Treating Adobe Stones and Mortar Restora

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3rd Historic Mortars Conference 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland

Treating Adobe Stones and Mortar Restoration of Calaca

Church, Philippines
M. B. Maronilla-Reyes1

1. Conservator/ Associate Professor, Cultural Heritage Studies, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas,


The restoration of the Calaca Church in Batangas province, Philippines, is an ideal example of a
successful result of collaborative work among architects, engineers, a stone specialist, and other allied
professionals. The major conservation problem identified was the deterioration of adobe stones (volcanic
tuff) which was used as the primary building material. Thick vegetation growing on the bell tower,
detaching plaster, and structural cracks on the façade as well as dampness on one side of the bell tower
had to be addressed. Some stones needed to be replaced with similar adobe. Prior to conservation and
restoration treatment, tests and analyses were performed. Plants were identified by a botanist. Samples of
the original adobe were studied for compatibility with the materials used: plaster, mortar and replacement
stones. Procedures on how to remove plants, clean stones and slake lime for masonry work are discussed
herein. Practical solutions for dampness problems by reviving perimeter wall canals, repairing roof and
downspouts, waterproofing, and by introducing vent holes on the walls are explained, with photos
provided for. Techniques developed by the writer, on how to approach repair of fractures using the “by-
pass method” and how to deal with water infiltration on the side buttresses and pediment using the
”umbrella technique” are illustrated. Methods used to replicate the wall’s original texture and color are
also described.

Keywords: Philippine adobe, by-pass method, umbrella technique, vent holes

1. Introduction

Calaca church is an old stone structure built by the Spaniards in 1861. It is advocated to Saint
Raphael Archangel, after the patron saint of this catholic parish in Calaca, southwest of Manila. The
church is bordered by a convent, a school, and a public cemetery located at the back. Its frontage is
approximately 2.5 kilometers away from the Balayan Bay.
Within its immediate surroundings, the structure which is made entirely of adobe and lime plaster, had
thick growths of plants predominantly on the bell tower, almost covering its entire upper portion (Fig. 1).
Friable stones on the side walls were apparent. The roof, gutters, downspouts, and the drainage system
were defective.
Inside the church was a modest altar with an elaborately painted metal ceiling preserved in its original
form. Except for minor repairs on some corrosion above the central nave and on the cupola ceiling, this
area was to be left untouched as per request by the benefactor of the restoration project.
The objective of this conservation and restoration project was primarily to stabilize the condition of
the adobe stone walls. A team of consultants, headed by a restoration architect and the writer in her
capacity as a stone conservator, was commissioned for this project. The restoration of the church, which
started in July 2010, took about a year to finish. It was made possible through the initiative of a generous
benefactor who expressed to the parish priest that the built heritage was worth preserving.

Figure 1: (left) Facade of Calaca Church showing plant growths. (2nd column) Close-up of plants. (middle
and right) Rear of bell tower showing perennial dampness, powdering and other forms of deterioration.

2. Review of related literature

2.1 Conservation in a tropical setting

Conservation of stone-built heritage involves not just the stone as a building material, but the entire
historic fabric of the structure. Its aim is to preserve the integrity, authenticity, and aesthetic unity of the
building and its other important components such as architectural and decorative features. Conservation
also covers measures to ensure the protection, security, safety, and survival of the structure against human
related or natural disasters.
The treatment of adobe stones in a tropical environment is a complex endeavor. Adobe is a clay
material and its deterioration is accelerated in a hot humid environment. Fluctuations in temperature and
relative humidity result to expansion and contraction of materials, contributing to instability of the
structure. Frequent typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions aggravate this situation leading further
to stone decay. Flooding and seismic movements result in the formation of cracks and fractures on the
walls and joints which become sites for vegetative growth.

