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TCIL Bina Toll Road Ltd Ltd.

(A Subsidiary of TCIL )
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
301, TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I
New Delhi – 110048 (India)

Date of publishing corrigendum no. 2:- 09.06.2021


Tender No.: TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01 May05, 2021

Name of work: “Appointing an Agency for Collection of for Collection of User Fee (“Toll Charges”) & Road
Maintenance including Toll maintenance, located at (Village-Ikoda, Kurwai) at Bina “SH-14” road from
chainage km 0/000 to 56/382 of Bina-Kurwai-Sironj toll road in the State of MP”.

With reference to Tender No. TBTRL/MP/BOT/O and M/21/01 dated 05.05.2021 following correction is to
be made in the tender document of above captioned NIT.

Sr Description Existing Modified

1 Clause 2 (i) – Eligibility The bidder should be a The bidder should be an Indian
Criteria Company / Partnership Firm Registered Company under
Companies Act 1956 or 2013/
Proprietorship /Partnership
Firm. Copy of Certificate of
Incorporation/ Registration/
Partnership Deed or any other
relevant document, as applicable,
should be submitted along with a
copy of address proof
2 Bid Security -1.3 (Section-1) Bidders are required to sign Bidders are required to sign Bid
Bid Security Declaration Security Declaration (Given at
(Given at Section 12 -Format Section 11 - Revised Format of
of Bid Bond (EMD) Bid Security Declaration (EMD) is
3 Section 15 (No-Conviction Not Mentioned Format of No-Conviction
Certificate) Certificate is enclosed in this
corrigendum as section 15.
4 Point VI of Eligibility The bidder must be The bidder must be registered
Criteria (ref page 7 of bid registered for ESI, EPF, and for ESI, EPF, and GST and must
document) GST and must be in be in possession of permanent
possession of permanent Account number (PAN). The
Account number (PAN). The
documentary proof in these
documentary proof in these
regard should be attached. regard should be attached.
The Agency should also
produce Income Tax
clearance Certificate (ITCC)
for the last three years.

5 Last date of purchase of 10.06.2021 upto 12:00 hrs. 24.06.2021 upto 12:00 hrs.
tender documents
Last date of tender submission 10.06.2021 up to 15:00 hrs. 24.06.2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Opening of Technical Bid 11.06.2021 at 16:00 hrs. 25.06.2021 at 16:00 hrs.
All other terms & conditions remain the same.

Bidders are advised to visit TCIL website and CPP Portal for any further updates and
information on regular basis till the last date & time of submission of bids.

Chief Executive Officer

TCIL BINA Toll Road Limited
Room No 301, TCIL Bhawan


Tender no.: TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01 May05, 2021

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We , M/s ..... . .... . . .... . ...... .. .. ...... ... (herin referred as bidder) understand that according
to bid clause No . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. , bids may be supported with a Bid Securing
Declaration, therefore rather than submitting the Earnest Money Deposit, bidder
render the declaration that:-

Bidder will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract
with TCIL (herein referred as Purchaser) for the period of 3 years, starting on bid
submission closing date, if bidder are in breach of any of the following obligation(s)
under the bid conditions:-.

i. If a Bidder withdraws the proposal or increases the quoted prices after opening
of the Proposal and during the period of Bid validity period or its extended
period, if any.
ii. In case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the Agreement in
accordance with the terms and conditions (including timelines for execution of
the Agreement) of this tender or fails to furnish the Performance Bank Guarantee
in accordance with the terms and conditions (including timelines for furnishing
(PBG) of this tender.
iii. During the Bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any act as would jeopardize or
Unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization.

Bidder understand that this declaration shall expire if Bidder are not the successful
Bidder and on receipt of purchaser's notification of the award to another Bidder; or
thirty days after the validity of the Bid; whichever is earlier.


Authorized Signatory

Name: ………………………………….

Designation: ………………………

Office Seal: ……………………………

Place: _ _................................................

Date: ___..................................................

(To be submitted on the letterhead of the Bidder)

Tender no.: TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01 May05, 2021


Chief Executives Officer (CEO)

TCIL Bina Toll Road Limited
Room no.505, TCIL Bhawan,
Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi -110048

Sub: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted for Tender no.: TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01
dated May05, 2021

Dear Sir,
This is to notify you that our Firm /Company/ Organization <provide Name of the Firm/ Company/
Organization> intends to submit a proposal in response to TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01 dated
May05, 2021 for Appointing a Agency for Collection of User Fee (“Toll Charges”) & Road
Maintenance including Toll maintenance located at (Village-Ikoda, Kurwai) at Bina “SH-14” road
from chainage km 0/000 to 56/382 of Bina-Kurwai-Sironj toll road in the State of MP.

In accordance with the above, we declare that:

a. We are not involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or
compromising the delivery of goods / services as required under this tender no.
TBTRL/MP/BOT/O&M/21/01 dated May05, 2021.

b. We are neither banned/ debarred/ blacklisted/ put on holiday list nor action for banning /
debarment / blacklisting / holiday listing has been initiated by any Central/ State
Government/ agency of Central/ State Government of India or any other country in the
world/ Public Sector Undertaking/ any Regulatory Authorities in India or any other country
in the world for any kind of fraudulent activities on any ground including but not limited to
indulgence in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice
or restrictive practice as on date of submission of the Bid.

Yours sincerely,
(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding Organisation)
Contact details (including E-mail):
Business Address:

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