Education Toolkit

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What’s Inside
Introduction and Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3
How Should this Toolkit be Used? ............................................................................................................ 4

Section 1: Prevention
Social Distancing and Minimizing Exposure ............................................................................................. 6
Face Coverings ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Hygiene .................................................................................................................................................... 8

Section 2: Monitoring
Health Screening .................................................................................................................................... 10

Section 3: Reporting
School Response to Positive COVID-19 Cases ..................................................................................... 13
Process: COVID-19 Case at School ..................................................................................................... 14
Scenarios .............................................................................................................................................. 15
OCHD Response to Positive COVID-19 Cases ..................................................................................... 16

Section 4: Testing Guidance and Resources

Testing Guidance and Resources .......................................................................................................... 18

Section 5: Contacts and Resources

Contacts and Resources ........................................................................................................................ 20
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................. 22

Revised 8/12/2020
Introduction and Overview
Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) recognizes the importance of returning students to school campuses for
in-person instruction while protecting the health and safety of our students, school staff, and broader community from
COVID-19. This toolkit is designed to support all public and private K-12 schools to:

• Assist in planning for the safer reopening of schools in Oakland County for the 2020-2021 school year in accordance
with the Michigan Safe Schools Roadmap and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.

• Guide the implementation of measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission in the school setting, while meeting the
educational needs of all students.

The decision to reopen school campuses for in-person instruction and remain open will depend on several factors
including but not limited to:

• Continually evolving scientific understanding of COVID-19

• Local, current COVID-19 case counts, and positivity rates

• Geographic distribution of cases

• The degree to which schools are contributing to community spread of COVID-19

• The capacity of our health system to identify and care for cases

• The availability and use of widespread testing to identify new cases

• The ability to quickly receive testing results to effectively isolate or quarantine county residents to minimize transmission
in schools and the community

• The community’s continued cooperation in practicing social distancing, using face coverings, staying home when sick,
isolating, and taking other preventive measures as needed

When necessary, schools should also ensure plans are in place for remote instruction for students who may need
to isolate or quarantine, as well as students who are medically fragile or who have a household member who is
medically fragile. Schools should also be prepared for the possibility of partial or full school closure, either short term or
for a longer period.

This guidance will be revised based on new data regarding COVID-19 transmission and its impact on school reopening.

This document contains a series of public health requirements, recommendations, and considerations for schools
reopening their campuses for in-person instruction. These should be read in conjunction with all relevant local, State, and
Federal laws, as well as school reopening guidance from the State and Federal government.

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 3

How Should this toolkit be used?
This guidance is issued to all Oakland County Michigan K-12 educators, students, and parents/guardians.

Local education leaders are required to use this guidance to understand what health practices they must meet, and to
develop detailed district and school plans for how to implement all required health practices described in this toolkit. This
toolkit should be used in combination with State and Federal guidance.

Families and students should use this guidance to understand what health practices will be in place when students
return to school. All schools will be required to follow certain health practices in the toolkit noted as “required”. Many
schools may also choose to implement some or all the recommended practices.

Practices that are required must be implemented by all Oakland County schools. These are essential baseline actions
in order to minimize risk of exposure to COVID-19 for students, staff, and families across Michigan. They are intended to
be a minimum.

Practices that are recommended are additional strategies that schools should strive to implement as appropriate to
minimize the spread of COVID-19. All recommended practices will not be possible in all settings and should be tailored to
each school/district as appropriate.

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Social Distancing & minimizing exposure
Source: MI Safe Schools Roadmap

It is strongly recommended that schools minimize opportunities for sustained exposure (15 minutes or more) and ensure
social distancing (at least 6 feet between people) whenever possible.

• Provide frequent reminders and signage for students and staff to stay at least 6 feet apart from one another when feasible.

• Place physical barriers, such as plexiglass, for protection at reception desks and similar areas.

• Arrange classroom seating so students face in one direction and are separated by 6 feet.

• If possible designate hallways as one-way, posting directional reminders on the walls and/or floor.