2.2 Effects of humidity and soluble salts on adobe

The types of ‘humidity attack’ on adobe can be classified according to the system by which moisture
penetrates the stone, dissolving salts in the process. Capillary rise is a phenomenon where humidity from
underground, e.g., water table, leaks, sewage, or water supply system, is suctioned upwards by the stone
walls. The usual height it reaches is considered the deterioration site. Said site is where rising damp from
the ground starts to evaporate out to the exterior wall bringing with it dissolved salts which will re-
crystallize on the surface (Massari 1985).
Soluble salts are almost always present in stones used as building materials. The cycle of
hydration/de-hydration, dissolution, and re-crystallization of salt involves: 1) moisture rising from the
ground (rising damp), from rain hitting the roof and walls, from leaking pipes, etc., 2) transport and
percolation of moisture within the structure and dissolving salts present in stones, and 3) evaporation of
the moisture with the dissolved salts towards the surface as the temperature rises and re-crystallizing the
salts near and/or on the stone surface (Massari 1985).
This cycle is aggravated in an acidic environment by the presence of gaseous pollutants. It is
important to note that the removal of salt efflorescence on the surface will not stabilize the condition of
stone, but will help the salts to be introduced once again into the wall at the next wet cycle. The source of
the problem must be identified, that is, the source of humidity, and must be eliminated or minimized.

2.3 Adobe (volcanic tuff)

In the Philippines, adobe or volcanic tuff is defined as a natural rock produced by the cementation of
loose pyroclastic material (Bureau of Mines, 1986). It is abundant in west central Luzon, extending
almost unbrokenly from near Lingayen Gulf to the seacoast of Batangas. A microscopic examination
done by Alvin J. Cox in 1915 showed that the tuff in the vicinity of Manila is andesitic with a cementing
material probably in greater part volcanic ash. It is largely composed of oxide of iron and certain amount
of pumice or volcanic glass. Incidentally, a study by Paterno and Charola mentioned that the Guadalupe
tuff used extensively as a modern cladding material has similar properties to those used in historic
construction in Manila. This tuff is composed of a glassy matrix (60%) with clasts (30%) of pumice and
some basalt. The dominant minerals are feldspars with negligible clay content (Paterno 2000).

As a local building material, natural adobe is quarried in the Philippines as boulders and cut into
stones. It is both argillaceous and siliceous (Pender, 2004). The harder varieties are preferred for
construction, though much of the softer material is used locally because it is cheaper. The coarse grained
and hard varieties are quarried throughout all the year in the vicinity of Meycauayan, Bulacan. The fine-
grained and soft varieties are quarried at Santa Mesa, Rizal, and at Tayawanak, Cavite (Bureau of Mines,

2.4 Lime mortar

Sand is the typical filler for lime. Sand must be washed clean to remove salts, clay or organic
materials which slow down the already slow hardening process. Typical formulations are 1:2 lime/sand or
1:3 lime/sand with the right amount or water to make a paste. It is important to note that lime mortars
show good workability if the addition of water is rather generous. Conversely, the mechanical properties
of the hardened mortars are improved if the amount of water is reduced (Torraca 1982). Proper balance
between workability and strength must always be achieved (Torraca 1982).
Lime mortars have similar properties to those used in ancient calcareous masonry. However, they
harden very slowly and may not harden at all in damp conditions as drying and the presence of air are
required for hardening. Due to this limitation, lime-pozzolan or lime-cement mixtures are preferred to
affect faster hardening. The usual formulation is 1:4:3 where 1 is cement, 4 is lime, and 3 is sand
(Torraca, 1982). Ashurst recommends slaking lime for several weeks prior to use in the restoration of old
buildings (Ashurst, 1985).

