".: D
i i
f'.. r
-{ *,-/_
s T&rr'{8 - L umph as a team while Drunnrond and OsborSs
glided ihrough natch to conplete
the win.
In tbeir irst roatch of the season
Columbia broice Suunritrs shutout streak
Summit beat unbia guite easily 4-1.
In the sing
matches, Peter Lizotte but was not able to stop the winning
beat their oDDonents
streak a,s Swirnit vton 5-2. lizolte lJon
and David Jeff in his fifth singles nrateh in a ror^r 6-2r
straight sets iLe John Combias lost 6-3. Jeffrey won Summitrs other singLes
the first set tlren cane back strong vlctory 3-61 6-21 6-2. Combias and Fouts
in the ne-xt r winning 6-2t 6-2t lo iced the rnatch with a doubles victoryr
assure susait opening march victory,
Surnitrs othe vietory cane in tbe doubles Pingry, the onLy tealB to beat Surunit
as John Co1 and Jeff Fouts combinecl to became Summit's seventh shutout vietira
talce their na h in three sets by scores
of L-6, 6-2, 6-3.
of tire 19?2 tennis aeason. In this natch
Sumnit was out for total revenge and they
The tenn rean travered to Newark Ell.t'"il"lil:'LTi;,":15 ;H.::;""lll.u
Acadeny and cted to find a tough natbhou"y triurphs'in singles rihile the
but instead fo nd it quite easy anJ won doulles te.^arns of Combias and Bruce Atkin-
5-0, telring aJ. Elatches in st,raight sets. son and 0sborrp ard McBurnett p.ut the
Singl es v.t1re.,
ilct Kell7r matdh out of sighr,
LLsotte, ard -Pe_ier
rid Jef ft'3y" Irr doubles
the lrinners 3 tj,le team of Jeff l:louts -----*gp Bornheutter
and John Comb s by scores of. 7-5, 7-5t
and the team John Osborne and Kevin * * ** * *
Drummond 6-2r -3. \
/-./' ?ea-rqft,v Reeves 'wins seven gold raedals Nornt.g gre@ hat
l-n the Mont l O1.yzrpics. blood tests
197J-{.icky Carbone replaces Carol Or Lily.,
"Rcnal d. .. "
Connor on 'r, 1 in fhe Fami1y." [Itrs about thatrRonaidl
1978-Tea .ckergon ard Jane york receive ldattrs vinyL blooners
Tony awards for their performances in Scccer vs. Girlrs Hcckey Tear.:t
" tt Teen Angel and his gang
Jay Speco veaLs his secr"et pLat. I'Irm sorry the tiger has already been
1979-Liz Dt pod(ets ttre locket. sold to another poo."
Sarah Havi ndts art exhibit or_€ns at the "Room 209--Dig it."
Metropolita Art l'luseun. 'rl,ook at tiE.t girlrs p nts,"
1980*Don &le, after scoring I gi?s Froggy
in the Worl rrlsnrt that sr.teet?"
Cup, is forced out ofttre
game 'af ter
eirg stopped on-!*- - Wi1lie wigidgit
19BL*Tdrlr lck lecves his hflr to 'rRipleyts thc Phrump
BeLleve Lt IIottt Ituseuro. s 'We are f rom Central ard r^te axe the
1982--6.J. S. studart court \,Jins a case. best."
Loch Kelly ns an Oscar for his stirrirp . Tetc
portrait of Lancelot Linlr's girlfrierd, Kissy Ra Ra
bda. General
1985-I{o on nake a joke about Mrs.
s urrdr
^L^-1.'^ rre
Ililhelmr s te bots. 'fI vrant my pf,ayrtt
Sarah ltrorri is on tile, Ln^d f l dllf c