NIT - JJMLadakh2407

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Appointment of International Water Supply Expert (Individual/ firm) for design of Rural Water
Supply Schemes (Signal / Multi village Schemes) in the Union territory of Ladakh under Jal
Jeevan Mission programme of Government of India
1. WAPCOS Ltd., a Govt. of India Undertaking under the Ministry of jal Shakti, hereby invites
tenders on QCBS basis, for appointment of Water Supply Expert (Individual/ firm) for design
of Rural Water Supply Schemes (Signal / Multi village Schemes) in the Union territory of
Ladakh under Jal Jeevan Mission programme of Government of India. WAPCOS Ltd. is
likely to be appointed as Project Consultant for preparation of DPRs and Tenders for
implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in the Union Territory of Ladakh, India.
2. About the Project
Water is one of the most essential requirements of life. Assured availability of potable water
is vital for human development. India is home to 18% of global human population and 15%
of global livestock population. However, it has only 2% land mass and 4% of global
freshwater resources. As per Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) as on
31.3.2019, about 18%, i.e. 3.28 Crore out of the total 17.87 Crore rural households in the
country have tap water connection. Thus, Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has been launched
which aims at providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural
household by 2024.
WAPCOS is likely to be appointed as Project Consultant for preparation of DPRs and
Tenders for implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in the Union Territory of Ladakh, India.
Ladakh is the highest plateau in India with much of it being over 3,000 m (9,800 ft). It
extends from the Himalayan to the Kunlun Ranges and includes the upper Indus
River valley. Ladakh is divided into two districts, Leh and Kargil. The climate of Ladakh is
cold and dry. Average annual precipitation is roughly 3 inches (80 mm); fine, dry, flaked
snow is frequent and sometimes falls heavily. Temperature range (+35 to – 40 deg
The highlights of the project to be designed are as details below

No. Component Leh Kargil

1 Number of Blocks 16 15
2 Number of (Gram Panchayaths) GPs 93 98
Number of census coded revenue
3 125 127
Total Number of households in the
4 24767 19315
Number of villages to be included under
5 125 127
Jal Jeevan Mission
Number of households already having
6 Functional Household Tap Connection 1624 381
Balance Functional Household Tap
7 Connection (FHTCs) required to be 23143 18934
provided by March 2024
Vision of the Project
Every rural household, to have access to drinking water supply in adequate quantity of
prescribed quality on regular and long-term basis through Tap Connection at affordable
service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of rural communities

• Provide Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTCs) to every rural household;

• Prioritize provision of Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTCs) in quality affected
areas, villages in drought prone and desert areas;
• Monitor functionality of tap connections;
• Promote and ensure voluntary ownership among local community by way of contribution
in cash, kind and/ or labour and voluntary labour;
• Assist in ensuring sustainability of water supply system, i.e. water source, water supply
infrastructure, and funds for regular Operation & Maintenance (O&M);
• Empower and develop human resource in the sector such that the demands of
construction, plumbing, electrical, water quality management, water treatment,
catchment protection, Operation & Maintenance (O&M), etc. are taken care of in short
and long term;
• Reliable drinking water source development/ augmentation of existing sources;
• Grey Water Management
• Bring awareness on various aspects and significance of safe drinking water and
involvement of stakeholders in manner that make water everyone's business;
• Capacity building of various stakeholders and support activities to facilitate the
Project Strategy
About 81% of rural habitations in the country have access to potable water through a wide
range of schemes whereas about 46% of rural habitations catering to about 54% of rural
population have piped water supply having provision for atleast 40 lpcd, which includes
household tap connections and public stand posts. To achieve the objective of JJM,
following strategy may be adopted:

