Annex A EXEMPLAR Storyboard BKKPG (Trial Balance) PDF
Annex A EXEMPLAR Storyboard BKKPG (Trial Balance) PDF
Annex A EXEMPLAR Storyboard BKKPG (Trial Balance) PDF
Course Information
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ID Maria Regina Amores
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Page 3 of 10
Screen ID: Course View BKP-3I Title: Introduction Time: 30 mins
Media Notes Screen Text: Media Script:
ANNOUNCEMENT: Online session via Zoom, (Schedule) Link going to using Zoom meeting room
Introduction: Video conference to situate the learners
(Picture) and explain how to use the Study Guide. And to agree
on the schedule of submittals and the institutional
WELCOME. You work as junior bookkeeper in a company assessment.
Media Elements: providing technical training and assessment, and you are
assigned to prepare a trial balance from the ledger. Your boss Link to download the Study Guide.
Image Logo of the school, a close up
picture of a hand preparing a informed you that your yearend performance will be highly
dependent on the accuracy of the records that you keep. The Link to take the PRE TEST. This is a 15 item multiple
trial balance
evaluation of your performance shall be done on a face to face choice test. Good for 30 mins.
Music basis with the company’s Trial Balance as the proof.
PPT/ PDF Study Guide_Trial Balance.pdf Before the evaluation, you have to ensure that the following
At the end of the evaluation, you can forward the Trial Balance
to the next bookkeeper who shall be responsible for preparing
the financial statements for the period. The target is to make all
books ready for next accounting period
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Interaction: Assessment:
Navigation: Advance/Branching:
Next: Defining Trial Balance
Prev: None
Screen ID: Course Page 2-BKP-3.1 Title: LO1: List account titles Time: 1 hr. 30 mins
Media Notes Screen Text: Media Script:
1A.1. The TRIAL BALANCE Explained (Full Example!) 1A.1. Video. YouTube video embedded in the LMS .
All third party materials should be You are encouraged to view this video to learn about the what is (Transcript of the video)
trial balance, why prepare it and how to prepare it. Be ready to
embedded, and mentioned in the
take down notes and answer the assignment at the end of the
references at the end of the page video.
where they are used.
All completed Assignments with 1A.2 ASSIGNMENT. 1A.2. Assignment. Use ASSIGNEMTN Activity . This
Did you enjoy learning from the video, let us concretize our should allow uploading of file in pdf format not more
passing marks should be awarded learnings by answering the following questions: What is key than 256mb. This should also Display Rubrics that allows
with a Badge. message you got from the video? Why is it important? How does online rating.
it apply to your present situation?
PDF 1A.4. FORUM. 1A.4. Discussion Forum. This should allow participant to
Now you are encourage to participate in the discussion on the add that discussion topic as answer to this question:
Video benefits of Trial Balance, by answering the question: What advise What advise can you give to a beginner?... participants
YouTube Video by Account Stuff can you give to a beginner? should be allowed to view others comments once they
entitled The Trial Balance Explained have submitted their own comments in the discussion forum.
Interaction: Assessment:
Links to the different resources graded assignments
Uploading of assignment participation in the forum
Pop up page containing readings
Comments in forum
Navigation: Advance:
Next: Steps in Preparing Trial Balance By User
Prev: List Account Titles
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Screen ID: Course Page 3 BKP-3.2 Title: LO2: Transfer balances from the ledger Time: 4 hours
Media Notes: Screen Text: Media Script:
ANNOUNCEMENT: Online session via Zoom, (Schedule) 2A.1. Video Conference. Demonstrate the steps in preparing a trial
The recorder zoom meeting balance
should be uploaded to allow ASSIGNMENT:
students to further review and After this demonstration on how to prepare a trial
2A.2 Assignment. Perform Task Sheets
balance, you are to work on your Task Sheet # 3.2.1
where you will have a firsthand experience of doing
All completed Assignments with the task. Play and review the recorded video of the
passing marks should be demonstration to be reminded on what should be
awarded with a Badge. remembered and why we need to perform each
Navigation: Advance:
Next: Summarize Trial Balance By User
Previous: Steps in Preparing Trial
Page 7 of 10
Screen ID: Course Page 3 BKP-3.3 Title: LO3: Summarize Trial Balance Time: 2 hours
Media Notes Screen Text: Media Script:
All third party materials should CONGRATULATIONS for reaching this far, you must have
be embedded, and mentioned actively participated in the different learning activities and
in the references at the end of turned in your requirements. This is the final leg our lesson,
keep on learning and enjoy the rest of the activities.
the page where they are used.
All completed Assignments 3A.1 Independent Study. Visit the links provided in
RECOMMENDED READINGS. Recommended Readings for familiarization about Checking
with passing marks should be Before we move to the next activity, it is important to learn why is Accuracy of Trial Balance and its types.
awarded with a Badge. there a need to check the accuracy of TB though the balance of
debit and credits are equal. Visit the links in provided list of
Recommended Readings to know more about it and the different
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Navigation: Advance:
Next: Institutional Assessment By User
Previous: Transfer Balances from
the Ledger
PPT/ PDF At the end of the evaluation, you can forward the Trial Balance
This concept mastery shall be part of your final rating for the
course. You are given 30minutes to complete the test. To be
successful you should be able to reach the 70% passing mark.
PERFORMANCE TEST: Attempt the test Link to take the performance test. This is a 15 item
multiple choice test. Good for 30 mins.
This performance based assessment shall be part of your final
assessment, please work on the given problem you are given an
hour and half to work on the problem. To be successful you
should be able to reach 70% passing mark.
Interaction: Assessment:
Online exam
Navigation: Advance:
Next: Summarize Trial Balance By User
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