Vault - Gates of Immortality

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Gates of Immortality

CR E AT E D BY Chrystian Rissoli

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse,
Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War,
Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles
of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist:
The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™,
Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trademarks or registered trade-
marks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.

PROPERTY® Copyright© 2022 Paradox Interactive AB (publ). All rights reserved.


Introduction 6

Chapter Number: Protecting Yourself 8

Chapter Two: Havens and Lairs 20
Chapter Three: Resources and Possibilities 52
Manual of Protection 58
Society of Traders 65

The Builders 69

Wardens of the Hidden 73

Alliances of the Night 77

Loresheets 83

"I'd rather draw than talk. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies."

In all eternity, you will not see an immortal who has spent his years without
even having access to a haven. A house, a home or simply "refuge" is nothing
more, nothing less than our greatest protection. While humans can sleep on the
streets if necessary, only an extremely skilled Nosferatu would be capable of
such a task, and even then, they would take serious risks.
It is impossible for you to survive if there is no place for you to hide. Your
refuge doesn't have to be a big house! The reality is different: you can hide in
cemeteries or necropolises (as the Cappadocians did in ancient times), in aban-
doned cinemas (as some Caitiff do), in empty parks or parking lots (as some
Sabbat did in New York), what matters is whether or not you are protected.
A refuge is not always just a small house or territory. Some refuges bor-
der neighborhoods! A vampire with a large enough domain might call it her
haven, but the biggest problem with this is that as a grand house, cleaning it
of dirt will take time and effort. At some point, the immortal owner of a large
territory will not have the strength to deal with invaders, let alone correct his
personal problems.
Choosing a small domain is also an ingenious decision, however you won't
have openings for large strategic points that will help you when it's time to
escape, if necessary. Any change, intention or planning you have with a home
will be subtly important when you need it most. The absence of any resource
that has it will make complete difference to your refuge. Don't forget that we
are immortal, but a mistake and "plaft"! It's all over.
No matter how you want it, you need to plan. From now on, you will know
the advantages and disadvantages of each refuge specimen. And soon, you'll
have time to study which one you prefer.

Welcome to Gates of Immortality.

Gates of Immortality: The Handbook of Havens is an expansion for Vam-
pire: the Masquerade, which provides all the tools you need to create your
havens in any domain you think is interesting. Even if you don't have a chosen
city to be portrayed in Vampire, you can change the details, location names,
traps, political affiliations, and more. This book encourages you to use it in
your world for Vampire: the Masquerade.
It is likely that you are thinking about deciding what your refuge will look
like. First of all, let's remember what the "Haven" background looks like in
Vampire: the Masquerade, 5th.

Your Haven; Your Life


Chapter One:

A haven is for the immortal, a mortal's bulletproof vest.

I could spend a few hours describing the need for a haven, ever, can still have a perfectly reasonable haven as long as they
but it would add nothing if I didn't teach you how to actually have this Background. For instance, a character might not
create your haven. In times of inquisition, a perfect choice is have enough money to afford a 20-room Victorian mansion in
not enough, the plans you have for your refuge will be incred- today’s economy, but if their great-grandmother left them one
ibly necessary for everything to go as we want. that had been fully paid for, there’s no reason they can’t remain
However, I know I will need to remind you of what we in residence as it slowly dilapidates.
are capable of. It's likely that it's been some time since you've Base ratings in Haven abstract the haven’s size, security, and
learned the basics and you don't even remember the conditions privacy. All of those factors affect the chance of spotting, pen-
our immortality provides. Follow me, meet your Haven. etrating, and surveilling the vampire’s actual resting place. For
each dot of base Haven rating, add one per dot to dice pools to
Haven notice danger.
Like all Backgrounds, the Haven Background is entirely op- Kindred know their havens intimately. For each dot of base
tional. A vampire with no dots in Haven has a suicide’s grave, Haven rating, add one per dot to dice pools to notice danger
a room in an abandoned motel, a rented office, or an apart- (including awakening rolls, p. 219 from Vampire: the Masquer-
ment with windows blacked out with plastic bags. They can ade Corebook) while in your haven. base haven
still remain safe and hidden by day in this relatively small and
insecure haven by default. BASE HAVEN
The Storyteller may allow a player character to default a ■ Flaw: (•) No Haven. You must go to some effort (at least a basic
somewhat better haven from another Background such as Re- test) to find a new resting place every morning.
sources, Status, or Influence. Of course, if those Backgrounds
go away, so does the character’s nice haven. • Small haven, but more secure and private
A character with none of those other Backgrounds, how- than the default. Examples: basement
Your Haven; Your Life

apartment, crypt, locked storeroom in a • Hidden Armory: Each dot in this Merit
warehouse. adds a stand of arms to your haven’s
•• Good size, security, or privacy. Examples: a supply: one pistol and one long firearm,
single family home or row house, wolf en with ammunition. They are as secure from
closure at the zoo, branch sewer tunnel. discovery as your resting place.
••• Very large, secure, or private. Examples: a
countryside house, a bank building, • Cell: Your haven has a dedicated, locked
a decommissioned subway station. place to store two prisoners, with a base
Difficulty to escape of 5. Each extra dot
HAVEN MERITS AND FLAWS either allows you to store twice as many
You can add Merits and Flaws to your Haven prisoners (up to a maximum of 32, only in
if you wish. They stack with the base Haven rating very large havens) or adds +1 to the escape
to produce the total dots in this Background for Difficulty. This Merit is not available in
projects and other uses. small havens.
Remember, you can make Haven a shared Back-
ground among your coterie – easily the best way to • Watchmen: You have either private secu
afford a Haven with lots of features. rity or criminal thugs guarding your haven.
Each dot of this Merit supplies four Aver
■ Flaw: (••) Compromised. Your haven has been age guards and one Gifted boss (see Mortal
raided once before, perhaps before it was yours. It Templates, p. 185). If guards would be con-
probably appears on someone’s watchlist. Invaders or spicuous here, buy this Merit cautiously.
spies can add two dice to their pool to penetrate or
surveil your haven. If you ever do get on the Inquisi- • Laboratory: Your haven has an equipped
tion’s radar, you should think about moving out. laboratory with a dedicated industrial
sink, gas jet, reinforced floor, etc. Each
■ Flaw: (•) Creepy. Your haven looks like the den of dot of this Merit adds one to the dice
a serial killer, which in fairness is probably exactly pool for rolls related to one Science or
what it is. Unknowing neighbors might phone in a tip Technology specialty or to Alchemy dice
to the cops or just talk about the creepy place they pools for thin-bloods using the Fixatio
saw. Your dice pools on Social tests to seduce or method (p. 284). This Merit is not available
otherwise put human guests at ease are at a two-dice in small havens.
• Library: Your Haven has a dedicated
■ Flaw: (•) Haunted. Your haven has a supernatural library on the occult, Cainite legends, city
manifestation in it that you do not control or really history, vampire lore, or the like. Each dot
even understand. It might just have a ghost, but a of this Merit adds one to the dice pool for
Haunted haven could hold a dimensional portal, a research rolls for one Academics, Investiga
cursed meteorite, or anything else you can’t get rid tion, or Occult specialty. Small havens
of. Obviously, someone who does understand the limit this Merit to a maximum of one dot.
manifestation could use it to breach your haven’s
security. The Storyteller defines any other effect of • Location: Your haven nestles in one of the
the haunting, imposing at least a one-die penalty to most fashionable or otherwise exclusive
affected pools used in the haven per dot of Haunted areas of the city, in the Rack, on a small
taken as a Flaw. island, or otherwise in a prime spot. Add
two dice (or +2 to foes’ Difficulty) to bo-


nuses on the relevant die rolls from either pool to resist supernatural scrying, as well
Chasse (p. 195) or from your base Haven as whatever other entry the Storyteller
rating (pick one). If neither modifier allows it to prevent. The Storyteller may
precisely maps to what you have in mind, require you to possess Occult 3 or better,
work out with your Storyteller when you or Blood Sorcery, to buy this Merit.
can expect a two-dice bonus to occur. For
example, a Haven close to Elysium might NEW HAVEN MERITS AND FLAWS
grant a two-dice bonus to Etiquette tests • Labyrinth: Your haven possesses a maze,
in Elysium and on tests to pick up on court is large enough to accommodate multiple
gossip. rooms, or you have created illusions that
to leave one room and go to another. Natu-
• Luxury: High-definition flat screens, ral or supernatural, this makes it difficult
designer furniture, objets d’art, or other for opponents to enter your haven. For
expensive details give you a two-dice bonus each point in this Merit, increase by one
to Social tests dealing with mortal guests turn the time it takes an opponent to leave
in your haven. If you don’t have at least one room and go to another, or walk
three dots of Resources (•••), your décor around the house and find you (Story-
was gained illegally. teller's discretion). Many people can be lost
in your haven. This Merit is not available in
• Postern: Your Haven has a rear exit, secret small havens.
tunnel, grating in the cellar leading into
the sewers, or other unobtrusive way out. • Blood Stock: Your haven has a supply of
For each dot of this Merit, add one die to blood. This stock can be for study purpos-
your dice pools to evade or escape surveil es, food, or anything else. With this stock,
lance near your haven. you are able to keep yourself fed for a num-
ber of days equal to your purchased score
• Security System: Your haven has a better- without any problems. This stock needs to
than-average security system. For each be replenished regularly to maintain us-
dot in this Merit, add one die to your dice ability, but it's a fact that the more points
pool to resist (or alert you to) unauthorized invested, the better your "blood cellar".
entry into your haven. Maybe you keep the blood in bags, in a
cooler, maybe you keep it in barrels out
• Surgery: Your haven has one room doors, or maybe you have humans trapped
equipped as a field surgery or better. Add there. Their stock is usually descended
two dice to relevant dice pools, generally from human or animal blood. At the
Medicine, for tests performed in your Storyteller's discretion, the supernatural
haven. This Merit is not available in small blood of vampires or other creatures may
havens. apply.

• Warding: Your haven possesses some kind • Reinforcement: your haven is reinforced
of magical ward barring supernatural with some hyper resistant material in a
forces. You may not be able to de activate room or more, which allows or hinders
it, but it allows you to pass. Discuss the the entry of invaders. You may have con-
limits of your ward with the Storyteller. creted the walls, maybe you have sandbags
Each dot of this Merit adds one to the dice lying around, or metal doors. Any feature

works! For each point invested in this Mer your haven and at some point you made a big deal
it, invaders lose one die to any attempt that partially compromised everything you have. Per-
to destroy your/a haven (maximum of 5). haps you have "Fame" as a Background, have proven
The more points also means that most of yourself to be too rich, or are simply known as "the
your haven has been reinforced, with one rich neighbor" (in some cases, "the neighbor who
point representing just a room or two and makes strange noises"). This is enough to bring you
five points representing the maximum pos- unnecessary attention, even if they don't know about
sible applicable. It is not possible to pur your true identity. You are constantly being watched
chase this Merit with more than two by your neighbors due to this feat.
points for small havens.
■ Flaw: (•) Stolen Refuge. Your haven was never
• Informative Room: you have allocated a truly yours. You stole (or gained) it unfairly or justly
small room in your Haven that contains from an immortal. However, the town's vampires
information about something or some didn't like the news and even if they don't know
place capable of assisting you in any where you live, word got out. Now you're an asshole
investigation pertaining to your city. With and a coward for doing this. In any Social interaction
this Merit, each time you manage to gather with immortals who know your history, roll two dice
information relevant to the target of your as a penalty. Taking this Flaw doesn't mean you need
investigation, any roll related to your the "Fame" Background, as the only reason you're
objective has an amount of extra dice equal disliked is because you stole the haven. Returning it
to the score spent on that Trait. The Sto- or protesting a favor to the Domain's former owner
ryteller is the final arbiter as to the limita- can calm tempers.
tions of your investigation.
Knowing the Rules.
Great, now your memory is fresh and knowing
■ Flaw: (••) Desired. Your haven is strictly desired that, we can move on to the rules or what I call the
by some group of mortals or supernatural creatures "Laws of Refuges". However, this is my teaching and
(usually vampires). Something you keep inside it or other Cainites may seek different feats. The main
have unintentionally exposed it has gotten unwanted merit between me and them is that my tactics work.
attention. Now, there is a conspiracy to invade your
haven or maybe even take it from you. YOUR TEMPLE, YOUR HOME
You heard right, your refuge is your temple
■ Flaw: (••) Visited. You made the mistake of opening and your home. Don't allow any snooper to enter
the doors of your haven to someone who hoped to it without first knowing 1/4 of the subject's life! In
have a modicum of common sense, and now, your modern nights, one slur is enough to wake you up
home is constantly frequented by authority figures in a nightmare of fire and sleep forever in ashes.
like vampires and high-ranking mortals. Your haven After these teachings that I'm going to give you,
isn't compromised by enemies (yet), but most of the you'll notice that many immortals will boycott or at
city's immortal society (not all!) knows where you live least pay attention to the possessions you have. Your
and every now and then there's a knock on your door haven is your primary means of defense and those
to talk to you. For one thing, this Flaw symbolizes who don't want you alive (even if you don't know it)
that only specific Cainites know of their haven (such will make a minimal effort to destroy it. Know, too,
as Harpy, Sheriff, or Prince). that a well-made haven will attract attention in the
city, and it won't take more than a Coterie of two
■ Flaw: (••) Famous. You weren't careful in exposing or three Neophytes to partially destroy what you


took years to build. Understand: the less you care about one of the
Never give the location of your main refuge to most important environments in your unlife, the
someone you don't trust with your life. Never make more you don't realize your own mistakes. A piece
appointments at your haven unless absolutely nec- of furniture dragged here and there may be enough
essary. If the Harpy or any other asshole finds out, to save your skin and realize that your haven has
great! His merit. But they won't find out for you, been invaded. While you keep a mess, it's impossible
big mouth. to notice unless your stuff is strategically placed. If
that's the case, shut my tongue.
I bet you once walked into your house and CLOSER PORTRAIT OF "ME"?
noticed that everything was It is not enough to have power in hand
extremely messy or poorly to meet a man. It is necessary to
maintained. Think hard understand his
about it! I often say that place. In many
a careless retreat is a step cases, you will
towards death. be invited
to the
havens of
other vam-

pires. It happens because most of them didn't have I know, sounds weird, doesn't it? You will under-
my teachings and don't even believe that all my stand. A refuge is just the obvious: if you get caught,
paranoia has some value. This is your time to act! A there's nowhere to run. And everything that hap-
haven dictates exactly the psyche of an immortal. pens will define the consequences of that refuge. I
You've probably heard that men with power once had a compromised refuge, in Paris. I could
show their true colors. It is true, partially. A vam- never use it again and had to flee the city because
pire with power tends to hide his true face or he it was the only one I kept for myself. One of my
dies. Most of the time, what you see of the facet of favorites! Artistic as ever. Unfortunately, he gave
a Sheriff, a Prince or anyone else is just a cloth that away too much information about who I was, and
hides all the behavior behind that face. Only in rare it didn't take me more than forty years to return to
cases, a vampire is one hundred percent what he the city to find that all the hunters who broke into
says he is. my house had died.
Before the Calling (Beckoning, as I call), my As much as you think "but Tutor! I need to
Creator used to say that vampires of the Middle invest my time and resources in the refuge. How
Ages were extremely honorable in this regard and could I distribute attention between more than one
generally came true even if it cost them honor and place?!" and I'll tell you: I don't know, turn around.
eternity. You'd probably know when an immortal You own your time and you'll probably have to
would be terribly evil and he wouldn't make a point learn to manage it well if you want to survive the
of hiding it. In modern nights, it takes cunning, modern nights. Always create between two or three
everything has changed a lot. refuges. Two options is good, three is ideal, and four
Your personality is completely imprinted there, is unnecessary.
physically. You will often be able to determine the I won't be a liar, there's a silver lining to hav-
age, tastes, fears and even Clan of the wretch by ing a single refuge: he'll be fully equipped with
analyzing your belongings. As I know well about everything he's got. It is in this strategy that many
refuges, I can even say when a place is an act and vampires are trapped, but they do not work once a
believe me: many Barons and Princes never present Harpy knows where he lives and who he lives with.
their refuge. If you were invited to one, it was prob- So, you can prioritize quality or quantity. I would
ably fake. say to be "middle ground" and not the "do or die"
An immortal often worries about leaving the kind of decision.
haven as he wants. As simple as it is, even if you go Before teaching you the next lessons, be care-
into the depths of a Nosferatu, there will be objects, ful. If you create multiple hideouts, you will always
marks and traces on how to understand that im- leave a trace of your personality there. Make sure
mortal's mentality. In all my one hundred and fifty- that only one refuge reflects your psyche. While
two years, I've known only one Cainite who was an there are adept readers of human behavior and we
expert at this, and much of what I know today is vampires never let our mortal behaviors down, you
thanks to him. Vampires forget that personality is must mitigate the odds against you. Pay, if possible,
not linked to attitudes (as we are very good at hid- someone to create the refuge for you and follow
ing that), but to memories. the entire process. Then make sure you have all the
information about your address and kill the victim.
NEVER FOCUS ON A SINGLE OPTION If you think I'm being too paranoid, that's your
I thought this was obvious, but I need to exem- problem.
plify so you, empty-headed, don't forget that all
eggs in one basket are probably a risk to take. Never FORGET YOUR MORTAL LIFE
have a single haven, but never have more than three It's like you're not even paying attention to what
havens. I'm saying, you idiot. Under no circumstances bring


a family member, friend or anything that makes 1. Where is yout haven? (Set up the District)
you believe that humanity is still worth fighting for 2. Why did you choose this place? What's his size?
to your home. You are no hero or friend to anyone! 3. What group of mortals frequents this place?
If you don't want your haven to be visited by im- 4. What's the history of the place?
mortals, forget these people exist and if you have 5. Where are the former mortal owners?
any decency, don't even visit their homes. 6. What regional (neighborhood/district) escape routes
I know. The pain that shakes our hearts by do you have as possibilities?
distancing us from our loved ones is so great that 7. What resources can you use in an emergency? (Op-
we often get carried away by the kindness and af- tional).
fection we have for them. Do not be silly! Vampires 8. If necessary, can you count on the assistance of mor-
watch all the time. Worse than immortals, hunters tals in the region?
will always be on your tail. If you're an easy target, 9. Are there any local protectors? (Police, criminals,
imagine them. If you want to contact them, do it gangs, etc.).
in safe places. Not in your home, not in their home, 10. What are the biggest challenge in the region in which
never in risky situations where their lives can be you chose to live? (Optional).
put to the test. 11. How much will it cost you to have this refuge? This
question may be in relation to your Resources,
Composing Your Work. Mawla, Influence, Domain, Contacts, Allies, etc. It is
I hope the lessons have stuck in your hollow optional as it may or may not cost you something.
head. I need to teach you where to start to formal- 12. Once you've determined the location, determine the
ize your refuge. Whenever you think about creating building. Is it a mansion? A building? An attic or base-
a new one, you'll remember this little "list" of ques- ment? Is it in the sewers?
tions or affirmations I'm going to ask. They will be
of great help. You'll thank me later. SUPERNATURAL
Though less common, the supernatural is just
LOCATION as important as locality. It is necessary to know if
The "location" is the first category that will help that place is a Domain of another Kindred because
you define how important your place of refuge is. you may have to answer to that Cainite. Or it could
Learn that everything must be taken into account, be worse! His haven could have been the home of
everything! The streets you will visit, local security, a family of hunters or even a werewolf pack. Know
who visits your neighborhood or region, what is the the history, as I said! Know the reasons why your
history there, what escape routes you have inside hideaway will attract attention. This is strictly
and outside the refuge, the size, reason for choosing necessary.
and even the owners are extremely important to The supernatural is one of the most complicated
know. You need to know everything around you. questions because we are not always adept enough
In any information you collect, you will need to answer such questions, but answer what you can
to measure how relevant it is. Know, however, that and what you can. It is necessary to understand how
there is no perfect getaway! There will always be this refuge is supernaturally and what worries it
failures and in all of them you will have problems will bring you once you start living in it.
to face. Nothing that time and effort can't fix. Pro
tip: Draw a floor plan for your hideout, always. A 13. To which immortal belongs or did your new abode
sketch by hand and lock it somewhere or keep it belong? (If you know to that nobody owns your
with you. You need to know your haven with the refuge, then jump some of the next questions and
back of your hand. proceed to the next topic).
14. Are there any haunts there? Does another Kindred

or creature know your haven? (As long as you heard please describe it in detail. (Warding Merit).
about this information). 29. What do you think the consequences would be if
15. Does any other supernatural creature or Cainites are someone discovered everything you keep in your
interested in your haven? haven?
16. Are there rituals that are not yours in the refuge? Is a
occultist ritual? CHARACTERISTICS
17. Are there any other immortals or supernatural crea- Knowing the region where you live, now deter-
tures in the same region you live that you know of? mine some characteristics of your refuge. This topic
(As long as you heard about these informations). is a matter of comfort and personality and if you
18. Is there any possibility of interest from the supernatu- want you can leave it for later, but I recommend
ral creatures in your haven, other than slitting your following the order.
throat? Here you define your wealth, who lives with you,
19. Is there a secret that you hide in it? (Complementing your belongings, region and other characteristics
question 11). that seem silly, but like I said: they determine your
psyche. You can try to avoid it, but it will always
INVESTMENTS leave a trail. Know this.
Once your concerns and needs have been ad-
dressed, it's time to fully concern yourself with 30. Once you've determined its size (one, two floors,
what you've put inside your haven and how your three or more), describe what's on each floor and
wards might react to adverse events. where you've allocated all previous investments.
31. What kind of furniture did you use? What's your
20. In your refuge, do you keep weapons? Which? For personal taste? (Gothic, minimalist, classic, industrial
what reason? (Hidden Armory Merit). and etc). (Optional).
21. Existem celas de cárcere no seu refúgio? Por qual 32. How much of the resources you used are yours? Did
razão? Quem você pretende encarcerar? (Cell Merit). you buy them, inherit them, earn them or steal them?
22. Em algum momento, você pagou homens para vigiar (Optional).
seu refúgio? Quem são eles? Os criminosos locais, 33. How luxurious is your getaway? Does he get atten-
mercenários, a própria polícia ou alguns capangas? tion? (Luxury Merit)
(Watchmen Merit). 34. Does your Herd live with you? What do they think
23. Qual a história do lugar? of the stay? How is your relationship with them? Are
24. Se você é um estudioso, você tem algum laboratório they paid to serve you, are they prisoners in your ha-
ou biblioteca de ocultismo em seu refúgio? Se sim, ven, or are they all Ghouls? (Optional, requires Herd
sobre o quê abordam os principais conteúdos e o que Background).
você mais estuda? (Library Merit). 35. What are your intentions with this Refuge? Do you
25. Is there a special room for any legal or illegal activity intend to stay for a long time or short term? (Op-
that you practice in your refuge? An operating room, tional).
smuggling, kidnapping (cells) or other activity? (Sur- 36. How would you feel if you saw everything you built
gery; Blood Stock; Informative Merit). inside the refuge destroyed? How is your interaction
26. What are the escape routes within your own refuge? with your creation? Do you like the place?
Work it out in detail. (Postern Merit).
27. Is there any security system? Cameras, alarms, Even if there are doubts about what your refuge
emergency rooms, reinforced doors or others? If will be like, you will need to think of it as if it were
yes, please describe them in detail. (Security System; part of your life... Because it will be. I'm sure there
Reinforcement Merit). are still some doubts left in your mind and that's
28. Are there any magical defenses in your haven? If yes, why I intend to satisfy them. It won't be compli-


cated from here on out and you've noticed that

there are different types of refuges, with differ-
ent structures.

