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Chapter 5: Fluid Kinematics: By: Dr. Rajib Pokhrel

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Chapter 5: Fluid Kinematics

By: Dr. Rajib Pokhrel


Course Contents
5. Fluid Kinematics
- Introduction
- Approaches: Lagrangian and Eulerian
- Description of flow patterns: streamline, streak
lines, path lines, stream tube
- Types of fluid flow: uniform and non-uniform,
steady and unsteady, one dimensional, two and
three dimensional, laminar and turbulent
- Conservation principle of mass and continuity
equation of Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates
- Flow through stream tube, discharges and mean
velocity of flow


Fluid Kinematics
• Fluid kinematics is a field
of physics and mechanics concerned
with the movement of fluids. Fluids
tend to flow easily, which causes a
net motion of molecules from one
point in space to another point as a
function of time.
• Fluids may be liquids or may be
materials with fluid properties,
including crowds of people or
volumes of grains.
• Using a Eulerian model
(the continuum hypothesis), fluid
motion can be described in terms
of acceleration or velocity.




Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions


Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions



Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions


Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions



Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions


Fluid Flow Visualization



Fluid Flow Visualization (Streamline)


Fluid Flow Visualization (Streamline)



Fluid Flow Visualization (Pathline)







Types of Fluid Flow

Steady flow: Steady flow is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid
characteristics like velocity, pressure, density, etc., at a point do not
change with time.
 V   p    
   0,    0,   0
 t  x0 , y0 , z0  t  x0 , y0 , z0  t  x 0 , y 0 , z 0

Where, (x0, y0, z0) is fixed point in the fluid field

Unsteady flow: Unsteady flow is that type of flow, in which the velocity,
pressure, or density at a point changes with respect to time.

 V    
   0,   0
 t  x0 , y0 , z0  t  x0 , y0 , z0


Types of Fluid Flow

Uniform flows: Uniform flow is defined as that type of flow in which the
velocity at any given time does not change with respect to space (i.e.,
length of direction of the flow)
 V 
  0
 s t constant

V  Change of velocity
s  Length of flow in the direction S

Non - uniform flows: Non-uniform flow is that type of flow in which the
velocity at any given time changes with respect to space.



Types of Fluid Flow

Laminar and Turbulent Flow:
Laminar flow is defined as that type of flow in which the fluid particles move
along well defined paths or stream line and all the stream lines are straight
and parallel. It is also called as the stream-flow or viscous flow.
- If the Reynolds number is below 2000 for pipe flow
Turbulent flow is that type of flow in which the fluid particles move in a zig-zag
way. For a pipe flow, the type of flow is determined by non-dimensional
number called as Reynold number
- If the Reynolds number is above 4000 for pipe flow
Transition flow – If the Reynolds number is in between 2000 to 4000
 VD
Reynolds number (Re) 

  density of fluid
V  Mean veloc ity of flow in pipe
  Dynamic viscosity of fluid
D  Diameter of pipe

Types of Fluid Flow

Sub-critical, critical and super critical flow:
Sub-critical and super critical flow are determined by Froude number. It is
mostly applicable for open channel flow.

- Froude number is the square root of the ratio of inertial force of a flowing
fluid to gravitational forces

Fi AV 2 V2 V
Fe    
Fg ALg Lg Lg
Fi  Inertia force
Fg  Force due to gravity
V  Velocity of fluid flow
L  Characteristics length



Types of Fluid Flow

• One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows
One Dimensional Flows: Flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time and
one space co-ordinate only. For steady one dimensional flow, the velocity is a
function of one-space-co-ordinate only.
u = f(x), v = 0 and w = 0
Where, u, v and w are the velocity components in x, y and z directions,

Two dimensional flow: Velocity is a function of time and two rectangular space
co-ordinates say x and y. For a steady two-dimensional flow, the velocity is a
function of two space co-ordinates only.
u = f1(x, y), v = f2(x, y) and w = 0

Three dimensional flow: Velocity is a function of time and three mutually

perpendicular directions. For steady three dimensional flow, the fluid
parameters are the functions of three space co-ordinates (x, y and z) only.
u = f1(x, y , z), v =f2(x, y, z) and w = f3(x, y, z)

Basic Principles of Fluid Flow

Principle of conservation of mass: it states that mass can neither be created
nor destroyed. On the basis of this principle, continuity equation is

Principle of conservation of energy: It states that the energy can neither be

created nor destroyed. On the basis of this principle the energy equation
is derived

Principle of conservation of momentum or impulse momentum principle: It

states that the impulse of the resultant force, or the product of the force
and time increment during which it acts, is equal to the resultant force, or
the product of the force and time increment during which it act, is equal
to the change in the momentum of the body. On the basis of this principle,
momentum equation is derived



Fig: Cartesian Co-ordinates system Fig: Polar Co-ordinates system


Continuity Equation
• Continuity equation is the mathematical statement of the principle of
conservation of mass.
• The rate of increase of the fluid mass contained within the region must
be equal to the difference between the rate of at which the fluid mass
enters the region and the rate at which the fluid mass leaves the region.

