Seven Segment Display
Prof. Hemant .T.Ingale.
Rucha.D. Belpatre. Monal. A. Patil
Jayesh .S. Khairnar. Rohan. A. Ahire
Akshay. S. Bharambe
Air Compressor
Place: Jalgaon
Semester –
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
Title of micro-project:– “ Seven Segment Display . ”
Course Code:-
Submitted by
Sr.No Roll Name of Students
. No.
01 Rucha Belpatre
02 Monal Patil
03 Rohan Ahire
04 Jayesh Khairnar
05 Akashay Bharmabhe
1) Rucha Belpatre
2) Monal Patil
3) Jayesh Khairnar
4) Rohan Ahire
5) Akashay Bharmbhe
Project Guide
We would like to express our gratitude to our guide and teacher Prof. Hemant .T.
Ingale. who provided us the guidance and opportunity to do this micro project of the course
DME on the topic “ Circuit on Seven Segment Display ”. And we went to extend our
sincere thanks to our Principal Sir as well as the Head of Electrical Engineering Department
whhave been invisible spirit and inspiration to us throughout the process.
Also we would like to thank everyone who helped us a lot to complete this micro-project
within time frame.
Sr.No. Roll No. Name of Students
01 Rucha Belpatre
02 Monal Patil
03 Jayesh Khairna
04 Rohan Ahire
05 Akashay Bharmabhe
Seven segment displays are commonly used in many electrical applications, including
alarm clocks, timers, and scales. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use your own 7-
segment displays! A 7-segment display is an electronic device that can be used for
displaying numerals and some letters. Different letters/numbers can be represented by
connecting different pins on the display to the battery, which turns on the LEDs in
parallel. This activity introduces how to use a 7-segment display using only a battery, a
breadboard, a resistor, and some wires. LEDs are really fun to learn how to use – if you
want to learn more about how the LEDsinside of a 7-segment display work
1. Acknowledgement 6
2. Abstract 7
Micro- Project Proposal Tit
f Micro-Project:- Model on
Air Compressor ”.
Brief Introduction
Seven segment displays are commonly used in many electrical applications, including
alarm clocks, timers, and scales. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use your own 7-
segment displays! A 7-segment display is an electronic device that can be used for
displaying numerals and some letters. Different letters/numbers can be represented by
connecting different pins on the display to the battery, which turns on the LEDs in
parallel. This activity introduces how to use a 7-segment display using only a battery, a
breadboard, a resistor, and some wires.
LEDs are really fun to learn how to use – if you want to learn more about how the LEDs
inside of a 7-segment display work,
➢ We can easily understand the Seven Segment Display.
2.0 Action Plan
Sr. No Details of Activity Planned start Planned Finish Name of
date date Responsible team
1 Collection of all
related to
Display. ”
Format for Micro- Project Report
Title of Micro-Project
Brief Description
Seven segment displays are the output display devices that provide a way to
display information in the form of image or text. For displaying the images
or text in a proper manner, some types of displays can show only
alphanumeric characters and digits. But, some displays can also show
characters and images. Most commonly used displays along with the
microcontrollers are LCD, LEDs and seven segment displays,etc.
The seven segment display is the most common display device used in many gadgets, and
electronic appliances like digital meters, digital clocks, microwave oven and electric
stove, etc. These displays consist of seven segments of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and
that is assembled into a structure like numeral 8. Actually seven segment displays contain
about 8segments wherein an extra 8th segment is used to display dot. This segment is
useful while displaying non integer number. Seven segments are indicated as A-G and the
eighth segment is indicated as H. These segments are arranged in the form of 8 which is
shown in the seven segment display circuit diagram.
A seven segment displays are generally available in ten pin package. In that 8 pins relate
to the 8 LEDs, the remaining pins at middle are internally shorted. These segments come
in two outlines they are common cathode and common anode. In common cathode
configuration, the negative terminals are connected to the common pins and the common
is connected to the ground. When the corresponding pin is given high,then particular
LED glows.In a common anode arrangement, the common pin is given to a logic high
and the pins of the LED are given low to display a number.
When the power is given to all the segments, then the number 8 will be displayed. If you
disconnect the power for segment G (that means 7) then that will result number 0. The
circuit of the seven segment display is designed in such a way that the voltage at different
pins can be applied at the same time. In the same way, you can form the combinations to
display numerals from 0 to 9. Practically, seven segment displays are available with two
structures, both the type of displays consists of 10 pins.
The numeric seven segment displays can also display other characters. But generally A-G
and L, T, O, S and others are also available. Some problems may occur with the H, X, 2,
and Z. Anyways the common seven segment display is numeric only. Alphanumeric
displays are also available but cost is little more. These types of displays still have a real
purpose due to its high illumination and 7 segment displays are used in dark areas like
railway stations. Even 7 segment display based countdown display is used in NASA,
which can be read easily even in sunlight.
Tes of 7-Segment Displays
There are two types of seven segment displays available in the market.According to the
type of application, these displays can be used. The two configurations of seven segment
displays are discussed below.
1)Common Anode Display.
2)Common Cathode Display
Common Anode 7-segment Display
In this type of display, all the anode connections of the LED segments are connected
together to logic 1. The separate segments are lightened by applying of the logic 0 or
LOW signal through a current limiting resistor to the cathode of the particular segment a
to g.
Therefore, common anode seven segment displays are very popular as many logic circuits
can sink more current than they can source. These displays are not a direct replacement in
a circuit for a common anode display, as it is the same as connecting the LEDs in
reverse, and hence the light emission will not take place. Depending upon the decimal
number displayed, the particular set of LEDs is forward biased. For instance, to display
the numerical number 0, we need to light up remaining segments corresponding to a, b, c,
d, e and f. Then the digits from 0 through 9 can be displayed using a seven segment
Actual Procedure Followed
We selected the topic for micro project and also collected the information about the micro
project. We finalized it from our course teacher. We selected. “Air Compressor” and prepare a
model on it. We prepared the proposal of our micro project and sanctioned it from our course
teacher. We read this information from our text books. We collected the information about “ Air
Compressor ”, we studied in detail. Then we analysis all the information deep and then
understood it about it’s manage them and prepared the poster related to it.
1 - -
4 - -
Skill Developed/ Learning out of this Micro-Project
We learned to plan our work. Learned to manage the time. Learned to prepare the
proposal for the micro-project. Got familiar with decision making skill, how to take decisions?
Our interpersonal skills are developed through this exercise. We came to know Medias of
information collection through which now we can search the dotage. Collect relevant data from
different sources (books/internet and others through surveys/interviews). We learned to analyze
the collected data and to generate useful information from it. Preparation of project chart,
presentation of micro project report. Start taking active part and responsibilities independently as
well as in a group. Ask for help from others including guide, when required and so.
Part-A Project Part-B Individual
Project Methodology Project Presentation/ Total
Proposal (2 Marks) Report/ Viva Marks 10
(2 Marks) Working (4 Marks)
(2 Marks)
Note:- Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evaluation in first 3
column & Individual evaluation in 4th column for each group of students as per rubrics
Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)