Upsc Ies (Ese) Xam: Civil Engineering Detailed Solutions
Upsc Ies (Ese) Xam: Civil Engineering Detailed Solutions
Upsc Ies (Ese) Xam: Civil Engineering Detailed Solutions
(a) 150 N (b) 173 N
PA – PB G2 1 2
Sol. Drag force = CD w AV
= 1– G x 2
w 1
G2 1 2
FD = × 2.3 ×1000 7.2 × 0.075 0.6
(PA – PB) = 1– x w
G1 2
FD = 223.56 N
= 1– × 0.12 × 9810
1 11. A double acting reciprocating pump having piston
(PA – PB) = 147.15 N/m2 area 0.1 m2 has a stroke length 0.30 m. The
pump is discharging 2.4 m3 of water per minute
9. What is the minimum size of glass tube that at 45 r.p.m. through a height of 10 m. What is
can be used to measure water level if the the slip of the pump?
capillary rise in the tube is to be restricted to 2
mm? (Take surface tension of water in contact (a) 0.005 m3/s (b) 0.015 m3/s
with air as 0.073575 N/m) (c) 0.025 m3/s (d) 0.035 m3/s
(a) 1.5 cm (b) 1.0 cm Ans. (a)
(c) 2.5 cm (d) 2.0 cm Sol. Double acting reciprocating pump
Ans. (a) A = 0.1 m2
4 cos L = 0.30 m
Sol. Capillary rise = = h
d Q = 2.4 m3/min.
If h 2 mm N = 45 rpm
4 cos H = 10 m
2 mm
Slip of pump = ?
4 cos
d Slip = Qth – Qout
w × 2 mm
4 cos 2 ALN 2 × 0.1× 0.30 × 45
dmin = Qth = =
w × 2 mm 60 60
For water-glass contact, = 0 = 0.045 m3/s = 2.7 m3/min
4 Slip = Qth – Qout
dmin = × 2 mm
w = 2.7 – 2.4 = 0.3 m3/min
4 × 0.073575 N / m
= = 0.005 m3/sec
3 –3
9810 N / m × 2 ×10 m
dmin = 0.015 m = 15 mm = 1.5 cm 12. If pressure head of water is 100 m and specific
gravity of kerosene is 0.81, what is the pressure
head of kerosene?
(a) 123.5 m of kerosene 14. A bridge has an expected life of 25 years and is
(b) 241.3 m of kerosene designed for a flood magnitude of return period
100 years. What is the risk of this hydrologic
(c) 75.1 m of kerosene design?
(d) 52.4 m of kerosene 25 25
100 99
Ans. (a) (a) 1 – (b)
99 100
Sol. For equal pressure,
25 25
99 100
100 w = h kerosene (c) 1 – (d)
100 99
100 × w 100 Ans. (c)
h = = = 123.46 m
kerosene 0.81 Sol. Design life (n) = 25 yr
h = pressure head of kerosene Return period (T) = 100 yr
13. A lake has an area of 15 km2. Observation of n n 1
Risk = 1– q = 1– 1– p = 1– 1–
hydrological variables during a certain year has T
shown as follows: 25
= 1– 1–
Precipitation = 700 mm/year, 100
Average inflow Qin = 1.4 m3/s; 99
= 1–
Average outflow Qout = 1.6 m3/s 100
Assume that there is no net water exchange 15. In a groundwater field test, a tracer took 8 hours
between the lake and the groundwater. What is to travel between two observation wells which
the evaporation during this year? are 56 m apart. The difference in water table
(a) 480 mm (b) 280 mm elevations in these wells was 0.70 m. The volume
of the void of the aquifer is 30% of the total
(c) 380 mm (d) 180 mm
volume of the aquifer. What is the hydraulic
Ans. (b) conductivity of the aquifer, if the dynamic
viscosity of water is 0.995 × 10–3 Ns/m2?
Sol. Precipitation (P) = 700 mm/yr
Avg inflow (Qin) = 1.4 m3/sec (a) 4.664 cm/s (b) 3.664 cm/hr
Avg outflow (Qout) = 1.6 m3/sec (c) 2.664 mm/s (d) 1.664 cm/hr
Lake area = 15 km2 Ans. (a)
Assuming no change in storage in a year, we Sol. The tracer records the actual velocity of water
56 ×100 7
inflow-outflow = 0 (Vact) = = cm / sec
8 × 60 × 60 36
inflow = outflow
Discharge velocity, V = (n × Vact), where
700 ×10 –3 ×15 ×106 + 1.4 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60
16. Consider the following statements regarding (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
channel routing: (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
1. In channel routing, the flood hydrograph at Ans. (a)
various sections of the reach is predicted
Sol. To control water logging
by considering a channel reach and an input
hydrograph at the upstream end. Quantity of water into the soil below is
checked and reduced
2. As the flood wave moves down the river,
the shape of the wave does not change. In such areas, seepage from canals should
3. Flood waves passing down a river have be minimum, hence these are generally
their peaks attenuated due to friction. lined canals.
