Loresheets by Night Los Angeles
Loresheets by Night Los Angeles
Loresheets by Night Los Angeles
⬤ Calling Card: You possess one of ⬤⬤⬤ Vitae Anonymous: You’ve in some way - abuse of their goodwill
Archangel’s calling cards, with a local attended Network support groups and could garner censure by the Network.
contact number for the Network. You gained a few coping tools to help you
can always cold call this number resist the bond. Once per session you ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ Angel’s Whispers: You
yourself at any time, or pass the can choose to resist a command from have met the infamous Archangel
information along to anyone wishing your regnant, effectively lowering your herself, and have a good enough
to free themselves of a Blood Bond, Bond Strength by one for a scene. repartee with her to warrant an
affording you a +2 bonus in social exchange of information. Once per
interactions with them until their ⬤⬤⬤⬤ Network Firewall: You’ve story you can contact the Network
bond is broken. gained enough goodwill in the Network directly and arrange a physical
to warrant support in a pinch. Once per meeting with Archangel in order to
⬤⬤ Friend with Benefits: You are a story you can call on the Network to exchange information - at the
known supplier for the Network, and send you skilled assistance in the form Storyteller’s discretion she will give
have made some friends as a result. of two ghouls made from the Gifted you precise and detailed information
Spend three dots in Allies and Mortal template. The Storyteller has on a single Kindred in the region in
Contacts to reflect these friends discretion on the exact skillset of these exchange for vitae as payment.
you’ve made along the way, who are ghouls, however they will generally be
well aware of your nature and could well suited to the task required of them,
pose a Masquerade risk, but can be though that task should specifically be
repaid with vitae. related to your survival
he Last Round is a rather unassuming bar - nestled under the
I-10 overpass and astride the LA River, its location may evoke
images of a troll guarding the bridge, but nestled within is a
veritable pack of lions. Nines Rodriguez, the man who reluctantly
calls Downtown Los Angeles his Barony, stands sentinel here with his
coterie, sometimes colloquially referred to as the Last Rounders.
Though only Nines himself was alive to see Jeremy MacNeil found the
Anarch Free States, each of the Last Rounders have built a rep of their own
as fierce defenders of what Anarchs stand for - no Princes, no Traditions,
just Kindred making their own way through the endless night. MacNeil may
be gone, but his dream is still alive and well, and the Free States attract all
sorts of strays and runaways, with Nines taking them under his wing to
show them a new way to live out their unlives, without Elders holding their
Text3 leash. Maybe you’re one of these or a genuine homegrown Anarch, but
there are worse crews to hang with than the Last Rounders.
⬤ First Round’s on Me: You’ve spent ⬤⬤⬤ Helter Skelter: You’ve gained they’ve provided you with the means,
a lot of time patrolling and training the notice of Nines’ second, the muscle, and munitions to defend it.
with the Last Round coterie and have Gangrel Skelter, who acts as a Fail to do so, and you better believe
picked up a few skills. Add two three-dot Mawla and, once per story, they won’t be happy.
specialties in Firearms and/or Brawl, can be asked to come to your aid, be it
both can be in the same skill if you in a fight or to help you find safety ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ The Man vs The Myth: At
wish. As a regular in the crew, you from the sun in the middle of nowhere. one point or another, Nines felt it
will be expected to assist in Boons aren’t free, even for Anarchs, important to impart on you some
defending the Last Round and their and he’ll expect you to handle some wisdom with regard to lupines.
turf when called upon, and they’ll be work on behalf of the Last Rounders - Perhaps you helped him out in a jam or
pretty pissed if you flake on them. and they’re not gonna be milk runs. were there to personally witness his
legendary defeat of a lupine in combat.
⬤⬤ Damsel in Distressed Leather: ⬤⬤⬤⬤ Room and Ward: As a trusted You add two dice to all combat rolls
Damsel the revolutionary has taken a ally of the Last Rounders, you’ve against lupines if you’re aware of their
shine to you, and the two of you have gained the privilege/duty of guarding a nature, or can add the die to any
taken to the streets, fighting for The stash site or asset for the crew while sensing rolls if you know you’re being
Cause and raising hell. Gain a dot of being able to use the site as a hunted by one. Furthermore, once per
Status (Anarchs), and distribute a temporary haven. At the start of each story you can automatically heal an
further two dots among Status story, you can distribute five dots in extra level of Aggravated Damage as
(Anarchs), Allies, Contacts, and Haven in any way you wish among long as both levels of damage were
Influence with a rebellious group. Base Rating, Hidden Armory, Cell, sustained directly from the fangs or
You’ve stepped on some toes along Watchmen, Location, Postern, and claws of a lupine. Unfortunately, your
the way, however, and picked up a Security System, working with the reputation as a hunter of lupines
one-dot Enemy who has been Storyteller to establish your new precedes you whether earned or not,
angered by your rhetoric. Haven’s details. Wherever it is, it’s and you gain a two-dot Infamy
important to the Last Rounders in (Lupines) Flaw, which could get you
some way for the next little while, and into the bad kind of trouble.
hen San Diego fell to the Second Inquisition, many of its
kindred citizens fled north to Los Angeles. Among them
were three Tremere ‘sisters’ - Hester, Violet Luna, and
Kyoko, independent practitioners who took up residence
in the sometimes-disputed Baron of the Valley, Victor Temple’s domain
north of the city proper. Operating a small new age mystical charm and
bookstore called the ‘The Mystic Circle’, the Wyrd Sisters coterie
generally tries to keep a low profile, having learned the harsh lesson of
what fate befalls those who draw the attention of the Inquisition.
