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WILI '}fr. Kenrper, Mr, Robertsr atd three
Liz Fistrer leaves Fred Derf to Mise coaches-Mr" Keeblerr Mr. DleLzr ard Ik,
Ericlcson. cottrel--Presented {wards in i,ie.'Jresdayrs
Jin Harte leaves the mrking- loi: to Awarc-]'s Assenhly'
the snoke c- 'r,'irs-', l!r'. KacbLer presented certif i-
Mr. Marekts 4th period class leaves cates to tiE rcmbers of his track teetl
hin hic lo+ narinA alrcc ani thcn L:v,: sep:cial auards, One went
Dave Luberoff Leaves Mrs. - Davis eie- to Dave l:"nnley for sa-ttir\g a IEw re-ccrd
rran rtrelro in ttre discus throw. Tbe .oiher award 'dent
I" QuerfeLdtrs 4th period class to Gr4lt DirrLim4n for scorirg ihe Elost
leanres heri a ditto r.achire. points in fr:eshnran tracli neets.
Kirsti Jutila leaves it to Beaver. Next cane I'lr. Di-etz r,rho presented
Ttro T.ichJ-irnlrqa crrff 'lonrrnq Mr certificates to.tle tennis tcan. Mr.
Connorrscott Schnipper, , Dietz tl'ren g€r,/e ei{l trophies" Tlre fi rst t
The gtir grarlers leave Ii;. Roberts f o:: i{cs t ;'/'tlilrbi e Playci t ue'n+- tG
ore .;;1 ying peanut br-rtter Davir-l Jeff :e)'. ':'ho- seccndr for }Iost
Dave Rosen leaves his r,rigr lnproved tl'tyer i"liet to Jeff Fcuts,
Debbie Cretsinger leavcs her bro- Mr. Cottrell' presented trophies to
therg to anyone r.irotl-L t&e tirerir. each nanber of ule c$-ehampion f;esharon
Lynn Kenaedy leaves $50 for i1 cor- basei:a11 tean' I\oo special alrards were
presented fcr bcst baLting avcrage ald
r-- ::.-
/4! dFt
6rsusda |,rf t n
"*"-.. "::-:::::--::l:^_-:^_ Kel1ey who ba$ed a new surnir
Connel Iy three books of green stanps for *r,aa*A anr rwirra+ (r!"5L9, t'e R.BI record
rsuvru' u!r(r L -,,sse,d
anoth€r Phillies patclt. by one as he drove in L8 rur'l'
l6ee. I^iil-helnlrs 5th period clarg -
leaves her one talking ei rins cabiner. *" i?*;i|?i tJtlr"S:;;.ili l,i,"iufn*
rhe Drar-n Club Leaves Mrs. cohn. ;;;";;";i;iJ Dresserl_Tyret 1
I4rs. I{oronczukts 5th period clags conr,ray and Liz""l"iu.*,; Most Ghy-Jay spe.r.ct>
Leaves her a coupon at MacDoneldrs ftE n.A crrn.t crnn6. pa^+ T*1i+^+-.- ^i l.fF
a drarce and ha-.rburger ro
T..rr rr T,nrrar Lr lrrEi'
'l o r,,^ a
,lh ; F +1 i 5 <
and Ragqecy /'ndr--llolly Penrrell arrd
The tvrcstlir€i teri.l 1es'es !lr. GecrEe.lofrn Urjor. Tlie hj_p,nl.ighl ..r1.. :l,cse swi.-rds
an A&P street figlriing manual ard l{r. ca'e r.rhne half of the .uditcrirrrrr stoori
Kisch one Gypsy Tea Ron.
rane yorr." Flerche, ;:"tff:*n ill"*:':;.$nJ",rtg;.tt'no'nt
leaves D.i.r,
an axel ilhe rest of the proijrirn was taken up
Sarah liorris leaves 1"h. Roberts her
bai-let ricrcet sbrbs and her ri*y atien- |,!ffil.tPiiiit$*Jl;.:Tffi;:;il:::Tfl"
'dance cardse nusic awar6s.