4. The addition of lateral inflows can cause In such areas only a small portion of irrigable
an increase of attenuation. land should be irrigated in one season and
the remaining portion may be irrigated in
Which of the above statements are not correct?
the next seasons, by rotation.
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Hence correct answer is option (a)
(c) 1 and 1 only (d) 2 and 4 only
Ans. (d) 18. If wheat requires 7.5 cm of water after every 28
days and the base period for wheat is 140 days,
Sol. what is the value of delta for wheat?
As the flood wave moves down the river, the (a) 7.5 cm (b) 27.5 cm
shape of the waves gets modified due to various
(c) 37.5 cm (d) 17.5 cm
factors, such as channel storage, resistance,
lateral addition or withdrawal of flow, etc. Ans. (c)
From given drainage area, 1.25 cm depth (c) to achieve ultimate stability of river with the
of water is removed in 24 hrs. aid of river training measures.
(d) pitching of banks and provision of launching
Volume of water drained in two days =
2 × 1.25 × 10–2 × 12 × 104 = 3000 m3
Ans. (c)
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
23. Which one of the following conditions is correct
20. What is the hydraulic radius of a stable canal
for a channel to behave in true regime?
carrying a discharge of 27 m3/s using Lacey’s
method? (Assume silt factor is 1.0) (a) Discharge is non-uniform
(a) 1.44 m (b) 2.67 m (b) Flow is non-uniform
(c) 3.14 m (d) 4.28 m (c) Silt grade is varying
1 Ans. (c)
Q 3
Sol. R = 0.47 24. What is the delta for a crop when its duty is 864
hectares/cumec on the field and the base period
of this crop is 120 days?
27 3
R = 0.47
1 (a) 120 cm (b) 140 cm
R = 1.41 m (c) 160 cm (d) 172 cm
Hence, closest option is (a). Ans. (a)
Sol. Duty × Delta = 8.64 B
21. Consider the following statements regarding loss
of water in canals: 864 × = 8.64 × 120
1. The water lost by evaporation is generally = 1.2 m = 120 cm
very small, as compared to the water lost
by seepage in certain channels. Hence, option ‘a’ is correct answer.
2. In percolation, there exists a zone of 25. Which one of the following is the merit of
continuous saturation from the canal to the combined sewer system?
water-table and a direct flow is established.
(a) Rain water dilutes the sewage, therefore, it
3. In absorption, a small saturated soil zone can be easily and economically treated.
exists around the canal section and is
(b) Initial cost is high as compared with separate
surrounded by a zone of decreasing
(c) If the whole sewage is to be disposed off by
Which of the above statements are correct?
pumping, it is uneconomical.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (d) During heavy rains, the overflowing of sewers
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 will endanger the public health.
Ans. (d) Ans. (a)
Sol. All the options are correct. Sol. Combined System
This system consists of a single sewer line of 27. Which one of the following is the process in
large diameter through which the sewage and which ammonia is oxidised to nitrites and then
storm water are allowed to flow and are carried to nitrates by aerobic bacteria?
to the treatment plant. (a) Nitrification (b) Denitrification
The following are the advantages of this system:
(c) Adsorption (d) Regeneration
(i) The storm water dilutes the sewage and
hence its strength is reduced. Ans. (a)
(ii) The self -cleansing v elocity is easily Sol. Nitrification is the biological process in which
acheived. ammonia is oxidized into nitrite, followed by a
(iii) Due to larger diameter of sewer, it can be subsequent transformation of nitrites into nitrates
easily cleaned. by aerobic bacteria.
(iv) As the single sewer line serves the double 28. A tank into which raw or partly treated sewage
function, it becomes economical. is collected, left to stay, and discharged at such
The following are the disadvantages of this a rate as may be necessary for subsequent
system: treatment, is called
(i) The treatment plant is unnecessarily loaded (a) Dosing tank (b) Sedimentation tank
with the combined volume of sewage and (c) Skimming tank (d) Settling tank
storm water. It may exceed the normal
capacity of the plant. Ans. (a)
(ii) During a heavy storm, the combined sewer Sol. Dosing tank is a tank in which sewage is collected
may be overflown and it may create trouble and later discharged at the rate required by
for the people at large. subsequent treatment processes.