What Is a Good Refuge?

I would say that a good refuge is anyone who
fulfills its proposal. A good refuge is one where
you look at it and think, "This is my 'better half',
which represents who I am." I understand that
you may be confused and thinking "What about
that 'don't leave your traces in the refuge' talk?";
Well then. It is almost impossible to do so.
Before you think about camouflaging a hideout,
you'll need to think about how you're going to
make it functional.
You can be a Ventrue in a corporate build-
ing, a Tzimisce with an experiment lab, maybe
a Lasombra who tried to rescue his old unlife
in a Catholic church, all you need is an abode
to return to at the end of the night. If you can't
invest time and resources in that location, it at
least needs to exist.
Somewhere, I learned that vampires spend
two-thirds of their unlives in their havens un-
less they prefer a life traveled across continents
(as was my case). But that was in the 90's. Today
maybe the situation is different with all the
influence of the inquisition, changes of leaders
and suffering of some of the Clans. The reality
after 2010 is completely different, we can no
longer afford to spend 1/3 of our lives in one
place because it can lead to our death. Vampires'
greatest difficulty is their inability to blend into
society and keep pace with it.
Understand that in the Middle Ages, some
of the immortals spent decades and even cen-
turies with the same haven undiscovered. After
the Great Navigations, we became more expe-
rienced in discovering new territories, but we
were still attached to our refuges. The sudden
change really happened when we met the Indus-
trial Revolutions and mortal society changed
completely. We needed to adapt, but we didn't
take it seriously unless it was really necessary.

Your Haven; Your Life

I can say that it was only after the Great World in dealing with deadly problems for us. You will
Wars that in part, vampires understood "Whoops! I meet the Society of Traders, the Vault Hunters,
need to do something" and even then, not everyone the Builders and the Wardens of the Hidden. There
adhered to nomadic behavior. The 1990s is a wa- are some immortals who act alone in this fight and
tershed one, as the advancement of computers was some have even forgotten about the Jyhad and any
instrumental in shaping "modern Cainite" thinking. nonsense from Gehenna. These immortals believe
Either you adapt, or you die. that Gehenna is happening and is not carried out
by us, but by humans. Humans are our destruction.
You Should Never Be Alone!
You douchbag! What do you think you are do- Gehenna? What now?!
ing? Vampires are loners, yes. However, they are With the destruction of the Ravnos in 1999,
lonely to live their moments of intimacy with them- the Camarilla finally gave up the bullshit of hiding
selves and other people they trust enough. Intimacy everything we knew about the immortals, not be-
with an immortal is different and most of the time cause they wanted to, but because they were forced
you can't have it, but you will have a companion, to. This occult influence was even more disturb-
ally or contact who should help you in your spare ing when someone published the Book of Nod on
time. ShreckNet and it was spread to vampires. For a
We are formed by our contacts. Our relation- while, even I had a copy of the book.
ships are what define us even as humans. Think One of today's greatest occultists, Beckett also
with me! How are you going to survive if you don't taught many immortals during the 2000s. I haven't
have anyone to call and offer you a room after your seen him since 2010, but I'm sure that due to that
haven is invaded and you've been beaten to near immortal's wisdom, he's been exploring the east.
death? Will not! Then try to get your ass out of the I'm confused as to whether in 2003 or 2010, the
coffin and make alliances. A vampire without allies Convocation, as I call it, (aka Beckoning) happened
is a dead vampire. to most Elders. At the time, a desperation took
Use as much as you can, gain influence, gain hold of most of the Neonate, who now had to deal
fame (among vampires or even mortals depend- with all the problems alone! It was as if all adults
ing on how advantageous it is to you), pay favors, disappeared from the world and only children and
conquer debts and become a figure important teenagers remained in the cities.
enough that your death will be missed. And when I didn't choose to take any lead, but to help the
it is about to occur, they will know that saving you young people who wanted to pay me well. On many
is advantageous. Being a lone wanderer like some occasions I was an advisor to those who sought my
Gangrel do out there is nothing to do with it! Be support, demonstrating clear ideals of how to build
smart, insightful and above all, be helpful. a good refuge and how to bring them to reality, be-
fore they were caught by the inquisition. Most Neo-
ALLIES AND SECTS phytes are under a hundred years old, and it's easier
It's not just equipment we depend on for sur- to drill lessons into their heads than it was for those
vival. Believe me! Many mortals want and they even my age or older. It was an enlightening period and I
might help us, whether they are Ghouls or simply helped whoever I could, for the right price.
humans who believe in our potential. Some argue
that we must exist in union with humanity, but I Inquisitive Influence
don't know if I can believe this idea as something We know very well that after 2006, the Inquisi-
functional. tion did us the favor of destroying some chapels,
Some underworld organizations are experts invading London and dethroning some good im-


"Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you. You won't find better advice than a Nosferatu for a Toreador,
frankly speaking. There will not be a moment in your unlife when you will have peace, for you are cursed. How-
ever, if you find out early enough, you will know that there will be no greater pleasure than preparing your abode,
defense and shelter. Trust me, colleague. Your home is your temple and your spirit. If you take good care of her,
she will take good care of you."

mortals. As if the Call and disappearance of the SECURITY

Elders weren't enough, the destruction of a Clan A good friend once taught me that, simply put,
(or semi-destruction?), the vampires were lost and we have to think first of the security our refuge
attacked by humans. The Sabbat has appeared again brings us. Initially, without all investments. That's
in a different way and it looks like they are prepar- because we have the location first and then the re-
ing for a suicidal crusade. I don't really know what's sources, remember? Your refuge must be protected
going on there and I hope they don't make more from the sun's rays, a possible fire or else you may
mistakes than we've made in the last two decades. not wake up to realize what really happened.
Vampires who followed my lessons understood The same immortal who mentioned this didn't
that being a nomad is now a viable option for fail to remind me that Rotshreck is not an option!
survival. While you can have a hideout that's packed He can send us into even greater danger, as we will
with resources and defenses, there's no better weap- be desperate to survive. Imagine being on the third
onry than having more than one option at hand. floor of a building, waking up to the apartment on
The Ravnos, for example, don't tolerate staying in a fire and jumping out the window in broad daylight?
single haven, and I don't know if this has to do with A real nightmare, correct? This consideration needs
a curse or a fear of getting caught now that they're to be kept in mind.
weakened. Anyway, a refuge should also protect you from
In the old days you would say to me "Wait! But enemy attacks, it could be the inquisition coming
a vampire needs to think about his haven and how to charge you for the food from the previous nights,
or for what reasons he will stay there forever", but some group of Thinned-Bloods wanting to settle
today the situation is different. Our reality has debts or a Werewolf (?) enraged with your exist-
changed a lot. We need to keep up with the nomad- ence. Whatever the adversary, your refuge should
ism of mortals. I'm not saying you can never spend a have the ability to protect you at least against these
few years in your home, but that you'll always have dangers without you having to prepare them for it.
a "second way" if you come across the unimaginable. This is the first step to finding a good hideaway or
We are in chaotic and dangerous times. location.

Dont Forget the Rules! PRIVACY

I mentioned a few rules earlier, but I'm sure it's Unforgettable privacy is law among refuges. If
worth mentioning a few more tips that will serve you have a haven that anyone can know, you are
as a basis for you not to forget that you are dealing lost. Privacy doesn't just apply to your inability to
with all possible dangers. We know now that a good keep your haven as little known as possible, either
refuge is one that fulfills your needs, despite the by bringing visitors or talking too much about it,
origin and nature of the immortal. The way it influ- but also in the region you've chosen to place it in.
ences us is immense. We cannot run away from it. If you are living in a very crowded area, perhaps

Your Haven; Your Life

too visited or too open, flashy or in some influential way... You may have problems. One of the biggest
problem generators today are young people with their cell phones, who make lives on social networks or
even publish videos on internet platforms when they enter houses during the early hours. Another danger-
ous stereotype is of those adult explorers who love the sport of parkour and venture into unfamiliar places.
If you're skilled enough, killing them might be an option. However, imagine how hard it must be to kill
them without knowing how to hide your tracks? This is one of the greatest difficulties of the younger im-
mortals. You can protect yourself from these youngsters with guard dogs, maybe henchmen, electric walls
and even net blockers. It is a fact that you need to learn to protect yourself from unwanted visitors.

One of the last things you should keep in mind is that a valuable haven must have its uses. Your home
will not always be a place to rest and eat. Although they are the main tasks that a vampire is capable of
performing in his house, it is interesting that it is not just for that.
Your haven can serve as a laboratory, library, blood supply, perhaps home to a sect or secret society,
trap for your toughest prey, and other characteristics. Always consider the reasons that refuge exists.
Chances are, after you've answered all those questions, you probably have your answers in mind.

I believe you understand how it all works. Patience is a virtue and the main weapon of the immortals.
When thinking about your refuge, take into account all these factors mentioned. Don't forget that there
will be no perfections and you are always subject to failure.
If you want, you can think even further like "where are the plans for the refuge" or "the real estate com-
pany owns my building" and try to take care of that. In some cases, it can even save your skin. The second
inquisition is cunning and works in all means! When you least expect it, you realize that your home has
been sold and completely destroyed before they even arrive to destroy it.
Take the opportunity to add finishing touches that you believe will be interesting for your home.
Whatever you want to present will be told and remembered.


Chapter Two:

havens and
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."

An invaded haven is worthless. Not a known refuge either. To Point A and B

I bet you've realized how millimetric vampires need to be in Whenever a haven is made, get it into your head that there
order not to make a mistake in choosing their homes. It's not are three reasons for it to exist: encounter, shelter, and counter-
like you were choosing to live in Detroit in the nineties. It's as attack. They are the easiest ways to exemplify which ones exist
if you had to choose to live in a safe place in Iraq in the 2000s. and why.
Of course, this is my point of view! Unique and exclusive. I Encounter havens are literally what you assume. They are
know what the Inquisition is capable of and I'm not paranoid. places where Members meet during their evenings to exchange
They will use all of their tools and weapons to catch you! Be information, experiences and favors. In other cases, even de-
cautious. clared enemies and other creatures are invited to the location.
The most useful topic to address, given that you now know Naturally, they are remote places that become compromised
everything I've said about safe havens, is in relation to their over time. Most may know due to the fact that information
usefulness. I mentioned earlier that your hideout needs practi- spreads very fast in the current era. The simplest way to fight
cal utility, which may or may not go beyond what you've pre- information is not to define a single place, but it is ineffective
defined for yourself. Vampires have many reasons for choosing because at some point you will be without the support of a
from the most diverse havens and making them their meeting good place to talk.
places. Calm down, I must describe what I built during some of It's impossible to completely hide a rendezvous hideout be-
my unlife years and obviously I won't reveal all my secrets. Like cause you have to believe (or trust) that your guest won't open
I said... They're secrets.

his door to tell you where you came from and why. keep up with your opponent. Believe me, it's often
The choice of a refuge to talk should not be thought better not to be there because our opponents have
of as millimetrically as a refuge of shelter because millenary abilities to surprise us. However, what if
it will only serve a single purpose: a diplomatic there is a need for you to risk your neck in a trap?
conversation. Take a few moments in our conversation and think
A date haven can be any place that has not been about the whole choice of refuge that I told you
prepared in advance. I once met a Gangrel in a dark about and how you will use it.
alley on one of the streets of New York while the You can merge these three types of hideouts
night was very foggy. We suspected that no one had with each other. The way you do this depends solely
heard us and it's a good thing it didn't. We talked and exclusively on your goals. Is it possible to have a
what we should and left, because that's how the haven of shelter and counterattack? Yes, completely.
meeting shelters work quickly and directly. If you're Resources that would otherwise be divided by two
cautious enough to notice when you're being fol- naturally become invested in one, and if you're care-
lowed, perhaps anywhere will suit you. ful enough, there's no harm in that. You just need
to know what you're doing and if you have enough
tools to expand these areas, the world is your play-
A shelter haven is exactly what I described
earlier. You can use it to shelter yourself and protect How Appropriate is the Elysium?
yourself from the sun, you can reserve it for col- This is a topic that I will certainly cover later
leagues, friends, proteges, enemies, valuables and because vampires need peace points. Elysium is the
anything else that comes to your mind. With this heart of a city ruled by vampires! It is where they
haven, you need to think about where you're going will meet, trade and respect each other. Like hu-
to hide or hide your target of worth. mans, we have the incredible ability to behave like
It is no longer as simple as choosing any alley. animals and that's why we need rules.
It's a strategic mission. Unless the target is of no An Elysium is often not a haven for everyone.
value to you, you will need to design defenses and It's one of the best-protected places in town, at least
escape routes. The previous steps serve very well for if the Keeper has any common sense. It is for this
this type of address. The haven of shelter is almost reason that it must be an ace up its sleeve. It is more
always one that will shelter something of value interesting, however, to describe good opportuni-
(including your unlife). ties to know places that will serve you for your
purposes than to give the icing on the cake now.
Elysium should always be your last option and an
ace up your sleeve in times of danger. Never use it
Counterattack is the Cainites' greatest weapon lightly.
when they have planning. I bet you've seen a movie
at some point where the hero enters the villain's The Preferred Domains of Kin-
house and discovers it's a trap. That's the purpose of dred?
a counterattack haven. Do you create it for distrac- Vampires often meet at certain points or set
tions, for traps, for sieges and proposals that you them as their abodes. I would like to recommend
know won't be easy or viable for your endeavor and here some of the clearest choices for immortals dur-
when mortals (or vampires) step there? boom! They ing times of peace and crisis. Know that although
fell into the mousetrap. you may be in need of choosing a place of your own,
A counterattack haven doesn't have a strategic, these are presets that others can also learn from.
regional, or exact advantage if you're not there to Domains are the regions where your havens

Your Haven; Your Life

should be and are usually or not owned by an older to risk living, and so many seek out such places as
Cainite capable and skilled at protecting you. I took meeting places.
advantage of a great Assamite friend named Romu- An arts district is almost always followed by
lus Ahma'Deum. This was the one who has been Location (•) or (• • •). In some cases, you may have
teaching around the rules of the Elders, on how to the "Famous" or even "Compromised" Flaw. Arts
behave on the streets to the youngest and based on areas tend to be lively and pleasant at night. Many
his list of Domains, I decided to answer it with my vampires use them as hunting grounds to satisfy
point of view, respecting his work, of course. their hunger.
Not all are obvious choices and it should be
interesting to check the spot you would like to meet ■ Active or inactive industrial area, junkyards and
(or take shelter in). abandoned regions;
A prime choice of the Ravnos, Nosferatu, Gan-
■ An Artistic, Cultural and Expressive District; grel and even some of the ancient Followers of Set
The favorite choice of Toreador, Malkavians, (or Ministry). The biggest advantage of these places
and Ventrue. In some cases, you can find Tremere is that few people are found on the street at night,
and Ravnos walking around there. These districts the factories are often too noisy and the streets can
are purely entertainment areas that Cainites use usually be dark, poorly maintained and in some
during their nights to bring in their victims. No cases noisy.
self-respecting vampire will like a crowded place The biggest disadvantage within these regions


is exactly the fact of saying what At some point, you must have mall. Now imagine living in one.
they came from: they are dan- seen clubs, clubs, bars and pubs It is common that these areas,
gerous. A good place to train as refuges. As dangerous as it if well designed, can support the
criminals, murderers, bad guys sounds, don't be fooled! They are immortals. The biggest and most
is where policing appears infre- extremely functional. Vampires common perks found in these
quently. You can find all sorts of have become accustomed to places are One of the biggest
people there (even your enemies camouflaging themselves among perks you can get here is Postern
and Hunters). Be careful. humans and there is no bet- (•••) or more, Location (•) and
ter way to do it than by taking (••), Security System (••) or (••• ),
■ Flaw: (•) Dangerous. You have advantage of the city's nightlife in some cases (••••). Most havens
chosen a refuge in a place that is and living side by side with the in malls are larger than an im-
too dangerous. Maybe there's not mortal population. mortal can hold, so Cainites only
enough police or you've moved Fortunately, during the night use rooms or plazas within these
so far away from the big city it is safer for those who sleep and environments. Although it may
that every now and then some follow events than during the seem daunting to be in a place
smart-ass tries to break your day. Bars and nightclubs tend to with little assistance to the resi-
hold, steal from you and even kill be crowded, so malicious mortals dent, it all depends on how you
you. In some cases, it may even won't be mad enough to enter will know how to use the region
be the inquisition after you. With your haven without a concrete where you live.
this Flaw, once per night, week, plan to destroy it.
or month (at the Storyteller's Many Cainites make night- ■ Fire Brigades, police stations or
discretion), you must make an clubs their refuge, money, and departments, security agencies
Intelligence + Streetwise roll food. There are three basic prin- and others;
(requiring 1 to 3 successes) to ciples for the survival of some, The conduct of the law is very
succeed (depending on the score but I tend to believe that at least strict and strict, unless you don't
purchased on this Flaw). Failure one of these options has to be off draw attention. I can't see any
indicates a break-in, dangerous the list. If you can diversify your safer (or dangerous) places than a
encounter that can slow you possibilities, never leave them in fire brigade, police departments
down during the night's course. a single room. and security agencies. Think care-
Recreation areas, malls and fully! You are literally on the side
One of the biggest advantages others are quite unusual for im- of a group of people who can help
of active industrial areas is the mortals. However, I've heard that you in times of need.
simple fact that moving around some Caitiff venture into aban- The police guard the streets
can protect you from the same doned stores at night, and some 24 hours, every day and night,
factors as well. A sadistic vam- Nosferatu even hide in the park- there is no reason to fear crime.
pire could use a torture haven ing lots of these places through Your problem can only be pre-
in a noisy industrial area and no the sewer accesses. The biggest sent when someone pays them
one would even hear his victim's advantage of large commercial to look the other way and forget
screams as he does whatever he spaces is that not only do they you even exist. One of the biggest
wants to with her to achieve his have more than one entrance and perks you can get here is Hid-
goals. The same can be true of a exit, they also have unimaginable den Armory (•) or (••), Location
conversation or attempt to hide. ways to hide. I once heard that an (•), Security System (•) or (••)
Assamite found a Nosferatu in- and finally Watchmen (•) or (••).
■ Bars, leisure areas, shopping side a pipe at a nursery. Unbeliev- Although easier to obtain, these
malls; able, huh? And it wasn't even a Traits can only be present ac-

cording to the situations favorable to you and think and do not offer clear advantages or disadvantages
about it: if you didn't buy them, convince them or like others. And maybe that's the biggest reason
contract their services in some clear and contrac- for an immortal to be stationed here: there are no
tual way... time or another will be deceived. advantages and no disadvantages. You build them.