• The existing rural water supply infrastructure created over the years is to be dovetailed,
retrofitted and renovated to provide FHTCs. Priority will be accorded to retrofit on-going
piped water supply schemes and subsequently to completed piped water supply
schemes providing water through stand post;
• Villages with sufficient groundwater availability of prescribed quality within the village
boundary, the same local water source will be used;
• Villages with functional hand pumps, the well depth can be deepened if required and
can also be used as a source to meet the service delivery level;
• Locations viz., tribal/ hilly/ forested areas, option of gravity and/ or solar power-based
water supply schemes with low O&M expenditure to be explored and preferred. In hills
and mountains, springs as a reliable source for drinking water to be explored;
• Hot and cold deserts, innovative approaches and possibility technology intervention to
be explored;
• Villages with sufficient groundwater availability but having quality issues, in-situ suitable
treatment technology may be explored;
• Villages falling in drought-prone areas, conjunctive use of multiple sources of water can
be explored such as ponds, lakes, rivers, groundwater, supply from long distance,
rainwater harvesting and/ or artificial recharge;
• Villages with water quality issues and non-availability of suitable surface water sources
in nearby areas, it may be more appropriate to transfer bulk water from long distance.
Further, in drought-prone and desert areas, where it is not possible to have water supply
through conjunctive use, a similar approach to transfer bulk water from long distance
may be adopted;
• States with water-scarce/ areas lying in rain shadow region with inadequate rainfall, it is
necessary to plan for regional water supply schemes covering both urban and rural
areas by sourcing water from a perennial surface source;
• Even though JJM envisages to provide FHTCs to every household, in areas having
harsh climatic conditions, viz. high-altitude cold deserts, areas facing extreme terrain
challenges, sparsely populated hot deserts, etc., it may not be feasible to provide FHTC
to every rural household. In such areas, local innovations/ technological solutions have
to be explored to provide up to 8 – 10 litres per capita per day (lpcd) potable water for
drinking and cooking purposes; and other arrangements for rest of the other domestic
• In peri-urban/ big villages in water scarce areas, in order to save the precious fresh
water, it is encouraged to plan a new water supply scheme with dual piped water supply
system, i.e. supply of fresh water in one and treated grey/ waste water in another pipe.
There would be only single connection to every household from both the pipes. The
treated grey/ waste water pipe would be for non-potable/ gardening/ toilet flushing use.
Further, the households in these areas will be encouraged, as part of IEC, to use the
faucet aerators that save a significant amount of water, in multiple taps they may be
using inside their house;
• Innovative technology to be explored to ensure equitable distribution of water;
• Source recharging, viz. dedicated bore well recharge structures, rain water recharge,
rejuvenation of existing water bodies, etc. need to be adopted using watershed/
springshed principles, in convergence with other schemes;
• While planning for water supply schemes/ projects involving high lift of water, energy
cost, and meeting monthly power bills need to be deliberated upon and policy for
meeting this requirement.
3. Role & Responsibilities of Water Supply Expert
He/She shall be responsible for providing services for Rural Water Supply Schemes (Signal /
Multi village Schemes) for schemes under Government of India funded Jal Jeevan Mission
Project. The successful applicant shall be involved in work of development and application of
technical skills in Engineering, Consultancy and International Standards for water supply
works including the following:

• Coordinate with the project team and ensure delivery of all project milestones on time
• Identify the need of Survey and Investigation
• Study of the existing water supply system of the habitation and forecast the future
• Study of water supply sources (availability of water during lean period, quality of water
• Design of water supply scheme [Single Village Scheme (SVS) or Multi Village Scheme
(MVS) Scheme] based on water requirement, available resources (ground water/
surface water).
• Design of Intake arrangements viz., intake-well, raw water connecting main, Jackwell
cum pump house.
• Design of Water Treatment plant based on the raw water characteristics (technology/
Method of treatment)
• Economical design of Rising main
• Identification of locations, capacity of Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR) /Ground Level
Storage Reservoir (GLSR) /Under Ground (UG) Sumps
• Design of gravity pipelines / in village distribution pipeline ensuring all the residents
should get the same amount of water.
• Design of House Service Connection.
• Preparation of Design drawings, technical specifications etc., & approval of the same by
competent authority at various stages of project
• Preparation of Detailed Design Report as per Jal Jeeven Mission project guidelines &
approval of the same by competent authority
• Assist in Preparation of Tender Document for hiring of the contractor
• Daily interaction with the team working on the project to deliver the water strategy and
capability and the overall Engineering Strategy.
• Shall attend meetings with the client at site, based on the requirement of the project. A
minimum of 10 visits/meetings are required to be done under the project