3. Conservation team

Prior to the commencement of the restoration, the different stakeholders of Calaca church were invited
by the parish priest to a gathering, to report the status of the proposed project and to introduce the
conservation team. Among those present were the parish clergy, the parish council members, some of the
parishioners, the conservation team, and the benefactor’s representative.
The conservation team was headed by the restoration architect, assisted by engineers and the writer
(conservator who is a stone specialist). Other allied professionals invited to take part in the project
included a botanist who was asked to identify the vegetative growths and recommend herbicides not
harmful to stone, a wood specialist to check on deteriorating wood, a metallurgical engineer (whose job
was to undertake the issues on the ceiling paintings and other corroding metal works such as the window
grilles), a customized cement tile maker, a light and sounds specialist, an altar specialist who did the
retablo or high altar, and an artist who undertook works on the side altar paintings. Regular meetings
with the team members were held at the site.

4. Stone conservation problems

Upon the first site inspection and survey, the most predominant problem observed was the presence of
luxuriant vegetative growths destroying the upper portion of the bell tower. The other apparent problem
was the persistent dampness (rising damp) along the rear side of the bell tower to a height of almost 3
meters. Further examinations proved that the adobe stones were pulverizing. Cracks and fissures within
the walls, at the upper façade and at the top of the bell tower, were apparent. This condition was
attributed to the penetration of the walls by the roots of the trees or higher plants.
Other problems noted include loss of material or caving in of the deteriorated stone at the lower area
of the bell tower along the side of the road, loss of plaster at the back of the bell tower and in different
parts of the wall, bedding and pointing mortar loss, uneven cement-rich patchwork in the façade, pure
cement plaster at the wall adjacent to the bell tower, and mild soiling and staining of the walls attributed
to atmospheric pollution.
Research and documentation, physical examinations, environmental studies, tests and analyses, and on
site trials were undertaken prior to treatment. They were used for a better assessment of the problems,
causes, and extent of damage.

5. Tests and analyses

Tests and analyses were performed in the laboratory from various samples obtained from original
materials and from probable replacement materials. Samples of some common weeds, plants and leaves
of trees were identified by a botanist. Results indicated that the higher plants growing on the top of the
bell tower were identified as balete and isis trees; while those growing near the defective downspouts and
on the slopes of the buttresses exposed directly to the downpour of rain were also identified and listed.
Stones, mortar and plaster brought to the laboratory for identification were tested for porosity, water
absorption, tensile and compressive strengths, among others. Results confirmed that Calaca stones were
indeed made of adobe, and the components were duly identified belonging to Batangas tuff.

6. In-situ trials and preparations

Trial cleaning was undertaken on certain wet and dry surfaces prior to the actual cleaning. Assessment
of the effects of cleaning on the trial areas included potential damage to the stone texture, color changes,
probable appearance of the façade after cleaning and an estimate of the required periodic re-cleaning
operations. In-situ trials also involved techniques on: 1) how to remove plants and apply herbicide, 2)
how to slake lime, 3) how to prepare grout and plaster formulations and their respective application, 4)
how to prepare reconstituted adobe and mount them on damaged original stones using copper wires, and
5) how to add organic colorants for the façade plaster. Safety precautions were implemented to prevent
accidents due to possible falling debris from loose components of the walls.

Figure 2: (left) Pure cement plaster to be removed. (2nd) Man removing cement grout from old
restoration. (3rd) Rejected trials. (right) Approved trial on how to prepare mortar and its application.

6.1 Preparing slaked lime

Slaked lime was used to ensure that water from the rain or from rising damp cannot easily de-stabilize
the lime’s property when used as binder with cement and fillers. Lime was soaked in water until it set and
solidified, then ground, re-soaked, and re-solidified until saturated and no more water was absorbed. The
resulting paste was dried and crushed. It took several weeks to prepare the lime needed for the project
based on the recommendation of Ashurst in restoring buildings (Ashurst, 1985).

Figure 3: Hydrated lime soaked in enough water to form soft putty which was left to stand for at least 16
hrs. Solidified portions were ground and re-soaked in water. Re-soaking was repeated for several weeks.

6.2 Netting of the entire church façade

Before stabilizing the exterior walls, netting was done entirely around the exterior façade starting from
the topmost portion down to the ground floor finish level as a safety precaution to prevent falling debris
from crashing unto churchgoers and construction workers.