(iii) It creates unnecessary pollution of storm 29. In the context of sludge conditioning, Elutriation
water. is synonymous to
26. Which one of the following is a device used for (a) Washing (b) Heating
measuring the velocity of flowing water in pipes
(c) Compacting (d) Filtering
of open channels?
Ans. (a)
(a) Pitot tube (b) Piezometer
Sol. Elutriation is a process of sludge conditioning
(c) Venturimeter (d) Venturi tube
whereby a sludge is washed either by fresh water
Ans. (a) or plant effluent, to reduce the sludge alkalinity
Sol. The basic principle used in this device is that if and fine particles, thus decreasing the amount
the velocity of flow at a particular point is reduced of required coagulant in further treatment steps
to zero, which is known as stagnation point, the or in sludge dewatering.
pressure there is increased due to the conversion 30. Sludge thickening is commonly achieved by the
of the kinetic energy into pressure energy, and following methods:
by measuring the increase in the pressure energy
at this point the velocity of flow may be 1. Gravity thickening
determined. 2. Air flotation
A single tube of this type may be used for 3. Centrifugation
measuring the velocity of flow in an open
Which of the above methods are correct?
When a pitot tube is used for measuring the (a) 2 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only
velocity of flow in a pipe or any other closed (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
conduit then the pitot tube may be inserted in
Ans. (d)
the pipe.
Sol. Sludge thickening of sludge can be achieved by Volatile
following methods: Water solid
(a) 10.86% (b) 10.76% 39. A concentrated load of 2000 kN is applied at the
(c) 10.68% (d) 10.66% ground surface. What is the vertical stress at a
point 6 m directly below the load?
Ans. (a)
(a) 16.42 kN/m2 (b) 26.53 kN/m2
Sol. Since the void ratio remains unchanged or
(c) 36.12 kN/m2 (d) 40.51 kN/m2
partial drying, the volume of soil remains
unchanged because Ans. (b)
Vsoil = Vsolid(1+e) Sol. Q = 2000 kN
dry unit wt remains unchanged since The intensity of vertical stress just below the
load point is
d = 3Q Q
Vsoil z 6 = 0.4775 2
2z z
Since, d =
1+ w 0.4775 2000
bulk 1 bulk 2 62
Hence, =
1+ w1 1+ w 2 = 26.53 kN/m2
Moisture content of partially died soil is (b) Failure surfaces reach ground surfaces
10.99% (c) There is no bulging of soil around the footing
Answer can be aproximately taken as (a). (d) Failure is not sudden and there is no tilting of
38. A fine grained soil is found to have a liquid limit
Ans. (d)
of 90% and a plasticity index of 50. The natural
water content is 28%. What is the liquidity index? Sol.
Modes of failure Characteristics
Ans. (c)
Local shear (Transition) Well-defined slip surface only below Sol. Given: Dia, d = 10 cm, Length, L = 15 cm
the foundation, discontinuous either
minor heaving side. Volume of water = 160 cm3, Time, t = 1.75 min
Large vertical displacement required
before slip surface appear at ground Head, h = 30 cm
q = Discharge measured
Some heaving occurs on both sides
with no tilting and no catastrophic
100kN m
= 30°
= 18 kN/m (Consider 2
0 = 100kN m , e0 = 1.121,
2 2
= 200kN m , e0 = 0.964, = 100kN m
At rest earth pressure per meter length of wall and e = –0.157 )
1 1 (a) 0.25 m2/MN (b) 0.48 m2/MN
P0 = K 0 H2 = 0.5 18 52 = 112.5 kN/m
2 2 (c) 0.69 m2/MN (d) 0.74 m2/MN
3. Construction equipment must work from the Coefficient of volume change or coefficient of
soil backfill and be kept off the unprotected volume compressibility
av e 1
Which of the above steps are correct? mv = 1 e 1 e
0 0
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 0.157 1 2
= m /MN
0.1 1 1.121
Ans. (d)
= 0.74 m2/MN
46. The void ratio of a clay sample is 0.5 and the
degree of saturation is 70%. What is the bulk 48. Which one of the following problems is required
unit weight of the soil? to be studied in the design of earth dams?
(Assume G = 2.7) (a) The prediction of the position of the line of
(a) 10.46 kN/m3 (b) 14.32 kN/m3 seepage in the longitudinal section
(c) 17.77 kN/m3 (d) 19.95 kN/m3 (b) The computation of seepage loss
Ans. (d) (c) The seepage line should cut the down-stream
Sol. Given: e = 0.5, S = 70% = 0.7, G = 2.7
(d) The seepage loss through the dam should be
We know maximum.