Terry Degradi leaves Nancy Sieben her
saddle shoes. __Skip Borrrhuetter
Bob l,iiller leaves Loch Ke1try tr,ro
RBIls. )r rk xx x
SiqreLdi leaves }lrs. Cohn a giggleo
Va1 iloesslo, Leslie Trone, and tfiItll IIID?IDGIT b'OUND:
Beth Maher lea'ze l4iss l(eybida 19 raath
booics, three worn-oLrt seatsr and three l,Iillie ilidgidgit, the elusive rnissing
tirecl brains. Bth grader, has been discovered in drama-
Sue Brighan leaves }irs. Bouchal a tic fashion. T.ast r.reek, te won the Ii].J.
silly. Lottery and is now one nillion doill.ars
l4r. Stoltzrs Tth pericd class lesves rieh*. i,trhe.n the '.rinnirg nunber 60346
hinr the Little iidn in the ginger ale was cal 1ed out l,lil1ie str:pped frr:n tle
machine. crowcl, pulling off the fake piastic
Jim Flan:rgan leavcs Mr. Diparisi a nosc a1ld sustachef, r.nd occepted tle prize.
bLovn chippie. He was inmediately surrouned by fifty
Sarah McNear leaves ik. Iee I screa., teenage fans, ten. FBI agents
tu-tu. .!nd l-{r. Ailred Estababan who roa.s loolcing
(More on crass c,r 1e72 insider) i::"'H"iiil:il ifi: ilyH:::T^;t";"H:
llhen . aslced how he would spend
/t\ .Fi.\ .,6\ noneir Willie erpiairr?d, "I!nr going to re-
/(J) t'!''/ (((r))
/f,4)) {UQ:/ buil<t a Vitcirg ship, trire sone vikings who
V \l' \7 have been in serni-fretiren3nt these last
fer,r years and invacle Greenland.r!

-{ *,-/_
s T&rr'{8 - L umph as a team while Drunnrond and OsborSs
glided ihrough natch to conplete
the win.
In tbeir irst roatch of the season
Columbia broice Suunritrs shutout streak
Summit beat unbia guite easily 4-1.
In the sing
matches, Peter Lizotte but was not able to stop the winning
beat their oDDonents
streak a,s Swirnit vton 5-2. lizolte lJon
and David Jeff in his fifth singles nrateh in a ror^r 6-2r
straight sets iLe John Combias lost 6-3. Jeffrey won Summitrs other singLes
the first set tlren cane back strong vlctory 3-61 6-21 6-2. Combias and Fouts
in the ne-xt r winning 6-2t 6-2t lo iced the rnatch with a doubles victoryr
assure susait opening march victory,
Surnitrs othe vietory cane in tbe doubles Pingry, the onLy tealB to beat Surunit
as John Co1 and Jeff Fouts combinecl to became Summit's seventh shutout vietira
talce their na h in three sets by scores
of L-6, 6-2, 6-3.
of tire 19?2 tennis aeason. In this natch
Sumnit was out for total revenge and they
The tenn rean travered to Newark Ell.t'"il"lil:'LTi;,":15 ;H.::;""lll.u
Acadeny and cted to find a tough natbhou"y triurphs'in singles rihile the
but instead fo nd it quite easy anJ won doulles te.^arns of Combias and Bruce Atkin-
5-0, telring aJ. Elatches in st,raight sets. son and 0sborrp ard McBurnett p.ut the
Singl es v.t1re.,
ilct Kell7r matdh out of sighr,
LLsotte, ard -Pe_ier
rid Jef ft'3y" Irr doubles
the lrinners 3 tj,le team of Jeff l:louts -----*gp Bornheutter
and John Comb s by scores of. 7-5, 7-5t
and the team John Osborne and Kevin * * ** * *
Drummond 6-2r -3. \

After wi ing their first two

matches r lost to a tough Pingry B/'SEtsALL TMM S:IARIS
team 3-2. Pe r lJzotte uon 6-1, 610, CONFEREI']CE CilAi"IPIOl:1f;;{IP
whiJ.e Jeff F s lost the first set,
11-13 15*tt ,, bael: etrrrnt{ to win the batting and pitching hero-
Led by the
next two 6-3r ics of Rob Ke1ley, Summit won their sea-
son opener over I'levt Providence 2-1.
