only going to be in order to unify China under with Lü Bu. No matter how you’d certainly that!), it’s one of the
Eternal shot to the top of most-played lists bit larger than life — your gener- talking about the Romance mode your rule. like to play Three Kingdoms, best games around, period.
als are fearsome warriors in bat- today, as I believe that’s where Each playable character fea- there’s probably a leader who of- Don’t be put off by the complex-
everywhere when it released recently; the fact tle, capable of taking on entire Three Kingdoms truly shines. tures a personality and play- fers you that path; which is a ity of the franchise — of all of
that the game’s pure unabashed fun certainly enemy units by themselves; or The game begins in 190 AD, style tailored to match their his- very nice way to kick things off. them, this is the Total War game
didn’t hurt either. engaging opposing generals in when the once-glorious Han dy- torical selves — Liu Bei, for Once you start the game, you’ll you should try.
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18 04 2020 4
● CE Features
usic director Charan Raj has
finished composing Salaga’s
background score, and is left
with two more days of work.
“The particular episode, which
comes in the climax portions, re-
quires live recording and instrumen-
tal music. I am waiting for the lock-
down period to get over to bring in a
few musicians,” says Charan, who
has no second thoughts about giving
credit to director-actor Duniya Vijay
for triggering a new approach. While
Salaga is an action-based subject, the
background score comes with a folk
flavour which blends in tribal
rhythm such as the Siddii music.
“The treatment is unusual. The idea
was given by Vijay sir, to bring these
elements, and that’s how I got
evolved. This folk theme is new to me
too, and I had to learn since it was
coming from the director himself,
who allowed me to try out something
fresh,” he says.
The song, Suri Anna, is already a
huge success and the makers are yet
to release two more tracks. “The Sid- Salaga is an
dii theme song, sung by members of action-based
the tribe, is sprinkled through vari- subject, the
ous part of the film. It has interesting
placements,” says Charan.
According to the music director, score comes
Series: Four More Shots Please! though the subject has high energy with a folk
moments, equal importance has been flavour
Season 2
mood of easy tranquility (Nupur see Sidhi on stage, she’s ranting tures Sanjana Anand playing the fe-
here are a few step Asthana has replaced Anu Menon angrily at her parents — a sudden male lead, while Dhananjay will be — Charan Raj,
changes in Four More as director). Yet, once the gang re- (and humourless) leap that sullies seen as a cop. music director
Shots Please! Season 2 turns to Mumbai, the frantic old her inward growth as a performer.
worth pointing out. ways kick in. “You know what’s Conversely, Anjana’s clashes with
‘’ is Deja Chu, right?” Anjana beams in her boss are abandoned for a more
an arc. Beyond that, though, the workplace held the spotlight in Sea- too distracted to follow them rikona, directed by Chandra-
wins are scant. When it launched son 1. While she continues to work through. kanth, has been made in three
last year on Amazon Prime, the on a book, and later strug- Writers Devika Bha- languages — Kannada, Tamil
show was pulled up for its superfi- gles to have it published, gat and Ishita Moitra and Telugu — and the team is
cial investment in the journeys of her friends get an equally Director: (dialogues) take in a lot. working towards releasing it on the
four flawed women in Mumbai. The rounded look. Sidhi dis- Nupur Asthana The show checks off OTT platform. Distributors from
new season, though condensed and covers standup comedy Cast: polyamory, ‘antinatal- Chennai are currently in discussion
streamlined, is more of the same, and, after some reluc- ism’, abortion, gay mar- with the streaming channel. “If all
Maanvi Gagroo, Sayani
touching upon the hang-ups and en- tance, takes to it enthusi- riage. While the emo- works in terms of commercials, we
Gupta, Kirti Kulhari,
tanglements of its female protago- astically. Anjana, already tional undercurrent is will soon go digital. Otherwise, we
nists without exploring them in a senior associate at her
Bani J are looking forward to hitting thea-
strong, the handling is
depth. law firm, refuses to play Streaming on : evasive — tidbits of top- tres, as and when the theatres are
The story so far had concluded ball with her sexist boss. Amazon Prime icality to be strewn opened,” says producer B R Rajshek-
with the girls — Umang, Siddhi Umang patches up with along the way. More en- ar, who has written the story as well
(Maanvi Gangroo), Anjana (Kirti Samara and inspires her RATING gaging are the lighter as bankrolled the film in the three
Kulhari), and Damini (Sayani Gup- to come out; the instant notes: Simone Singh’s languages. The subject line of Triko-
ta) — laying into each other and hit- public embrace of their domineering mother na deals with death, anger, ego, and
ting all manners of rock bottom. relationship is unreal, but 2/5 now a giggling chum; human patience. The film consists of
Umang’s relationship with film star it leads to new opportuni- Milind Sonam and an interesting cast including senior
Samara Kapoor (Lisa Ray) was ties for the driven fitness Prateik Babbar slugging actors Lakshmi, Achyuth Kumar,
rocked; Siddhi’s cam-world adven- coach. it out near the end. Suresh Heblikar and Sudharani.
tures boomeranged shockingly; An- Winningly, the actors make the Late into the show, the girls are Chandrakanth, who has directed films
jana crashed her car with her most of this added bandwidth. in Udaipur, practicing for Umang’s like Barfi, Parole and Amruthavani,
daughter in it and Damini reached Maanvi brings a nervous excitabil- sangeet. We see them in their has come with three different screen-
the topmost step of journalistic am- ity to her emerging comic. “My life night suits, with Sidhi leading the plays for Trikona. Each version has a
bition: unemployment. is so privileged,” Siddhi confesses steps. They dance, talk about boys different technical crew as well.