Ans. (c) Sol. Magnetic declination at a place is the horizontal
angle between the true meridian and the
49. Which one of the following is not an instrument magnetic meridian.
for setting out right angles?
52. The magnetic bearing of a line AB is S28°30'E.
(a) Cross staff (b) Site square
What is the true bearing of line AB if the
(c) Prism square (d) Optical staff magnetic declination is 7°30' towards west?
Ans. (d) (a) S36°E (b) N21°W
Sol. Instrument used for setting out right angles (c) S21°E (d) N36°W
Cross-staff Ans. (a)
Site square Sol.
Prism square/optical square MN TN
Optical staff is a levelling staff that helps to
determine the height difference between two
points on a survey.
50. Which one of the following is correct for Prismatic
Compass? 7°30 28°30
Ans. (c) (a) the point on the upper portion of the celestial
sphere marked by plumb line above the
Sol. Prismatic compass observer
The graduated ring is attached with the needle (b) the point on the lower portion of the celestial
and does not rotate with line of sight. sphere marked by plumb line below the
The instrument can be held in hand also while observer
making the observations. (c) the two points in which the Earth’s axis of
Graduations are engraved inverted since the rotation meets the Earth’s sphere
graduated ring is read through the prism. (d) the great circle of the Earth, the plane of which
The readings are taken with the help of a is at right angles to the axis of rotation.
prism, provided at the eye vane.
Ans. (a)
51. Magnetic declination at a place is the horizontal Sol. The point on celestial sphere vertically above
angle between the observer’s station is called zenith and the
(a) the true meridian and the arbitrary meridian point vertically below is called Nadir.
(b) the magnetic meridian and the arbitrary 54. Which one of the statements is not correct for
meridian remote sensing?
(c) the true bearing and the magnetic bearing (a) It requires energy source
(d) the true meridian and the magnetic meridian. (b) It requires propagation of energy through
Ans. (d)
(c) It requires energy interaction with the Earth’s We know,
surface features
aa = r × e
(d) It requires absorption of energy by the Earth’s
In this case,
e = 30 cm = 300 mm
Ans. (d)
aa = 300 1.5 mm
55. Energy in remote sensing deals with which region 200
of electromagnetic spectrum?
58. A photographic survey is carried out to a scale
(a) Ultraviolet (b) Infrared of 1:20000. A camera with a wide angle lens of
(c) X-Ray (d) Gamma Ray f = 170 mm was used with 25 cm × 25 cm plate
size for a net 65% overlap along the line of
Ans. (a) flight. What is the error in height given by an
Sol. There are several regions of the electromagnetic error of 0.15 mm in measuring the parallax of
spectrum which are useful for remote sensing. the point?
For most purposes, the ultraviolet portion of the (a) 5.15 m (b) 5.27 m
spectrum has the shortest wavelengths which
are practical for remote sensing. (c) 5.83 m (d) 6.45 m
Ans. (c)
56. Consider the following statements related to the
classification based upon the object of survey? Sol.
60. Which one of the following conditions shall be Sol. Statement 1: Deflection measured near cracks
fulfilled when a transition curve is inserted are normally much higher than the measure-
ments in non-distressed areas.
between the tangent and circular curve?
Statement 3: Thermal and moisture gradient
(a) It should not meet the original straight in the vertical direction of concrete slabs
tangentially. influence the deflection measurements.
(b) It should not meet the circular curv e Hence, statement 1 and 3 are not correct.
62. Which one of the following tunneling methods is
(c) Its radius at the junction with the circular curve adopted for the situations where the metro
should be the same as that of the circular alignment passes under residential buildings or
curve. a canal?
(d) The rate of decrease of curvature along the (a) Earth pressure balance tunneling machine
transition curve should be same as that of method
increase in superelevation.
(b) Tunnel boring machine method
Ans. (c) (c) Tube tunnelling method
Sol. It should meet the original straight tangentially. (d) Driven shield tunneling method
It should meet the circular curve tangentially. Ans. (c)
Its radius at the junction with the circular curve Sol. Tube tunneling method is used where the metro
should be the same as that of the circular alignment passes under residential buildings or
curve. canal.
The rate of increase of curvature along the
63. Consider the following statements related to the
transition curve should be same as that of
advantages of concrete sleepers :
increase in superelevation.
1. Concrete sleepers can generally be mass
61. Consider the following statements related to road produced using local resources.
pavements :
2. Concrete sleepers are not suitable for beater
1. Def lections measured near cracks are packing
normally much lower than the measurements 3. Concrete sleepers have a very long life-span.
in non-distressed areas.