• Designate entrance and exit doors for classrooms, restrooms, and wherever other opportunities exist to reduce the
chance of close contacts.

• Keep students and teachers in small cohort groups that stay together.

• Limit mixing between cohort groups as much as possible (e.g., during recess, lunch in the cafeteria, arrival and
dismissal, etc.).

• Discontinue activities that bring together large groups and/or do not allow for social distancing. This includes assemblies,
in person field trips, and large groups using playground equipment simultaneously.

• Incorporate virtual events such as field trips, parent/family meetings, assemblies, and performances where possible.

• Consider alternative strategies to achieve social distancing. For instance, if social distancing is not possible in the
cafeteria, have meals delivered to the classroom or have students bring food from the cafeteria back to their classrooms
to eat.

6 ft.
For more information on social distancing,
visit OCHD’s ‘Social Distancing’ webpage.

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 6

Cloth face coverings
Source: MI Safe Schools Roadmap

Teachers and Staff
• All adults must always wear a cloth face covering while on campus, except while eating or drinking. When facial coverings
are removed, 6-foot social distancing must be maintained.

• All students (K-12) are required to wear cloth face coverings:
- While arriving and departing from school campus
- In any area outside of the classroom (except when eating, drinking, or engaging in physical activity)
- While waiting for or riding on a school bus

• Elementary school students that remain together with their class (cohort) are strongly encouraged, but not required
to wear a cloth face covering when social distancing can not be achieved.

• Elementary school students that do not remain with their class (cohort) throughout the school day or come into
contact with students in another class are required to wear face coverings.

• Middle school/junior high and high school students must wear cloth face coverings when in the classroom even if
they remain together with their class (cohort).

• Students excluded from face covering requirements include:

- Anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering
without assistance. Exemption should require physician’s diagnosis to justify inability to wear mask when feasible.
- Students with special needs who are unable to tolerate a face covering.


• Post signage in high visibility areas to remind students and staff of:
1. When and where face coverings are required 2. How to wear a face covering

• Communicate expectations of using face coverings at school and how to wash them with all staff and families.

• Educate students, particularly younger elementary school students, about the proper use of face coverings.

For more information on cloth face coverings, visit OCHD’s

‘Cloth Face Coverings’ webpage.

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Source: MI Safe Schools Roadmap

• Provide adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors. This includes:
- Soap - Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Paper towels - Tissues

• Schedule and identify staff who will check and refill soap and hand sanitizers.

• Students and teachers must have scheduled times for handwashing with soap and water every 2-3 hours.


• Teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or the safe use of hand
sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

• Educate staff and students on how to cough and sneeze into their elbow or with a tissue. Used tissues should
be thrown in the trash and hands washed immediately using proper hand hygiene techniques.

• Post signage reinforcing proper handwashing steps.

1. 2. 3. 4.

• Limit sharing of personal items, supplies such as writing utensils, and lockers/cubbies.

• Keep students’ personal items separate and in individually labeled cubbies, containers, or lockers.

• Limit use of classroom materials to small groups and disinfect between use or provide adequate supplies to
assign for individual student use.

• Set up portable handwashing and/or hand sanitizing stations throughout school buildings.

For more information about hygiene, visit OCHD’s ‘Handwashing’

and ‘Cleaning & Disinfecting’ webpages.

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Health Screening
Source: MI Safe Schools Roadmap
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Screening K-12 Students for Symptoms of COVID-19: Limitations and Considerations


OCHD and CDC does not currently recommend universal symptom screenings (screening all students grades K-12) be
conducted by schools. On-site screening may be advised when cases have been identified in the school or if screening
can be implemented while maintaining social distancing.

Screening is required before entering the bus or school building. Once an individual arrives at school and they are
symptomatic, exposure to students and staff that are close contacts have already occurred. Specific screening requirements
are outlined below.

Staff and Administration Screening

• Daily screening is required using the Staff and Student Screening Checklist, or a virtual equivalent.

• It is strongly recommended that daily temperature checks are included in the screening for all adults.

