Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 2007 To 2017 and Beyond
Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 2007 To 2017 and Beyond
Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 2007 To 2017 and Beyond
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3 authors:
Dave Lawie
REFLEX Geochemistry
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Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Discovery of Buried Porphyry Deposits, Atacama Desert, Chile View project
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Paper 34
Mineral exploration under relatively young, exotic cover still presents a major challenge to discovery. Advances and future developments
can be categorized in four key areas, 1) understanding metal mobility and mechanisms, 2) rapid geochemical analyses, 3) data access,
integration and interoperability, and 4) innovation in laboratory-based methods.
Application of “regolith-style” surface mapping in covered terrains outside of the conventional lateritic terrains is achieving success in
terms of reducing background noise and improving geochemical contrasts. However, process models for anomaly generation are still
uncertain and require further research. The interaction between the surface environment, microbes, hydrocarbons and chemistry is
receiving greater attention. While significant progress has been achieved in understanding the role of vegetation, interaction with the
water table and cycling of metals in the near surface environment in Australia, other regions of the world, for example the till-covered
terrains in the northern hemisphere and arid colluvium-covered areas of South America, have seen lesser progress. In addition to
vegetation, the influence of bacteria, fungi and invertebrates are less well studied with respect to metal mobilization in cover. Field
portable-XRF has become a standard field instrument, though more often used in a camp setting. Apart from tweaking of analytical quality,
the instruments have probably reached their peak with instrument add-ons, such as cameras, beam-limiters. wireless transmission and GPS
as differentiating tools. Their future rests in automated application in unconventional configurations and better integration of these data
with other information such as spectral analyses. Pattern-drilling persists in industry, but has benefitted from innovative application of
field portable tools and lithogeochemical and mineral chemistry to provide near real-time results and assist in a shift toward more flexible
and targeted drilling in Greenfields settings.
Innovation in the laboratory is also developing. More selective geochemical analysis and imaging of fine particle size fractions, resistate
mineral phases and isotope analysis is faster and more accessible than ever before, and branching into the application of genomic analysis
(and data analysis) as a mineral exploration tool is on the horizon. As a common problem in geoscience, the supply of suitable trained
geochemists to industry persists, although some needs, particularly at junior level, will be met by recent initiatives at various universities at
graduate level. Unfortunately, the current economic climate has had a significant impact on R&D and retention of geochemistry skills by
industry. Whilst the future is positive, significant investment is required to develop the next generation of geochemical exploration tools
and concepts.
In “Proceedings of Exploration 17: Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration” edited by V. Tschirhart and M.D. Thomas, 2017,
p. 495–505
496 Geochemistry
Arid Regions
Major arid regions with ongoing exploration programs include
Australia, Chile, southern Peru, south-western USA and China.
Cover materials range from thick alluvial and windblown
deposits through to deep colluvium-filled basins that hide
previously outcropping mineral deposits. Exploration through
this often poorly cemented and poorly compacted material
remains a challenge with exploration practices having changed
little over the decade despite promising research results in the Figure 1: Potential mechanisms for the generation of
previous decade. Australia is the principle exception, where the geochemical responses in weathered transported regolith in
work of Anand and others from the collaborative multi-industry Australia. Access of vegetation to palaeo-accumulations or the
AMIRA program has developed a series of process-driven current water table in contact with mineralization are considered
models (Anand et al., 2016) constraining the formation of key factors in the formation of geochemical responses at the
geochemical anomalies in the surface environment in the surface (Anand et al., 2016).
extensively weathered and buried terrains of Australia. In the
model of Anand et al. (2014) and Anand et al. (2016), much of Interface sampling techniques in arid terrains have been
the surface geochemistry is presumed to be derived through evaluated in research and exploration programs in arid areas
recycling of the elements by the interaction of vegetation with (Anand and Robertson, 2012; Winterburn et al., 2015), taking
ground water in contact with mineralization or paleo-water samples at palaeosurface unconformities. Whilst clastic
tables with anomalous metal accumulations (Figure 1). The dispersion is the dominant process, hydromorphic dispersion and
models place constraints on the production of responses in that post-depositional weathering can overprint iron-rich material,
there must have been interaction between vegetation and the such as pisoliths, with ore-related signatures (Selama et al.,
ground water or weathered saprolite, either currently or in the 2016).
