Chap 4 Amna Khalid
Chap 4 Amna Khalid
Chap 4 Amna Khalid
Mobile phones, sims etc.
I administered BAI on one of my patient to assess the severity of the anxiety. The patient score
48. According to the score the patient had high anxiety.
Quantitative scoring of Beck’s Anxiety Inventory(patient 1)
scale score Level
Anxiety 48 Severe
I also administered BAI on other patient. He score 35. Which means he had only moderate
Quantitative scoring of Beck’s Anxiety Inventory( patient 2)
scale score Level
Anxiety 35 Moderate
The purpose of the internship was to know are there any psychological issues in the covid-19
patients? As existing researches suggest that there are also some psychological issues in the
patients. Therefore this study further compare the patients how got recovered and who still
experiencing it. The sample of the internship comprised of two patients. One is female, she was
20 years old and one was male, he was 50 years old. of the patient who recovered from corona
virus had strong immune system that’s why she recovered quickly. Another reason was that she
also got only mild symptoms. When she found only one symptom she immediately started
treatment. After getting recovered she had some anxiety. I recommend her some therapeutic
techniques to minimize the anxiety. And these techniques helped her a lot to minimize her
anxiety. on the other hand, the second patient older than the first patient. He was 50 years old.
That’s why his immune system was not so strong to cope with the virus. Also he found out about
his condition when the symptoms got worse. Then immediately he got admitted to the hospital
where he was treated. After getting some treatment he only showed some improvement but not
fully recovered. He also showed symptoms of anxiety. I recommend him some therapeutic
techniques, which helped him a lot.
Consistent with the past research, the results of this internship reveal that people who got
affected by corona virus also showed some psychological issues.