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El-Zahab and Zayed Smart Water (2019) 4:5 Page 20 of 23

provide better results in the field of leak detection than that of regression analysis (Al-
Barqawi and Zayed 2008; El-Abbasy et al. 2016).
Multiple other techniques are being utilized as well for leak identification and detec-
tion. Such techniques include Naïve Bayes algorithm (NB), Decision Trees (DTs), and
Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The aforementioned techniques have presented
great success in distinguishing leaks from other noises within the water network. Add-
itionally, when the aforementioned techniques are coupled with a collective thinking
code, their accuracy may reach 100% (El-Zahab et al. 2017).

Leak detection in pipelines is a growing research field and a growing industry that is
driven by the criticalness of saving precious resources and preventing the fallout result-
ing from leaks. The early detection of leaks can prevent major gas spills, water seeping
into the soil under highways resulting in sinkholes, minimizing infrastructure damage,
preventing damages to the surrounding environment or personnel, and save money.
Leak detection used to be divided into three phases according to the LLP system, but
this system is deemed ambiguous, and therefore a new system is proposed, the ILP sys-
tem. The ILP approach defines the boundaries between research fields. Identification
comes first which is the phase that defines if the leak exists or not and differentiates
leak data from other sources of data. Followed by localization, which narrows down the
location of the leak to a specific element or segment. The final phase is pinpointing
which specifies the exact leak location with high precision. Furthermore, two broad
classes of leak detection systems are highlighted, and they are static leak detection sys-
tems and dynamic leak detection systems. Static leak detection systems provide early
leak detection with minimal human interference. They can also localize and pinpoint.
On the other hand, dynamic leak detection systems are used to verify the existence of
leaks by mobilizing devices and personnel to suspected areas. This approach provides
immediate localization and pinpointing for leaks, but allows leaks to grow if the re-
sponse is not immediate. The best practice currently is a combination of both systems
where the static system provides early detection and the dynamic system provides
localization and pinpointing. The research in the static systems field promises that in
the future, static leak detection systems will be highly capable of conducting the full
ILP within seconds. The field of leak detection in pipelines is growing regarding
technological uses as multiple new technologies are being utilized continuously to ex-
plore faster and more capable aspects. The field is expected to grow more as the need
is increasing in the gas and water network sectors.

3G: Third generation of mobile communication technology; ANN: Artificial Neural Networks; AWWA: American water
works association; DT: Decision Tree; GPR: Ground penetrating radar; GSM: Global system for mobile communication;
ILLP: Identify – Localize – Locate – Pinpoint; ILP: Identify – Localize – Pinpoint; IR: Infrared; LLP: Localize – Locate –
Pinpoint; NB: Naïve Bayes; SVM: Support Vector Machine; WoK: Web of knowledge

The authors would like to extend thanks to Dr. Eslam Mohammad Abdelkader and Mr. Nabil Younes for their input
and support.

Authors’ contributions
SEZ conducted the research and the analysis, prepared the figures and tables, and wrote the article. TZ was the
supervisor of SEZ. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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