past, to generate a signal, and that the accumulation of the signal
must exceed the rate of erosion or burial. Basin depth is Whilst Chile is typically the focus of research through
considered a significant factor with the implication that basin transported gravels in arid desert settings, in principle the same
depth, the depth of the current water table and knowledge of the concepts and practices are applicable in arid tectonically active
presence of a paleo-water table become key decision points in areas such as Peru, Mexico and the south-western United States.
assessing the viability of either soil chemistry or
biogeochemistry within an area. Regional scale hydrogeochemistry has also progressed
significantly in Chile (Jorquera et al., 2014) and Australia with a
Research and application of exploration geochemical techniques number of smaller project efforts (de Caritat et al., 2005; Gray et
to see through the transported gravels in northern Chile al., 2016; Noble et al., 2011) combined to produce continental
following on from the research of Cameron et al. (2004) and scale hydrogeochemical maps.
others appear relatively limited with only a small number of
companies having taken the research results into practical
applications. Results from the Chilean phase of the AMIRA
P778 project indicate limited success at identifying the presence
of the Inca de Oro porphyry through transported cover (Soto,
2010; Luca, 2012; Lopez, 2014). Research, however,
demonstrated yet again, the movement of metals into ground
water (Leybourne and Cameron, 2008; Soto 2010), movement of
ground water to the surface through fractures (Leybourne et al.,
2013) and furthermore the significant positive fractionation of
the copper isotope signature from the mineralization (Figure 2)
in the ground water compared to the original ore. Where ground
water is in contact with chalcocite in leachcaps, the fractionation
is even more pronounced as the chalcocite, having been
precipitated following lixiviation is already positively enriched.
(Mathur et al., 2014).
The application of hydrocarbons in non-petroleum mineral
exploration remains contentious. Available commercial
laboratories offering hydrocarbon analysis for mineral
exploration have been reduced to two: Activation Laboratories
(SGH); and Advanced Geochemical Imaging (AGI), with the
closure of the Soil Desorption Pyrolysis group in Australia. The
commercial OreHound© system (Luca, 2012), initially set up to
Figure 6: AGI Soil gas methylbutane results from 3 traverses at
collect hydrocarbons for subsequent analysis at Activation
the North Mittal ultramafic-hosted Ni-Sulphide deposit. Orange
Laboratories, has subsequently been modified to remove the
dots indicate samples over mineralization, the black bar
hydrocarbon collector (Townley, pers. comm., 2016). The two
indicates the location of the buried mineralization (Noble et al.,
remaining methods differ widely in methodology and results.
in press).
The AGI technique is a time integrated hydrophobic Gore-Tex©
coated collector buried in the ground for ~30 days and
subsequently analyzed by thermal decomposition GC-MS. Genomics – Molecular Biology
Results are reported as individual organic compounds at ng/L It is estimated that within a gram of fertile soil there may be as
concentration levels (Figure 6) (Noble et al., in press). many as 10 million living organisms (Blume et al., 2015)
Conversely the Actlabs methodology involves the solvent comprising 10s or even 100s of thousands of microbial species
extraction, using hexane, of hydrocarbons directly from a soil (Van Der Heijden et al., 2008) each sensing and interacting with
sample with LC-MS. Classes of compounds rather than the surrounding soil environment. Together, they are largely
individual compounds are reported (Heberlein, 2010). Other responsible for catalyzing biogeochemical cycling in soil,
adsorbent phases, including activated charcoal or kaolin have regulating the decomposition of minerals and organic waste
also been evaluated by various researchers, though none taken to materials, and the regeneration of soil nutrients and fertility.
successful commercial application. The former technique,
dominantly used by the petroleum industry, has seen little
application in non-petroleum mineral exploration outside of
academic research (Rich, 2016; Noble et al., in press), however,
it has shown promising results. Ongoing research has clearly
shown the association of changing hydrocarbon signatures with
low level changes in trace metal contents (Figure 7) (Cayer et
al., 2016; Luca et al., 2008).
