Elements of Industrial Automation (22526) : A Laboratory Manual For

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A Laboratory Manual for

Semester- V
Scheme- I

Diploma in Electrical Engineering Group


Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology,

Navi Mumbai.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology
Navi Mumbai


This is to certify that, Mr./ Ms. ………………………………………………….

Roll No. ……………… of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Group of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai (Inst. code:

0027) has satisfactorily completed the term work in the subject ELEMENTS OF

INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (22526) for the academic year 20…….to 20…….

as prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.

Place: ……………………... Enrollment No. : …………………

Date: ………………………. Exam. Seat No. : ………………….

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal



Seal of


Course Code :- Sub & Code :

Name of Candidate : Enrollment No : Roll No :

Marks : Max : Min : Name of Staff-

Date of Date of Assess Sign of
Sr. Page
Title of Experiment Performa Submissi ment teacher
No No
nce on Marks with
1 Identify symbols in Industrial control Diagrams.
Connect DOL Starter control and power circuit for a
small rating 3ph induction motor.
Connect FOR-STOP-REV control and power circuit
3 for a small rating 3ph induction motor.

Connect STAR-DELTA control and power circuit for a

4 small rating 3ph induction motor.

5 Simulate a simple seal-in circuit using PLC Simulator.

Connect PLC to PC and test execution of ladder
6 programs for basic logic operations using two input
switches and one output indicating lamp.

Execute a PLC program by using timer to turn on a

7 lamp 10 seconds after a push button press.

Execute the PLC program to count number of push

8 button press events and display the same on screen.

Connect PLC for FOR-STOP-REV control of 3-phase

Induction motor and test the ladder program for the
9 same.

Use the PLC for running a stepper motor in

10 clockwise/anticlockwise direction.

Use PLC for ON/OFF Temperature control.


12 Use PLC for simulating traffic light control.

Total marks out of 120

Marks out of 25

Name and Signature of Student Name and Signature of Staff

Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process Related (10 Marks) (40%)
1 Simulating various parameters within appropriate 20%
range satisfactorily
2 Tabulate results independently 20%
3 Product Related (15 Marks) 60%
4 Interpretation of result 20%
5 Conclusions 20%
6 Practical related questions 20%
Total(25Marks) 100%
Experiment No. : 1
Title: Identify symbols in industrial control diagrams.


Procedure :
1. Visit laboratory and study the trainer kit.
2. Read the user manual before operating the trainer kit.
3. Follow the rules and safety precautions.
4. Identify the scope of subject for career development.

Concept structure:
Industrial control system (ICS) diagram is kind of diagram which are typically used in
industries such as electrical, water, oil, gas and data. Based on data received from remote
stations, automated or operator-driven supervisory commands to remote station control devices
can be gained via the ICS diagram.
With the coming of age of process control via diagram software, industry has an
opportunity to reap significant financial advantage from applying the latest systems in this field.
Cost effectiveness, flexibility, total capability and reliability have now advanced to the stage
where industry need no longer hesitate on the grounds of poor performance in these areas.

Industrial Control System Diagram Symbols

Wire is a metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod.

Junction is a point where two or more things are joined.

Terminal is a point of connection for closing an electric circuit.

Terminal block is a device that joins wires or cables. Terminal blocks typically snap into a
metal rail or are screw mounted on the panel of a control enclosure.

Test point is a location within an electronic circuit that is used to either monitor the state of the
circuitry or to inject test signals.

Underground cable is cable that is intended to be placed beneath the surface of the ground in
ducts or conduit. Not necessarily intended for direct burial in the ground.

Submarine cable is a cable designed to be laid underwater.

Loaded cable generally means the final cable before the actual load.

Inductor is a component in an electric or electronic circuit which possesses inductance.

Choke in electronics is an inductor used to block higher-frequency alternating current.

Variometer is an inductor whose total inductance can be varied by altering the relative position
of two coaxial coils connected in series, or by permeability tuning, and so usable to tune an
electric circuit.

1. Define Industrial control Circuit Diagram.
2. Draw Industrial circuit control Symbols.
3. In industries _______________ (automation/manual) processes are preferred to achieve
higher productivity and accuracy.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 2
Title: Connect DOL Starter control and power circuit for a small rating 3ph induction motor.
Apparatus: MCB 3 Pole, single Pole ,Power Contactor, Overload relay, Push Buttons (On,
Off),Auxiliary contact (NO,NC), Indication Lamp


Concept Structure :
The direct-on-line (DOL) motor start is the easiest method for starting up three-phase
asynchronous motors. The stator windings are directly connected to the mains supply in a single
switching process. Large starting currents (surge currents) result by applying the full mains
voltage, which in turn cause troublesome voltage changes on the mains supply. For small size
motor (less than 2 HP) where starting torque is about twice the full-load torque and starting
period lasts only a few seconds, this type starter is used.