■ Cultural centers, fashion districts or public squares; ■ Cemeteries, morgues, hospitals and mental institu-
While immortals often use these domains for tions;
food, few actually make use of them as havens. You're not really considering living in a cem-
Generally, districts related to fashion, public etery, are you? Want bigger stereotype than that,
squares and food are difficult to find truly func- you hollow head?! We are not in the medieval era.
tional housing. Most of the buildings in these areas Wake up! It's the modern age. There are skyscrapers,
are commercial and are difficult to rent. It is not houses, slums, brothels and much more out there
so comfortable because inspection is much greater that you can use to live in.
than in a refuge in a non-commercial neighbor- Vampires have used both the stereotype of
hood. cemeteries and morgues over time that it's usually
It is evident, however, that these places accu- the first place the Inquisition thinks of hunting
mulate all kinds of people interested in different you. Luckily for us, there are still others like us
cultures. They are people who seek cultural leisure, who seek these places and keep them marked with
since there are always events from various parts of them for eternity. This takes the Inquisition's focus
the world held in these places. As a domain to find, from hunting us where it really matters: in human
it is very valid to choose such a region. society.
System: The ease of finding people to feed Almost always, living near or inside a cemetery
should provide the vampire with some bonuses is a problem. You may come across serious Defects
when hunting. The Storyteller is responsible for de- such as "Committed" or "Under Visited".
termining the difficulty and how much dice is lost The only advantage to living in a cemetery,
or gained due to adversities and situations that can morgue or any similar area is if you have access to
affect the hunting moment. Players are encouraged catacombs like the ones in Paris. That is a great
to describe their strategies for finding victims and refuge! It's easy to get in and hard to get out. These
thus justifying the bonuses received. places can allow up to five points in Postern. If you
Examples: Quadrilatero della moda, Milan, choose well, invest and dig well, your opponents'
Italy; Champs-Élysées, Paris, France; Charlotte lives will be very difficult.
Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. Naturally, some Hecata, Lasombra, Nosferatu,
Ravnos (yes, they are everywhere) and even Salu-
■ Community centers and public lots; bri appear in these regions to make their abodes.
Generally known for being shelters (often You will find many of them. Special cases include
religious), community centers bring together people Gangrel and Tzimisce, but I like to believe they are
with some kind of specific need. It is perfect for exceptions.
some types of Predators, which necessarily only
approach a victim or in more specific cases such as ■ Gambling, prostitution, adult entertainment and
Ventrue. organized crime district;
Unless you have or consider some social, emo- I knew some Assamite who hid in houses of
tional and mental limitations, this is definitely not prostitution or gambling. I also met some Brujah
a good choice. You can feed on whoever you want, who used this type of trade to earn their money and
live wherever you want, but it takes tact to know camouflage themselves from human society.
where you are. They are considered "neutral" places A hidden refuge in a region like this is, in my


opinion, accompanied by as few problems as pos- ment of individuals every day. In other cases, we
sible. In addition to being busy, no one is there to have airports, bus stations, parking lots, ports and
snoop around in other people's houses (or at least it similar places.
should be that way). Of course, every now and then If you want a good place to hide or get lost, this
a pervert can risk looking through a keyhole, but is definitely a good place for you.
there's no better source of power than in a closed Don't make this domain a haven of shelter, but
room, inside a liberal club with the sound so loud of encounter. It's easy to get in and out for those
that people's eardrums are completely blown out. who know where they're stepping and it can be
energized. pretty hard to catch you off guard. Unfortunately
The gambling and prostitution district is almost technology is on the side of humans, more so than
always accompanied by problems similar to what ours, so security cameras at airports, parking lots
the inactive and abandoned industrial districts are: and train stations will and can be your enemy.
crime. However, you won't find little thieves, but
organized crime, with "pimps" (old name for pimps) ■ Merit or Flaw: (•) Populous. You've chosen a
and violence. crowded place to hide during the day. With this
Merit, you get one more die (maximum of +3) for
■ Merit: (•) Watched. Your refuge is guarded. Not each point you buy when you want to hide, outwit,
for your enemies (is it?), but for whom you managed or run away from an opponent. This is due to the
to interact shrewdly enough to do you these favors. If fact that many people roam the region during shift
you want to acquire this Merit, your character must changes or during business hours. As a Flaw, you lose
have one point in Contacts or Allies (with the locals). an equivalent amount of data thanks to the cameras,
This Merit guarantees between one and three Watch- portholes, and other methods your opponents can
ers, depending on the Contact's level, who will not use to find you.
necessarily "fight" for you, but rather alert you when
strange movement arrives. Whenever your haven is Often, a refuge located in a district like these is
about to be invaded and your relationship with these a great way to Contact. It is quite common to find
people is healthy, you will receive a warning. If you Merits like Postern (•) to (• • •). One or more exits
haven't received any notice, beware. Something hap- are standard for these places due to the large influx
pened. of people.
Examples: GRU Airport, in Sao Paulo - Brazil;
One way around this is to stay to yourself and Frankfurt Airport, in Frankfurt - Germany;
not pry, even if your emotions tell you otherwise. If
you pretend they don't exist, they do the same. On ■ Churches, religious temples and others;
the other hand, if you're cool enough, you can be- I do not recommend and do not try to enter
come a Contact or Ally to these people, and believe religious temples because they are like a double-
me, they'll protect you day and night (perhaps for edged sword. I remember legends that went back to
a price). A vampire doesn't need a bodyguard for the days of the Catholic Church, when the Lasom-
her haven when she knows that those who live in bra risked sleeping in places so dangerous for us.
the same building or region are keeping an eye on The last time I did this, I found myself with such a
everything. sacred strength that I gave up on this torpid idea
■ Commercial districts, airports, bus stations, ports I know, not all temples are sacred and maybe I
and parking lots; was just unlucky. However, just think: you are in
It is likely that you have walked on the streets an unlikely place and at the same time, walking on
where people shop, where there is a huge move- eggshells so that some faithful don't show up on the

night shift and find out all about pletely corrupt filth. though well lit, these districts
you. As a recommendation, if Examples: Eidsborg Stave tend to be empty at night. The
you are really stubborn, try to Church in Dalen commune, streets simply have the presence
allocate as little information as Tokke district - Norway; Saint of the cold car bodywork as a fine
possible in your refuge when you Francis Of Assisi Church in New drizzle falls from the sky. They
are inside a church. Even priests York City, New York State - are districts that facilitate hunt-
can be surprised at our lack of United States. ing and this must be taken into
tact. account, strongly.
■ Technological, business and
■ Merit or Flaw: (••) Hidden startup districts; ■ Flaw: (••) Abandoned. While
or Obvious Choice. Fortu- Today, in many regions some locations are populous, the
nately you are in a place of trust considered "upper class", business district you've chosen is not. If
and that no one seeks to snoop and technology districts have there are residents, none of them
around. With this Merit, all at- sprung up. That's where you get care about you. In a hazardous
tempts to find your haven receive the security systems (or in the situation or adverse event, with
three minus dice for any related industries), it has one of the best this Flaw, not even the echoes
roll. Investigations can still work policing and quality of life. Dur- of your screams will be enough
and of course you should take ing the day they are very busy to call for help! No one, no soul
other precautions, however and because they are business, a alive in that domain will even
the point you take refuge in is lot of commerce, large buildings call the police in a place so little
probably the last one people will and buildings are allocated on visited. You will be a statistic if
be interested in dealing with. If this type of street. you are taken by surprise.
purchased as a Flaw, the choice is The choice of this type of
obvious in the region and to find location is preferentially used by One of the biggest advantages
you, opponents receive three some Ventrue (mostly those who you can acquire here is Location
more dice. have been alive since the 1970s). (•), Security System (••) or (•••)
Many associate the new tech and finally Postern (•). Although
Understand that as much as districts with streets like Wall it may seem daunting to be in a
a vampire is not used to seeking Street and other malls. However, place with little assistance to the
this kind of welcome, it is likely you can find some multi-national resident, it all depends on how
that a Hunter knowledgeable in Hecata, a Lasombra vying for you will know how to use the
the legends will be able to think dominance and even some hid- region where you live.
much more easily about your den "Tremere chantry" there.
vampiric profile than we would Interestingly, they are easy ■ Mansions, elites, high-class
normally imagine they would. districts to bring your prey to districts;
Churches are and are not obvious and could very well be great Maybe you haven't visited the
points and may or may not fail meeting places or security. I once neighborhoods where the richest
miserably. heard that some vampires make in Los Angeles live, where New
Currently, I've heard that their basement abode in their York businessmen live or where
Sabbat members have preferred corporate buildings. In some important people usually sleep.
such places, especially in emerg- cases, commercial buildings Currently, these regions are
ing countries. They seem to try share spaces with residential and extremely protected by private
to bring mortals to a fervent this event makes our work even guards, huge plots of land that
religion, making dozens of herds easier. facilitate the entry and escape of
inside the houses of faith. Com- One downside is that, al- their residents and all kinds of


security assistance. to a public figure.

Of course, no one will pay for you in the neigh-
borhood and they tend to be extremely empty. ■ Subways, sewers, junkyards;
The reality is that you will always need to be as or They are classics from the eighties and nineties.
equally wealthy to be able to live on land like this. If you survived those decades, you'll remember that
Like other neighborhoods, upper-class districts are it was almost always possible to find an immortal in
"neutral" in terms of what they offer. However, you these fields. It happens more rarely these days, but
are only able to obtain housing in it if you have a at the time it was frequent.
Resource Background score (•••) or higher. Not only are subways, sewers and junkyards
meeting points for other immortals, they also form
■ Merit: (••) Road of Fame. You're not even famous, the almost perfect territory to hide and escape your
but you live next door to or next to a famous or adversaries. The Nosferatu have used sewers for over
well-protected person's house. This gives you some two millennia, for example. It's very easy to get an
bonuses for being close to the region. Whenever unprepared human to get lost there.
strange movements occur in the region, the distrust The sewers are, however, disputed territory.
of the guards who protect these people indirectly There are Nosferatu, Hecata, some Bloodlines that
protects you. You get a base score from Watchmen are unknown to us Werewolves, other creatures
(•) and Security System (•) to help you. we don't even know exist, and in special cases even
vampires too old to deserve to be alive. The sewers
Criminals think twice before trying to break are very active at night and it is not so safe to enter
into a neighborhood where people of influence are a territory so disputed by ours. Between dealing
well located. The same goes for our enemies. Unless with mortals and creatures I don't know who they
they're really reckless, you'll be safer if you live next are, I'd rather tame humans.

danger, there is no better place than the disorder of
■ Hotels, accommodations, motels and others; a region with crime, far away or extreme poverty. I
Not a bad choice if you have a good identity never took refuge in these places, but I met im-
and opt for off-the-beaten-path locations. A hotel mortals who knew very well how to deal with the
always keeps its records, so it is at the very least leaders of needy communities, made alliances and
risky to use an online and even face-to-face sys- friendships with the residents of the region and
tem to hide, where they know where you slept and spent up to a decade living well in these locations.
even what you ate. In some hotels, it is even known The biggest difficulty you may encounter,
which rooms he frequented outside the master especially if you are in South America, is the Sab-
bedroom. bat. I learned that your proximity to this type of
Many vampires adopt the strategy of using road- refuge is very present. In Rio de Janeiro, there are
side hotels to get around. They are the best options entire cults devoted to some vampire beliefs, spread
because they tend not to record much about you. throughout the favelas. It's amazing how the Sabbat
Most are too careless to keep documents and other has the potential to enter a culture and destroy it.
ways of recognizing you. Whenever you can, avoid Like any refuge, this one has its problems. As
the best and seek out the worst. I said, you have to be smart! You may not need to
The hotel's biggest downside is that it will al- deal with the Second Inquisition, but you will be
most never have the support you need and clearly, it dealing with humans of different castes, intentions,
will never be your own room. Immortals who need and abilities. In the example of Rio de Janeiro, it is
to move frequently can adapt well, however those common to wake up to a corrupt militia knocking
who want a unitary haven will need to adapt. In any on your door and searching your house without any
case, it's easier to rent a motorhome and drive down daydreaming or hesitation. You are also a target and
the road. they will treat you like a criminal or worse, even
more so if they know you are a Cainite. Fortunately,
■ Military, highly guarded or government districts; mortals tend to believe we're pop culture.
Unless you have a very, very important scape-
goat, never use a military district as your refuge. ■ Rural areas, environmental preservation and parks;
You can even tell me that all possibilities are in Most people associate rural areas with Gangrel.
your favor in terms of protection and resources, but Before it was! I associate with other supernatural
at the same time it's like you're sleeping with a rope creatures. It is far more dangerous to sleep in a
around your neck, waiting for your bed to fall to conservation area where your home can be invaded
hang yourself. by five hungry werewolves to rip your bones apart
A military, government or any other district is than in a slum where a police officer can be easily
very dangerous for us. We would be easy, target of tricked by supernatural gifts.
studies. Any "well-meaning" agency that is linked In conservation areas, what rules is the law of
to the government may have a branch linked to the survival (and of the strongest). Animals are not
Second Inquisition and that should be more than the real danger to us, or at least to me. The perks
enough to put the idea of taking refuge in a military you can find are the distance from civilization, the
point out of your mind. I've never heard of a single peace of not dealing with other evil-minded im-
vampire that taking refuge in such a place was well mortals, but the danger of stepping into a Were-
thought out. wolf's lair or having your cabin invaded by Hunters.
Maybe even get shots due to the animal hunting
■ Favelas, regions of extreme or remote poverty; zones.
If you are astute and know how to deal with Other rural areas such as farms and plantations


are interesting places. I consider that every attempt will continue, especially when the financial legs of
to kill us is a chess field, where the pieces are our re- those who are influential hurt to be touched and
sources and our enemies. While you take resources you are their controller.
from yourself (such as internet signal, energy, tech- Using an understandable allusion, tampering
nology) and make it easier for your survival if your with the stock of one of the world's most famous
opponents depend on it, you also make it difficult tech companies hurts far more than anyone's
for yourself at other points (such as escape routes, pocketbook. The best combination is when you
calls for help and others). know how to "beat" the population in quantity and
It is important that you bring all the resources effectiveness.
you can to facilitate any possibility of survival for
yourself. If there is a certain organization, it will ■ Ethnic districts such as Italians, Chinese, Muslims,
not be difficult to settle there. It all depends on Romani, Jews and others;
your effort to find your comfort. No matter where you are, any ethnic district is
a good move if you have an affinity for the culture
■ Banking districts, financial markets and avenues; you are dealing with. Being an immortal is not
I just love the banking districts, financial mar- enough: you need to know how to camouflage your-
kets and grand boulevards. It takes me back to the self. I've been saying this for a few moments now.
times of glorious Wall Street, when humans ran The cultural district's greatest weapon is this, as it
around with their stocks and other means of mak- allows you to blend into a people like a chameleon.
ing big. One of the biggest difficulties in a district like
I once knew a Ventrue who bought a bank from this is getting the permission of a people to be part
a multi-million dollar network and made one of the of that culture, especially if their physiology, cus-
vaults his safe haven. The bank was on the avenue, toms or other characteristics reveal that you clearly
all the protection systems were on during the don't know anything about who you're dealing with.
day and during the night he turned them off. His I tell you: find a way to understand that culture and
"room" was on the top floor of the basement, pro- blend in.
tected by dozens of security systems that not even I Whether among Jews, Romani, Chinese, any
could know about. One of the most historic events ethnic district feels repressed by local society. To-
was when the NSA itself used the FBI to interdict day, prejudice is less, but it still exists. These people
the bank and use the "corruption" investigations in need to feel safe within their own domain and will
their favor to find out if there really was a Cainite protect you. That's why they are suspicious of out-
hiding there. siders. However, if you are able to deceive them or
Not only did they get nothing because of that prove that you are part of that culture: believe me,
bank's influence, but nothing was proved against you have a family by your side.
the bank's owner. This Ventrue survived for a few Let us not be deceived. I'm not talking about
years in these conditions until he died to one of our any criminality associated with a culture, but being
own at one of the last conventions between Cama- welcomed by the culture. You won't always find
rilla and Anarchs. Curious: the safe protected it un- criminal gypsies, bank Jews, Chinese and Italian
til the end, but we were the ones who destroyed it. mafiosi and others. This is pure bullshit! You will
If you can, have the influence and condition to find industries and industries for these people to
do something similar, do it. When we get involved earn their living, but more importantly, you will
in political structures that deal with other people's find loyalty. For us, there will be no better bargain-
money, mortals think twice about dealing with ing chip than realizing that those people are your
this danger. There is no worse enemy than financial allies.
scarcity! Revolutions were started by poverty and You will find many Clans that have passed

Your Haven; Your Life

through this mix, such as the Ravnos, the Hecata, tect the collections they keep.
the Assamite, the Ministry and even the Lasombra. Any educational institution is extremely valu-
They are classic examples of immortals like us who able, has security and is one of the areas that little
do justice to a good adaptation within cultures. It is is suspected. I heard that in Chigano, there is a
not for nothing that the Assamites are now divided Brujah who owns one of the local universities. I hear
by this. he's a dean or something and he gets a lot out of it,
especially educationally.
■ Universities, study centers and cultural invest- Understand that it all depends on your useful-
ments; ness for the refuge: while making your home in
Never disregard a place that provides you with a place like this is safe, it's special that you build
clear technological resources for your research. If a narrative around it. Being much frequented by
you are a researcher, you will probably adopt this curious mortals (students and others), one must be
type of institution for yourself. They are generally careful not to make any fuss and suddenly wake up
not dangerous and are moderately guarded to pro- with a student committee at your door.

Discovering Other Refugees.

We have finished the first part of our training. Now, I have briefly listed below some of the refuges I
was able to build according to the needs of my clients and, of course, financial and influential power. Some
I just modeled. Others I renovated from scratch! One hell of a hassle. You will see a professional in action.
Make good use of the experiences I am about to tell you as methods of studying your own needs. It is
not for all immortals that I reveal this information. If you're smart, you'll keep them to yourself and never
transcribe them again. However, you cannot guarantee that I will not teach, I am paid to do so. Follow the
following list:

■ Refuge #001: an apartment;

■ Refúgio #002: a basement with access to the subway;
■ Refuge #003: a small house;
■ Refúgio #004: a popular bar;
■ Refuge #005: an abandoned cinema.

I built or modified each one over the centuries. I couldn't fully enjoy them all, but every second of time
spent studying them was worth it. It made me understand who we are in essence and who I can become. I
am extremely grateful for the opportunities that have come my way.
As a haven architect, I could never have met half of the immortals I could, and not even have come
across all of these creations, if it weren't for my curiosity, my Lord's influence, and charisma in under-
standing and dealing with the psyches of different people. I can only think that perhaps I would be dead if
I hadn't learned to think through Cainites' laziness or incapacity.


Your Haven; Your Life

HAVEN #001

■ Haven (•): small apartment, three rooms and one bathroom;
■ Cell (•): one small cell, in the basement;
■ Luxury (•): minimalist design for 2006 and victorian bedroom;
■ Library (•): one small library inside the wall of the bedroom;
■ Security System (•••): cameras, lock system and gas trap;
■ Postern (•••): three exits, one to the basement, other to the sewers and the last to yard.