Winterburn, P.A., et al. Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 2007 to 2017 and Beyond 499
in routine exploration, in addition to guidelines on the use of the evaluation, but little has migrated into useable technology in the
instruments. Since these reports, the instruments have commercial sense. One of the few technologies receiving
effectively reached their zenith, with minor improvements in attention at the end of this decade is that of Hypercube®. A
detection and data processing. Currently, fp-XRF has poor package which identifies and prioritizes those key factors
capabilities for the analysis of Au at the ppb levels typically associated with specific features, and at the same time provides
encountered in exploration, although future improvements in delimiting characteristics in multidimensional space. A highlight
field portable pre-concentration may result in an order of of this type of processing is that the individual entities are not
magnitude decrease in the detection of Au (low ppb; M. Lintern, lost or reduced to dimensionless numbers that are often difficult
pers. comm.). Novel work has been undertaken focusing on the to comprehend.
use of pathfinders and lithogeochemistry from fp-XRF to assist
with Au exploration (Arne et al., 2014; Benn et al., 2011). Analytical Technology
Despite the broad knowledge of fp-XRF detection, there is still a
Analytical technological changes, with perhaps an exception to
degree of misapplication with, for example, companies
the broad uptake of fp-XRF and hand-held portable devices
misleadingly reporting Au results which are little more than
previously discussed, have dominantly been incremental.
interference of Zn, As or W on Au.
Continual improvements and innovation in mass-spectrometry
have resulted in the reduction of detection limits to levels many
Other field portable technologies are also becoming used in
orders of magnitude below natural abundances in rocks, soil and
mineral exploration. Portable XRD (X-ray diffraction), LIBS
water. The main impact of these changes is to add increasing
(Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) and spectral SWIR
confidence to low-level geochemical responses relative to
(Short-wave infra-red) measurements are commonly used,
background. Developments in sample preparation and sample
although applications in mineral exploration are not widely
digestion has advanced little, with no genuinely new concepts in
published. The use of LIBS is particularly valuable as it has the
extractive chemistry other than tweaks to current techniques or
ability to detect light elements that are not possible with fp-
the broadening of existing methodologies across the complete
XRF. A recent global demand for Li has promoted that
range of commercial facilities. In practice the routine use of
application of this method further, and it may become nearly as
selective extractions and partial digestions is dominantly
common as fp-XRF in the future.
through junior companies, many of which lack specialist internal
geochemical services.
Development of handheld FIR (far infra-red) spectral devices is
just coming to market and these devices have significant benefit
In exploration geochemistry research element and speciation
in the ability to analyze silicate phases that was not achievable
with the shorter wavelength analyses. These field portable mapping of samples at the micron scale has progressed with the
use of the synchrotron, although coarser resolution is available
devices perhaps are the greatest change in geochemistry of the
with XRF mappers and significantly improved in the new Maia
past 10 years; however, associated with this is the need to
Mapper at CSIRO (Noble and Christie, 2015) in Australia that
process the data rapidly and in conjunction with other results.
aims to be much more accessible to industry than synchrotron
studies, while providing geochemical maps of similar data
Data Evaluation and Integration richness (speciation is not possible on the Maia mapper). Other
Scientific literature continues to extend the plethora of data methods of minerals analysis such as QEMSEM/MLA and Laser
evaluation techniques, many heavily dependent on advanced ablation ICP-MS round out these techniques for elemental and
mathematics (e.g., Zou and Carranza, 2016, and articles mineral geochemistry, and are being used more and more in
therein), which whilst interesting case studies in their own right, mineral exploration, although their use is far from routine.