The new season kicks off two at one point. “How will I get my ma- and finally collapse on the bed. “I “The film’s first copy is ready and
months after, with Siddhi drunk- terial?” In response, her friends need some wine,” one frets. “I even the censor board had given us a
calling her friends from Istanbul. point her to the various themes at could do with a pizza,” another date, but due to the corona pandemic,
They regroup and reach out — only her disposal: virginity, body sham- suggests. “Should we order?” we couldn’t proceed further. We are
to find she’s set it all up. Still, the ing, troubles with mom. She melds Four More Shots Please! has al- okay getting our film released on
Bosphorus looks pretty and they fi- them into an engaging set later on, ways been a cheery sleepover. Too OTT platform or in theatres, depend-
nally get a chance to make amends. culminating in the most heartfelt bad it comes of age this far into the A still from the film ing on which clicks first,” the
It’s a mature, soothing start, with a five minutes of this show. ride. producer adds.
iven the vast amount of terror- Bond films. but potent moments of poignancy
ism-based fiction out there on What actually sets Fauda apart amid all the action, and it mostly has
the digital space, it is a chal- from similar work is its focus on fam- to do with a recurrent theme that
lenge for a writer to come up ilies, on both sides. The bad guys are runs throughout the series -- the
with fresh material. Fauda, the Is- not depicted as the mysterious, one- bond between fathers and sons, of
raeli series made for Netflix, has dimensional terrorists that we usu- which we see variations in all three
enough ‘fauda’ (chaos) -- both inter- ally see. It’s their actions that make seasons. The primary conflict of sea-
nal and external -- to warrant each of them menacing, not their appearanc- son 2 arose from sons avenging their
its 12 episode-long seasons. The third es. Each of the main villains in Fau- fathers. In season 3, we see sons who
season premiered on Thursday, and da carries a distinct personality. We don’t want to be like their fathers.
maintains the tempo established in also get to see their fathers, mothers, One father deals with multiple con-
the first two. wives, children, in addition to all flicts: Struggling to adjust to society
Starring Lior Raz as an Israeli De- their shortcomings. after a long stretch in prison, resist-
fence Forces operative, Fauda was We get a similar picture of the ing the urge to go back to his old
created by himself and good guys too. There is a constant ways, and keeping his son out of
Avi Issacharoff. The fact struggle to maintain a work-family harm’s way. On the other side, we
that Lior was a former Is- Created by : balance and not be influenced by have Boron making attempts to re-
raeli commando in real Lior Raz and Avi emotions in the line of duty. Both the claim the bond with his now-es-
life and Avi, a journalist, Issacharoff good and bad guys have to deal with tranged son.
lends the series a Paul Starring : the after-effects of decisions made However, as consistently engaging
Greengrass-level of verisi- when logic takes a back seat. It re- as the series is, one can’t help but feel
Lior Raz, Itzik Cohen,
militude and sense of ur- Series: Fauda (Season 3) minds me of that line M says to Bond a sense of deja vu creeping in from
g e n c y. A d d i n g m o r e
Tzachi Halevy, Rona-Lee
in Casino Royale about being dispas- time to time. Perhaps it has to do with
weight is the fact that Lior Shim’on sionate; it is a quality Boron hasn’t the cyclical nature of revenge. Aside
has experienced a person- Streaming on : Michael Bay’s 6 Under- tive named Abu Ahmad aka The Pan- There have been severe casualties quite mastered. from the similar openings of season 1
al tragedy similar to what Netflix ground, also backed by ther, who was supposed to have died on both sides, and Boron has gone The women in Fauda get as much and season 3, we also occasionally get
his character Boron Kavil- Netflix. at Boron’s hands, is still alive. When through enough to put him close to importance as the men, and interest- situations which feel like remakes of
lio endures in Fauda. A RATING The first season of Fau- Boron and team go undercover and Daniel Craig’s James Bond in the ingly, it’s the bad guys who have few- similar scenes in previous episodes.
former bodyguard of Ar- da began with Boron be- infiltrate the wedding of Ahmad’s brooding department. The Bond sim- er relationship problems. Boron has But the raised stakes and considera-
nold Schwarzenegger, you ing pulled out of retire- son to get him, it sets off a chain of ilarity doesn’t end there. While his a tendency to be absent for long peri- bly amped up tension make Fauda
may also know Lior from 3.5/5 ment after his superiors events with repercussions that last physique may intimidate, Boron has ods, and season 1 had his wife get in- worth watching. As they say, why fix
playing the main baddie in learn that a Hamas opera- for three seasons. enough charm for women. Also, the timate with his team member. So, it’s something that ain’t broken.