Student Screening
• Every parent/guardian must submit a COVID-19 School Health Screening Acknowledgment form prior to start of
school year.

• Parents/guardians must screen daily for symptoms at home, prior to boarding the bus and arrival at school using the
Staff and Student Screening Checklist.


• Schools must conduct screenings prior to after-school and weekend activities, including child care, sports practice,
club gatherings, and competitions.

Visitor and Vendor Screening

• Daily screening is required using the Visitor and Vendor Screening Checklist.

• Adult guests entering the building should be screened for symptoms, wear a face covering and wash/sanitize hands
prior to entering. Strict records, including date and time, should be kept of non-school employees or other visitors
entering and exiting the building to assist with contact tracing if an exposure occurs.

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Health Screening
Source: MI Safe Schools Roadmap
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Screening K-12 Students for Symptoms of COVID-19: Limitations and Considerations


Responding to Illness

• Every school must identify and designate a quarantine area and a staff person to care for students who become ill
at school.

• Students who become ill with symptoms of COVID-19 are to be placed in an identified quarantine area with a surgical
mask in place until they can be picked up. Identified school staff caring for these children should wear a surgical mask.
- An exception must be made for students with special needs. Staff caring for children and providing any medical care
that include aerosol generating procedures (e.g., nebulizers) should have N95 masks.


• Post signs at all entrances instructing students, staff, and visitors not to enter campus if they have any
COVID-19 symptoms.

• Communicate screening requirements to all staff and families. Provide periodic reminders throughout the
school year.


• When in-school health screenings are conducted, temperature screening is not required. If temperature screening is
performed, contact-less thermometers should be used with a physical barrier, such as a glass window or clear plastic
barrier on a table, to separate the screener from individuals screened. Specifically, screening stations should be set
up at least six feet apart from each other. If a barrier cannot be put in place, the person measuring temperatures should
be trained and wear appropriate PPE (facemask, eye protection, and disposable gloves).

• Contact thermometers should only be used when a fever is suspected and if appropriate PPE can be used (facemask,
eye protection, and disposable gloves).

• Contact thermometers must be properly cleaned and disinfected after each use.

• When using a non-touch (infrared) or temporal thermometer, gloves do not need to be changed before the next check if
the individual screened was not touched.

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School Response to Positive covid-19 cases

Students and staff should not go to school or any school activities/sports if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. If symptoms
begin while at school:

- Isolate the staff/student in the designated quarantine room immediately.

- Send the sick individual home (staff or student). Contact student’s parent/guardian for pickup.
- Staff and parent/guardian of the student should call their preferred health care provider for guidance.

• Contact the OCHD Communicable Disease Department Unit at when:

- Parent reports that a child tests positive for COVID-19.

- Staff member reports being positive for COVID-19.

• Communicate with families. OCHD will provide letters to schools as needed based on the circumstance.
Examples include:

- Exposure notification
- Quarantine/isolation guidelines
- Return to school


• Schools are encouraged to use the following forms to send OCHD initial information:

- Staff COVID-19 Report Form

- Student COVID-19 Report Form

Data Reports

OCHD will routinely provide district-level COVID-19 data to assist with communication efforts. County-level data is
available on OCHD’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 13

Process for a covid-19 case
at an Oakland County, MI school
Follow the steps below if a student or staff member is confirmed positive for COVID-19 with diagnostic test
(nose/throat swab):

The school learns about the The health department learns

COVID-19 positive case. about the COVID-19 positive case.

School contacts health department to report Health Department contacts the school.

Health department interviews

OCHD will provide letters School and health
the case and determines
to schools as needed based department work together
isolation period and any
on the situation. to identify close contacts.
non-school contacts.

Close contacts are notified Case completes their

by the health department isolation period and
and placed into required returns to school.
14 day quarantine based
on their last exposure.

Close contact does not develop Close contact becomes symptomatic

symptoms, completes quarantine or tests positive for COVID-19, and is
period, and returns to school. now a confirmed or probable case.

