Detector Range
Who is GBC Scientific Equipment? ISO 9001 QUALITY
GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd thinking and an obsession for quality GBC has always placed a
commenced operations in 1978. and reliability. GBC now produces strong emphasis on quality in
GBC designs, manufactures and the widest range of AA spectrometers all aspects of our operation,
markets a range of scientific in the world. from design and manufacture to
instruments comprising quality the provision of service and
analytical Atomic Absorption Endorsed by the international quality support to our customers, and
spectrometers (AAS), UV-Visible standard, ISO 9001, the company we are fully committed to
prides itself on developing products
continuous evaluation and
to exceed market expectations.
improvement in all areas.
GBC is the proud recipient of many
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state-of-the-art technology and System has been accredited to
design throughout the world. the ISO 9001 quality standard
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The company is proudly Australian Assurance Limited. This
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than 25 years after its inception, goods and services which GBC
GBC is renowned as being provides comply with the
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spectrometers (UV-VIS), Inductively materials analysis fields.
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GBC customers benefit from an
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efficient and effective global
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(ICP-oTOFMS), High Performance applications support and technical
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Fastest Viscoelastic Biomechanical call or email away.
Rheometry and XRD instruments and
GBC's growth has been fuelled by its
extensive AA expertise, innovative
their capacity to enhance the quality of life
LC1205K programmable and LC1210K dual wavelength UV-V
Vis Detectors
Digital Output Digital Output
RS-232 connector 2 x RS-232 connectors
Analog Output Analog Output
Vis Detector ± 1V (TTL, OC, relays) signal output for
fraction collector
Dimensions Integrator output:±0.1V/±1V/ ±10V
106 x 185 x 340 mm. (W x H x D)
160 x 185 x 340 mm (W x H x D)
LC1210K UV-V
Vis Detector
LC1205K UV-V
Vis Detector The units are now lighter and much
The LC1210K UV-Vis Detector can smaller in size. The LC1205K and
The LC1205K is a programmable simultaneously acquire multiple LC1210K have improved with regards to
variable wavelength UV-Vis detector and chromatograms at different drift and noise. The electronics and the
can operate with interchangeable flow wavelengths. unique optical alignment result in high
cells for micro, analytical and throughput light and sampling. The
preparative HPLC. The wavelength can The LC1210K offers two adjustable specially designed capillary flow cells
be set between 190 nm and 740 nm wavelengths per run in the stand-alone make the LC1205K and LC1210K
for a run and can also be changed mode whereas four wavelengths are detectors the most sensitive in the market
during the measurement. This makes available with external control. UV place. Some features include fast
programming various wavelengths for spectra can be acquired in the on-flow scanning of 100 nm/s for spectral
different runs easy. To acquire UV- mode. acquisition, simultaneous detection of up
spectra the detector is switched to the to two wavelengths, analogue output of
stop-flow mode. Wavelength Range up to two signals, ratio plots, low noise
190 - 740 nm level and an open interface protocol for
Wavelength Range Edge Filter (2nd order) 370 nm remote instrument control with other
190 - 740 nm software.
Edge Filter (2nd order) 370 nm Light Source:
Deuterium lamp, optional tungsten - The LC1205K and LC1210K detectors
Light Source: halogen lamp have no confined flow cell compartment.
Deuterium lamp, Optional tungsten - The flow cell is simply installed on a rail
halogen lamp Band Width/Wavelength Accuracy: at the front of the detector. This allows
∆λ 8nm /±1nm the use of flow cells with much longer
Band Width/Wavelength Accuracy: path lengths than in conventional
∆λ 8nm /±2nm Drift: arrangements as well as for easy, quick
<1 x 10-4 AU/h at 240 nm flow cell exchange. The absence of any
Drift: dead volume and the superior flushing
<15 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 nm Noise: characteristics of the flow cell fully
<1 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 nm, t=1s preserve the chromatographic resolution.
Noise: With fibre optics:<8 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 A variety of flow cells are available.
<1 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 nm, t=1s nm, t=ls
Sensitivity: Sensitivity:
2 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 nm, t=1s <2 x 10-5 AU/h at 254 nm, t=1s
Vis Detector
Scan Speed: Scan Speed:
Complete wavelength range on-flow Complete wavelength range on-flow
100nm/s 100 nm/s
LC1255s Fluorescence Detector and LC1245K Refractive Index Detector
LC1260 Electrochemical Detector and LC1275 Conductivity Detector
LC5100 Photo-D
Diode Array Detector
This very compact PDA provides the The WinChrom Chromatography Data Automatic lamps shut off when lamp
latest validation tools to support System software package Version 1.32 cover is removed.
GLP/GMP. The LC5100 delivers a provides complete instrument control.
superb noise level of ±0.8 x 10-5 AU for Thermostatted at lamp housing surface
unsurpassed sensitivity, bringing new Wavelength Range temperature fuse at power supply
levels of accuracy to trace component 190-800 nm
identification, spectral elucidation and Ease of Use
library searching. Full scan spectra can Light Source Light sources and cell are pre aligned
be continuously collected in the flowing Deuterium on, Tungsten-Halogen on or and accessible from front of instrument
analyte stream both on
Diodes Instrument performs automatic
Single array, 512 photodiodes wavelength accuracy function at four
wavelengths upon power up
Wavelength Accuracy
1.0 nm
Spectral Range nm/diode
190 - 800 nm 1.2
LC5100 Photo-Diode Array detector
± 0.8 x 10-5 AU (250 nm, 600 nm)
The detector is equipped with both a
deuterium lamp and a tungsten- Baseline Drift
halogen lamp to provide superior < 1 x 10-3 AU/hr
sensitivity over the 190 - 800 nm range
and provide real time spectra using a Flow Cells
512 element photodiode array. Full 10 mm pathlength, (standard)
spectral information can be provided at
any time during the chromatographic Maximum Pressure
run. Chromatograms can be generated 12MPa
at individual wavelengths or as three-
dimensional plots showing absorbance AC Power
against both time and wavelength. An 100/120/220/240 Volts, 50/60 Hz,
automatic wavelength accuracy check is 150 watts
performed at four wavelengths as part
of the validation procedure.
Designed and manufactured by
Ordering Information GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd
A.C.N. 005 472 686
Part Number Description GBC reserves the right to change
specifications without prior notice.
GBC publication number
100-121700 LC1200 Variable Wavelength UV-Vis Detector
99-0517-00 LC1205K Programmable UV-Vis Detector April 2003 Australia
99-0518-00 LC1210K Dual Wavelength UV-Vis Detector
99-0533-00 LC1245K Refractive Index Detector
Manufacturer of world-class scientific
99-1485-00 LC1255s Fluorescence Detector instruments and accessories -
99-0272-00 LC1260 Electrochemical Detector AA, HPLC, ICP-OES, ICP-oTOFMS,
100-1275-00 LC1275 Conductivity Detector Rheometry, UV-Vis and XRD
99-1472-01 LC5100 Photo-diode Array Detector 220V 12 Monterey Road
99-1473-01 LC5100 Photo-diode Array Detector 110V Dandenong, Victoria 3175