using techniques such as fractal analysis, spatially weighted
principal component analysis or bi-dimensional empirical mode With improvement in technology, additional applications of
decomposition analysis, generally fail to gain traction beyond MLA (Mineral Liberation Analysis) have included the
the developers. This is in part a reflection of the intractable automated analysis of heavy mineral concentrates from till and
mathematics utilized in many of the techniques, but also the lack other transported materials (Wilton et al., 2016). Perhaps one of
of access to the algorithms, hence reducing the potential for the most advanced applications of MLA in industry applied to
“real world” application and evaluation. In practice, exploration is that utilized by Rio Tinto. It utilizes an MLA
considerable commercially generated data are still treated instrument connected to LA-ICP-MS to allow for identification
element by element focusing on the key commodity and of grains of interest using the MLA, with major element
pathfinder elements to delineate targets for further evaluation. analysis, followed by LA-ICP-MS analyses using the major
Whilst several advanced statistical techniques have become element analysis from the MLA to normalize the analytical data
available in commercial software, for example Iogas®, over the (Agnew, 2014).
last decade, in practice many users lack the confidence through
lack of training and comprehension to utilize these techniques in Mineral Chemistry and Resistate Minerals
a more routine manner.
With the greater availability of micro-analytical tools producing
inexpensive data and ppm concentrations for trace elements,
True computer-based data integration with datasets beyond
considerable emphasis has been placed on the utilization of
geochemistry, including geology, geophysics, structures, etc.,
mineral chemistry as vectoring tools in mineral exploration. This
remains a challenge. Research is ongoing (Cracknell et al., 2015;
applies to both minerals in-situ recovered in hand specimen or
Granek, 2016) into complex machine-based data integration and
drill core, through to minerals recovered in the coarse fraction of
Winterburn, P.A., et al. Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 2007 to 2017 and Beyond 501
stream sediments, along unconformities in transported sediments geochemical scale survey (1 per 22 km2) of stream sediments in
or from glacial till. In practice the work is an extension of the northern Chile (Sernageomin, 2015); the continental scale
research undertaken from the late1990s and early 2000s on geochemical atlas of Australia (de Caritat and Cooper, 2016),
kimberlite indicator minerals including morphology, and the ongoing regional scale geochemical mapping of China
survivability and chemistry. (Li et al., 2014). This latter project is undertaking sampling at a
phenomenal density of 1 sample/km2, increasing to 2
Detailed trace element geochemistry of epidote and chlorite samples/km2 in urban areas across the whole of China. Up to
(Figure 9) has been demonstrated to have vectoring capability in 376,679 samples had been collected and analyzed by late 2012
the exploration for porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits (Cooke et al., (Li et al., 2014). While the main aim of this project appears to be
2014; Wilkinson et al., 2015). Similarly, a range of minerals, in primarily directed at environmental studies (Zhang et al., 2015),
particular apatite, (Bouzari et al., 2016; Mao, 2016) have shown the sample type, density of sampling and analytical
value as indicators of differing styles of hydrothermal activity in methodologies will allow application of the sampling to mineral
porphyry systems and hence add value in detrital mineral exploration. Many other countries, e.g., Colombia, continue to
studies. compile available government geochemical datasets with the
intention of making the data publically available, in addition to
producing geochemical atlases of the country (Figure 10).
Membership data from the Association of Applied Geochemists,
(A. Arsenault, pers. comm., 2017) indicate that membership
decreased by around 20% in 2013/2014. Of concern being the
decrease in student numbers by 50% over the same period.
Other associations have had similar number reductions
following the global financial crisis and flow-on effects. This
continues the trend previously reported (Cohen et al., 2007) of
decreasing availability of students and future trained exploration
geochemists, due to the lack of appropriate courses at university
level. The initiation of new research groups, such as the
Exploration Geochemistry Initiative at the University of British
Columbia, whilst having a mission statement to generate the
next generation of geochemists, is unlikely to exceed the number
of geochemists being lost to industry, dominantly through
retirement of an aging population.
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