4. Concrete sleepers have no scrap value.
2. Deflection measurements near longitudinal
Which of the above statements is/are correct ?
joints, transverse joints or corners are higher
than those measured at mid-slab concrete (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only
pavements. (c) 2 only (d) 2 and 4 only
Ans. (b) allel road) is a local road running parallel to a
Sol. Concrete sleepers can generally be mass higher speed, limited-access road. A frontage
produced using local resources. road is often used to provide access to private
driveways, shops, houses, industries or farms.
Concrete sleepers have a very long life span.
67. When properly designed traffic signals are used,
64. Which one of the following is not the method of
which one of the following is the advantage of
tunneling in hard rock? traffic signals?
(a) Full-face heading method (a) The signals allow crossing of the heavy traffic
(b) Heading and bench method flow with safety.
(c) Drift method (b) The rear-end collision may increase
(d) Shaft method (c) Improper design and location of signals may
Ans. (d) lead to violation of the control system.
(d) Failure of the signal due to electric power
Sol. Shaft method is not used for tunneling in hard
failure may cause confusion to the road users.
Ans. (a)
65. Consider the following statements related to the
advantages of uniformity of rail gauges : Sol. One of the advantages of properly designed
traffic signal is that heavy vehicles traffic flow
1. As trans shipping is not required, there is can cross the intersection safely.
breakage of goods.
2. Large sheds to store goods are not required. 68. If the ruling gradient is 1 in 150 on a particular
section of broad gauge and at the same time a
3. Labour strikes, etc. do not affect the service curve of 4 degree is situated on this ruling
and operation of trains. gradient, what is the allowable ruling gradient ?
Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 1 in 10 (b) 1 in 72
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 in 196 (d) 1 in 245
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (c)
Ans. (b)
Sol. Grade compensation on broad gauge track
Sol. Advantages of uniformity of rail gauges are: = 0.04% per degree
As trans shipping is not required, there is no Degree of curve = 4
breakage of goods.
Grade compensation = 4 × 0.04% = 0.0016
Large sheds to store goods are not required. Allowable ruling gradient
Labour strikes, etc. do not affect the service 1
and operation of trains. = – 0.0016
66. Which one of the followings are provided to give 1 1
access to properties along an important highway 197.36 196
with controlled access to expressway or freeway?
69. What is the value of headlight sight distance for
(a) Lay-bys (b) Frontage roads
a highway with a design speed of 65 kmphs?
(c) Driveways (d) Cycle tracks [Take f = 0.36 and t = 2.5 sec.]
Ans. (b) (a) 66.5 m (b) 81.3 m
Sol. A frontage road (also known as an access road, (c) 91.4 m (d) 182.8 m
“outer road”, service road, feeder road, or par- Ans. (c)
oun ng e g = . m
Sol. HSD = 0.278 × V × tR + HSD = SSD Lamp size = 6000 lumen
Luminaire type = II
V = 65 kmph ; tR = 2.5 sec ; f = 0.36
Coefficient of utilization = 0.44
HSD = 91.4 m
Maintenance factor = 0.8
70. What is the minimum stopping sight distance on
What is the spacing between lighting units to
a –3.5% grade for a design speed of 110 kmph?
produce average Lux = 6?
(Consider friction coefficient f = 0.28, t = 2.5
(a) 18 m b) 20 m
sec and G = 0.035).
(c) 23 m (d) 27 m
(a) 76.4 m (b) 194.4 m
(c) 214.6 m (d) 270.8 m Ans. (c)
Sol. Spacing between lighting units
Ans. (d)
Ans. (b) 82. The most suitable type of cement for mass
concreting works is
Sol. The drawback of electric seasoning is that wood
may split.
(a) Rapid Hardening Cement Sol.
(b) High Alumina Cement Copper sleeve
(c) Core test (d) Hammer test Tensile force in steel = Compressive force in copper
s .A s = c .Ac
Ans. (a)
Sol. Ultrasonic test and maturity test are the two non c = A × s
destructive tests, which are conducted on fresh c
4 10
84. In a concrete mix, for given cement content and c =
(392 – 242 )
workability, higher proportion of fine aggregate 4
will be required if c = 3.42 N/mm2 (compressive)
(a) maximum size of aggregate is large
86. A 2m long alloy bar of 1500 mm2 cross-sectional
(b) maximum size of aggregate is small. area hangs vertically and has a collar securely
(c) rounded aggregate is used. fixed at its lower end. What is the stress induced
(d) all in aggregate is used in the bar when a weight of 2 kN falls from a
height of 100 mm on the collar? (Take E = 120
Ans. (a) GPa)
Sol. When maximum size of aggregate is large, (a) 126.5 MPa (b) 158.3 MPa
higher proportion fine aggregates should be (c) 161.2 MPa (d) 181.3 MPa
used to minimise the voids created due to
large size of maximum size aggregates. Ans. (a)
85. A central steel rod 18 mm diameter passes
E = 120 GPa
through a copper sleeve with 24 mm inside and
39 mm outside diameter. It is provided with nuts Area = 1500 mm
2 103 x
max = 95.87 = 127.83 MPa x = 100 MPa
87. Normal stresses of 126 MN/m2 (Tensile) and 94
MN/m2 (Compressive) are acting at a point in
x normal stress on the plane inclined at
an elastic material at right angles to each other.