7. Repair works

Repair of leaking corrugated galvanized iron roofing, defective gutters and downspouts near the
buttresses, crevices and fissures as well as waterproofing at the bell tower deck and drainage system (refer
to Fig. 7), were carried out before treatment of stone was done.

8. Five basic steps in conservation treatment

The treatment of deteriorating stones can be summarized in five (5) basic steps, namely, 1) cleaning
(e.g., of plants and surface dirt); 2) chemical stabilization of deteriorating stone; 3) physical reinforcement
of the individual stone and correction of structural defects, including mechanical stabilization; 4) aesthetic
unity (optional); and 5) protection of stone from the harsh environment.

8.1 Cleaning of stone walls

The cleaning of the stone wall required the removal of surface accumulations not originally present on
the surface of the stone or the plaster during the time the structure was built. Its aim was to improve the
appearance of the building and to reveal the original condition of the underlying stone. The following
elements were removed from the surface: those just sitting on the surface (dirt/grime) those coming out of
the surface (salts), and those which formed or grew on the surface (plants) and penetrated the stones.

Figure 4: (left & top middle) Plant removal using a mechanical lift and manually. (lower middle &
right) After plant removal: the entire church façade with netting in its initial stage.

8.1.1 Plant removal

Moss and weeds were first removed mechanically using steel brushes. They were sprayed with
hydrogen peroxide, 50 volumes strength, and then later sprayed with herbicide. Trees were cut-off and the
big roots that remained inside the walls were injected with EP plant killer through a hole drilled through
the roots using a nail. Plants grown from plant boxes located along the sides of the church walls were
pulled out; and the said plant boxes were converted into side pavement.

8.1.2 Cleaning of stone

Cleaning of adobe stones was done mechanically, then chemically after removing moss, weeds, and
higher plants from the stone walls. Removed also were pure cement grout and plaster from previous
restorations; as well as stones with stains, left over plant debris and remaining loose plaster chips. Before
removal of unstable plasters with trapped air or void, the condition of plaster was first gauged and
determined for eradication by pounding over it with light pressure using a rubber mallet.

8.2 Chemical stabilization of stone: control of humidity and salt infiltration

Chemical stabilization of adobe stones was undertaken to prevent or stop chemical reactions that
resulted to the modification of the stone composition as indicated by pulverization, presence of fissures
and cracks, among others. Methods of control in order to minimize humidity infiltration and saturation
within the walls were carried out through the introduction of vent holes and/or capping of exposed areas
via the “umbrella technique.” Otherwise, such humidity infiltration and saturation within the walls could
lead to salt formation which could affect the physical strength of the stones.

8.2.1 Introduction of vent holes
Specially designed vent holes were introduced to allow “breathing” of the stone to prevent detachment
of the plaster when humidity (from rising damp or from any other source) starts to evaporate. The holes,
with 50 cm. intervals between them, and with upward 45°inclination from the interior of stone walls;
were inserted with porous materials consisting of a mixture of 1:4 lime and sand-crushed adobe
aggregates. Towards the hole opening, to the mixture was added with a little cement at 1:4:3 cement-
lime-sand formulation which served as cover (stopper) at the outer end of each vent hole (Fig. 5).

Figure 5:(left) Sketch (A. Balin) of an upward vent hole. (middle) Man drilling vent hole. (right and
below) 45-degree upward hole covered with polyethylene that showed no moisture after an experiment.