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Students/Staff should not go to school or any school activities or sports if having symptoms of COVID-19.

Scenario 1: A student/staff person within the school is confirmed to have COVID-19.
The student/staff person AND all household members of the student/staff person are immediately excluded from school.

The confirmed positive student/staff person must isolate at home. The student/staff person must be excluded from
school until:
• 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
• 24 hours with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and
• Symptoms have improved

Household members, classmates, and teachers of the quarantined student/staff person who are close contacts are
excluded for 14 days after their last date of close contact.

Scenario 2: A student/staff person within the school is symptomatic and pending lab result for COVID-19.
The student/staff person is excluded from school while awaiting test results. If positive, see scenario 1. If negative, the
student/staff person must be symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medications prior to returning to school.
Household members, classmates, and teachers of the pending case should be monitored for symptoms while waiting
for test results. If symptoms develop, they should call their medical provider to be tested for COVID-19.

Scenario 3: A student/staff person within the school is a close contact to a confirmed COVID-19 case.
The student/staff person must quarantine for 14 days since last date of close contact. Household members, classmates,
and teachers of the quarantined student/staff person may continue to attend school and should monitor for symptoms.
If symptoms develop, they should call their healthcare provider to be tested for COVID-19.


Scenario 1: Household member of a student within the school has been confirmed to have COVID-19.
Students who live in the same house as the COVID-19 positive person are excluded from school while the household
member is in isolation (10 days). The student must quarantine for 14 days after the last date of close contact.

Scenario 2: Household member of a student within the school is symptomatic, pending results, and
has had close contact with a known case.
Students who live in the same household of the family member are excluded from school while awaiting test results. If
the household member is positive, see scenario 1. If the household member is negative, student can return to school.

Scenario 3: Household member of a student within the school has had close contact to a known case
of COVID-19.
Student can remain in school but should be monitored. If COVID -19 symptoms develop in the household member,
students should be excluded from school, and should be treated as in Scenario 1 pending results.

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OCHD Response to Positive covid-19 cases
OCHD’s Communicable Disease unit investigates all reported COVID-19 cases among Oakland County residents
through case investigation.

Case Investigation Process

• OCHD Case Investigators will contact the individual with the reported COVID-19 case within 24 hours to identify the
potential source of illness (such as a gathering, event, workplace or school) and determine close contacts.

• When a student is identified as a case, the case investigators will work closely with the COVID-19 School Nurse and/or
school leadership to gain additional insights about potential school exposures.

• School exclusions for quarantining at home will be determined based on the information the Case Investigator obtains.
There is no one size fits all determination regarding quarantine decisions.

• Classroom configurations and daily interactions between students and teachers inside and outside of the classrooms
will be evaluated to identify a complete list of close contacts that will need to be quarantined.

Contact Tracing Process

• Close contacts will be assigned to Contact Tracers for daily communication through the remainder of the quarantine
period to:
- Monitor for symptoms
- Provide prevention information
- Connect individuals and families to additional resources as needed

• If a close contact develops symptoms during the quarantine period, OCHD may recommend testing. The Contact Tracer
remains in communication with the contact until the results are received.

• If a close contact receives a positive test result, or is clinically diagnosed, the individual will become a case and a Case
Investigator will be assigned to determine close contacts that will need to quarantine.

• If a student resides in another county, the county of residence will conduct the case investigation and will inform OCHD
to ensure that appropriate quarantine protocols are implemented.

• OCHD’s Communicable Disease unit will provide recommendations for testing during case investigations.

• When requested, a return to work/school letter will be provided for the completion of quarantine/isolation.

Learn more about Case Investigation and Contact Tracing.

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Testing guidance
and resources
Testing Guidance and Resources
Testing Guidance
It is not recommended that asymptomatic (no symptoms) individuals are tested prior to the start of school.

OCHD may recommended testing if a close contact receives a positive test result or is clinically diagnosed. The individual
will become a case and a Case Investigator will be assigned to determine close contacts that will need to quarantine.