The working principle of a DOL starter begins with the connection to the 3-phase main with the
motor. The control circuit is connected to any two phases and energized from them only. When
we press the start button, the current flows through contactor coil (magnetizing coil) and control
circuit also. The current energises the contactor coil and leads to close the contacts, and hence 3-
phase supply becomes available to the motor. The control circuit for a DOL Starter is shown

If we press the stop button, the current through the contact becomes discontinued, hence supply
to the motor will not be available, and the similar thing will happen when the overload relay
operates. Since the supply of motor breaks, the machine will come to rest. The contactor coil
(Magnetizing Coil) gets supply even though we release start button because when we release
start button, it will get supply from the primary contacts
Power Circuit and Control Circuit of DOL starter :

0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0

1. What is DOL Starter.
2. Draw Control and Power circuit diagram of DOL Starter
3. Draw the wiring diagram of DOL Starter.
4. State the advantages and disadvantages of DOL Starter.
5. Write the applications of DOL Starter.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 3
Title: Connect FOR-STOP-REV control and power circuit for a small rating 3ph induction

Apparatus: MCB, Over Load Relay, Contactors , Push Buttons-NO,NC.

1. Make the connections as shown in the diagram first of all we need to connect the power
supply in the MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker).
2. Output of the MCB have to connect with overload relay NC point for reset.
3. After that wire has to connect with NC points of the contactor of opposite directions as
shown in the diagram e.g for forward contactor connecct to the NC point of reverse
contactor and for reverse contactor connect to the NC point of the forward contactor.
4. Then the output of these NC points connect to the Start push buttons.
5. Then connect two wires from input and output of the push buttons to the NO point of the
contactor for holding of the contactor.
6. After holding connect the wire from the output of the start push button to the A1 of the
both contactor. Connect the neutral wire to the A2 of the contactor.

Concept Structure :
The forward reverse starter is used to run the motor in both sides forward and reverse. The figure
given below shows the control and power diagram of forward and reverse starter diagram. These
forward and reverse starters are DOL type and not used above the 05 HP motors. To run the
motor of above 05 HP rating circuit has to made in star delta. These type of starters are used in
various applications e.g- mixing of materials, dying machines etc.
Wiring Diagram of FOR-STOP-REV :

Power Circuit and Control Circuit of FOR-STOP-REV starter :

When a squirrel-cage rotor is placed inside a rotating magnetic field, it is pulled around in
the same direction as the rotating field. Interchanging the power connections to two of the stator
windings (interchanging A with B for example) interchanges two of the three currents and
reverses the phase sequence. This causes the rotating field to reverse direction. As a result, the
direction of rotation of the motor is also reversed. The power diagram for reversing the direction
of rotation of the motor and the associated control circuits are shown in Figure below.

Reversing direction of rotation of a three phase induction motor, Power diagram



Questions :
1. Explain the principle of FOR-STOP-REV Starter.
2. Draw the wiring diagram of FOR-STOP-REV Starter.
3. Explain the working of FWD-STOP-REV control circuit of an Induction motor.
4. Draw the control circuit and power circuit diagram of FOR-STOP-REV Starter.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 4
Title: Connect STAR-DELTA control and power circuit for a small rating 3ph induction motor.

Apparatus: Contactors (Main, star and delta contactors) 3 No's (For Open State Starter),
Time relay (pull-in delayed) 1 No., Three-pole thermal overcurrent release 1 No.,Fuse elements
or automatic cut-outs for the main circuit 3 Nos.

Procedure :
a) Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
b) Set the timer at suitable value.
c) Check the three phase supply at the voltmeter.
d) Check the sequence of the operations of the contactors after switching the start button.
e) Record the no-load current at starting and at rated speed.

Concept Structure :
A star delta starter is the most commonly used method for the starting of a 3 phase
induction motor. In star delta starting an induction motor is connected in through
a star connection throughout the starting period. Then once the motor reaches the required speed,
the motor is connected in through a delta connection.
Power diagram for star-delta starter

Control Circuit diagram for star-delta starter



1. Explain Star-Delta Starter.
2. What are the features of Star-Delta Starter.
3. Draw the wiring diagram of Star-Delta Starter.
4. State the applications of Star-delta Starter.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 5
Title: Simulate a simple seal-in circuit using PLC Simulator.