8.2.2“Umbrella technique” vs. direct downpour of rain

The “umbrella technique” is a conservation system developed by the author. This unique technique
serves as a “stone curtain” that shields underlying adobe from direct downpour of rain but allows water to
breath from the sides. This stone curtain does not cover the entire surface of that portion of the buttress.
“Umbrella technique’ was applied on specific exposed areas of the buttresses where weeds and plants
grew profusely, and on the pediment at the facade. Certain portions of stones (approximately 2 inches
thick) were removed and replaced with reconstituted adobe mixed with some polyester fibers (umbrella).
The interface between the original stone and reconstituted adobe was a mixture of 1:4:3 cement-lime-

Figure 6: Sketch of front & side elevation of buttresses (right) to be applied with “umbrella technique”

8.2.3 Establishment of perimeter canal and integration of damp course

To prevent rising damp from occurring, a perimeter canal was revived around the immediate exterior
wall of the church (Fig. 7). Concrete pipes were bored with holes on the sides and covered with metal
screen. The pipes were buried in the trenches, filled with loose gravel and covered with mylar polyester
sheet on top, followed by a 2-inch concrete topping. The lowest layer of the wall was filled with plaster
using a stronger mix of reconstituted adobe.

Figure 7:(left) Diagram (by A. Balin) showing canal around church perimeter walls.(middle) Drainage
system repair: concrete pipes bored with holes and covered with metal screen.(right) CAD drawing (A.
Balin) showing polyester sheet on top loose gravel followed by a 2-inch concrete top

8.3 Physical reinforcement: retrofitting and loss compensation methods

The loss compensation methods for physical reinforcement of deteriorating adobe included stone
replacement, stone addition, and filling (plastic repair) of gaps. Fractures on the walls, joint openings, and
similar crevices were given priority treatment over the damages to individual stones. Replacements and
fillers were carefully chosen to match the original stones.

8.3.1 “By-pass method” when filling-in fractures

Major cracks were retrofitted using the “by-pass method” (Maronilla-Reyes 2007) to allow moisture
to continuously percolate between the gaps of fractured stone walls after consolidation with structural
epoxy. The purpose is to link the walls (separated by the gap) with a tubing filled with crushed adobe.
(yellow tube) Detached moldings were injected with structural epoxy and provided with vent holes. Two
years after the restoration, no crack, separation, water seepage or biological growth can be seen on the
church façade.

Figure 8: (left and right) Diagram of “by pass tube” (by A. Balin). Middle photo shows a fractured
pre-cast moulding detaching from the corner of the stone structure

8.3.2 Replacement of damaged stones and adobe reconstitution

Severely damaged stones were replaced with similar adobe gathered from a nearby cemetery (Fig. 9).
Reconstituted adobe was also produced to simulate the original stone and to replace deteriorated adobe on
the side walls. The reconstituted adobe was prepared with the same properties as the original adobe, in
terms of porosity, tensile and compressive strength.

8.3.3 Filling: pointing and grouting

Cement-rich grout and mortar from previous restoration had to be removed because of incompatibility
with the adobe; since cement has the property of being compact, less porous, stronger than adobe, and
contains alkaline compounds and sulfates capable of forming soluble salts within the stone. Pointing and re-
grouting were undertaken using a lime-based binder and filler (matrix or aggregates), including color
components and special additives. They were also applied to fill in cracks, fissures or hollows present.

Figure 9: (left) Replacement adobe stones from a nearby cemetery. (middle) A wall portion showing
adobe pulverization. (right) Reconstituted adobe being applied to a damaged portion.

Figure 10: (left) The conservator instructing workers on how to apply grout in between the adobe
stones. (right) Portions of left side elevation of the structure applied with lime-based grout.

8.4 Aesthetic unity

Efforts were made to address chromatic alteration, formation of patina, fading color, texture
imbalance, among other color issues; for the purpose of aesthetic unity. This is an optional part of the

8.4.1 Lime coating

Lime plaster mixed with a basic colorant was used to make the additions and replacements coherent
with the original color and texture of the stone. The mixture prepared was 1 part basic organic yellow dye
and 10 parts of slaked lime mixed with water (Fig. 11).

8.4.2 Replacement of floor tiles

Marble tiles of the central aisle, which apparently were mere additions, had to be replaced with
baldoza tiles, customized tiles made of cement. Existing undamaged tiles were coated with a special
cleaning agent known as EG 208 in order to match the sheen of the replacement tiles.