As possibly the only remaining Tremere coterie left within Los Angeles
city limits, this often puts their skills in high demand, and Hester and
Violet Luna are sharp enough to understand the nature of kindred
society and its social compacts. As such, the three are known to often
make deals and offer boons to those kindred willing to assist them and
keep their trust.
⬤ The Mystic Circlet: You’ve ⬤⬤⬤ Violet Luna Nights: Violet Luna some work. Just remember - keep her
ingratiated yourself to the sisters is a skilled soothsayer and safe, and bring her home three hours
enough to have free access to the oneiromancer, willing to trade her before sunrise, or Hester will be
many back rooms in their bookstore. skills for a minor boon. Once per story pissed!
You may consider the shop the you can consult her to directly interpret
equivalent of a two-dot Library Merit, a vision or dream and decipher the ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ Forge of Hester: The
which behaves as per the Haven Merit omens and signs contained within to closest thing to a matriarch for the
(V5 Core page 189) though you provide a piece of useful information sisters, Hester is always appreciative
obviously cannot use the bookstore as you otherwise did not have access to. of any and all that are supportive of
a haven. You make use of these tomes She can alternatively be asked to their coterie and come to their
at the pleasure of the sisters, of employ her magical skull, Herman, to defense. Once per chronicle she can
course, and they may rescind this ascertain whether a person in your create an item or object of miraculous
favor if angered or demand minor company (or custody) is telling the quality for you, or repair a broken
boons of you to maintain this access. truth for a scene. mystical one which you already have
in your possession. The nature of this
⬤⬤ Bookish: You're an avid reader, ⬤⬤⬤⬤ Special K: You’ve become pals item or object and its power(s) should
spending much of your free time at with the youngest of the sisters, Kyoko, be a discussion with the Storyteller,
The Mystic Circle just reading about and on occasion the two of you go out and can be taken from another
whatever you can get your hands on. for a night on the town. Once per story Loresheet. This wondrous item is not
Once per story you may add two dice you can invite Kyoko out for the without its flaws, however, and
to any Academics, Occult, or Politics evening (she doesn’t get out much), avarice is ever present in the hearts of
roll reflecting something you and she will accompany you on kindred. Invariably, someone will
happened to read recently and just whatever you get up to, under the hear of this item and as a result seek
remembered in the moment. How Storyteller’s direction. Despite her to steal it from you - you gain a
fortuitous! naivete and tendency to put her foot in two-dot Enemy Flaw hell bent on
her mouth, she is a master of liberating said item from your
pyromancy, though her aim could use possession.
he Hollywood Forever cemetery conceals the entrance to one of
Los Angeles’ best kept secrets - the Nosferatu Warrens, home to
‘Gorgeous’ Gary Golden and his brood of childer. Like so many
other Nosferatu, the Hollywood Forever coterie deals in secrets
and information, the most valuable of all Kindred commodities. Despite
their location and clan’s curse, the Nosferatu more than anything else like
to be taken seriously and not looked down upon, and it is not uncommon
for Gary to host ‘dinner’ for those willing to descend down under Los
Angeles to break (very moldy) bread. Those who respect the customs will
often come out ahead, while those who do not… let’s just say Gary and his
two childer are the only known members of the coterie. They are, after all,
Nosferatu, so one can never be quite sure how many others may be lurking
out of sight, blades in hand.
⬤ The Condor: The hacker, weaponry is well concealed into the four-dice penalty instead of the base
Mitnick, has agreed to help you out overall “bold” design - you gain two two-dice. Kindred with a Prey
on occasion - you possess a burner dice on Stealth and Subterfuge rolls to Exclusion that includes rats need not
phone with some specialized conceal its weaponry. Imalia is fickle, apply, as Gary expects any and all
software that can be used to bypass however, and not wearing her designs residents to attend family dinners.