Apparatus: PLC simulator, NO and NC switches,Contactor.

1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.


Seal in Circuit :
This logic in this file implements the common latch or "seal-in" circuit shown in the figure
below. This logic is used to run drives using push buttons. The circuit "latches in" when the start
push button is pressed and releases when the stop push button is pressed.
Ladder diagram:



1. What do you mean by Seal-in circuit.
2. Draw the Ladder diagram for Seal-in circuit.
3. State the function of seal in circuit w.r.t. PLC.
Space for Answers
Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 6
Title: Connect PLC to PC and test execution of ladder programs for basic logic operations
using two input switches and one output indicating lamp.

Apparatus: PLC software, NO and NC switches, output coil,

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:


Ladder Diagram Waveform


Ladder Diagram Waveform


Ladder Diagram


Ladder Diagram Ladder Diagram




Questions :
1. List types of timers.
2. List types of counters.
3. Give different comparison instruction.
4. Draw format of logical instructions.
5. List different arithmetic instructions.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 7
Title: Execute a PLC program by using timer to turn on a lamp 10 seconds , after a push button

Apparatus: PLC software,timer, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:

PLC Timers :
Timers are output instructions that are internal to the programmable logic controller.Timers
provide timed control of the devices that they activate or de-activate.

Basic functions of Timer:

 Timers are used to delay an action.

 Timers are used to run an operation for a predetermined period of time.
 Timers are also used to record the total accumulated time of continuous or intermediate
Ladder Diagram:

Lamp will be ON for

1. LED will be on for ______ seconds.

1. When is the enable bit of timer instruction true?
2. When does the done bit of timer change state?
3. Explain the status bits of timer.
4. Draw the format of different types of timer?
5. Explain different types of timer with neat timing diagrams.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 8
Title: Execute the PLC program to count number of push button press events and display the
same on screen.

Apparatus: PLC software, Counter, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:

PLC Counters :
A counter is a PLC instruction that either increment (counts up) or decrements (counts down) an
integer number value when prompted by the transition of a bit from 0 to 1 (“false” to “true”).

Counter instructions come in three basic types:

• Up counters

• Down counters

• Up/Down counters.

For both UP and Down counters there is only one trigger is needed to start the counting, but for
up/down counter it is needed two triggers, one for up and other for down counter.

Both the counters are retentive,it requires reset pulse to reset it.

Ladder diagram :


A Conveyor belt is used to move an item to a work station. The presence of the
item at the workstation is detected by means of a limit switch. After 50 items
sensed by limit switch, it stops conveyor belt motor. The process is restarted
by a normally open START push button and stopped anytime by a normally
closed STOP push button. Develop ladder diagram for the above case.
Explanation :


Sr. no. Switch positions Up Counters LED Status

(starts/stops) (ON/OFF)
1 SW ‘A’ pressed 10 times

2 SW ‘B’ pressed
Conclusion :
1. The PLC counters range from ____________________ (C0 to C250/ C0 to C255).

2. Maximum value of reset in PLC counters is ______________

1. Develop a ladder diagram that will latch ON an output B 20 seconds after input A has
been turned ON. After A is pushed, there will be a 10 second delay until A can have any
effect again. After A has been pushed 3 times, B will be turned OFF.
2. List applications of PLC counters.
3. What the reset bit in PLC counter indicates?
4. State the function of accumulator with reference to PLC counter.
5. How Up Down counter works?
6. State range of preset in PLC counter.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 9
Title: Connect PLC for FOR-STOP-REV control of 3-phase Induction motor and test the ladder
program for the same.

Apparatus: PLC software, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:
 There are lots of motors and conveyors used in industries for different purposes.
 In some cases motors or conveyors need forward and reverse operation for some control
 For example overhead crane, in crane every time operators moves it forward and reverse
for material handling.
 So we can use PLC systems for programming the motor for forward/reverse operation.

Problem Diagram:

Problem Solution :
 In this case we need to operate motor in both direction, that can be possible only by
forward/Reverse Control Relay Circuit or through Logic.
 Here we solve this problem by using simple Forward/Reverse Control Logic in the PLC.
 So here we will consider one 3 phase motor for Forward and Reverse Operation.
 And we will take two contactors or relays for motor control because we need two different
directions here i.e. Forward/Reverse. First contactor for Forward Direction control and
Second contactor for Reverse Direction control of Motor.
 Also we should consider three push buttons i.e. for forward, reverse and stop functions of
 So here operator will use FWD PB for forward operation, REV PB for reverse operation
and STOP PB for stop function.