An Apartment in London dormitory that had been sold after a big fight that
A few years ago, I believe in 2006, when the had taken place a few months earlier, leading to the
whole problem with the NSA was about to happen, death of two young men. The family sold the land
I got a direct request from London. The name stuck and, in a way, much of it was devalued because of
to Ser Montgomery or as they used to call him in that. Of course, Epsom wouldn't lose its value on
town, "Monty." At the time, it had not reached account of a murder, but the ground did.
my ears that the Prince of London, Mithras had The real estate agency and the new owners were
departed. desperate to be able to rent the apartments. One
I assumed Montgomery would be his main of Montgomery's servants negotiated for the best
agent from the way he carried himself. Many traits value, signing a two-year contract, paying less than
matched Mithras's, both in speech and posture. I a hundred pounds. The apartment would need seri-
fear I was one of the lucky few to have made an ous renovations, so the owner insisted on making it
apartment purely for Mithras and his servant. easy to rent. Honestly one of the best deals anyone
What set him apart from Mithras was that could get. As I am well aware of our immortal ca-
he had chosen an apartment far from the city of pabilities, I do not suspect that it was an immortal-
London, in the metropolitan area a few kilometers style bargain.
away, between ten and fifteen. The apartment was The building had two floors and a basement and
located in one of the local community buildings, attic. The apartment was on the first floor, with
the rent was extremely cheap within reach of what access to one of the basements. It was still done in
Mithras could ask for. From what I heard, that an old-fashioned industrial concept, with finished
flat wouldn't cost more than £79 a week. I'd gotten bricks, weathered wooden floors, and greenish or
the message, though: the apartment needed to be light blue wallpaper throughout the apartment.
discreet. The weirdest thing was that the hardwood floor
was still bloodstained and if you rubbed your nails,
History you could get a small dry layer off. The basement
The apartment was located near the Epsom had been made of bricks, which would make it a
Cricket Club on Woodcote Green Road. One of lot easier for me if I wanted to build something
the most beautiful streets I've seen, with trees and relevant.
lawns everywhere. Extremely delicate and at the
same time far enough away that no one would even
Customer Specifications
suspect. I entered into a contract with the servant of
I learned that the house chosen was a small Mithras and wasted no time in starting the work.
I arrived at the apartment with my work bag, took


out my notebook and started to draw everything access to the bathroom.

the client had asked me to add to what I could do The room, however, had space for me to do a
in the apartment. more Victorian decor and that's what I was able
Montgomery's specifications were that the to do. Mithras would be proud, as Monty even
apartment should be as discreet as possible. A paid me extra money when I showed him the inner
small, three-room, one-bathroom apartment. bookcase on one of the walls. The lighting was able
Montgomery wanted three strategic exits and a cell to make the environment unique, in very com-
in the basement. I took advantage of all the details fortable tones for the room, always with lights of
he asked me to design some more feats. One of the a maximum temperature of 3400 or 3600 kelvin.
simplest and freest jobs I could do for Montgom- Specific, no? Psychologically speaking, colors influ-
ery's economic reach. ence how we feel. It was crucial to make the Lord
Mithras apparently asked Monty for the apart- of London or his servant Monty feel good about the
ment to bring him to one of the styles he'd been environment I created.
most attached to in recent centuries: Victorian and
Neoclassical. An eccentric junction indeed. That THE THREE EXITS
way, I could imagine an apartment with darker The first security possibility I thought of was the
colors and tones, pulled to a full finish on the walls, direct connection between the apartment and the
with paintings and shelves. However, it was meant basement. This building was so poorly designed that
to be discreet and it would be impossible to adopt there was no connection between the apartments
such an old design for something so recent. Here's and the basement because of the gas system, which
my challenge: to make the apartment contempo- ran inside the floor to heat the house. I sought a
rary, with all the security systems and exits that way with the tenant to open a passage to the base-
Monty asked me to design. ment. The only possibility I found was through the
bathroom, but it allowed me to create a one-way
Appearance and Layout passage that could be locked from the inside. It was
The apartment was initially ugly. The simplest enough for a body to get underground.
was solving the design, as I had a very frank conver- The basement was simple, not very spacious and
sation with Monty about how unusual a Victorian functional. There was a small window that allowed
apartment would be in a neighborhood like that. In air in if it was opened. In winter, it was closed. The
2006 one of the styles that was growing consider- apartment's gas system was piped there, luckily in
ably was classic minimalism. The "less is more", but this building each apartment had its own gas en-
with shades of design and classic architecture. I was gine. I was able to do my great work there! I wasn't
able to add a very clean wooden floor, painted some happy anymore because it was a small space.
of the walls white, a shade of midnight blue, added I added the first exit to the bathroom. Then I
an armchair here and there and voilà! We had a created a second exit through a small tunnel that I
discreet, modern and beautiful apartment. dug under the computer table. If you're insightful,
I avoided wallpapers, I was a visionary for my you might even understand it. The tunnel leads to
time. I created a small kitchen, in an American the city's sewers, so I had to dig it long distance so
concept. It was preferable to demolish one wall that the stench wouldn't come into the apartment.
or another and keep the structure of the apart- A tremendous work! Anyway, one of the other
ment spacious than to leave it at the mercy of the exits was directly connected to the basement, but
common division we know. The living room was allowed to go straight into the gardens. Less secure,
integrated into the kitchen and the master bed- but faster.
room was connected to the hallway, which also gave

Your Haven; Your Life

THE SECURITY SYSTEM but sturdy enough that no one could get out.
I added the possibility of a security system. I Monty's greatest satisfaction was knowing he
heard from a mortal who was developing a system could put any of his victims there when he needed
of electronic door locks, they were still not very to. However, to ensure safety in case someone
discreet and the cameras in 2006 weren't that small. enters the room, I added a sliding door in front of
I still added it as a project request. However, I only the grille and gate. The victim could scream from
reinforced the main door and made it more resist- inside that no one would hear or at most hear a few
ant to kicks. small grunts in the apartment. However, I took care
Then I added cameras inside the apartment, put of that with a rug over the main floor and carpet
the entire surveillance system in the basement, and (although I hate it) in Mithras' room. No one will
reinforced the entryway to the basement. I con- really hear any screams.
fess that I had to add a cooling system so that the
computers wouldn't get overheated due to being on A "FAREWELL GIFT"
all day. Cameras guarded the apartment, and if he You'll love it just as Monty loved it. I hope you
wished, Ser Monty could descend through an "invis- remember the gas system in the house, correct? I
ible" trapdoor I'd hidden in the bathroom walls and designed it to allow for too much leakage if neces-
guard the house. Nothing complicated. However, I sary. The gas will empty at once and just turn on a
also had to create a locking system from the inside single light and everything explodes! Great, no? The
of the house, where it is possible to lock the passage downside is that if that happens, it takes thirty to
of the corridors with the automatic lock through fifty seconds to get out of the apartment before all
the computer in the basement. the gas is gone.
The pipes that connect directly to the house are
THE CELL designed to open the exits and through comput-
One of the best things about the apartment had ers it is possible to lock the windows. I don't know
been the brick walls. There was a small warehouse how he is currently, but Monty spent thousands of
in the basement, which I turned into a cell. On the pounds at the time. An investment that he certainly
walls of the small room, I padded it with fabrics did not regret, as he could see the effectiveness of
and added wooden pallets to muffle the sound. Of my work. At least if everything blows up, the televi-
course, a grid with a metallic door could not be sion will be able to cover it as an "accident" due to
missing. The maximum space there was two people, the gas leak.

Your Haven; Your Life

HAVEN #002

■ Haven (•): small basement, one entrance, no windows;
■ Security System (••••): cameras everywhere, controlling system and various traps;
■ Postern (••••): many corridors, two recently created and another three for structural exits.

New York: the city that never bunch of animals was the Nosferatu who called me
sleeps. to work there.
In the last five years, I have visited New York a Apparently the only sensible one within the
few times. I can't help but remember a Nosferatu packs. I came to find out only later that the "Nos-
I attended in the 90's in the city. The poor guy's feratu" was Calebros and he became Prince of New
requirements were simple: he had a basement in one York after the Ivory Tower took root there. At the
of the buildings in the Brooklyn area and wanted a time, Calebros introduced himself as Thomas Bohr.
direct connection to the subway tunnels. At the time, I knew little of the history of "Thomas"
I had no ideology and was doing a favor for a and I know that it would be irrelevant to seek in-
colleague who worked with the Sabbat. The city formation about an alternate identity today. Well, I
was in chaos, so much so that I still hate this un- have the uncanny ability to serve important people
necessary Sect. Our luck is that it has weakened. without even knowing it.
Walking the "Sabbaths" or "soaps" as I affectionately I usually don't find out until years later! This
call them is like being a police officer and walking very information came to my ears last year. I'm not
among criminals in a Polish corridor. They're bar- a good informant, I'm a good architect and planner.
baric if you're against them, but if you're on their Calebros wanted to avoid raising suspicion as much
side, they'll protect you as much as they can (never as possible because he was apparently undercover
laying down their lives for you, of course). My bad within the Sabbat packs. I knew the haven I built
luck is that I had no sides. there, commanding the train lines, was essential to
The Sabbat didn't treat me in the best possible the Camarilla's control over the city. I feel part of
ways. I identified myself as independent, but it it! Luckily, they forgot I exist and attributed the
seemed they wanted at all costs to trick me into feats to Calebros. Maybe I would be just as or more
believing in their macabre cult. The Sabbat of the hunted than he was when they knew I was responsi-
1990s was completely different from the Sabbat I ble for paralyzing escape routes.
knew in the early 20th century. Too animalistic,
without an ideology, without firmness in what they
believed. At least in my day, vampires fought for There was no simpler project than this base-
a purpose and it was possible to respect them for ment. I have no idea how the Nosferatu got to that
that. forgotten room, God damn it, but apparently no
There was a high incidence of small Sects that one cared what was there. I did hear of a wonder-
seemed to share mystical beliefs. I've recently ful rumor, however, related to the basement and
learned that in Domains that are still under the apparently everything indicated that it was the old
Sabbat's rule, there are still a lot of functioning subway control room. A simple fact that gave me
Sects out there. Most are thin-blooded. The Sabbat enough strategy to think about what I wanted to
doesn't know how to respect the policy of a concise do.
Embrace. The only thing that saved me from that One of the rumors told me that the room had


been closed because of the rains. In New York, earnestly asked me to "not over-decorate" because
when it was raining and the water was running the room was not for comfort but for a purpose. I
down the subway station, it was too dangerous to accepted the proposal, begrudgingly because I don't
keep the control room level with the water. The first like the Sabbat and believed I was serving a Sect I
thing mortals thought was that for people's safety, didn't know I hated so much until then.
it would be useful to interdict the room and then The specs were simple: make my haven safe
close it. A few months later they turned it into a and functional. Calebros wanted only two escape
warehouse. Calebros told me that he managed to routes, as the others were naturally part of the
"buy" the government room after falsifying some metro networks and connections. Besides, he could
documents. Did that basement happen to belong to run through the basement station itself and escape
one of his Ghouls, who had died during the Bat- whenever he liked. Nosferatu also told me that if
tle of New York at the end of the decade? I don't he could, he would have some traps for smart-ass
remember well. It's been twenty years. intruders and asked me for surveillance cameras.
They were expensive, but he knew where to get
Customer Specifications them "for free" or for a good price. I accepted the
What made me happy is that Calebros, I mean… requests and began to study the place well.
Thomas gave me the freedom to do whatever I
wanted in the room. I could rebuild it as best I Appearance and Layout
could and as it would serve as a haven with tun- The basement of Calebros was quite simple.
nels connecting it directly to the train tunnels, A room with a concrete floor and ceiling, some
there was really a lot I needed to do. Calebros only plastered holes that belonged to the wiring chan-

Your Haven; Your Life

nels for the computer system, the old brick walls ranged the wires, connected them to the computer
and a small trapdoor with space to enter the wall. I and paid a mortal, computer specialist (Calebros
discovered that they used that small space to store indication) to configure the screens to the cameras.
boxes, brooms and other things, but when I arrived The mortal was so, so skillful that he seemed to be
it was full of cockroach rats. sliding between the keys while typing and configur-
Unlike Monty's hideaway, where I had to think ing all the software.
about the design, I completely ignored this part. An interesting fact is: I was interested in
The reality is that I started to think about what Embracing him, bringing him to immortality. His
Calebros asked of me and how to turn his refuge talent was such that I was delighted with the way
into a super safe palace. Talking to him, I learned he worked. I stared at it for a few seconds, imagin-
that I would need some maps of the city's subway, ing that this was a new kind of art. The art of the
especially the plan of the station he was allocated next century! Wow, that was a blow to me. I finally
to, and so Nosferatu told me to talk to a smuggler recognized technology as art.
in the region. Cameras hooked up to the computer like a
As I did not seek to work in the corridors, I brush falls into the hands of an artist. The screens
temporarily put them aside. However, it was a were still greenish and as we got new monitors, the
fact that if you didn't know what you were doing, view of the corridors was better and more visible.
you would get lost in that region. Apparently the The biggest problem was getting the controller to
runners went even deeper into the basement and connect to the main station's commands, but that
who knew what he might find. Calebros said that I required an effort that Calebros himself fulfilled. I
would only be under his safety if under no circum- had no influence on that, just the rearrangement of
stances did he set foot on the lower floor. I did. I the wires and application to the computer. It was
didn't want to become another city's statistician. possible to give commands to the trains and see the
I met the smuggler at four o'clock in the morn- entire subway station where Calebros was installed.
ing at a dump far from Brooklyn. The man arrived The exits and entrances are supervised, as well as
with a black car, tinted windows and quite old even the corridors. All beautiful!
for the time. If I could, I'd say it was a car from I renovated the rooms, changed the entrance
the early '70s. The smoke that that car gave off was doors to the room and put some in the hallways
enough to make twenty coal factories envy it. with fire stop doors and a drainage system that
From the trunk he produced a pile of paper and collected the water for pumps and took it to the
told me to look for the documents he wanted, but sewers. Since I couldn't enter the sewers, Calebros
as I am not a mortal's doormat, I commanded him assured me he would. At least New York would see
to subtly obey me. The man fetched everything I one of its main seasons very dry.
needed. I was surprised because there were really
old maps there, almost illegible, but that would be THE TUNNELS OF NEW YORK
very useful for New York. I bought some, in addi- One tunnel wasn't enough, Calebros wanted
tion to subway maps to study better, and then sold two. I dug two tunnels, one in the control room and
them to the Camarilla. one outside. The control room tunnel connected to
After having the complete map of the subway the main subway line that led to Staten Island. The
lines and the structural plan of the station that other connected to the other line that was further
Calebros adopted, I started my work on transform- away from Brooklyn. One way out and one way
ing that refuge into something safe. back. There were no secrets. Calebros didn't ask for
well-structured tunnels, but enough to withstand
ALL THE CAMERAS AT ONCE the constant trepidation of the subway.
One of the easiest jobs I've done. I just rear- I designed the tunnels with a fellow engineer


and urban planner I met years earlier in New York fall through, I left a few wires loose to electrocute
City. Of course, I didn't pass on confidential infor- them if necessary and finally the train line itself
mation, otherwise he probably wouldn't be alive would be the final executor. Calebros was pleased
and neither would his family. The tunnel was fin- because it all seemed too subtle.
ished and structured with metal bars, but Calebros I'm afraid I haven't fixed the lighting. Reporting
asked me to create a "tunnel destruction" system. these havens to you now, I remember that every-
That is, he could leverage somewhere and take them thing was terrible there. I couldn't see well and the
down in the event of a chase. I created one of the corridors were morbid, dark. Too bad, I should have
levers inside the tunnel itself. It would drop half of remembered! Maybe it was the strain of working in
it, not all. an environment I didn't want, with whom I didn't
like. Is that so. No-life, huh? Calebros thanked me,
LETHALITY OF TRAPS and the same night I finished, three weeks after
The traps were not lethal, but only delaying. A construction began, I took the first plane to Wash-
few false holes here and there for the pursuers to ington D.C. to meet a colleague of mine.

Your Haven; Your Life


HAVEN #003

■ Haven (••): small house, five rooms, one bathroom and one basement;
■ Security System (•): old cameras;
■ Hidden Armory (••): one closet at the basement with two rifles, one pistol, one shotgun, ammuni-
tion and melee weapons (knife, baseball bat and etc);
■ Postern (•): one exit, through the structure that raises the main floor;
■ Reinforcements (••••): walls reinforced with bricks and concrete, doors with metal structures, ar-
mored windows with steel base.

The Crisis of 1929 I was his pupil, even though I was a mortal and I
I found this house in 2011, walking around the was years ahead of him, Corbusier surpassed my
state of Florida, in the United States. The reality is knowledge at that time. I spent some years learning
that I was called to renovate a house, initially not from the figure. Unfortunately he didn't want the
knowing that it belonged to some immortal and gift of immortality, even though I offered it because
when I got there, I realized that it was one of the he believed it would only make a difference if he
houses sold at the time. had time to live.
The stereotype of the house was just like the As for the small house, I knew it belonged when
models that were carried to some land. If my I met the immortal's servant to which I would
memory serves me correctly, houses were sold in the modify the house. The Ghoul made it clear that
newspapers thanks to the technology of the time, there would be no contact with his Lord, as it was
the telegraph. Men would "call" the realtors and or- necessary that his identity and protection be well
der a house and I knew this because this was exactly guarded. Being well paid, I don't care about the
one of the models that a great colleague of my Lord, conditions of a job. I accepted the proposal and
now deceased, was selling during the 20's-30's. began to analyze the house.
Of course, even at that time I hadn't even moved
to the United States, although I had seen part of
Europe. My real home was in Berlin, Germany. For A simple house. The story, well... It was a little
a few short years I lived in London, Birmingham different from what I told you. The Ghoul, named
and Edinburgh, but I didn't adapt to the climate. Stewart Blake (I believe I have given only his last
He couldn't stand the constant cold and found name) told me that the house had belonged to a
it very unpleasant. My soul is neither French nor family for some years and that by the misfortune of
Italian, I am a Toreador of Hungarian origin, but fate, the family had been brutally murdered.
I have always preferred to live among the Hispanic Fearfully, Stewart detailed the story to me: the
circle. youngest of the family woke up one night, went to
One of the most glorious moments I had was to the kitchen, and took out a blunt knife. The rest,
meet fellow Clan members when I was invited to you can imagine. A lick was made! The first thing I
artistic meetings in the city of Toledo in 1975. I will did was call a priest and ask for a blessing, cleaning,
not forget that memory! I presented the best pro- or anything else that could be done. Blake even did
jects I could compose with one of the greatest ar- me the favor of telling me that he sometimes heard
chitects that ever lived: Le Corbusier. This architect grunts and metal noises around the house during
who allowed me to adopt his name affectionately. the night. My main question was why the Lord had
bought that house (for a pittance?), but he didn't

Your Haven; Your Life

want to ask and seem unethical. I still don't under- Appearance and Layout
stand. With only the ground floor and the basement,
The house depreciated a lot and it was a trauma the house was built in a rectangular shape. It had
to be able to sell it. If you want to get an idea, it a large garden and was in the middle of the land, I
was announced for sale in the early 2000s after suppose the whole land was around 200m² and the
police investigations and it wasn't until 2009 that house, 125m².
Mr Blake became interested in buying it. It's been There were no fences. As soon as you walk down
abandoned for a long time! It was noticeable even the street and see the gardens, you can see the little
when I entered the house. house in the middle. The rectangular shape contrib-
utes to a room with two windows at the front and
Customer Specifications a balcony that gives entrance to the house. In the
As soon as I asked some questions, I knew the living room, there is a fireplace and a direct connec-
specs were simple. Stewart's Lord intended the walls tion to the dining room, which works as a "trunk"
to be reinforced. Being an old house and to his lik- and connects to the other rooms in the environ-
ing, the same layout should be kept, although the ment.
walls were slightly altered, leaving the wood and go- It is possible to access the kitchen, the corridor
ing to the bricks. Obviously I had to start thinking that gives access to a bathroom and two rooms at
about the partial reconstruction of the enclosure. each end of the same corridor, with closets and
Blake specified that the curtains should be thick obviously the windows. Only through the kitchen,
and the windows false. I didn't know how to do it, it is possible to access the basement and the garage
but I figured out some technologies that could help is outside, in a separate shack.
me. Stewart's Lord wanted sunlight to touch only The house is quite old, ugly. The floors, very
the living room, porch, and kitchen. The garage "rustic" wood, wallpaper throughout the house and
should be completely insulated and the windows light stains from the time of the place's life. Apart
covered. The underground was to be its main from the murders, imagine how many experiences
"fortress", which no being could enter if not for the have passed through the house since the 1930s?
good will of its Lord. Everywhere I go, I imagine the lives they lived, lived
With those specifications, I thought, great, the together and passed through.
vampire must be made of gold and someone is going Crime stains were still on the master bedroom
to steal it. However, I remembered that in 2007 floor. The room had a strange, ghostly feel to it.
we had the beginning of the inquisition. I don't Seemingly "normal" until I was left alone in the
even want to talk about it so I don't feel bad. It is house, which was enough for me to see some figures
interesting to bring the information that my work trying to attack me and then I had to run out of
has exploded in success among the market of im- there.
The last requirement was that there be no cam- SMALL RENOVATION
eras outside, only inside the house. No one wanted A small change needed to be made. I paid some
attention and Blake reiterated this several times. favors to a fellow Giovanni (or Hecata) who lived
One suggestion of mine was to leave cameras out- in the area. As I am well known, he didn't charge
side the house, such as in the streets and trees, hid- me anything very expensive and it was something
den from normal view. That way, we would connect simple, which I was able to buy. In a matter of a few
to the cameras and we could have quick and easy hours and voi'la, the mansion was free of the haunt-
access to outsiders. Obviously, the idea was well ac- ings. Apparently one priest wasn't enough, what we
cepted and Blake asked me to get my hands dirty. needed is a necromancer. Where will this world end


up? that's not why we're going to make it easy for them.
In the following nights, I tried to renovate the The drapes were of fabric heavy enough that
house, a matter of courtesy and good service. I daylight couldn't get through. I assured my cli-
changed the floor and the color of the walls, in a ent that from time to time they would be opened
simple way. A lighter floor and walls with predomi- automatically to hint at a movement through the
nantly warm colors to "animate" the environment house. A colleague of mine created a mobile app
were enough to completely change the feeling of at the time that allowed you to control the blinds
entering such a bad place. Of course, this was all from your smartphone. A marvel of modernity! Of
done after changing the walls and tightening secu- course, by today's standards they are dated, but it
rity. One of the last steps was the decoration (and was worth the cost.
it almost always is). What matters is that my client Finally, I renovated the outside of the house,
liked the way I arranged the colors. The furniture adding a wooden decoration to simulate the previ-
would be his responsibility, after all I had too much ous material the house was created from. By the
of my kindness and had to work. way, I put sound-dampening foam between the
walls. The good side is that nothing would be heard
REINFORCEMENT AND SECURITY from outside, but the bad side is that the inside of
The walls were reinforced with concrete and the house would also be damaged. Craft bones.
bricks. Completely impenetrable using human
hands. The measurements I took increased the WELCOME TO THE "DUNGEON"
thickness of the walls from ten centimeters to The second reform was applied to the basement.
twenty-five of sheer structural strength. The house Just as I cemented the walls above, I didn't do any
got heavier, but very functional for my client's different with the ones below. I realized I made a
purposes. constructive, rookie mistake: I shouldn't have left
I reinforced each door from the inside with met- the basement for last. Learn this, because if you are
al framing, changed the base of the floor and raised a builder and intend to start a work, never leave the
the height of the house. Instead of stepping on pure base of the house for the end.
wood, the residents would be stepping on a metal One of the hardest jobs was having to hire a
base with reinforced wooden boards. I took the skilled engineer to figure out what I could do to fix
opportunity to open a small passage in one of the the problem. Fortunately, everything turned out as
boards in case they wanted to escape. That would it happened.
make room for my client to survive. He'd have to I also concreted the entire basement. That base-
crawl under the floor, but he'd be about three feet ment was beautiful! Soundproof, waterproof and
tall and have plenty of room in width and length to with its own power generator. Once the doors were
escape. The escape wasn't directed to my client's safe closed, no soul would be able to open them from
room, just out of the house. the outside. The doors were as thick as a three-inch
The windows were similarly reinforced, with pipe. Incredible! I implemented some shelves to
steel instead of wood. I took the opportunity to store firearms and melee weapons. Although my
paint and asked for the dye to imitate the white client wasn't skilled enough with melee weapons,
wood. The windows were bulletproof and I added a second option is always interesting. At least he'd
a very subtle smoke. They were glass panes tough have time to think before they broke down that
enough to stop twelve-gauge at point blank range. door.
The same behavior was applied to ports. Once No, there was no escape. In addition to being
locked, it would be impossible to open them. Of the room my client would sleep in, with a bed (in
course, the Second Inquisition has its ways, but his case, a coffin), it would be the last refuge to pre-