4. Facility to be arranged by WAPCOS

WAPCOS shall provide all the support activities and logistics to the Expert including the

• Depute a technical team for all the site related activities

• Conduct Survey and Investigation as per the need of Project
• Arrangement of Lodging, Food and Travel for the Expert;
• A per diem of Rs 5,000/- shall be paid to expert for the site visit

5. Qualification & Experience

S.No. Mandatory Requirements

1. Postgraduate in Hydraulic Engineering/Water Resource/Civil Engineering or
similar field with not less than 15 years of experience on international projects,
in the field of design of Water Supply projects
2. Led a team involved in planning, project preparation & execution of Rural
Water Supply projects
3. Proven experience of working on Conceptualizing, designing of Water supply
scheme to provide drinking water throughout the year sub-zero degree
4. Proven experience of working in extreme cold weather (temperatures below -
15oC) with hilly terrain conditions
S.No. Desirable Requirements
1. Experience in Source security (Securing source from freezing to ice,
contamination etc.,)
2. Experience in Developing/under-Developed Countries

6. Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation will be based on Quality-Cost-Based Selection (QCBS).

Technical Evaluation
The Proposal shall be evaluated, based on the following:

S.No. Component Description Score

1 Postgraduate in (Hydraulic
Qualification Engineering / Pipeline Engineering 20
/ Civil Engineering)
2 Relevant Experience and Adequacy for the project 80
A Total Professional Experience in field of Design of Water Supply
<15 years 0
15-20 years 15
20-25 years 20
>25 years 25

B Projects in extreme cold weather condition with hilly terrain

conditions (Temprature below -15oC)
1 project 5
2 projects 10
>3 projects 15

C Experience as Team Leader or similar role on international

<2 projects 0
2-5 projects 10
>5 projects 15

E Experience in Rural Water Supply Schemes 10

1-2 Projects 5
>2 Projects 10

D Experience in Developing Countries 5

<2 projects 0
2 or more projects 5

Total 100

Financial Quote

Individual or Firm shall submit a single value quote both in figures and words for his/her total
inputs in the project. In case of variation in figure and words, the value written in words
would be considered.

Combined Evaluation
Technical and Financial Evaluation will be evaluated to their combined score:

Technical: Financial :: 90:10

S= STxT + SFxf


S= Combined Score,

ST=Technical Score out of 100

SF= Financial Score out of 100

Client reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to cancel the recruitment
process and reject all proposals, at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the

Terms & Conditions

1. All the payments shall be made in Indian Rupees only and shall be based on
deliverables as detailed below:

No Component Payment
1 Submission & approval of Inception for the project 15%
2 Submissions & approval of Draft DPR 30%
3 Approval of Final DPR 20%
4 Submission of Good for Construction drawings 15%
Construction Supervision and PMC (shall be paid on pro rata
5 20%
Total 100%

2. Travel - The role will include travel to work sites as and when necessary that shall
be arranged by WAPCOS. A per diem of Rs 5,000/- shall be given for site visits and
meetings at site

3. Details for Submission

The applications shall be sent to email id:

4. Submission Due Date

The closing date for applications is 6th August, 2020. Interested & eligible candidates
shall submit their bio data in format provided at Annexure 1, along with all necessary
enclosures as per evaluation criteria.
Annexure 1
Curriculum Vitae

Period Employing Organization, Title/ Position. Country


Assignments that best illustrates capability to handle the assigned tasks

11. EXPERT’S CONTACT Email: Phone:


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available, as and when necessary, to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/ or sanctions by the Bank.
Name: Date:

Name of authorized representative of the Consultant: Date:

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