Wiring Diagram of FOR-STOP-REV control of 3-phase Induction motor

Ladder Diagram :


1. State the applications of forward and reverse motor in PLC.
2. Draw the control circuit and Power circuit for Forward and reverse motor.
3. Explain FOR-STOP-REV starter in detail.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 10
Title: Use the PLC for running a stepper motor in clockwise/anticlockwise direction.

Apparatus: PLC software, stepper motor, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:

Stepper Motor :
A stepper motor is an electromechanical device which converts electrical pulses into discrete
mechanical movements.The shaft or spindle of a stepper motor rotates in discrete step increments
when electrical command pulses are applied to it in the proper sequence.

The motors rotation has several direct relationships to these applied input pulses.The sequence of
the applied pulses is directly related to the direction of motor shafts rotation.The speed of the
motor shafts rotation is directly related to the frequency of the input pulses and the length of
rotation is directly related to the number of input pulses applied.
Ladder diagram : (Forward Direction)

Explanation :
Ladder diagram : (Reverse Direction)


Clockwise motion:

Step Terminal 1a Terminal 2a Terminal 1b Terminal 2b


Anticlockwise motion:

Step Terminal 1a Terminal 2a Terminal 1b Terminal 2b


 The time delay controls the _____________ (speed/direction) of stepper motor.

 The stepper motor rotates ____________ (in step/ continuously).

1. Explain operating principle of stepper motor.
2. Define step angle.
3. Define scanning cycle.
4. Define speed of execution.
5. List out four industrial applications of stepper motor.
6. Compare DC motor and stepper motor.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 11
Title: Use PLC for ON/OFF Temperature control.

Apparatus: PLC software, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:

Temperature Temperature condition Action taken by PLC

0C to 64.9C Heater ON and cooler OFF
65C Lower cut off Both heater and cooler are OFF
70C Upper cut off Both heater and cooler are OFF
70.1C to 100C Heater OFF and cooler ON

Problem statement :
 Temperature controller will start when START switch is closed.
 Temperature shall be maintained between 60 C to 70C.
 When the temperature is less than 60C the heater is turned ON and cooler is OFF.
 When the temperature is greater than 70C the heater is turned OFF and cooler is ON.
 Temperature range is 0C to 100C.
Ladder diagram:


Sr. Value of Temperature when Temperature when

no. temperature heater is cooler is

1. When the measured temperature is less than lower cut off temperature then
_______________ (heater/cooler) is ON.
2. When the measured temperature is greater than higher cut off temperature then
_______________ (heater/cooler) is ON.

1. State need of temperature controller in various industries?
2. List advantages of temperature controller using PLC.
3. List comparing instruction of PLC.
4. List out types of continuous and discontinuous controller.
5. List out various type of temperature transducer used for measurement of temperature.

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)
Experiment No. : 12
Title: Use PLC for simulating traffic light control.

Apparatus: PLC software, NO and NC switches.

Procedure :
1. Load the RS Logix software to the PC.
2. Open the RS Logix software.
3. Switch On the PLC trainer.
4. Open the New project and draw the ladder logic program.
5. Compile the program.
6. Run the Program.
7. Give force and observe the output.

Concept structure:

Traffic Light Control

Traffic light is an arrangement of three colour lights. It is used for controlling the traffic at road
junctions by providing a particular sequence of these lights. Different colour lights used are Red,
Green and Amber (or Yellow). The red light indicates „STOP‟, green light indicates „GO‟ and
amber light indicates „WAIT‟ for red or green.

Timers are devices that count increments of time. Traffic lights are one example where timers are
used. In this example timers are used to control the length of time between signal changes. The
lights in a traffic signal go through a sequence: Red,green,amber, Red,green,amber etc.

When an ON/OFF switch is turned on and a START button is momentarily pressed, the red
signal (R) lights for 30 seconds, then turns off and the green (G) lights for 25 seconds, then turns
off and the Amber (A) turns on for 5 seconds and then turns off and back to the red. On the
opposite street, the red light (R‟) is on during the time the light on the other street is either green
or amber. Transition from red to green to amber is accomplished by cascading timer circuits. The
sequence then repeats itself.
Ladder Diagram:

Red light will be ON for

Green light will be ON for

Amber light will be ON for


1. When is the enable bit of timer instruction true?
2. When does the done bit of timer change state?
3. When is the output of a programmed timer energized?
4. How RES instruction in relation with retentive PLC timer works?
5. How accumulated count of programmed timer energized?

Space for Answers

Marks obtained Dated sign. Of Teacher
Process Related(10) Product Related(15) Total(25)

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