Your Haven; Your Life

pare against the inquisition. My client had made it 2016. The camera system he implemented failed and
clear that he didn't want any way for anyone to get the inquisition went unnoticed. They only caught
into that place, so I did. He also didn't want exits his attention when kicks were heard at the door,
and escape routes because if you can escape, you which was not broken down thanks to my backup.
can corner and if you want to be cornered, better The Inquisition surrounded the house like armies
armed. Makes sense, I suppose it belonged to the did in the Middle Ages, only on a human scale.
Brujah to think that way. Do you know how long it took to kill the poor
I'm proud of that basement to this day! Too bad guy? Three nights! Amazingly, they didn't manage
the shelter didn't work as it should. My client died to break into his lair until three nights later. The
a few years later at the end of 2014 in an operation ground floor was raided the first night, but the
simply because he didn't trust my technology sug- basement was impenetrable (I'm proud of it).
gestions. If my client hadn't made enough enemies within
the Anarchs and Camarilla, he might have asked
TECHNOLOGY for help. Fortunately, I change my number and cell
I couldn't finish my work. I believe the client phone every year, enough for me to renew my con-
was so envisioned that they either gave up on the tacts and nobody knows where I've really been.
camera system altogether or blew their budget on The vampire locked himself in the dungeon,
physical security. The fact is, he installed a crappy armed himself to the teeth and even "stole" an idea
camera system inside the house and dismissed my of ​​mine that I came to apply years before, in a Ro-
job when I was about to finish. It wasn't something man work: a stock of blood. Soon I will address the
I expected, but I got paid and what if the client idea for you to understand. I always tell my clients:
is willing to take their risks? Run then. Just don't if you want to survive, listen to me. I know what I'm
reveal my identity. talking about.
I learned of his death just two years later, in


Your Haven; Your Life

HAVEN #004

■ Haven (••): small bar in the 1st floor, two rooms, one bathroom, one kitchen and one stock;
■ Luxury (••): industrial design, best furniture appropriate to the time, best drinks;
■ Postern (•): one exit directing to the backyard and streets;
■ Location (••): one of the main avenues that connect to the city center. Trams pass by and the build-
ing is easily visible;
■ Blood Stock (••): a cellar, located in the attic of the building.

Edinburgh's Mark city at the time. The structure was well preserved,
I will be brief in telling the story of the Small previously in the 1910s, it was a pharmacy that
Rounds Bar, a pub I had the pleasure of building in worked heavily with medicines for the military of
Edinburgh. the First World War. Afterwards, it became a gro-
I was there about seventy years ago or so. I sup- cery store and remained open until the end of the
pose it was the 50s, some rock bands were starting Second World War.
to be successful and solo singers like Elvis Presley Apparently, they found out that the grocer
were living legends at the time. However, Small was German and kicked him out of the house. A
Rounds came with the proposal of another Tore- tremendous prejudice, the poor guy did not even
ador, a great partner of mine, to evoke Scottish support the regime that his country defended in the
culture. past. A few years passed and my colleague Duque
As England began to boom with small bands bought the establishment, but left it idle for some
and one of them came to explode in fame in the time until he could found the bar of his dreams.
60s, the Beatles, Toreador realized that it needed And I discovered that the idea of ​​founding a pub
to rescue part of the culture and remember the came from an Assamite, on a trip that my colleague
old days, when drums, bagpipes and the of some made to the east where he found a pleasure house
stringed instruments were part of the Edinburgh there.
days and nights.
Customer Specifications
History Curiously, everything that was specified to me
It was a cold day when I arrived in Edinburgh was nothing more than comfort for the clientele,
and I went straight to one of the main avenues, still a supply of blood and preparing some emergency
at night, in the city. Amazingly, it was well lit and exits. As the place was simple, spacious, all that was
populated. The capital seemed to have suffered a needed was for me to do a good design job.
strong English influence since the last time I had The security means of the time were different
been there. Not only the streets but even vehicles and my colleague Toreador didn't want to leave any
reminded me of the English. trace that this was an immortal haven (or meeting
I met up with my fellow Toreador, whom we'll place). He didn't want traps, he didn't want weap-
call "The Duke of Edinburgh" for his safety, and ons, he didn't want anything that felt defensive. I
headed towards the establishment he'd purchased. It understand you. My colleague wanted to disassoci-
wasn't bad at all! It was well maintained and lit, just ate himself from the repressive environment.
needed a few renovations here and there.
The Duke of Edinburgh bought that space on
the ground floor of one of the few buildings in the It was the 50's and there was no greater design


trend than the "American dream". Among Europe- SECURITY EXITS

ans, what we call "modern" architecture was very In all, there were three emergency exits. My
present. Most architects were favoring large spaces client wanted them, but I was clear in saying that
of coexistence, simplicity and effectiveness. It is not the space didn't comfort that. So all I could do was
for nothing that many houses have become famous "cut" the back of the building to the back gardens,
to this day and despise this period. which connected to one of the streets. Since no one
Villa Savoye in France, Farnsworth Residence had accessed those gardens in decades, they were
or Kaufmann House in the United States, the city big and dirty. I decided to keep it that way for the
of Brasília in Brazil (during the 60's) and later we sake of camouflage.
were able to visit Sidney Opera House in Australia. I hid the exits behind one of the stashes (no, not
These monuments are trends in architectural mod- the blood one). My client was clearly happy with
ernism and luckily I had the pleasure of accompa- the idea, although he wanted more than one output.
nying them to the end. However, as my colleague However, there was no problem big enough and I
wanted to rescue the traditions, I thought: why not believe that to this day he has never used such an
mix classical Gothic with some modern architec- outlet to survive.
tural concepts.
I planned the whole bar in an open concept, BLOOD STOCKS
few pillars and abusing three of the five concepts Blood stocks were well hidden. I learned that
of modernism. The walls were decorated with dark no one used the attic of the building, so I coated it
orange brick (perhaps due to age) and the wiring with thermal insulation. At the time, Edinburgh
was visible in the peeling ceiling. The renovation wasn't as hot as it is today and I didn't need any
was "simple. I replaced the rotting wooden floor means of refrigeration, I knew everything would be
and varnished it with a newer flooring, went up colder above than below. I asked my client to buy
a wooden decoration to the 1/3 of the wall (about the attic just for him and I invested in an infra-
80cm) and added ornaments that took up the structure to fit several bottles not only of wine,
Gothic and classic. whiskey and other drinks, but the blood (disguised
Although I wanted to, the bricks could not between them).
change color to white (this would open up a lot Of course, there was a bar stock of their own,
of illusory space in the environment). So I did my but I didn't want any mortal to risk finding a bot-
best with lighting with some points brighter than tle full of blood. You would need to access the top
others, comfortable. I added English chandeliers in of the building for that. However, vampires could
some parts of the room that when lit would bring place "special requests" depending on the contents
a feeling of constant comfort. Then I added the of the bottles.
furniture: some wooden tables with stools, big com- I was only able to visit the place a few years later
fortable sofas glued to the walls and some paintings and discovered that it had really become the Ely-
that contained pictures of Scottish culture. By the sium of the city. Today, the building was purchased
way, I couldn't help but hang some instruments on by my client and is a nightclub for vampires. The
the wall (like the folio harmonica). inquisition knocked on the door of the place a few
The colors of the furniture referred to yellow, times, but none of the times was successful. What
red red and dark blue. At the time, it was perfect! makes me most happy are the results when I return
My colleague really enjoyed the ambiance when years later to review my creations. An artist is like
it opened later. I achieved the result I wanted and a criminal: he always comes back to see his achieve-
rescued part of Scotland's culture, at the same time ment.
modernizing it. It wasn't my best work, but my best

Your Haven; Your Life


HAVEN #005

■ Haven (••): one building, where existed a cinema;
■ Cell (••): one small cell, in the basement;
■ Postern (••): three exits, one to the basement, other to the sewers and the last to yard;
■ Watchmen (•): cameras, lock system and gas trap;
■ Surgery (•): one surgery room for medical experiments;
■ Laboratory (•): one smal laboratoryu for searching vampire blood.

An Abandoned Cinema protections that went out of the conventional like

I was hired by a group of Neophytes... Two or the guards.
three years ago? I think so. Apparently they were a
Coterie who would rather serve the Anarcos than
the Ivory Tower. They got this cinema after doing a I met with the owners of the place in one of the
favor to an influential Brujah in the city. living rooms. There were five immortals and with-
Neophytes were apparently thin-blooded. I out wasting much time, they introduced themselves
believe only one of them was a "real vampire". I by aliases (which I don't try to remember). Everyone
know, at this point you might be asking "Geez, but was very professional with me on the first contact,
where are your principles? Serving a Thinned-Blood making it clear that they would deliver me a stock
group?" and I will answer you "Yes. I am a survivor of the oldest bottles of wine on the European con-
and I take advantage by nature. It doesn't matter tinent. I don't know how they got it, but I only ac-
who, paying well? What harm is there?". cepted the contract because I was looking for them
I learned later that only one of them belonged to to sell to a colleague for a good price.
a Clan, a Ventrue. Can you imagine how disgusted I learned about the history of that cinema right
the Ivory Tower is to hear about this? Mainly away. Even in the fifties, that neighborhood was
because this Clan dominates the sect. It's quite reserved to become cultural. The government would
satisfying. invest in cinemas, parks and places for leisure.
I arrived at the cinema in the city of San Fran- However, it was too far away to make him visited.
cisco, in the United States. The cinema really was People stopped meeting there and many indus-
abandoned in one of the most forgotten neighbor- tries migrated there in the 1970s. Increasingly, the
hoods of the city. I felt like I was in the 1920s with neighborhood remained abandoned, less visited and
that classic New York entrance to the cinemas of dangerous. The streets, dark at night and with little
the time. However, for the time, everything was police.
pretty badly taken care of. In the 90's, the cinema declared bankruptcy and
I believe that was the objective. It was possible was bought by a man, who tried to keep it until
to see the faded sign saying "cinema" and appar- 2005 and due to lack of buyers, the taxes applied
ently, the last films presented were in the 90's, like to the area gathered in a huge pool of debts. The
Pulp Fiction and Fight Club. Both films were on cinema remained idle for another ten years and the
posters, torn up. I was greeted by some henchmen, owner disappeared. The space wasn't big enough to
it seems this is one of the few havens they man- make that lot industrial and not cheap enough for
age to keep mercenaries at. I understood why they some family to buy it and build a house on it.
didn't invest in luxury, after all they had other Vampires appropriated the place and left (I be-

Your Haven; Your Life

lieve out of ignorance) debts to accumulate. As the ing. I myself made a point of carrying out the work
lot is a bomb to get into debt, nobody wants to buy for the benefit of what I intended to do. Normally
it and so it became a refuge for immortals, bandits mortals are my workers, but this time I was person-
or residents who frequented the place for some ally involved mainly because I was suspicious.
time. The current owners said that starting in 2015, I bought some of the materials, iron bars, metal
a vampire made the place his domain (that Brujah plates and cement to rebuild the walls and I took
they mentioned) and they managed to buy it from advantage of the fact that on one of the nights,
him after some good favors. the Neophytes were summoned by the Baron to
work on a local investigation. I wasted no time and
Customer Specifications insisted on getting my payment in advance, before
The place is not visited today, it is structured they even had any idea of ​​withdrawing it. As I spent
to their needs. It's relatively dusty and dirty. The those last entire nights working at the cinema, I
entrances have some makeshift traps that I doubt decorated the environment, how they thought and
will work. However, the Neonates did not want me behaved. I even knew how the goons behaved.
to restructure the place. Some requests were made It's very easy to impress mortals when we have
to me, such as fortifying some walls, creating some our gifts. The henchmen gave in to my tactics
cells, improving the laboratory and operating room. thanks to trusting me due to having seen me for
Apparently, much of what there was was well many nights in a row. I think my charisma was good
allocated. The place needed a good coat of paint, enough to get them into my webs and when they
structural renovations and clear reinforcements in least noticed, they were cornered. Lucky for me I
the protections. However, during the conversation knew what I was doing.
I realized that they did not intend to give me what
was in the agreement. I have never been dishonest THE SECOND PAIR OF EYES NEVER HURTS
with my clients and I do not tolerate dishonesty I didn't care to finish the job. As soon as I col-
with me. I used some of my oracular powers to un- lected my payment, I left the plans and plans drawn
derstand what I could and I was clearly certain that so they would know how to do it. I wouldn't wait
they were plotting to betray me. for them to return to collect payment in ammo and
I agreed to help them, but I would have a final shots. I made it very clear in the letters that I knew
gamble. I was once a Neophyte and I know the the refuge from top to bottom and any hunting
tactics of these slurries. I created some concepts mission would have my mouth ready to sell them to
for the old cinema, thinking about renovating the the Second Inquisition.
walls and invested heavily in that. I got to know the It didn't take more than two hours before I had
whole environment and discovered that apparently changed my cell phone and fled the city, heading
there was a stock kept in one of the rooms of the for Chicago due to a plane I took during the night.
local structure. I arrived in Chicago at the end of the night and
was able to stay in a good hotel, still at the airport.
STRUCTURAL REINFORCEMENT Interestingly, I was well received in the evenings
Just before rebuilding the local structures, I de- afterwards by the Cainites of Chicago.
stroyed the walls preventing the pillars from break-


Chapter Three:

resources and
Um refúgio é para o imortal, o colete à prova de balas de um mortal.

Elysium is a place of peace and you can almost always use it and you must know very well who you are dealing with. It is
to your advantage if you can be a shrewd figure. It is, however, possible that you risk entering an Elysium and discover that
frowned upon by the Principality or Barony to use this place of you were surprised the moment the vampire attacks you in the
peace as an escape route. "peace zone". Believe me, not everyone respects her.

Is an Elysium a Refuge? How Are They Chosen?

Yes and no. Elysium is a place of peace and you can almost The Keeper is the Prince's and, in some cases, the Baron's
always use it to your advantage if you can be a shrewd figure. It right-hand man. Often, the most influential vampires in town
is, however, frowned upon by the Principality or Barony to use don't make their choices by chance, they don't have the luxury
this place of peace as an escape route. of it. Elysium is an important haven for all vampires and can
During the 1980s, I heard of a town where some Neonates be small or large. Everything will depend on the amount of im-
would flee to Elysium whenever they were in danger lest they mortals you need to allocate.
be destroyed by a stronger adversary. One night, Elysium faced You can have more than one Elysium in a city, but the most
a frenzy from an extremely powerful Cainite and the Princi- I've found is three (in my entire unlife). All that is taken into
pality was nearly completely moth-destroyed. The same situa- consideration is how that place will be maintained, where it
tion applies here. will be created, what tools it should have, how Cainites should
An Elysium is your trump card. You must use it wisely. He behave and how to use it to our advantage. Vampires need these
must be the ace in the hole for a blind date, a risky diplomacy answers to create these points of peace.

Unlike Neonates who think you fail to pay a deal, get a single
little and where they should live, extra chance for that deal for
the older ones think too much. your good conduct.
While you're still planning
where you're going to sleep, the Protection ■ Flaw: (•) Debit. By all indica-
Keeper has even seen the histori- Requests tions, you are in debt in the
cal records of where Elysium will principality and it may not be
In some cities, local leaders allow the first time. This gives you bad
be. Understand: there can be their Neophytes to do them fa-
no impediments, discoveries or eyes and that's why some people
vors by asking in Elysium. These show up from time to time to
eavesdroppers there. And eve- favors don't always reach every-
ryone will make sure it's really remind you of your debts. Once
one's ears and are almost always a week, you receive charges
hard to find. handled by Guardians of Elysium (initially from mortals) from the
or extremely trusted Ghouls. servants you owe. The longer it
Known to the Sect At some
As Storyteller, you can consider takes, the more the charges will
point, the players themselves that every starting character has
will realize that they have debts, increase in weight and conse-
access to owe up to three favors. quences. A character with more
payments, fame and bad reputa- However, only a debt worth three
tion. While this can generally than three weeks of debt may
disregards the other two as possi- develop the Enemy Flaw on the
be represented by Backgrounds, bilities. Vampires who choose to
Fame, Status, and others, sheet.
trade with Elysium may ask to
Known to the Sect further ex- make small requests to save their
plores the vampire's relationship ■ Flaw: (••) Unreliable. You are
skin every now and then (such as recognized for underpaying.
to the local Domain. a place to sleep, a supply of blood No one trusts your word be-
to keep from falling into frenzy, cause you take time to deliver
■ Merit: (•) Honor Agree-
temporary protection, etc.). Of services or give futile rewards.
ment. You recently made a
course, most expect to get to the You don't convey confidence
deal on your word with another
point of desperation to make and often don't even say
Cainite and he expects you to
such deals, and they are often not what you came for. Any deal
pay. There's a vote of confidence
worth it. that involves your name and
in you and a certain patience for
Once your player has agreed payouts immediately gets a +2
being your first deal with him.
to make such an offer, you can difficulty to convince people
With this Cainite, you have a
stage the bargaining moment to bet on you.
"vote of confidence".
or use rolls depending on the
intonation he will use with the
■ Merit: (••) Talented Nego-
ciator.Most of the deals you've
Guardian of Elysium. Caution Between Barons and
made have paid off well and that
is needed! Threats are never the Princes
best route and a "brute" player Almost all Sects have a com-
gives you a vote of confidence
can end up owing more fa- mon haven. In the Camarilla it
when you make new deals.
vors than he bargained for for is designated as Elysium, among
People tend to take your word
no apparent reason in his eyes. the Anarchs it is a meeting
for it and invest in the deals they
have with you because of that. place, and in the Sabbat it is
Whenever you make a new deal, a communal haven. In each of
add +2 bonus dice to success- them, there are rules specific to
fully complete it, and whenever the local leader and who resides

there. But in almost all of them you will find the Domains are like houses, the difference is that we
same conditions and characteristics that I men- are all thieves breaking into each other's abodes.
tioned earlier. We are civilized. While humans have at most
It is possible to claim the possibilities of hag- eighty years of civility, we can have centuries of it
gling in all. Vampires are almost never closed to and so it's important that we make good use of the
deals that can help them out of trouble. If you have civility we have. It is important that we know how
a good talk, you can always count on them to stop to behave in a domain, what the rules of etiquette
and listen to you, even if they are your enemies. I've are and what we should and should not do. Being
heard that there are rules of etiquette and behavior in the house of an ally, adversary, contact, whatever
at Sabbat and Anarch hangouts. It's as if they have is necessarily a social collaboration and you must
their own rituals, but I have no idea how they work. respect it.
A few decades ago, the Sabbat performed some
initiation rites for its Kindred, bringing them into ARE THERE RULES TO BE BROKEN?
passages into the Cainite world. I can't tell you how A Domain exists for a reason. They are the order
true this information is today. we need to organize ourselves. Humans have their
own houses and rules. We also possess and need the
HONOR THE DOMAIN existence of this law of behavior.
While I don't fully appreciate the Ivory Tower, Understand that even in times of war between
I have to say that I respect its rules and know how us, there needs to be a place where you will cease
important they are because they make us survive. fire to think of any other way out that comes to
One law that appears to be universal among mind. So different from what many think today,
vampires is the act of respecting the domain of an- in which "rules are meant to be broken", no! They
other immortal. We don't always do it out of honor, don't.
but out of fear. You never know how old you are In the heyday of the Anarch Revolution, even
and how hard the "slap" that Cainite will give you if the Neonates were angry with their Elders, there
will be if you decide to act like an angry Anarchist. was order and progress. There was respect and