8.5 Protection
Cleaned and consolidated masonry was applied with plaster for surface protection. Plaster is always
considered as a “sacrificial layer” against the harsh elements of the environment.

Figure 11:(left) Front facade completely covered with netting during re-plastering. (middle) A worker
applying the approved coloring over the re-plastered portion of wall.
(right) Church, two years after restoration; photo taken on August 9, 2013.

8.5.1 Re-plastering
Areas of the façade with unstable plaster were replaced with new plaster of similar strength, color, and
texture with the following basic formula: 1white cement (low sodium/low sulfate): 4 slaked lime: 3
washed river sand. Cement and lime served as binders, while sand and crushed adobe as fillers. The
formula was adjusted based on the results of in- situ trials. Plastering was done by first completing the
upper portion before proceeding to the lower portion of the facade (Fig. 11).

9. Summary and Conclusions

The church of Calaca in Batangas took about a year to restore, from July 2010 to June 2011.
Recommendations for the proposed conservation treatment were based on the site inspection, laboratory
tests and analyses, on site trials for compatibility of materials, and environmental survey. Repairs of
defective downspouts and gutters, leaking roofs, and poor drainage system had been accomplished.
The accelerated deterioration of adobe stones was arrested through different techniques, a few of
which were developed by the author based on the tropical conditions in the Philippines. Plants damaging
the stones were identified, treated, and removed. Some damaged stones were replaced while structural
cracks were consolidated. Compatible materials were used for replacement stones while the by-pass
method of connecting the two sides of fractured adobe walls, with the consolidant in-between, was
employed. Rising damp from the ground was minimized with the revival of the perimeter canals along
the side walls, and the introduction of vent holes. Water absorbed by exposed stones was dealt with by the
application of the “umbrella technique” as buttress covering against direct downpour of rain.
Loose plasters specifically on the façade were removed and re-plastered with compatible mixture of
cement, lime, and basic colorant. Texture and color were assimilated with the original plaster. The scope
of work was not limited to the conservation of adobe stone as a building material. The entire historic
fabric of the structure was also considered in this endeavor. The important components of the building
such as architectural and decorative features were respected. The church is continuously visited to
monitor the effectivity of the implemented restoration efforts. As of August 9, 2013, there was no
occurrence of any plant growth, dampness on the belfry or crack on the reconsolidated façade (fig 11,
right photo) although there were insignificant growths of moss on the lower side walls.
As a whole, the objective of conservation and restoration was achieved. The integrity, authenticity,
and aesthetic unity of the church were preserved. The old stone church, as of this writing, is a favorite
pilgrimage site. It has been restored for the present and future generations to use, enjoy, appreciate, and
more significantly, to revere as an important place of worship.


Ashurst, J., (April 23 – June 21, 1985), Lecture Notes, ICCROM Stone Conservation Course, Venice
Bureau of Mines, Philippines, (March 1986), Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philippines, Manila,
Vol. 2, 293, 393
Maronilla-Reyes, M. B., (November 14, 2007), Stone Conservation of Spanish Colonial Structures in a
Tropical Setting, in proceedings of International Conference on Stone Heritage Conservation, Guam
Massari, I., (April 23,-June 21, 1985), Lecture Notes, ICCROM Stone Conservation Course, Venice
Paterno, M. C. and Charola, E., (June 19-24, 2000), Preliminary Studies for the Consolidation of
Guadalupe tuff from the Philippines, in proceedings of 9 th International Congress on Deterioration and
Conservation of Stone, Vasco Fassina, ed. Venice, Vol. 1, 155
Pender, R. J., (2004), The Behavior of Water in Porous Building Materials and Structures, Reviews in
Conservation, International Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Work, London, Vol.
5, 50
Torraca, G., (1982), Porous Building Materials: Materials Science for Architectural Conservation,
ICCROM, Multigrafica Editrice, Rome, 70, 80

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