If the maximum principal stress is limited to 146 15° with the tensile stress, hence normal is
MN/m2, the shear stress that may be allowed at inclined at angle 75°.
that point in the same plane is Case-I: When rotation is in anticlockwise
(a) 170 MN/m2 (b) 89 MN/m2 direction i.e., is positive.
static = 65.69 mm 0
max 255
I.F = = = 3.88
st 65.69
16 PR 16 2100 90 W
static = =
d3 253
Given :
= 61.6 MPa b = 100 mm, t = 10 mm, L = 1.4 m
max = I.F static E = 200 GPa, max = 160MPa
= 3.88 × 61.6 U = 125 N-m = 125 × 103 N-mm
max = 239.02 MPa 2
f nb
U = .Lt
6E 2
90. An I-section purlin of span 4 m is subjected to
a total uniformly distributed load of 5 kN. The 1602 100
125 ×10 = 3
n 1400 10
purlin will be designed for maximum bending 6 200 10 2
moment of n = 8.37,
(a) 2000 Nm (b) 20 kNm Hence number of leaves = 9
(c) 2500 Nm (d) 25 kNm 92. A wooden floor is required to carry a load of 12
Ans. (a) kN/m2 and is to be supported by wooden joists
of 120 mm × 250 mm in section over a span of
Sol. The maximum bending moment for purlin
4 m. If the bending stress in these wooden joists
P is not to exceed 8 MPa, what is the spacing of
M = the joists?
(a) 356 mm (b) 318 mm
P = Total load acting on the purlin
(c) 432 mm (d) 417 mm
= Span of the purlin
Ans. (d)
Sol. 94. An open-coiled helical spring of wire diameter
120 mm 12 mm, mean coil radius 84 mm, helix angle
60° carries an axial load of 480 N. What is the
twisting moment?
250 mm (a) 10.22 Nm (b) 20.16 Nm
(c) 14.24 Nm (d) 24.11 Nm
Ans. (b)
cross-section Sol. Given:
Load from wooden floor = 12 kN/m2
d = 12 mm, R = 84 mm
Assuming spacing between joist = s meter
= 60°, P = 480 N
Load on wooden joist (w) = 12 × s kN/m2 For open-coiled helical spring with mean
w 2 2
125 4 radius R subjected to axial load P
Maximum bending moment = =
8 8 M
Mmax = 24 S kN-m T
Mmax M
max = = 2max
z bd /
24 s 106
250 2 Torque (T) = PR cos
6 Bending moment (M) = PR sin
S = 0.41667 meter = 416.67 mm
T = PR cos
93. A motor driving a solid circular shaft transmits
30 kW at 500 r.p.m. What is the torque activity T = 480 × 84 × cos 60°
on the shaft, if allowable shear stress is 42 MPa? T = 20.16 N-m
(a) 427 MPa (b) 573 Nm
95. The stresses at a point of a machine component
(c) 180 Nm (d) 219 Nm are 150 MPa and 50 MPa, both tensile. What is
Ans. (b) the intensity of normal stress on a plane inclined
at an angle of 30° with the axis of major tensile
Sol. stress?
Power = 30 kW
(a) 25 MPa (b) 50 MPa
N = 500 rpm
(c) 75 Mpa (d) 100 MPa
per = 42 MPa
Ans. (c)
Power = T.w = 30 103 Sol.