honor, pacts and diplomacy. Before any destruc- leather sofas, and even asking my permission to
tion we caused each other, a meeting would be held walk from a comfortable for the other.
beforehand to reach an agreement and only when It may seem like a basic sense of behavior, but it
we could no longer reach consensus, we fought for wasn't. The young man lived with me until the end
our lives. of the war and I learned a lot about him. I learned
I was not one of the rebels at the time, but my that he valued history above all else because his
Lord and Creator was. Their stories remind me of home had been raided, bombed and destroyed with
times of glory, when it was not enough to rebel; you all the belongings and memories he had of his fam-
needed to defend an ideal. You would believe it as if ily. There was nothing left but his own memories. I
it were really a flag, a way of life. It was his "ma- understood that the respect in even stepping with
ternal philosophy". I have immense respect for the clean feet was due to believing that our home is an
early Sabbat organizations because the Sect came environment of peace, rest and calm. He despised
into being, the movement advocating the protection the idea of ​​feeling like he was on a battlefield inside
of our race as a whole and not as animals in pagan his own home. The care with the furniture, with
cults. walking around the house, said a lot when keep-
ing it that it was valuable to others as if it were for
WHAT RESPECT HAS TO DO WITH REF- himself because he had lost everything he had.
UGES? I didn't understand that perspective until I lived
One of the most important points of the conver- with him. Although I never saw him again after
sation is that I mentioned earlier that you can learn the thirties, that experience was enough to teach
a lot about your opponents simply by visiting where me that everything we do is a clear reflection of
they live. Rules are the vampire's skeleton, of how our personality. Cling to customs, to rules, to the
he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. portraits of ourselves that we paint for people. They
It was understood that vampires fit in where will help you understand that dealing with us is not
they can (or want to). They use the very resources simply about applying a feat of strength technique
they acquired with immortality during all these to your enemy's face. From clothes to furniture, an
years to decorate and improve their abodes, thus immortal can tell a lot of stories when he wants to.
creating a reflection of their psyche in the environ-
ment. Social Networks and Virtual
Understand that we are dependent on customs. Worlds
We need rules and the more rules, the more infor- I mentioned dozens of well-established physical
mation we have on our targets. While the "painting havens in our world. However, did you ever stop
on the wall" represents a Toreador's emotions, the to think how safe it could be to meet an immortal
behavior is literally his personality saying what he companion in a simulated world, through some
came for. I'm talking deep psychological analysis programming, video game or phone call and settle
here! accounts there? There are some secret NSA agencies
At the beginning of the 20th century, I received that look for vampires infiltrating the networks,
a Neonate who was fleeing the First World War but you can find a way to allocate a server on the
shortly after the Autro-Hungarian Empire had been Internet (or Dark Web) and hide there.
dissolved. I could see that despite not teaching that Realize the opportunity we have at hand: you
young man the rules, my guest was very respectful buy a video game and one of the latest games
of what I had. Not only did he show admiration for released. It is likely that for you who have around
the history that my hideaway held, but he showed three decades, using a console or virtual world is
care when stepping on clean socks after taking off not so complicated. When communicating, you can
his dirty boots, caution when sitting on the brushed use the means of the virtual world you have pur-

chased to exchange information. Of course, you'll
have to teach your targets to communicate there
later, too, but if you're careful enough, no one will Domain Etiquette
know. A newcomer may feel out of place when in-
Consulting a tech student on the internet, I teracting with other immortals within some
found that most games work with realtime ren- Cainite domains. It is possible that there are some
dering and in cross-platform or multiplayer, this knowledge and behavior rolls through the player's
rendering "erases" what just happened in the scene interpretive demonstration of how their charac-
to render more effects and textures. An example of ter behaves within a refuge or area dominated by
this would be taking small "shots" to the wall in an another immortal.
FPS to write a sentence. Is it laborious? And it is! When a character enters a domain, especially if
However, no one is able to hear your voice, see your invited, it is interesting to demonstrate narratively
face and if you are using a good network protector, how bows and introductions make a difference.
no one even knows where you are. Vampires tend to cling to antiquities, especially
older ones, and some of them will insist on such
■ Merit: (•) Inovator. You have a "virtual world" of behaviors.
your own that you have mastery over. Of course Even though one of the Cainites on the scene
you can't feed there and you can't really hurt your (even the domain owner) is a Neonate under forty
opponents. This is a "make-believe" world, rendered years old, we know that within our homes, we want
in 3D format (the same one used for other games). respect. Even a young man will not tolerate a lack of
Any attempt to find your tracks through this world's tact with his belongings and dignity with what he
records must access your server, which has a guarded has achieved. Humans are territorial, vampires too.
connection to the cloud, in addition to other digital
protections. Increase the difficulty of all rolls to track System: once entering a Domain, the Storyteller
you on any digital medium by +1 when being hunted. may request an Attribute + Etiquette roll. Attrib-
The biggest downside is that the character won't utes such as Intelligence will serve to understand
always know when he was actually discovered. the rules and know them while Charisma will serve
to apply them. The number of successes required
■ Merit: (••) Digital Library. You've developed a must be based on a character's Fame and Status.
server in your haven with a collection of digital books The higher the score on both Backgrounds, the
that you may have retrieved from the old ShreckNet. greater the number of successes needed (or less, at
This collection is offline and has no direct connection the Storyteller's discretion).
to what we know as "Cloud". Unless you reconnect
it to networks, it will not be discovered. Making new
uploads to it may require some protections like IP who does not use this resource to inform, interact
cloaking and virtual operating systems. With this or hide. With us it was not very different.
Merit, you gain +2 dice on any research rolls involving
Occult, Investigation, Technology, and Computers. Some immortals have fallen into the snares of tech-
nology and, like humans, seem to have developed
Digital Addictions I've always known humans who "nervous tics" of checking their cell phones every
could be addicted to booze, drugs, and other means ten, thirty minutes or an hour. Although it doesn't
pleasing to our minds. However, I learned that a seem to harm us, it strongly impacts our reasoning.
picture that has become more and more common is Not only can we be harmed by the absence of clear
that of vampires like us getting addicted to technol- logical reasoning, we are also vulnerable when we
ogies. Currently, you should not find a single person need to connect to networks. That being the case,


be careful! You never know who is on the other side and early evening.
of the screen. Using the Internet is a risky way for those who
don't even know what a virus is. I'm getting closer
■ Flaw: (•) Digitally Addicted. You are addicted to and closer to these digital territories because I
the Internet, social networks, games or some digital want to find out how to research more and improve
information source. Cell phones are always in your everything I know. I know that with the Internet,
hands, you are always looking for some screen to this is possible.
swipe your fingers or listen to some audio through
electronic means. Once per hour, perform a Resolve ■ Merit: (•) Digitally Prepared. You use some
+ Composure roll to avoid pulling out your cell phone technology, protection system or means of not being
during any interaction. If you don't have any means to found when communicating with one of your tech-
satisfy your desire, the penalty is applied immediately nological resources during the night. Add two more
until you satisfy your need. Failure indicates that you dice to any attempt to hide your location, protect
immediately draw your nearest source of information your identity, or hide yourself from your adversaries
to alert yourself to what is happening, however suc- when performing any tests involving computers and
cess causes you to resist that urge and increase the technology.
difficulty of all subsequent rolls by +1 (maximum +2
at end of night). For two points, these rolls must be Enough!
made every scene. Using all possible contexts for refuges, I can say
that we specialize in the subject. However, we need
THE SOCIAL PROFILE practice! And now? What do we do? How are we
We have entered a new era, known as the "in- going to defend ourselves? We create our havens, we
formation age". I would say, from "disinformation". establish rules, laws, we understand the psyche of
Humans seem more stupid and at the same time, vampires, but this fruit salad seems to be missing a
others stand out much more with the advent of the "spice".
Internet. Have we been affected by this? Yes. We We need protections, my friend. Physical protec-
did. tions, barriers that we will use, counterattacks and
Newspapers, televisions, smartphones are here ways to stop the powerful weapons of the inquisi-
to stay and will continue to improve. This change is tion. As vampires were attacked by human re-
visible. You'll only have trouble noticing this if you sources, they also adapted. We have ways to defend
belong to or serve the Camarilla, which generally ourselves and that's what we do all the time.
prohibits the use of such avenues of technology in You don't need supernatural powers to know
their domains. Since the fall of ShreckNet, vam- that a good improvised weapon against a mortal
pires utilizing social media have become a shortage has almost the same effect as a stake through the
within the Sect. chest. Our powers are limited to a certain extent
I don't have any contribution to make to the and I usually say that if we are well prepared, we are
networks. I'd love to understand them, but I know almost always at the advantage.
it's beyond my ability for practical usability. I'm still Times are no longer the same when it was pos-
getting used to the flip phone. If you have a social sible to sleep day to day in your refuge without wor-
network, I have no more advice to give you than rying about invasions of your home. Now, you have
what I realized recently: don't mirror your life in to be prepared. And believe me, I will make sure
the virtual world. Take advantage of the opportu- you are prepared.
nity and create a new persona for yourself. Schedule
virtual faxes (the younger ones call them "publica-
tions"?) every week during the morning, afternoon

Your Haven; Your Life

M anual of
P rotection
You may never have been hunted, but you've tive objects that humans have invented are firearms.
heard that the Inquisition is very well prepared Against these, all you have to do is hide, run away,
against us. From incendiary munitions to preter- and pray you don't get hit.
natural perception radars, they are armed with Being armed, you can even try some distraction
equipment that was created with the sole purpose shots and if you're good at the trigger, really kill
of destroying us. Even if you don't have the best your opponents. I believe however that due to the
resources, there are a few ways to protect yourself common unpreparedness of most people, this is the
against some of these weapons. With a talented last thing you will be able to do effectively.
inventor, it shouldn't cost more than a few hundred
A fang puller is nothing more than an automatic
MELEE WEAPONS; PUNCHES AND KICKS saw that, when stuck in your jaw, pulls out both
There is no better protection against this than your fangs at once. In some cases, mortals put on
a good evasion skill. You may even know how to prosthetics to keep his mouth open and saw with
fight, but believe me: it's better not to try. We are hand tools. Less functional, but if you are surround-
eternal and we have time to defend ourselves or at ed by a group of five or six humans, you may suffer
least learn to do so. A vampire who reaches his 100s serious consequences.
and doesn't have a clue about how to hold a knife We developed the metal teethers. They are noth-
or land a punch squarely in the jaw is certainly in ing more than metal dentures made to protect our
trouble, but one who doesn't know how to run away teeth. They are custom-made, you simply put them
when necessary... That one is dead. in your mouth and they stay there until you decide
You can use reinforced robes, helmets, other to take them off. They may harm you by closing or
weapons, and so on. What matters is not getting hit. opening your jaw, but at least you won't lose your
Whenever you are at a disadvantage, fighting melee fangs.
unarmed and even armed, run away! Do not be silly. System: when equipped, the metallic moderator
The honor of some who believe they will "never run makes the character "immune" to attempts to saw
from a fight" will symbolize their death in the near off prey with hand tools. The automatic weapons
future. Avoid any combat at all costs. used by mortals are immediately locked, but can be
strong enough to break a teether after the first use.
FIREARMS; PROJECTILES In any case, using a teether gives you a few minutes
Unless you're the "Man of Steel", your chest head start until mortals untangle their saws and ac-
won't stop bullets, let alone projectiles. We may tually pull out their fangs. With this metallic cape,
have the best equipment possible, the most destruc- the character has increased difficulty on rolls that


require bites, but gains +1 protection against any effective weapons and are quite common during
damage to the jaw and mouth region. the inquisition's onslaughts against our havens.
There are a few ways you can use to defend yourself
We know very well what a stake thrower is. In It is relevant to say that these grenades are very
antiquity, we would call it a "beast" and it would effective in closed and dark environments. They
come accompanied by a heavy bolt. Today, it has cause an explosion of sound that deafens (about 170
become an independent weapon that, when fired, decibels) and temporarily blinds us, long enough
pierces your chest as if it were a 12-gauge shot. for us to be surrendered to the hands of the Inquisi-
The best way to defend yourself against this tion. I know, there's no way to expect a grenade like
type of weapon is to equip yourself with a metallic that and you'll probably be taken by surprise. But
armor. This one is nothing more than a metal shell there are two very effective devices against blind-
molded to protect your chest, which can be camou- ness and deafness: ear muffs and tactical visors.
flaged with some robes underneath. While it won't With a goggle or tactical visor, the light pro-
stop you from being injured by the projectiles of duced will not affect your vision. Purchasing one of
pistols and rifles, it will protect you from stakes. these is easier than you think and at any shooting
System: while equipped with the metallic armor, shop you can find. If not, you can create one with
the character gains +3 points of protection against a specific type of glass and mold it to your view-
any attempt to stake by hand and against thrown finder. As for the dampers, construction houses
projectiles. sell these equipment easily. You may use ear plugs
instead of earmuffs, but they may be less effective.
FLASHBANGS These grenades don't hurt, so stay tuned, they're
Humans have developed a few types of gre- just distractions.
nades over the past few decades. I shouldn't even System: a stun grenade tends to immobilize a
consider the frag grenades because if you're under character's actions for up to five turns. A Stamina
one... You're dead. However, stun grenades are very roll must be made, the number of successes indi-

cating the number of turns the The smoke grenade, indoors, weaponry is to use rolls like Wits
character was able to absorb. A makes any action that uses vision or Intelligence + Academics and
character who is tough enough difficult. Cloistered environ- figure out which solution would
can resist the effects, but most ments tend to be extremely un- neutralize the compound. The
will be blinded and deafened for recognizable due to the difficulty Storyteller is in charge of defin-
between two and three turns. in seeing. Characters take a -1 to ing the consequences of using a
With earmuffs and glasses, -3 dice penalty to combat actions chemical compound to harm the
reduce the five-turn penalty by in the environment due to such a vampire's physiology.
two or three points (Storyteller's penalty.
SMOKE GRENADES; TEAR Tear gas is a chemical com- GENS
GAS pound. There are other methods A chemical compound causes
Just as the stun grenade is the inquisition has used to de- severe effects on vampires if used
about to stun you, the smoke gre- stroy us. Some weapons, glasses, properly, but natural compounds
nade is about to inhibit you from bottles use chemical compounds can do the same. Using the cor-
seeing anything. A colleague of that burn as they touch our skin. rect herbal mixtures correctly, a
mine, a specialist in military System: vampires are not vampire can experience similar
resources, told me that the smoke subject to the tearing effects, but allergenic effects from having
grenade does not cause us physi- may be harmed by other factors. direct contact with certain herbs
ological damage, but it will blind I met some vampires who were and plants. Swelling in the hands
us (indoors) due to the gases and victims of compounds with Silver or feet, discomfort in vision,
will create a noise similar to stun Nitrate, ending up with allergic smell and touch, burns, in some
grenades. Unlike the stun gre- reactions and irreversible marks cases heavy hallucinations are
nade where the sound is a single on the skin. Others have had events that happen if used well.
impact, the smoke grenade has compounds like Hydrochloric With some advantage, vam-
a continuous sound (about 150 Acid spilled onto their skin and pires are not subject to these
deciberis) while it is generating nearly lost entire limbs. effects if they have ingested these
the gas. A chemical compound is compositions due to their natural
A tear gas grenade is in- equally effective against vampires reaction of vomiting or not
tended to release some gases and unlike other ways of harming absorbing what comes from the
that will make us cough, sneeze them, most only cease to be effec- blood. However, some mortals
and scratch our eyes. For a few tive if stabilized by solutions that manage to drug themselves with
moments, people can have very neutralize the composition. Some compositions that, at the very
strong allergic reactions and need effects of the compounds can least, will give vampires head-
help if they are in great exposure. range from leaving marks on the aches when ingesting that blood.
Still, none of them are lethal. skin (including invisible marks Vampires who ingest contami-
System: vampires are not that can only be seen through nated Vitae may be subject to the
subject to the tearing or allergic UV light), burning body parts same effects of drugs and halluci-
effects caused by the gas grenade. causing Aggravated damage to nogens used by mortals.
Any stun caused by the constant the vampire (between +1 and +3), System: the effects can be
bangs and noises counts for two stunning the itchy senses, sensa- adverse. Characters can receive
rounds of hearing immobiliza- tions of grooves and so on. bonuses, penalties, whatever is
tion, and can be soaked with The most effective way to de- in the Storyteller's hands. Drugs
Stamina. fend yourself against this type of that cause psychological effects


alter the immortals' perception of we are expecting. However, you Prerequisite: Ghost in the
the world and can be found de- should and can make this task Machine
scribed in the base books, influ- difficult. The vampire exploits the max-
encing the Resonance absorbed System: simulate your imum potential that an obfusca-
by the vampire. Humanity with the gifts of the tion can offer for modern times,
Chemical effects due to immortals. Although heat visions concealing as oscillations of su-
herbal contact follow the same can detect its absence, simulat- pernatural energy that any tech-
provisions as penalties imposed ing human life will be enough to nological device can detect. In
by the aforementioned com- bring men into confusion. this way, the perception through
pounds and are subject to the At the same time, you can use ultraviolet rays, heat sensors, light
Storyteller's creativity. Neutraliz- vasodilators, diuretics and pills movement and other methods,
ing them may require some Intel- that will force your heart to beat. work in favor of the vampire that
ligence + Medicine rolls to figure At first you will feel pain, but it blends with the natural power of
out which remedies and herbs will pass. I discovered that a new the environment.
would be effective in countering drug has been invented so that Once No Records from the
the effects suffered. immortals can simulate this type Dead is active, the character
of condition much more effec- makes the search for him im-
SUNSCREEN? tively. mensely difficult through the
Complete joke. No sunscreen You probably won't hear them flaw he exploits in electronic de-
has any effect on us. Our condi- speak. These days, microphones vices. This may be known among
tion is supernatural, remember? are directly attached to the wind- the more powerful Nosferatu as
Yes. Blade lied to you. pipes of NSA soldiers. They are "modern chameleon", in which
System: at the Storyteller's barely audible, so prepare your the vampire camouflages like
discretion, the sunscreen can supernatural potential to listen, features so that it cannot be their
provide +1 protection to resist you'll need to. features by such machines.
damage from sunlight. It is a Use absolutely all the re- Cost: One Rouse Check.
viable and interesting option, sources you have at hand. Powers, Dice Pool: Wits + Obfuscate.
simply for the joke and to gener- equipment (including theirs), System: the vampire concen-
ate good laughs in a chronicle. weapons, bombs, distractions, trates for one turn during the
animals, and even other humans. power's activation and then rolls
MOTION SENSORS; Play mind games, turn them Wits + Obfuscate. The difficulty
ALARMS; NIGHTVISION against each other. If your haven varies from the electronic he
GOGGLES has been invaded, the priority is seeks to deceive! A night vision
The inquisition is prepared. to survive as much as you can. If goggles would compete with Dif-
They will come with lasers, heat you're alone, look for the way out ficulty 2 while a motion sensor
glasses and night vision, use mo- and run away. If you're surround- would ask for Difficulty 3. Heat
tion sensors to detect supernatu- ed? Hide, hide. If it's day? Take as sensors could require Difficulty
ral rays and some will even have many soldiers with you to the pit. 4 and any other more advanced
radar capable of identifying their technology for detecting crea-
position. tures, supernatural beings or
The technology is so much Obfuscate even mortals could ask for Dif-
that some supersedes our su- ficulty 5 and even same 6. Once
pernatural abilities. There is no Level 4 it has cloaked itself, that detec-
escape. You will be found if you no records from the dead tion source will no longer work
are mortals as well prepared as against the immortal during the

scene. However, higher or better the most intelligent traitors of increase Difficulty and amount of
sources (even tools the vampire supernatural beings to humans, dice lost! The amount of bombs
doesn't know about) may still these machines understand the thrown may prevent the vampire
work to identify him at a certain workings of our powers as well as from using his Disciplines for
difficulty. the NSA's finest hunter. strength for a while. Fortunately
The effects of Ghost in the for vampires, these effects last
Machine are potentiated and its ■ G-Bomb: Gravity bombs are an for a few turns equivalent to 2
bonuses can be considered as extremely advanced technology, turns.
sums in union with No Records but no one knows where it came
from the Dead. Any attempt from. It was used only during the ■ E-Force: other records state
to hide from the surveillance invasion of the Vienna Chapel. It that electromagnetic field bombs
systems continues to add +3 dice is the only and exclusive record were used during the invasions
to the hidden vampire. Addition- of the activity of such bombs. of London to find the city's
ally, beholders add +5 to their When thrown to the ground, Nosferatu. The electromagnetic
Difficulty on rolls to identify the close to a target within two field is charged by an electrical
Kindred in film, video, photo- meters, the weight of G-Force charge for a few hours. When
graphs, or the like taken during is significantly increased. When ready for use, it is thrown to
active Obfuscate only while No affected by this bomb, the only the ground and then implodes
Records from the Dead is active. known escape is to run before in beams of energy that linger in
While Ghost in the Machine the bomb explodes (or kick it?). the environment for a few turns,
works against live streams, vide- The vampire rolls Dexterity + touching whoever passes by. The
os, audio recordings, No Records Celerity (to evade) or Strength visible effect is quite similar to
from the Dead has a practi- + Might (to push the limits of tesla rays, even if unable to harm
cal effect on motion detectors, technology), Difficulty 4. Failure targets that enter the circle of
sensors, UV rays, heat sensing indicates that the vampire will affection. In this way, illusions
electronics and other equipment lose 4 dice to any move roll. This flicker, and may fail immedi-
used both by the Inquisition effect remains active for three ately. A vampire with Obfuscate
against vampires. turns. wouldn't be able to fully hide
Duration: one scene. with that field. The vampire must
■ Vaacum Grenade: It's definitely make a Wits + Obfuscate roll to
ELETRONIC SHOOTINGS; not one of the most common maintain concealment, Difficulty
SUPERNATURAL OVER- equipment we see out there. 3 each turn within the effect.
LOAD EQUIPMENT This type of pump comes in Once in effect, the field does not
Unless you made a huge a small, pressurized metallic completely cancel Obfuscate,
mistake with the inquisition, you cylinder. When thrown at a but gives +2 automatic successes
are unlikely to find such tools. target, rather than a dissipating to any saving throw or attempt
However, keep in mind that they blast, it is a pulse of imprisoning to find the hidden vampire. That
exist and are there to destroy energy. A vampire victim of this way, opponents can also roll
your supernatural abilities. equipment must make a Strength Wits + Awareness to notice the
Some technological equip- + Athletics roll, at Difficulty 3. illusionist.
ment creates a certain disruption Once such an effect takes effect,
in supernatural effects so that the use of any Potency effect ■ D-Vision: although a simple
they stop working. The greatest that adds dice is reduced by pair of glasses, the D-Vision can
and best weapons of the Inqui- -3. At the Storyteller's discre- also be fitted with lenses. These
sition, I believe provided by tion, more powerful effects can are true mental barriers that


partially impede a vampire's effects when using Dominate on humans. Once the lenses are equipped, any Dominate
roll considers +2 Difficulty to control the target. In this way, the vampire feels that its effects are partially or totally
weakened. Of all the equipment listed, lenses are the simplest and most common to find. Sources claim that some
immortals stole such lenses from human corpses to use against their older and more powerful foes.

