Unit: 1 Communication and Employability Skills For IT Assignment Guide
Unit: 1 Communication and Employability Skills For IT Assignment Guide
Unit: 1 Communication and Employability Skills For IT Assignment Guide
Task 1
P1: Explain the personal attributes valued by employers
You are a Placement Consultant in ABC Academy’s Job Placement department. Your job is to
prepare students for their employment. For that purpose, you need to educate the students on
the attributes valued by Employers in the IT industry. This should accomplish by a 30 minutes
presentation to students.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides which clearly and effectively
communicate the attributes valued by employers.
The PowerPoint must begin with an agenda and use one slide to focus on a particular
attribute. List the key points under each attribute in the slide.
Following group of key attributes must be dealt with in the presentation
1. Job Related Attributes (Technical Skills, Working Procedure etc.)
2. General Attributes (Planning Skills, Organization skills etc.)
3. Attitudes (Independence, Integrity etc.)
Evidence: P1.ppt (10+ Slides)
Guide for P1
(a) Specific Attributes:
1. Job-related attributes
Technical Knowledge
(c) Attitudes
Problem Solving
Task 2
P2: Explain the principles of effective communication
You are a Project Executive in the IT department of a Web Development Agency specializing in
Web & Mobile applications. Your job is to assist the project manager in the smooth running of a Website
Development project. Your project manager asks you to prepare a presentation among various
stakeholders in the team such as Developers, Designers, Testers, System Analysts, Project Managers, and
Architects etc.
Guide for P2
Task 3
For the same scenario as explained in Task 2, Your Project Manager plans to educate the
team on barriers to effective communication.
Improve the presentation P2P3.ppt with additional slides explaining various barriers for
effective communication.
Add one slide for reducing the impact for each of the communication barrier noted on P3.
Evidence: P2M1.ppt (At least 6 Slides)
Task 4
Prepare a presentation containing 5 slides to train the team members on effective
interpersonal skills. The topics include
Task 4
P5: Use IT to aid communications
Prepare your Resume to apply for Jobs using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. The Resume
should be at least 2 page.
Prepare a 1 Page Covering letter addressing the employer. In the covering letter you should
specify your skills and request for an interview.
Create a blog using Blogger.com with your email id. Write & publish a post on your skills and
capabilities. Include the blog URL in the Resume.
Evidence: Resume_<YourName>.doc .
Task 6:
P6: Communicate technical information to a specified audience.
You are working as a Project Executive in a Web Agency. Your company plans develop
a Website portal similar to www.redmart.com. Prepare a Requirement Specification document.
Browse through various types of pages in www.redmart.comand prepare a document explaining
various pages and their features.
The feature includes
1. Home Page
2. Product Listing page
3. Product Detail page
4. Menus & Categories
5. Search & Search Results Page
6. Various forms in the website
Capture as much information from the website to convey the kind of portal which needs
to be developed. This document will be presented to your customer. Do not use
www.redmart.comname in the Specification.
Evidence: P6.doc
P6 Guide
Technical Documentation for your selected website (online shopping)
1. Purpose
What is the purpose of your website to the user?
What kinds of benefits can get?
2. Scope
What is your ecommerce website scope?
What kinds of functions and features can be used?
3. Overview
Overview of your website
4. Product Functions
Home Page
Menu Page
Category Page
Product Listing Page
Product Details Page
Search & Search Result Page
Varios Forms (Sign Up and Sign In)
5. User characteristics or User perspective
What types of users can be used for your website?
6. Constraints
Which functions and features are restricted for the user.
8. Hardware Requirements
What types are hardware components are needed for your website?
9. Software Requirements
What types of software are needed for your website?
Evidence: Save the Review you have conducted for other Student called P6_Review.doc
with changes noted.
1. Skills Comparison
Exchange you resume with at least 2 other students.
Compare your resume with them and identify
The list of Skills /
Certifications you are interested in, which you do not already have.
1. My Jobs
Go to the popular job search portal in your country
Search using the skills you already possess and
List down the jobs available for your qualification, skills & experience. (Find at
least 10 advertisements).
Screen capture the Advertisements.
2. New Skills
Identify any other skills listed by employers in those Job advertisements, which
you do not have.
3. Popular Certifications
Identify the list of Certifications available for your skills and list them.
4. Improvement Areas
Analyse the feedback Received in reflection and list the improvements
1. Personal Goals
Write a note on what you want to achieve in life
List down names of persons in your friends, families, eminent persons &
celebrities who interest you. Keep the list meaningful and realistic in your
Analyze your passion, skills and knowledge and strike down the names listed in
step b and short list them to 1 or 2.
Set financial targets & lifestyle for yourself in 5 years. Write down all that you
wish to have in 5 years’ time.
2. Career Goals
Based on advertisements reviewed list the type of jobs you are interested in,
Shortlist at least 3 jobs you like
Action Plan (For each of the Action Plan item, put a date when you would have
accomplished them)
1. What are you going to do to work on your improvement areas ?
2. What are you going to do to work on your goals ?
3. What institutions offer you skills and certifications based on your “Skills &
Certifications Planned” and when are you going to take the training ?
4. What interval in time, would you like to review the progress of your immediate &
long term goals ?
5. As part of the Action Plan Apply for 3 to 5 jobs a day every day in a week,
following up on various job advertisements and venues available. (This is to ensure securing a
Evidence: PDP.doc
Evidence: M3.doc
1. Visit to the http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-
2. Fill up the survey form.
3. Website will guest what type of learner you are.
4. According to the survey, explain how an awareness of learning style can aid PDP.
Follow the Action Plan developed in Task 7 and write down below information for every day organized
by date.
1. Make notes of efforts you have made every day to achieve your objective.