Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Subjective: Altered Bowel Short Term Establish rapport For better After a series of
“Nagtatae po Elimination Goal: cooperation of nursing
siya” as Pattern related Within the 8 the patient. interventions,
verbalized by the to Diarrhea hours of Maintain side For safety the patient has a
mother. nursing rails up ness of the normal bowel
intervention, Note stool patient. elimination
Objective: the patient will characteristics Provide pattern.
have a normal cooperation Goal partially
Watery stool
elimination Auscultate baseline. met.
Dryness of
pattern as abdomen To know if
possible. there is
Poor skin
presence of
Long Term Goal: bowel sound,
Within 48 Palpate the it’s location and
hours of abdomen characteristics.
nursing For
intervention, Identify/eliminat abdominal
the patient will e problem in food distention and
have a normal intake tenderness.
bowel To avoid
elimination diarrhea/
pattern as Constipation.
Subjective: Risk for altered Short Term Administer To relieve After a series of
“Medyo may sinat body Goal: anti-pyretic as from high nursing
siya” as thermoregulation; Within 8 hours prescribed by the temperature. intervention, the
verbalized by the hyperthermia of nursing physician. patient has a
patient’s mother. related to intervention, Established To have a normal body
infection. the patient will rapport. better temperature of
Objective: have a normal cooperation 36.6 degree
Pale look body with the from 38 degree.
Restlessness temperature Maintain side patient.
Body from 38 degree rails up. For the
temperature of Celsius to36.5 safety of the
38 degree degree Celsius. patient.
Long Term Goal:
Within 24
hours of
the patient will
have a normal
from 38 Celsius
to 36.6 degree
Subjective: Acute pain Short tem Goal: Established For patient’s After 8 hours of
“iyak Iyak padin related to After 4 hours of rapport. cooperation. nursing
siya ng iyak” as inflammation of nursing Maintain side For patient’s intervention, the
verbalized by the the intestines. intervention, rails up. safety. patient has
patient’s mother. the patient will Assess for To rule out shown signs of
show sign of previous pain. worsening or relief.
Objective: relief. development of
Long term Goal: Observe for May be
After 48 hours non-verbal cues. indicator of
of nursing discomfort
intervention, when patient is
the patient will unable to
show sign of verbalize.