electronic security in any device with in public at least once per story may
a reasonably modern connection offend her and find this wardrobe ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ Gossip Gary: You and Gary
interface (wired or wireless). Once mysteriously vanishing one day. have an understanding - tit for tat,
per story, you can take two extra dice you give him something, he’ll give you
on any Technology or Larceny roll ⬤⬤⬤ Float Down Here: You have something in return, that ‘something’
related to hacking or security memorized the layout of the vast always taking the form of information
overrides. You must dispose of the majority of the sewer and maintenance the other party doesn’t know. Once
phone with some immediacy and get access tunnels below large sections of per session you can call upon Gary
a replacement from Mitnick in the the city. You gain two-dice on any roll and attempt to trade information -
downtime if you don't want the involving navigating, avoiding whether the information you are
authorities to catch up to you. pursuit/detection, or hunting in the offering is as valuable as what is asked
tunnels. Gary would never allow a of Gary is entirely up to the
⬤⬤ Fashionista: Imalia has taken it written record of this sort of Storyteller, however it is well known
upon herself to design your information, so you had better have a that Gary has odd tastes in what he
wardrobe, and what an interesting good memory. finds ‘useful’, and sometimes
wardrobe it is. Barbed wire, twisted something as simple as knowing what
metal pieces, a rusty fork, all these ⬤⬤⬤⬤ Warren Piece (Nosferatu a Baron’s favorite color is can actually
and more can be accessories to your only): Gary has granted you a little be worth divulging the location of all
ensemble. Incredibly garish and patch of the Nosferatu Warren to call of the havens a fellow kindred uses,
bizarre, the outfit penalizes any your own. acting as a Haven with Base for example. Once per story you can
social rolls at the discretion of the Rating 2, Postern 3, Security System 2, also ask Gary to find out a specific
Storyteller, however it acts as a and Location with the proviso that the piece of information on your behalf,
surprisingly effective, albeit very Location Merit specifically adds +4 though in this case he will name his
improvised light piercing weapon, Difficulty to any roll attempting to own price, and often it may be steeper
imparting up to a max +2 Superficial locate it. Unfortunately, the Warrens than just finding out the information
Damage with Brawl attacks. This are exceedingly Creepy, and impart a on your own.
os Angeles has had two attempts at Praxis since Jeremy MacNeil founded
the Anarch Free States - the first by Sebastian LaCroix at the turn of the
millenium, and most recently by Vannevar Thomas. Both attempts ended
in abject failure. One cannot say if the Camarilla will make a third attempt,
but one thing is certain - each time they leave, it’s good for business.
Not unlike the wars of the kine, a sect war often leaves a great deal of wealth behind
for those who are willing, and unscrupulous enough, to take it. Not all spoils are
taken from casualties, and often the most valuable fortune comes in the form of
information or favors, not physical goods. For every treasure gained there are often
two enemies formed - a jealous peer, out for themselves, and perhaps the wronged
party, out for revenge to reclaim what is theirs. The spoils are not for the faint of
heart, but then again, what is in this endless night?
⬤ Ashes to Ashes: During one of the mansion was burned to the ground, the gargoyle. Publicly flaunting one of
sect wars you were able to secure the Alistair Grout recorded a series of Strauss' servitors is terribly unwise, of
ashes of a fallen ancilla. Maybe you audio diaries containing secret course, and if he or any others loyal to
were involved in their death, maybe observations about the prominent House Tremere discover what you've
not, but it’s yours now. You're not Kindred of the city. One of the done the entire House will most likely
sure exactly which clan resides in Malkavian Primogen’s audio logs has come for your blood.
your little urn, only the Storyteller ended up in your possession - once per
does, but these ashes could prove story you can delve into the diary and ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ Is That What I Think It is?:
valuable for various rituals or learn a hidden secret about a Kindred Rumor has it that Vannevar Thomas
alchemical formulae. who was active during Grout's tenure. owned a piece of the original Book of
This knowledge cannot be used as Nod, carved in Enochian. You know
⬤⬤ Napoleonic Compact: The proof of anything, but information is this rumor is true, because you
erstwhile Prince LaCroix was known power in the endless night. happened to "acquire" the fragment
to employ the LAPD as his personal when the Inquisition dismantled the
hit squad. While you don't have ⬤⬤⬤⬤ Personal Goliath (Blood Camarilla. With such a mythical item
nearly the same sway he did, you've Sorcerer only): Before the Tremere comes status, rivals, influence,
"inherited" his contract with a Chantry in the Magic Castle was insight, prophecy, all of these and
Captain on the SWAT team. They act abandoned, through a stroke of luck more. There are no specific rules to
as a two-dot LAPD Contact who you managed to bind one of encompass the breadth of what
knows exactly what you are, and Maximillian Strauss' gargoyles. This owning a piece of the tablet that may
once per story you can employ your gargoyle acts as a special four-dot have been carved by Caine himself
Reliable Informant status to report a retainer, however it is only good at one entails, the Storyteller must decide.
crime directly to SWAT and have thing - defending a site. Once per story Once per chronicle the tablet can be
them mobilize with a warrant. Care you can command the gargoyle to directly employed to achieve
should be taken, as sending them on defend a certain site, and it will do so something miraculous, be it a new
a wild goose chase with no hard to the death. The Storyteller can refer prophecy, thickening thin blood, or
evidence to be found may very well to the Wight (V5 Core pg 375) but swap something even more. One thing is
find them calling in their own favor - its Strength and Dexterity values, certain - others will want it, and they
to the Second Inquisition. exchange Celerity for Protean, and will destroy you and anything related
lower the Blood Potency to 1 for a to you to get it. Do you dare take hold
⬤⬤⬤ Dear Diary: Before his baseline suggested statistics sheet for of history itself?