2N 50 MPa
T. = 30 × 103
2 500 60°
T. = 30 × 103
60 150 MPa 150 MPa
T = 572.95 N-m (major stress)
As diameter of shaft is not given, thus, torque
can’t be calculated from allowable shear
stress. 50 MPa (minor stress)
NA 20 mm
ymax = 10 mm
H 1.25h
h (H = height of wall cross-section
above lintel)
Radius of curvature = 10 m, E = 200 GPa
For bending :
E f M
= =
R y I
105. Consider the following statements regarding Hence option (b) is correct answer.
statically determinate structures:
107. A beam AB of span 5 m fixed at both ends
1. Conditions of equilibrium are sufficient to fully carries a UDL of 12 kN/m over the whole span.
analyse the structure. If the right end B settles down by 12 mm, what
2. The bending moment at a section or the force are the end moments for the beam? (Take EI =
in any member is independent of the material 15000 kN/m2)
of the components of the structure. (a) Ma = 68.2 kNm (hogging) and
3. The bending moment at a section or the force Mb = 18.2 kNm (sagging)
in any member is independent of the cross- (b) Ma = 18.2 kNm (hogging) and
sectional areas of the components.
Mb = 68.2 kNm (sagging)
Which of the above statements are correct?
(c) Ma = 68.2 kNm (hogging) and
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Mb = 68.2 kNm (sagging)
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 only
(d) Ma = 18.2 kNm (hogging) and
Ans. (c)
Mb = 18.2 kNm (sagging)
Sol. Since in statically determinate structures,
Ans. (a)
equilibrium eq. is sufficient for analysis of
structure, hence material & X-sectional Sol. w = 12 kN/m and = 5 m
properties are not required for analysis i.e. for A w
determining member forces. 6EI
106. A cantilever beam of 4 m span carries a UDL of w 2 12 mm =
3 kN/m over its entire span and a point load of 12 6EI
3 kN at the free end. If the same beam is simply B w 2 2
supported at two ends, what point load at the 12
centre should it carry to have same deflection
as the cantilever?
Which of the above statements are correct?
w 2 6EI
MA = 2 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 only
2 3
12 5 6 15000 12 10 Ans. (d)
MA =
12 52
Sol. Advantages of steel as construction
MA = 68.2 kN-m (hogging) materials:
w = 60 kN/m
200 mm 200 mm
Leff = 9 m
2. Single angles are not used for bracing for light Which of the above statements are correct?
truss tension members. (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
3. Occasionally, I sections are also used as (c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 4 only
tension members as they have more rigidity.
Ans. (a)
Which of the above statements are correct?
115. For design of a roof truss, if the design wind
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
velocity is 20 m/s, what is the design wind
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 pressure?
Ans. (a) (a) 400 N/m2 (b) 40 N/m2
Sol. The common single structural shapes are (c) 240 N/m2 (d) 200 N/m2
angle sections, tee sections and channel Ans. (c)
Sol. Design wind pressure (Pz) = 0.6 Vz2
120. A tension member of a roof truss carries a 123. The grade of concrete and reinforcement are M-
factored load of 430 kN. By considering the 20 and Fe-250 respectively. Consider 25 mm
strength in yield, what is the gross area required diameter bars and bd is 1.2. What is the
to carry this load? (Consider Fe 250 grade steel) development length at support for a simply
(a) 1892 mm2 (b) 1978 mm2 supported beam of a rectangular section?
(c) 1903 mm2 (d) 2150 mm2 (a) 1133 mm (b) 1033 mm
(b) 2.15 times the load carried by the similar (a) the face of column.
column with ties. (b) effective depth from the face of column.
(c) 1.15 times the load carried by the similar (c) half of the effective depth from the face of
column with ties. column.
(d) 2.05 times the load carried by the similar (d) two-third of the effective depth from the face
column with ties. of column.
Ans. (a) Ans. (c)
Sol. As per IS 456 : 2000, clause no 39.4, the Sol. As per IS 456:2000, clause no. (b), the
strength of compression members with helical correct option shall be option (c).
reinforcement shall be taken as 1.05 times the
130. Accepted relationship between tread and riser in
strength of similar member with lateral ties.
case of staircase design is
126. Nominal cover to reinforcement is provided to (a) Riser × Tread = 60,000 mm2
(1) protect reinforcement against corrosion. (b) 2 × Riser + Tread = 600 mm
(2) provide shear resistance. (c) Riser + Tread = 600 mm
(3) protect reinforcement against fire. (d) 2 × Tread + Riser = 600 mm
(4) develop sufficient bond strength along surface Ans. (b)
area of reinforcement bars.
Sol. In general, 2 × Riser + Tread = 580 mm to 600
Which of the above statements are correct? mm.
(a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
131. Loss of pre-stress is not directly related to
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
(a) creep of concrete.
Ans. (c)
(b) shrinkage of concrete.
127. In slab design, ratio of maximum diameter of (c) grade of concrete.
reinforcing bars to the total thickness of slab
(d) slipping of steel tendons from concrete.
should not be more than
(a) 1/12 (b) 1/6 Ans. (d)
(c) 1/8 (d) 1/7 Sol. Slipping of steel tendons from concrete is not
considered as it is assumed that there will be
Ans. (c) perfect bond between steel and concrete.