Application of the principle of conservation of mass to an elementary volume

gives continuity equation in any co-ordinate system as in figure

  ( u )  ( v)  ( w)
In Cartesian co-ordinate system    0 (eq.1)
t x y z
For compressible fluid:
In the vector form
Where,   density of fluid 
 div( V )  0 (eq. 2)
t  time t
u, v and w  velocity in x, y and z directions.



For incompressible (homogenous and non-homogenous fluids)

u v w
  0 (eq. 3)
x y z
In cylindrical polar co-ordinate system the continuity equation for compressible fluid is
  ( Vx ) 1  ( Vr r ) 1  ( V )
   0 (eq 4)
t x r r r 
For incompressible (homogeneous or non-homogeneous) fluids
Vx 1 Vr r 1 V
  0 (eq 5)
x r r r 
In the same manner continuity equation for a stream tube can be written as
For compressible fluids:
 1 
 ( VS A)  0 (eq 6)
t A S



For steady flow of compressible fluids: ρVsA = constant

For incompressible fluids: 

(VS A)  constant
or VS A  constant
Average velocity V over the area: V v dA

Discharge Q in m3/s Q=AV

Where, dA and A are perpendicular to velocity vector v or V, A is in m2 and V in m/s.

Homework: (Note: follow Pn. Modi page no. 236 to 246) 21st edition
1. Derive the continuity equation for incompressible fluids and steady flow in Cartesian co-
2. Define continuity equation. Derive the continuity equation for three dimensional flow
using Polar co-ordinates.
3. Derive the continuity equation for two dimensional and one dimensional flow.
4. Define Eulerian and Lagrangian approach for27/26
the study of the motion of fluid particles

Course Contents
6. Fluid Dynamics (By Arjun Gautam)
- Introduction
- Variation of forces acting on a fluid in motion
(gravitational, pressure, viscous, turbulent,
surface tension and compression)
- Introduction to Reynold’s and Navier-Stokes’
equation of motion
- Development of Euler’s equation of motion and
its application
- Various forms of energies/head in fluid flow
- Bernoulli’s equation: derivation, assumptions,
applications and its physical meanings


Course Contents
7. Flow Measurements
- Flow measurement devices: Venturimeter (horizontal, inclined
and vertical) Orifice meter, Nozzle meter and Pitot tube
- Flow through orifices: small orifice, large orifice, partially and
totally submersed orifices
- Hydraulic coefficients (Cv, Cc and Cd) and their determination
- Notches and weirs: definition and classification
- Discharge equation for rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal and
Cippoletti notches with and without approach velocity
consideration, narrow crested weir, broad crested weir, sharp
crested weir and ogee weir
- Emptying and filling of reservoir: without inflow (rectangular /
cylindrical, conical and hemispherical tank or vessel), with
inflow (cylindrical / rectangular tank or vessel)

Course Contents

8. Momentum Analysis of Flow

- Introduction
- Derivation of impulse – momentum equation
- Applications of equations to calculate forces
on pipe bends enlargements and reducers
- Forces exerted by jets o stationary and
moving vanes of different shapes (vertical,
inclined and curved)
- Concept of angular momentum and its
applications with example


Course Contents

9. Flow Through Submerged Body and Boundary Layer Theory

- Introduction to drag and lift forces on a submerged body
- Expression for drag and lift forces
- Drag (pressure and friction) on flat, cylindrical and
spherical shaped body, concept of aerofoil
- Boundary layer theory: definition, boundary layer concept
along a thin flat plate (laminar, transition, turbulent
boundary layers and laminar sub layer), characteristics
- Boundary layer thickness: displacement, momentum and
energy thinkness
- Civil engineering applications of boundary layer concept


Course Contents

10. Dimensional Analysis

- Introduction to dimensional analysis
(physical, quantity and their dimensions)
- Methods of dimensional analysis: Rayleigh’s
method and Buckingham’s TT-theorem
- Applications of dimensional analysis



Course Contents
1. Newton’s law of viscosity
2. Hydrostatic force on a submerged body
3. Stability of a floating body
4. Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem
5. Impact of flow jet
6. Flow through edged orifice
7. Flow over broad-crested weir

Text Books:
1. Modi, P. N. and Seith, S. M. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
2. Rajput, R. K. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Mechanics



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