The traps for the refuges are the biggest source of protection we will have. It's like imagining that you
are in a medieval castle and that the last way to stop an enemy army from reaching your walls is to create
gaps and make territory difficult. We are making territory difficult and there is no better protection than
not dealing directly with the adversary.
Sound traps, projectiles, fire, gunfire, spears, weapons any kind of foul play is relevant. Of course, most
havens don't even support this, but you should be able to come up with some sort of minimal security to
help you defend yourself from potential intruders.
System: when using Security System, Reinforcements and other equippables for havens, the Storyteller
can agree with the player on a way to create such traps and generate a good functioning for them.
The sensors can not only activate alarms that scare opponents, but can also activate triggers with the
same effects as the aforementioned gases, in some cases shooting bullets through walls and other effects.
The amount of dice, bonuses, penalties and the like are subject to the creativity of the Storyteller and
player. Some examples follow:

■ Security System (•): alarm system with activation through motion sensors;
■ Reinforcements (•••): metal plates between the walls, reinforced doors and reinforced concrete to receive
projectile impacts;
■ Traps (••): tear gas system, speakers with over 170 decibels for security-linked stuns - Cause two rounds of stun.

The Storyteller is responsible for determining systemic effects for purposes of balance in their chroni-
cles. Players are encouraged to use their creativity and resources to generate the most interesting combina-
tions possible.


society of trad -
"We do for you what you never did. So thank, it will be
very useful to have you as a customer."

Nothing is For Free their belongings back to the Elders. However, as

Once the Second Inquisition's revolt against the they realized that apparently the Elders would not
immortals began, the Negotiators appeared with return, the strategy changed completely.
other small, secret Sects, initially with a very subtle
bias to help the immortals not be taken by surprise.
The World is an Exchange of Fa-
In the 2000s, specifically until 2010, many vam-
vors and Debits
pires were being destroyed by the NSA attacks. The Dan Lennis appropriated the influence left by
Camarilla had broken with the Anarchs by the end the Elders and began a process of expansion to
of the decade and the Elders were falling in stam- other cities. Initially, the Society of Traders resided
pedes to the Middle East, summoned by the Calling in Prague. Subsequently, it moved to the great capi-
or Beckoning. tals of the European continent.
Organized by Dan Lennis, a Member of Clan The Sect leader went on to sell the informa-
of the Moon, the Society of Traders began by first tion of the Elders' belongings and not directly from
rescuing the havens of the Elders that left them the vampires. Dan wasn't a fool, after all, if the
completely vacant. The rescue mission began with elders came back and found that some joker sold
the sole and exclusive objective of not allowing the them, everything would go down the drain. The
Inquisition to discover and get their hands on the currency of commerce has turned into Domains,
scrolls, archives and books written by the ancients. abandoned havens, shares in companies, direct and
Until 2012, the Sect was just a group of two to indirect influence. Neophytes and Ancillae began
five members, including Dan, who wanted to sell to purchase such belongings to secure their unlives.
Some rumors claim that Dan got in touch with the
vampires of Vancouver and secured a lot of infor- requests. They usually separate into three steps:
mation there. 1. Analysis;
2. Field study;
The Membership 3. Execution.
Although it started with a small group of vam-
pires, the Sect is no longer just for the immortals. ANALYSIS
Cainites, Mortals, and Ghouls can all be part of it. The customer's order is analyzed. Everything
There are no reports of other supernatural creatures counts: routine, region wherever the Domain
belonging to the Sect, but it is a fact that Dan was resides, type of haven, defenses (no supernatural),
smart enough to attach it to the black market and tastes and strategies. During the analysis, the Bro-
create a scapegoat against the Inquisition. No one kers explore the client's profile as much as possible
other than specific members knows that the Society so that they can deliver the maximum improvement
of Traders has supernatural ends. of the refuges.
Traders do have ethics, however. They don't sell The agreement is made between both, where the
themselves for any kind of payment or any line of customer says how much he can pay and will know
business. At first glance, you would think they are when he will receive what he is paying for. Dealing
home squatters, bad investors, criminals, and oth- is extremely professional, Dealers never threaten
ers. In fact, they are professionals at what they do. their clients and can't even hurt them. However,
The service of preparing, collecting, choosing and they can reject any future proposal due to disagree-
applying a Domain is perfect. A deal with these ments and take back what they have delivered in
people is enough to win the best refuge you can case of non-compliance with the agreement.
Mortals who are part of the Sect are often hand- FIELD STUDY
picked. Although the Sect does not have a pres- The field study is an exploration of the terrain.
ence in every city, vampires can contact them via At that moment, Negotiators learn which people
postcards sent to another capital where they have a live in the region, using their contact and informa-
presence. They will always have a diplomat on hand tion bank to understand the neighborhood, house,
to negotiate and bring the immortals a good refuge. structure, debts, residents and other characteris-
tics of the region where the vampire chose to live.
The Contract In cases of Domains that are prepared to receive
There are two contracts held within the Sect. the tenant, the Sect simply delivers them after the
The first involves contractor and company, the agreement has been completed and there will be no
second involves employee and company. The way need for a field study.
Negotiators work is unique, as there are no power The study includes all the analysis of the ter-
structures, positions and hierarchies. There is no ritory, including the possibility of using diplomacy
political dispute, there is a force to keep it func- when dealing with the leaders (if possible) of that
tioning. territory if any Sect like Camarilla or Anarchs is
Humans can receive salary in cash, favors or in- leader of the region.
formation and in return they work for the services
that the order requires. The same goes for Ghouls EXECUTION
and Vampires, with the difference that they receive As the field study is completed, the Negotia-
the best and most difficult services. tors spring into action. The law team handles the
The contract with the customer is varied. The local bureaucracy, their teams hire architects and
Sect will choose something, be it a favor, informa- engineers to renovate the haven's structure (if neces-
tion or tool and in return will study the customer's sary), studies and soil correction to avoid dangers


with the Cainites that will inhabit there are taken they have gained within the Sect as a way to black-
with caution. mail their human (or vampire) clients into provid-
Land is bought, shares are sold, everything is ing food or allowing them to feed on them.
meticulously affected so that there are no problems The Busisnessman is a sadistic psychopath who
in renting and housing on the part of customers. plays with his victims by threatening their lives to
Although they ask the client's needs, the Negotia- satiate his bloodlust. They do it because they know
tors do not decorate, much less employ security sys- it's comfortable and they believe it's "easy" for them.
tems in the refuge. The security involved is purely
about living there and taking care of the entire ■ Add a Specialty: Etiquette (Confidence), Persuasion
bureaucratic process, including reserving the land (Blackmail) or Streetwise (Domains);
so that there are no major problems in the future. ■ Gain one dot of Dominate or Presence;
Negotiators at times have leverage to take what ■ Gain the Influence Advantage: (•)
belongs to other Cainites and at other times they ■ Gain the Resources Advantage: (••)
do not. Some cities, with less influence, manage to ■ Lose one dot of Humanity
have space for this strong manipulation of them. At ■ Spend two dots between the Fame and Contacts Flaws.
the same time, big capitals like London, Chicago
and even Vancouver would be too complicated to The Vault Hunters
make a "political attack", using the law and claiming A "branch" of the main sect has been displaced
that the territories were taken from a local vampire. in recent years in Alaska. During one of the confer-
Are Negotiators Influential? Yes. They know how to ences held in the state, the sect members disap-
make the business work, but they are not extremely peared and returned completely changed. It is
powerful and have their own weaknesses. believed to have been some sort of Sabbat attack,
making all their minds slaves to Cainite cults and
Dan Lennis, o Coletor They have renamed themselves Vault Hunt-
Clan: Malkavian ers and are a branch that has grown in power and
Humanity: 5 influence. They have good knowledge of vampire
Generation: 12th havens, know how to prepare them, and appear
Blood Potency: 2 from town to town recruiting new Kindred. Those
Predator Type: Businessman. who refuse to participate? They wake up like ash the
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2; next morning after being destroyed by Hunters.
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4; Intel- Vampires sacrifice Vampires, selling information
ligence 5, Wits 3, Resolve 4 to the Inquisition regarding where other immortals
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obfuscate 2 and Aus- sleep, how to capture and destroy them. Be careful
pex 2. who you deal with.
General Difficulties: 5 for his primary rolls and
4 for his secondary skills.

New Predator Type:

The "Business Man" is one of the most common
predator types within the Society of Dealers. They
are adopted by Cainites who see the information


the builders

"The future is up to us to build in the present. Get ahead."

Build. Protect. A Triumphal Return

The Builders had been around long before the When the Camarilla conquered New York from
Second Inquisition arrived. However, they became the Sabbat Dominion, it was believed that a great
popular with the attacks carried out on vampires in step had been taken and so it was decreed that the
the 2000s. For a few decades, they had their share Sect's activities would be ended.
of importance, but as they performed circumstan- After speculation, bureaucracy, and the organi-
tial services, many spotlights were not even pointed zation of several immortals into a constant debate
at the members of this group. regarding whether or not to return the Sect, the
Initially, the Sect was a subservient group to Camarilla decreed that there would be no need for
the Camarilla. During the beginning of the 20th the Builders to be present. The Sheriffs, Execution-
century, this group was specially hired to rebuild ers, Scourges and others would be completely in
the territories destroyed by the Sabbat and in some charge of their tasks without external assistance.
places, by the Anarchists after bloody disputes that This is believed to have been a political, strategic
took place in the capitals. move by the Interim Council to slow down the pro-
Builders not only found ways to rebuild af- cess of "evolution" in Neophytes by entrusting them
fected sites, they also restructured entire havens. with services that could previously be outsourced.
They were responsible for maintaining the mask at During the late 2000s, with the estrangement of
times when even Sheriffs were unable to do so. The the Elders, separation from the Anarchists and at-
Camarilla kept the group secretly hidden until its tacks by the NSA, the group returned to the Brujah
dissolution in 2002. themselves, believing it was time to take action on
Your Haven; Your Life

behalf of the vampires.

Anarchists fully embraced the idea of ​​a small
independent organization that aimed to help them.
The Builders began to work for the Anarchists and
only in 2015 gained freedom to work with the Cama-
rilla, always charging a higher price.

Who Are the Builders?

The first group, responsible for the project in
the 20th century, no longer exists. Those vampires
unfortunately do not function within the Sects or
have never been seen again. The new groups belong
to vampires who were the last to have discovered how
the small Sect was organized and operated when it
belonged to the Camarilla.
Builders or "the Constructors" are made up of
Ghouls and Vampires exclusively. They are in charge
of cleaning up major crime scenes, rebuilding safe
havens after complete destruction, and planning and
reorganizing local security. With them, construction
teams, policing (sometimes criminality) and other
professions are used to make this a reality.
Builders don't decorate hideouts. They can fortify
and rebuild them, but not beautify them. They
usually serve the Anarchs and occasionally do good
service to Camarilla vampires when they realize they
will receive a good payment for their deeds. The main
contributing Vampires to the Sect are believed to be
Brujah, Toreador, and Ravnos. Kindred often work
with projections of the environments they want to
modify. These projections can be used both to de-
ceive and to help.

Rumor has it that in recent years, the Builders
have been recruiting Ghouls and Vampires from all
over for a unique project. These Kindred are known
to take their work very seriously and even Neonates
can participate in the rising organization. Although
no one can confirm those informations, it would be
a valious tool to be part of this "Sect". The Builders
usually discovers many secrets from those clients
whose they attend to.


Obfuscate roll (difficulty 4 for recent events, 5 for distant

events, and 6 for memories that are impossible to
retrieve, affected by centuries of life or supernatural
Level 4 events). The number of successes on the roll reflects
weaving reality
how well the character can remember something,
Amalgam: Auspex 1 allowing for greater clarity in the reconstructed
Usually common between the Ravnos, this tech- scene. All targets involved are able to visualize the
nique is one of the most volatile powers of vampires constructed scene. The Ravnos can affect a 10m³
because it allows immortals to create illusions so area for each level of Obfuscate he has.
real, as to deceive even the most powerful minds. Although Weaving Reality is quite similar to
Weaving Reality allows a Kindred to reconstruct or Fata Morgana and Chimerstry and it also cannot
projet moments from his memory, based on what harm its targets! It's a "demonstration power" only.
he knows and how he experienced that situation for Weaving Reality reconstructs scenes that Ravnos
one or more targets in an environment. This power has lived through or can imagine in an environ-
is immensely useful for investigation and unsolvable ment. Targets are able to touch, feel, smell, and
cases, where the only tool we have is our memory. interact with the environment as if they were actu-
Cost: One Rouse Check. ally there, but any reactions the environment has
System: the rolls one Rouse Chek for the scene are purely reflections of the Kindred' mind or what
he wants to build. This power is capable of affecting actually happened.
a number of targets equivalent to Vampire's Intel- That is, if under a body the vampire thought
ligence + Obfuscate level. There are no other ways he would have a pistol, when interacting with this
to "break" this limit and include more victims to his body in the illusion, he will have a pistol there.
scene. These projections can never be recorded or trans-
Then the vampire begins to rebuild the scene. A mitted (such as by using Ghost in the Machine).
faithful reconstruction depends on the character's Duration: one scene, unless the vampire chooses
margin of success on an Intelligence + Awareness to let it lapse before that.

Your Haven; Your Life


wardens of the

"It's not about protection. It's about ambition."

Inexplicable Surprises Somehow someone from the NSA leaked classi-

In the face of such tragedy among the immor- fied information regarding the Cainite destruction
tals, absolutely no one would be able to guess that projects and this important detail was bought by
a group of mortals would arise to protect vampires a billionaire in Dubai. The information roamed
from their adversaries. within an elite, a circle of mortals who had enough
The Wardens of the Hidden are nothing more money to buy Brazil three times in a row and so the
than a mortal Elite. At first no one knew exactly Protectors of the Morada had their first name as
how they came about, the reasons why they exist "Projeto Lazarus".
and what they believe to gain from it, but there are It was not until 2011 that the organization en-
some theories that prove their expertise in dealing tered as a scientific development and programming
with immortals. startup, opening its doors to the financial market
and receiving due support from the human commu-
Doubtful Emergence nity, without revealing its true involvements with
The Keepers of the Abode were created as soon the Cainite race. Since that time, the Protectors of
as ShreckNet went down, their data was leaked, the House have worked in collusion with the im-
and vampires were discovered by the NSA to be a mortals, collecting their payments and guaranteeing
real danger. The group began by helping the great protection from the Second Inquisition.
Elders of the Camarilla protect themselves. Figures
such as Hardestadt, Karl Shreckt, Mukhtar Bey
The Motivation
and others were very well-received customers by Believing the rumors that vampires really did
the organization and it is no small reason that they exist, the billionaire bought the (leaked) NSA infor-
remained untouched by the Second Inquisition. mation as soon as he heard some rumor about the
discovery of a new specimen. Even in 2007, he start-
Your Haven; Your Life

ed some research regarding all the little information Does the Inquisition Knows?
he had collected, falling into a clear conviction that This group of Elite acts in the Cainite nights as
vampires really did exist. protectors of vampires. They serve, kill, protect, sell
As the NSA began all the projects to cleanse and then some as long as their payment is made in
humanity, the billionaire decided to invest in cap- immortal blood. The NSA suspects that part of the
turing a vampire and verifying if all that was true. deal with a select group of immortals is directly
This became the greatest experiment he could have linked to the Sect, and has launched a heavy-
performed in his life, as it was enough to discover a handed investigation to stop the Wardens' "illegal"
cure for liver cancer, which would kill him in a few activities.
months. Keepers have always taken their toll on Cainite
Discredited, the man started Project Lazarus, in Vitae and use it for their studies. Still, funneling
honor of Saint Lazarus, but it was only in 2008 that into supernatural knowledge with the help of
he began to effectively work for Cainites present- technology alone requires an investment not only
ing the order as a non-profit foundation and later, financial (which is well collected) but also in time.
creating a scientific research startup. It is believed A few advances have actually been made and first
that this was one of the biggest start-up funding at the foundation wants to discover the potential of
the time. Cainite blood, including what it is capable of.
The Wardens of the Hidden's greatest moti- The NSA carried out investigative missions,
vation is the advancement of scientific research barred some accounts related to the protectors for
through the use of supernatural blood. The biggest the full inspection of the assets. The founder is be-
goal is to realize that humans can be cured through lieved to have even been arrested for terrorism, but
the blood of vampires and that they could com- the case was hushed up so that no one would know
pletely revolutionize medicine in the world. Diseas- what was going on. Unfortunately, no information
es would be eradicated and human life expectancy can be confirmed when it comes to these cases and
would probably increase a lot. all that remains is to hope that the Sect still exists
(or not) to continue its work.


How is the Project Still Alive? plomacy than vampires to make politics. The Keep-
It is believed that after the founder's arrest, ers of the Dwellings are expanding their influence,
a good part of the mortals who worked as body- which is restarting and perfecting their vampire
guards for vampires fled to different parts of the protection techniques.
world and founded individual groups, now being
called Protectors of Abodes (a name that came to
Specialized Protector
be used only after 2016) . An expert protector is a trained soldier, merce-
These humans have good nary and well equipped with what the Keepers of
resources at their the Dwellings have offered them. They are usually
disposal, some of them tactical and some have even gone through military
are certainly part of the formations.
investors who believed When a vampire hires the protection service of
in the startup and are that Sect, he hires these men who will give their
directing the Seita lives for the Cainite. Keepers pay their recruits very
to resume business. well, and they know they have a responsibility to
However, with the protect.
absence of the Humanity: 5
Elders, the Pro- Standard Dice Pools: Physical 4, Social 3,
tectors of the Mental 4
Abode had to Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Will-
serve all vam- power 5
pires, charg- Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 4,
ing favors to Firearms 4, Technology 4, Brawl 5
the blood of Disciplines: Fortitude 1.
immortals General Difficulties: 5 for his
so that the primary rolls and 4 for his secondary
government, skills.
allied with the
Aaban Nakthaleb, the
would not de-
throne them. Humanity: 6
Currently, Attributes: Strength 2, Dex-
they are an terity 1, Stamina 2; Charisma 2,
up-and-coming Manipulation 2, Composure 3;
organization, Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve
receiving heavy 3
investment, but Advantages: Resouces 5,
in need of fame Allies 5, Contacts 5, Influence 3 and Fame
and assistance 1.
from Cainites. Disciplines: Dominate 1.
There are no General Difficulties: 5 for his primary rolls and
better figures in 4 for his secondary skills.
the world than
immortals with
centuries of experience
in di-

Your Haven; Your Life


Alliances of the
You never know when an enemy will become your greatest ally. Collect
lives, not experiences.

It is relevant to think that your resources will not work if you

don't have eyes and ears pointed at the right people. In that case, to
the right vampires.
Contacts, allies, influences, even your financial resources depend
solely on your ability to be sociable enough to be remembered and
think, "Wow! I know this guy." We need these kinds of relationships,
because they are what move us to realize that we can make better use
of our resources.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together...

You've probably heard stories about personalities that say "you
are the sum of the five people you know in your life" or "walk with
losers and you will be a failure as well". It's a fact and with less than a
hundred years you can see how much these phrases carry pounds of
wisdom, even if they are just words.
No human, vampire or anything else with a peaceful and relaxed
life will help you in a time of need. Vampires are made of your al-
liances and if you don't have any, all your difficulties will be im-
mensely greater. Understand: building relationships, maintaining
them, taking care that they are not forgotten is work, an effort that
we have to make and that rewards us later on. When you meet peo-
ple, understand their value, you have who and where to turn when
Next, you will have access to some notes regarding the charac-
ter who narrates the events of this book with the addition of some
Loresheets to use in his chronicles. This information can be changed
according to the needs of each chronicle and each player.