Sol. As per IS 456:2000, clause no, the
132. Which one of the following statements is the
diameter of reinforcing bar shall not exceed
disadvantage of post-tensioning method?
one eight of the total thickness of the slab.
(a) The loss of pre-stress is less as compared to
128. To prevent cracking of edges, the corners in two pre-tensioning system.
way slab are provided with
(b) Post-tensioning method is costly as compared Ans. (b)
to pre-tensioning method.
136. Which one of the following statements is not
(c) Post-tensioning can be done in factories and
correct in respect of drawing network?
at the site also.
(a) No activity can start until its tail event has
(d) Post-tensioning method is used for large
spans and heavily loaded structures.
(b) An event cannot occur twice.
Ans. (b)
(c) Length of arrow should be in proportion to the
133. What is the main limitation of bar chart? time consumed by that activity.
(a) It does not help in material and labour (d) The number of arrows should be equal to the
number of activities in the project.
(b) It does not show all the activities of a project.
Ans. (c)
(c) It does not indicate critical activities of a
Sol. Arrows in a network diagram are not vectors.
They are never used to indicate duration (or
(d) Project duration cannot be estimated. time) through its length. All arrows should be of
Ans. (c) nearly equalsize wherever possibley i.e., wide
variation in length of arrows should be avoided.
134. Graders are not suitable for
(a) levelling of earthwork. 137. A-O-N system of network
(b) cutting ditches. (a) completely eliminates the use of dummy
(c) working on steeper slopes.
(d) heavy excavation. (b) requires judicious use of dummy activities.
Profit increases with an increase in total (a) The circulation area of any floor includes
entrance halls.
(b) Floor area of a building includes area of sills
139. Number of bricks required for 15 cu.m of of doors and other openings.
brickwork is approximately
(c) Cube rate estimate of a building is more
(a) 6750 (b) 7200 accurate as compared to plinth area estimate.
(c) 7500 (d) 6000 (d) The preliminary estimate for water supply and
sewerage project can be prepared on the basis
Ans. (c)
of per head of population served.
Sol. We know that,
Ans. (b)
Nominal size of brick = 20cm × 10cm × 10cm
Sol. Floor area of a building is the total area of floor
For 1 m3 brick work, in between walls and consists of floor of all
rooms, verandals, passages, corridors, staircase
1×106 rooms, entrance hall, kitchen, stores, bath and
Number of bricks required =
20 × 20 ×10 latrine (W.Cs), etc.
= 500 Notes: Sills of doors and other openings are not
included in the floor area.
For 15 m3 of brick work,
Number of bricks required = (15 × 500) = 7500 142. Consider the following statements regarding the
advantages in Line or Military Organization of
140. The plinth area of a building does not include management technique:
area of (1) The command and control is very effective.
(a) the walls at the floor levels. (2) It is simple to work and easily understood by
(b) internal shaft for sanitary installations upto 2 the employees.
sq.m area. (3) Responsibilities in all levels are definite and
(c) lifts. fixed.
(c) Statement (I) is true, but Statement (II) is false. 148. Statement (I): For the design of slender column,
(d) Statement (I) is false, but Statement (II) is true additional moments are required to be
145. Statement (I): The theoretical strength of
concrete as per Gel-Space ratio theory is less Statement (II): Lateral deflection of slender
than the actual strength of concrete. columns, under axial load, is substantial and
causes additional moments.
Statement (II): In the Gel-Space ratio theory, it
Ans. (a)
has been assumed that the concrete is perfectly
homogeneous and flawless. 149. Statement (I): To achieve maximum value for
Ans. (d) minimum radius of gyration of compression
members, without increasing the area of the
Sol. The limitation of Gel-space ratio theory is that section, a number of elements are placed away
the theoretical strength of concrete is much from the principal axis using suitable lateral
more than the actual strength of concrete. systems.
Statement (II): Batten shall be placed at 40° to 150. Statement (I): Chain surveying is that type of
70° to the axis of built-up members. surveying in which only linear measurements
are made in the field.
Ans. (d)
Statement (II): Traversing is that type of survey
Sol. In order to increase the radius of gyration, we
need to increase the moment of inertia of the in which a number of connected survey lines
built up section and this can be done by from the framework and the directions and
placing the elements away from the principal lengths of the survey lines are measured with
axis. the help of an angle measuring instrument and
a tape respectively.
Lacing shall be placed at 40° to 70° to the
axis of built up members and batten shall be Ans. (b)
placed in the transverse direction. So this
statement is incorrect.