To learn if you have a current infection, a viral test should be used. There are two types of tests for the presence of SARS/
CoV-2 virus (causes COVID-19 infection): molecular and antigen tests.

The standard test is the molecular test (PCR). This requires a swab of the nose or throat.
Visit the OCHD website for more information about test methods.

Even if you have a negative viral test, this only means that you were not “shedding” virus at the time the test swab was
collected. If you have been exposed, you may become infected after swab collection. You might test negative if the
sample was collected early in your infection, but may test positive later during your illness. You could also be exposed to
COVID-19 after the test and become infected then.

Testing Resources
• Drive-thru testing – Oakland County & Honor Health:
- Appointment required: 800-848-5533
- No cost
- No prescription/doctor’s note required
- Age 18 and up
- Multiple locations

• State of Michigan Test Finder

• Call 2-1-1

Youth testing locations to be determined.

For more information about what to do after testing, review OCHD’s

‘Next Steps After Testing’ document.

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 18


and resources
Contacts and Resources
• Health-related COVID-19 questions - Oakland County Nurse on Call: 800-848-5533 or

• General COVID-19 questions - Oakland County COVID-19 Hotline: 248-858-1000 or

• To report COVID-19 cases and/or exposures - Oakland County Health Division

Communicable Disease Unit:

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention School & Childcare Guidance

• Michigan Safe Schools Roadmap

• Oakland County COVID-19 Website:

- School Toolkit
- FAQs for Schools
- Community Resources
- Testing
- Printable signs & checklists

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 20

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
An illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus
that has spread throughout the world.

Case Investigation
The identification and investigation of patients with confirmed and probable diagnoses of COVID-19.

Contact Tracing
A strategy for slowing the spread of disease in which public health workers communicate with infectious people to identify
their contacts. They then follow up with those contacts to provide guidance on how to quarantine themselves and what to
do if they develop symptoms of disease.

The practice of keeping someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent
spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling
symptoms. People in quarantine must stay home (usually 14 days), separate themselves from others, monitor their
health, and follow directions from their state or local health department.

The practice of separating people infected with the virus (those who are sick with COVID-19 and those with no symptoms)
from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation (usually for 10 days) must stay home until it’s safe for them
to be around others. In the home, anyone sick or infected must separate themselves from others by staying in a specific
“sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom (if available).

Close Contact
A person who was within 6 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes with or without a mask.
Examples include caregivers, those sharing a living space, having direct physical contact with them (touched, hugged or
kissed them), and sharing eating or drinking utensils. People may also be close contacts if they were somehow exposed
to droplets from an infected person (sneezed or coughed on).

Types of Masks
• Cloth Face Coverings: Cloth face coverings are masks made from material that are meant to cover your nose and mouth
and to be secured under the chin. They are not considered personal protective equipment (PPE). These are effective in
reducing the spread of the virus.

• Surgical Masks: Surgical masks were originally intended to be worn by health professionals and are considered PPE.
These are effective in reducing the spread of the virus.

• N95 or N95 Respirator: Filters particles that meet a certain standard for air filtration, meaning that it filters at least 95%
of airborne particles. These are recommended only for use by healthcare personnel who need protection from both
airborne and fluid hazards (e.g., splashes, sprays). Also known as a respirator.

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Sources and Links
Page 3
• Michigan Safe Schools Roadmap:

Page 7
• Facemask Signage:
• How to Wear a Face Covering:
• Cloth Face Coverings:

Page 8
• Handwashing:

Page 10
• CDC Screening K-12 Students for Symptoms of COVID-19: Limitations and Considerations

Page 11
• Screening Signage:
• CDC COVID-19 Symptoms:

Page 13
• Oakland County COVID Data Dashboard:

Page 15
• CDC Case Investigation Workflow:
• CDC Contact Tracing Workflow:

Page 17
• Test Methods:
• State of Michigan Test Finder:,9753,7-406-99891_99912-531745--,00.html
• Next Steps After Testing:

Oakland County, Michigan • COVID-19 Public Health Toolkit • K-12 Schools 22

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