Trace Metal Analysis

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Investments in spectrometry
technology provide additional
capacity to reliably identify
and accurately measure trace
elements in materials and

ICP Instrumentation Total Quality Assurance The Intertek Advantage

To better serve a wide variety of industries in The capabilities of the ICP-OES and ICP-MS Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance
trace metals analysis, Intertek has expanded allow us to help manufacturers address a provider to industries worldwide. Our network
services at its Allentown, Pennsylvania facility. number of challenges, including: of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices
and over 42,000 people in more than 100
countries delivers innovative and bespoke
The acquisition of an inductively coupled • Contaminant identification: Trace metals
Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification
plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP- analysis helps ensure that if hazardous metals
solutions for our customers’ operations and
OES) and an inductively coupled plasma- such as arsenic or lead are present, it is at
supply chains. Intertek Total Quality Assurance
mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) supports levels safe for consumers.
expertise, delivered consistently with precision,
Intertek’s trace metals analytical services to
pace and passion, enables our customers to
the pharmaceutical, chemical, medical, and
• Sample comparison: The ICP-OES power ahead safely.
consumer products industries.
and/or ICP-MS can analyze samples
against expectations and provide data on the
The ICP-OES and ICP-MS can identify and similarities and differences.
quantify trace metals and nonmetals in
materials and products at parts-per-million
• Supply chain consistency: Analysis helps
(ppm) and parts-per-billion (ppb) levels,
ensure that materials and/or products from
respectively. This offers valuable insights for
multiple suppliers are the same and that they
product development, quality control, and
meet the manufacturer’s requirements.
regulatory compliance. FOR MORE INFORMATION
• Regulatory compliance: The ICP-OES and
Our experience and expertise in sample +1 800 WORLD LAB (967 5352)
ICP-MS, along with our standards expertise,
preparation and testing, combined with these
provide assurance that products and
technologies, will improve the overall quality of
materials comply with requirements such as
service and provide faster turnaround times for
the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization,
our customers.
and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

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