Your Haven; Your Life

K i nd red of Respect
Epitaph: the Architect; the Safeguard; the Lonely.
Quote: "Trust me. I will build a dream you'd never had"
Clan: Toreador

MORTAL NIGHTS (1848 - 1869)

Hearing the name "Ethier O'Corbusier", it is
impossible not to remember the architect respon-
sible for revolutionizing modernism with the laws
of architecture. Le Corbusier is one of the biggest
inspirations for Ethier, a self-styled French immor-
tal responsible for the development of dozens of
refuges across the old and new continents. However,
his story begins long before he met Corbusier.
Ethier's story begins in 1848, when he was born
in the city of Berlin. The son of a French father and manage to ignite Ethier's heart with this burning
an Italian mother, Ethier was brought up with the need to contribute using what his abilities could
best he had. From a wealthy family, he was one of offer.
the few who could have access to good studies, with Ethier booked his departure from London, seek-
the best teachers and best student resources. ing to become an urban planner. He didn't know
He had a strict childhood. His father, a fabric that his last night as a human was coming, for he
factory owner, could not tolerate that his only son had drawn too much attention with his talents.
followed a path of little or no success and so he
made sure that his son would be a man of studies FIRST NIGHTS (1870 - 1912)
and culture. Ethier grew up with this stimulation, Ethier's transformation as a Cainite was simple
without really having a childhood. He became poly- and without bow. His Lord had been watching him
glot at fifteen, with four languages fluently
​​ spoken for some years, ever since he had visited Frankfurt
and written, was a master in the field of math- to meet his Maker at a diplomatic event. By the
ematics and understood very well about financial time he'd heard about Ethier, he'd been interested
planning. in the innate thinking and reasoning ability of
Ethier arrived at the age of eighteen believing someone so young.
that he would be an accountant, a financial analyst, Edgar II, Creator of Ethier, moved quickly to
a business administrator or any other area related Berlin and watched from a careful distance the
to accounting and numbers. His ability in logi- entire educational process of Ethier for six years.
cal reasoning was such that it impressed even the Edgar believed in the boy's potential as if he were a
professors of the time. However, when he passed stone to be carved, however he saw that Ethier had
through London to study at Oxford University, the incredible ability to sculpt himself, but he saw
Ethier met Ebenezer Howard and the two became that the boy lacked passion.
great friends. This passion could only be seen by Edgar in Lon-
The passion of Ebenezer Howard, a student of don and that's why he realized that there would be
urbanism and landscape design at the time, infected the best time to Embrace him: at the height of his
Ethier in relation to life. Not only did Ebenezer life, of his intelligence and passionate about what he


discovered he was capable of doing. existed and had been replaced by a local brewery.
During his early years with his Maker, Ethier His family business was no longer as profitable as
was taught the ways of Clan Toreador. He learned he remembered, his brother had become a partner
the concepts of Cainite society. He never cared in a local company and trained as a psychologist.
about the Jyhad and any form of intrigue he found Ethier realized in the same year that all his ef-
among his own. Ethier perfected his knowledge of fort, his focus, his self-development came at a cost:
landscaping, studied engineering, deepened his self- he didn't spend any time with his family. He didn't
knowledge and developed interpersonal skills. Your live any history. He didn't build bonds, he didn't
Creator saw this improvement as a spectacle! He build memories. He was forgotten just as he had
believed he couldn't have chosen better. forgotten his relatives and there were no more re-
How can? An immortal who just doesn't like ports of his life in just forty-three years of Embrace.
to get involved in politics, who wants to live in
the moment, to what he was Embraced to be. The THE GREAT WAR (1913 - 1918)
questioning intrigued him, yet Ethier was privi- During the First World War, Ethier realized the
leged among many. Her Creator became one of the hard way that time was unrecoverable. He hadn't
Harpies of London and made room for such an act done it out of spite, he hadn't forgotten about his
to be performed. The thirty years, which Ethier family out of spite. Ethier simply believed in a goal
now dubs the "Belle Époque" of his life, were over in above all else and thought that returning to familiar
the blink of an eye. arms would hold him back. Really, Ethier got where
he wanted in knowledge, specialized in several areas
FAMILY REACTIONS and knew a life in studies. Now he had absolutely
Ethier's family never forgot him. It had been no one.
a pain to discover that her son was simply gone. What appeared to be a conception of life turned
Ethier's greatest sin was that he had "forgotten" his into a nightmare. Ethier became attached to the
mortal life. The ecstasy of immortality had made only record of his family in existence: his brother
him simply ignore part of his life, believing he and his brother's family. This fixation became obses-
would have time to fix them later. sive and unhealthy. Ethier began to closely follow
Ethier has gone thirty years without seeing his his brother's every step, observing where he ate,
family. None. Not his uncles, not his mother, not what he bought, where he lived, who he talked to,
his father, not the brother he discovered later. There why he talked, what his goals and aspirations were.
was not an iota of contact, either by letters or by He paved the way for his brother to succeed in any
conversation. The fixation on his passions blinded task.
him, made him forget that his family was part of his The unhealthy obsession culminated in a tireless
humanity. watch. Ethier wanted to correct his absence from
A year before the First World War began, Ethier the past as a way of contributing to his brother's
remembered his old family and decided to visit new family. As his brother was a psychologist, he
them. Arriving in Berlin, he found that no one was began to consult with him using another identity
left alive. His father died in 1887, his mother in and spend hours and hours in psychological con-
1890. Most of his uncles and aunts died between sultations. Ethier's case was serious and his brother
1895 and 1906. The only link would be his brother, realized that, even if he didn't know exactly who he
who not even Ethier knew because he was born two was referring to.
years after his Embrace and was with his parents. Ethier adopted a routine with his brother, which
forty two years. he met every early evening for consultations and
The house he lived in when he was young was always invented a new story because he had not
no longer the same. The fabric factory no longer lived his own life. The act of talking, of interacting

Your Haven; Your Life

with the last vestige of his mortal life, was inevita- sensibility, but received an enviable logical ability.
bly pleasurable. Contact with her brother was boiled down to in-
This unhealthy process remained in place for sults, hate speech and other factors. What distanced
five long years, until the end of the First World War. Ethier the most from his brother was the fact that
However, it was not the war that affected their he knew that Nosferatu supported the Nazi party
consultation, espionage and interaction. It was the and Ethier did not.
vampires themselves. Ethier has never introduced When the Nazi regime fell, Berlin was invaded
himself to the Prince of Berlin in five years, never by the Russians and Americans, Ethier took advan-
made contact with any immortals, rendered no tage of the moment to flee to France. Afterwards,
service to the Sect, and did not even appear to exist. he returned to London and asked his Lord for
When he was discovered, Ethier understood what temporary asylum, having described all the horrors
suffering was. he had experienced in Germany during that period
of time. London was different, everything indicated
DESTROYED FAMILY (1920 - 1946) that Prince Mithras had disappeared and Anne
Captured and tried by the Principality, Ethier Bowesley was now a local representative.
was sentenced to see the rest of his family executed. Distraught, Ethier was very well advised by
Worse still, his brother had been Embraced by the his Lord to rediscover his passion and work on his
Nosferatu, he was revealed who the "patient" was emotional self, building new relationships. He fol-
and all the blame pinned on Ethier. In a very short lowed the advice of his Lord, wandering for a few
time, Ethier's brother had been turned into his en- more years through Europe and then leaving for the
emy, completely indoctrinated by the Nosferatu. United States in search of new air. Ethier wanted
Ethier was forced to serve the principality for distance from a land that had only brought him
decades without receiving anything in return. The sorrow since he was Embraced.
worst happened at that time and no opportunity
to get in touch with their Lord was built. Ethier REFORGING BONDS (1947 - 1975)
worked with the immortals to survive Berlin in a Ethier met Le Corbusier in the late 1940s and
period of Nazi leverage. early 1950s at an architectural convention in Bor-
The city bubbled with hatred and Ethier took deaux. Corbusier had been responsible for rescuing
advantage of those years not to be crushed by the Ethier's lost passion for urban planning, this time
immortal community, employing his knowledge for architecture and landscaping. With all the plan-
deftly. In Berlin alone, Ethier began working for ning experience Ethier had, Corbusier was able to
Cainites who would occasionally hire him as a surpass him and teach even more.
haven organizer. He started at the bottom, just The modernist architect was a spectacle, an ar-
tidying up and organizing the dust that Cainites left chitectural genius. This healthy relationship resulted
behind and gradually staggered. in tutoring and Corbusier was Ethier's master. All
His name soared and when he realized it, he the learning about architecture had been purely
was being called upon to design havens. His talent linked to Corbusier. Ethier had the best teachers
surfaced again and Ethier sought to take out all the because he lived in the best moment in history for
depression, hurts and sadness in building what he the area he fell in love with.
was formed to be. In the mid-sixties, after Corbusier's death, he
Too rational even, Ethier shielded himself decided to move to the United States and began to
against emotions so that he no longer let his heart make a name for himself there. While in Europe he
love what he did, but necessity dictated his mind. was known as "The Safeguard", in the United States
His designs were logical, objective, calculated for he introduced himself as "O'Corbusier" in honor of
a behavior to be followed. Ethier lost his artistic his master and tutor.


The Toreador not only rebuilt his passion for ar- With the advent of the Inquisition, the calls
chitecture, but established a good reputation in the only increased. Ethier is respected and hated among
United States. He came to be called upon in various the immortals. Idolized or detested, he is needed.
cities as an organizer, planner, and refuge builder. One of the only ones capable of seeing a logical
Cainites always asked for a figure from him because composition within each haven and understanding
he was talented and knew what he was doing. Ethier tiny sparks of each immortal's psyche. Even so, the
has built a name, a career to the point of becoming Ancilla still suffers from an eternal quest and need
independent. No matter who he came to: paid well, to find his way, his need to fill the void that dwells
he wouldn't care about ideology. in his heart.


Even though he built his fame, Ethier was still • Armand Tenor (Allies 2): a good smuggler
not satisfied. Although he loved what he did, his whose life was saved by Ethier after be-
heart was not yet complete. There always seemed to ing cornered by the police. Armand today,
be something missing, Ethier didn't seem to under- works directly for Ethier, always providing
stand what absence it was he was looking for, what all kinds of resources or materials to create
purpose he had. the refuges that Ethier needs.
In the 1980s, he had the misfortune of meeting
his brother, who had been hunting him for a decade • Edward Martin (Retainer 2, Allies 1): the
or two after recovering from the shocks suffered in nearest Ghoul to Ethier. A man of culture,
Berlin. Ethier suffered from persecution until the he works as the owner of one of the airports
late nineties, when he finally impaled his brother and always guarantees free tickets, with the
and, still unable to kill him, imprisoned him in a necessary care for Ethier. He has access to
refuge he had built in London. privileged information if necessary.
In the early nineties, bitterness returned along
with loneliness. Accustomed to exchanging letters • Belford Johnson (Contacts 1, Haven 1): a re-
with his Lord, Ethier felt that the blood connection nowned art critic who has a good relation-
between them had been broken and later learned ship with Ethier and lends him from time to
of his Lord's death. Ethier has built adversaries, time the refuge created by Ethier himself.
enemies that have pursued him into modernity, but
none of them had any direct involvement in the • Leonor di'A ranc (Allies 2, Resources 4):
death of their Creator. This dead was purely related one of the mortals Ethier had known fam-
to the Lord of Ethier's own adversaries. ily to long before Eleanor's own father was
Although he had built up many allies, contacts born. Extremely friendly, Leonor is a great
and some influence, Ethier still felt alone. Loneli- engineer that Ethier always turns to when
ness seems to be a burden on your unlife that will he needs his most complete projects. Leonor
last for longer and longer years. has a business partnership with Ethier,
which guarantees her enough income for
MODERN NIGHTS (2002 - 2018) the rest of her life.
During the two thousand years, Ethier contin-
ued to repeat the same steps. He never allied with SECRETS FROM THE PAST
any Sect and tried to represent his Lord's legacy to • Hidden Brother: one of the mortals Ethier
the fullest. Ethier continues to travel, from city to had known family to long before Eleanor's
city, answering the calls of the youngest who seek own father was born. Extremely friendly,
his guardianship to survive the modern nights. Leonor is a great engineer that Ethier

Your Haven; Your Life LORESHEET

always turns to when he needs his most • A Great Friend: Ethier is a very talented
complete projects. Leonor has a business immortal. He is constantly sought after
partnership with Ethier, which guarantees by other immortals and often makes good
her enough income for the rest of her life. allies. When he asks for favors, depending
on his job, they are expensive! But nothing
• No Records: Ethier's story has not been an immortal won't pay for. Ethier is a good
erased entirely. His house records, business- dealer and easy to deal with.
es that belonged to his father and other fea-
tures were very well hidden by his brother. Sire: Edgar II (Destroyed).
They exist, they just need to be found. If Embraced: december, 1870.
found, maybe Ethier will relive memories he Ambition: to find a passion or meaning for his life.
doesn't want to remember. Conviction: Protect those who you'd find meaning-
ful for your life.
• Powerful Enemy: the times in Berlin were Touchstone: his Brother.
not healthy and it is not for little reason Generation: 11th Generation.
that Ethier never returned to the city. Some Blood Potency: 2
of his adversaries still live there, including a Humanity: 6
Tremere and another Nosferatu, lord of his Attribues: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Cha-
rival brother. risma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3, Intelligence
4, Wits 3 and Resolve 3.
WHISPERS Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6
• Looking for Opportunities: in recent years, Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Melee 2, Firearms 2,
Ethier seems to be watching some mortals Survival 2, Etiquette 3, Insight 4, Intimidation 1,
he intends to Embrace. Seeing potential in Leadership 3, Performance 3, Persuasion 3, Street-
them, Ethier must bring them to immortal- wise 2, Subterfuge 3, Academics 5 (Architecture;
ity because he has realized that it is impossi- Urbanism), Awareness 4, Finance 3, Medicine 1,
ble to see immortality alone. An apprentice Investigation 3, Occult 2 and Politics 2.
would be the "gift" Ethier needs right now. Disciplines: Presence 4, Auspex 2, Celerity 3.


the negoci ator

There are no limitations because this secret society ig-
nores uprisings and fighting between Sects.
In one respect, you may even be a negotiator for
the Sect and act in their interests. Other cases involve
the simple fact that you are part of the Society of
Traders and actively seek influence for your own
order. You may or may not be respected within the
society you made and what should dictate that are
your attitudes and reasons in chronicle.

How you will use the information you have, how it
ou know a Cainite or a Sect of knowledgeable will influence your nights are a mystery because being
mortals or immortals or sellers of domains part of an independent society is probably the biggest
that serve as a space for the immortals to job you will have in modern nights. Neutrality will
work. These domains can be both Camarilla not always be a way to go.
and Anarch domains, and in some cases even Sabbat.

Nosy: you have certain informa- ers. As part of this secret society, you ing a territory that is close to your area
tion about the Domains in your city are now a diplomat and are always of study. Of course, his abilities attract
region thanks to your meddling in other representing the interests of your order. unwanted attention and some envious
people's affairs. You are not part of the You are called upon to interact with the immortals or sect opponents may seek
secret society, but once per story you Sects and bring as many advantages to him out to teach him a lesson.
are able to obtain relevant information the order as possible. Since your job is The Founder: you are one
regarding a Domain from an immortal to be well-informed to work on behalf of the founders of the order. As such,
in the city. of the sect, you have three more dice you are charged with governing it for
Negotiators Contacts: Some to learn information about any vampire, purposes that you believe to be the best
time ago, you met one of the members background, or knowledge of one or of the order. Your character gains four
of the secret society. This member may another City Domain that you want to Status points and three Influence points
or may not be an immortal and there is research. in the region he dominates. You have a
no guarantee that he is not an enemy. Domain Owners: you have group of mortals who may or may not
Gossip claims he's even a member of become a Domain seller. These ter- be your Minions (at the Storyteller's
the Inquisition in disguise. Either way, ritories were or were not conquered discretion) and they obey you according
you can meet up with him from time to by the secret society and your role is to the commands you issue. Your word
time and trade information, exchange fa- to sell them. Not only do you know all is law and as the Sect's leader, they
vors, or do some selling and buying. You the information about them, but you respect you as their highest authority.
receive a score equivalent to Contacts ( will always be in charge of taking care
) to interact with the sect. When- of them. Your job is always to conquer
ever you interact with that member, new territories and sell them to other
you gain two more dice on any roll that immortals for the benefit of the Traders.
involves acquiring relevant information You get a score equivalent to Domain
about a territory in the city. ( ) for trading with another immortal
Society Diplomat: you have and Status ( ). Additionally, three
been called to join the Society of Trad- times per story, you can automatically
succeed on any roll that involves know-


h av e n c o n n o i s s e u r
nosferatu only

ou've gained enough influence to understand very well about
vampire behavior and how their havens give away your personal-
ity. Your capabilities go far beyond the greatest empaths, and per-
haps you have unique abilities. You are not part of a Sect, but you
have discovered techniques that no other immortal has ever known. Perhaps
you have a tutor who has taught you such knowledge, or perhaps you simply
knew how to develop your talents on your own.
With this Loresheet, you get very relevant information regarding
immortals simply by having heard, visited or seen their havens. In-
formation comes to you easily and in some cases, you even serve local
power figures in order to win favors. Being a leading figure, it's quite
risky for you to keep yourself out of the spotlight and some immortals
might make you their target.
You can use the information however you like, and you are an expert
at understanding the vampire psyche in regards to knowing or utilizing
its havens. It's up to you to know how to use such tricks.

Empath: you understand very three more dice of advantage. Add a a posture derived from that immortal
well about the Cainite mindset. It is as one-point Fame score among Kindred. by succeeding on an Intelligence + Insight
if the psychology of the immortal is Investigator: you work as an roll (difficulty variable). The Storyteller
in your hands from the moment you investigator and seek out relevant infor- is the final arbiter as to how truthful the
enter an unknown refuge. Whenever mation from the Domains and havens information can be..
you try to understand an immortal's local to the Prince or Baron. Whenever Network Owner: once
steps, thoughts, or movements through working on another vampire's tracks, per session, you can use a network of
information gathered about their haven, add two more dice to any Investigation contacts to find information relevant
add two more dice to any Empathy roll or Streetwise roll. Additionally, gain two to a Cainite or haven according to the
to the roll. more Status points. score in this Trait. Roll your Charisma
Informant: you are called upon Inquisidor: you have a Con- + Loresheet rating (variable difficulty)
to understand some of the havens and tact ( ) who belongs to the inqui- to discover the information relevant to
work as an informer for the immortals. sition and this can make it easier for you what you want to know. The Storyteller
This is certainly a danger because some to sell information to him. On top of is the final arbiter as to what can and
people don't like you because of your that, you have an enviable understand- cannot be discovered.
role. Whenever you are among the ing of the havens of immortals. You,
immortals, you can use your knowledge once per session, can obtain relevant
of the immortals and their havens to information regarding a Cainite you are
seduce, intimidate, or blackmail them interacting with simply by hearing a ru-
into accepting an offer from you with mor regarding their haven and assuming


t h e h av e n c r e a t o r

prentice, you've conquered an unbelievable space for an

immortal your age.
As a haven maker or empath, you have developed
innate abilities to represent your or your clients'
wishes well. This should help you when it comes to in-
teracting with the (any) addresses of other characters
before they even think about messing with you.
Information is power and you know very well who
to inform yourself with, why to inform yourself and
where to understand everything you receive as infor-

mation. Some would even say that you are worthy of
omehow, you've entered the world of havens the Nosferatu's attention because of your work. You
creators. This has made you relatively important can practically be a master of havens, just like Jerome
to the point of knowing, exploring, providing was.
resources, creating or even being Jérome's ap-

Refugee Connoisseur: not only him a certain Fame in the city, adding interesting. Additionally, you get two
do you know how to identify weak- two more points to his Background more dice to imagine, design, or interact
nesses in other people's havens (and this in relation to vampires. This gives you with any method of creating a functional
involves literally any house you visit) but three more points in Resources to haven for your clients.
you can also perceive the absence of fund your contractors' havens when Apprentice of Jérome
factors that help you to reinforce your contacted. Additionally, you gain one D'Mateille (Toreador Only): you
own abode. On any roll of comprehen- more Status point for interacting with are the apprentice (or perhaps the
sion of some house or haven, either to immortals who come to you to help childer) of Jérome D' Mateille, one of
dodge traps or to perceive them, you them with their havens. the best-known and most skilled immor-
get two more dice and an extra success Of course, just because you know the tals in creating havens. Not only do you
to gain that information. means doesn't mean the deals are guar- get a Mawla score ( ), but you
Explorator: you have a list of ref- anteed for you! While you know how to also reduce the purchase cost of any at-
uges you've heard of. Maybe you bought properly supply resources, if you make tempt to create a haven for yourself or
it from someone, talked to the right the wrong trades, you can lose your an ally by half the experience points.
contacts, or heard from a "little bird". score in no time. Be careful not to fund
Whatever information you have gained, more than you can receive.
once a story you are able to know the The Creator: you are a born
exact location of a refuge and one of its breeder! Your havens are beautiful crea-
relevant weaknesses before you invade tions that allow you comfort and ease of
it and attack your opponent. dealing with them. You get an additional
Supplier: you are a natural re- six points to spend on Merits for your
source provider for refuges. This grants havens by adding any that you think are


t h e s t o r y t e l l e r 's g u i d e
l e a r n how to con t rol e l de r s a n d se e k h u m a n i t y


Your Weakness is your

This book contains:
^ Rules for creating your heaven;
^ New Heaven and Character Merits and Flaws;
^ New Antagonist Groups; and
^ Notable characters.

Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a

mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong
language. Reader discretion is advised.


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