Swrnit a shutout knocking off Kelley Ied Suscnitrs offensive attack by
DeLbarton of rristovrn 5-0. In the going 4 for 4 and driving in both of
-singles sata the winners' were Davl.d' Sunmitrs runs. He kept the Pioneers r^reIl
Jeffrey, John , and Jeff Fouts. in check rvith his pitching as he struck
Irr the dbubl matches the team of John ogit seven and.wllced. only two. The only
Osborne axl in Drr:tusond defeated extra base hit recorded was Jin Caporaso'o
thefr oppone s whiLe Gibby l4cCurdy double dovn the ieft field 1ine. ile
teanoed with L l"bBurnett for the last Later scored, {iumnitts first run.
yiillbuf,n in the houte
Sunnmit trimmed
Sumnrit their: third shutout opener as Bob l[i1ler gave up on].y 4 t]its
anl their fou vrin in five rnatches try for a shutout etin 1-0. The winning run
topping Bur by t','rc score of 5-0. came rvhen Frenlc Clancey bLooped a single
John Combias, Jeff Fouts, and Kevin to'right fie1d, L'aporaso drew a walk
Drrriirlcnd won ngles'natches" T-rre ind Ke1ley hit an infield fly. uillburn
dd -r,bLes tearnb of Gibby l"hCurdy and John erred and Calncy trotb d home.-
Osborne ard e team of Jefll I'
ALan Kaiser d d just as well to conp1ete Veronatopped Sunrnit 6-2 Ln tlre third
the shutout. gaue of the seaaonn Suurnit scored two
rirns in the first inning on a sacrifice
CaldweI 1 Slmnitrs fourht
became f1y by Bob l{iller, but wae limibed to
shutout vlct as CaLdwell lost alL but two slngles the ::est of the $ane"
one of L1 set in a 5-0 defeat. Peter
Lizotte, Loch Kel1y, and Dave Jeffr:ey Sonre great pitching by Bob Mi11er and
combine<i to n 36 out of tl,e 43 ganes a sixth ir,ning ra11y helped Suumit past
played in si es" In ti e doubles, Cedar Grove 4-2 Lrt the eighth game of the
Jeff Fouts .Iohn Osborne won in three season. MiLler pitched 6 2,/3 innings of
sets '.^:hile IlcBurnett arrd l(,evin gcoreJ.esE ball before being scored upon
Drunrnond r'ron n t!ro. but by then it vtas just too late for Cedar
Grove. Bob limited the oPposition to 4
Sunmit up with their fourth hits i,ririle fanning 9 batters. All Suuunitrs
shutout in a ow and their sixth victory scoring cane in t-ne sixth inning as they
Ln seven oecj. icns, l,izot te, I(el11', put 10 rEn up to the plate. Rob Ke11ey
ard Jeffrey ntinoed to dominate singles had anotter exeeLlent day at the plate
.pompelition. Sunudt cor.rpleted the vic- as he went ti,ro for threet s]-amning a
ory with ias and Fouts and Osborne double to tre ft and a iriple to right.
nd Jim in the doubLes"
Tn t-he terlth dame of the season Mi1I-
Surmoit i-uewashed Newarlc Acadeny burn walloped Sunmrit 11-2.It \,ias Surmitrs
lor the sec time this seasonc Lizotte, worst ilefeat of the season. (continued.)
ielly, and Je frey lron singLes. Cornbias
nd Fouts ned fo: their se.-ond tri-
! -lrllP


/-./' ?ea-rqft,v Reeves 'wins seven gold raedals Nornt.g gre@ hat
l-n the Mont l O1.yzrpics. blood tests
197J-{.icky Carbone replaces Carol Or Lily.,
"Rcnal d. .. "
Connor on 'r, 1 in fhe Fami1y." [Itrs about thatrRonaidl
1978-Tea .ckergon ard Jane york receive ldattrs vinyL blooners
Tony awards for their performances in Scccer vs. Girlrs Hcckey Tear.:t
" tt Teen Angel and his gang
Jay Speco veaLs his secr"et pLat. I'Irm sorry the tiger has already been
1979-Liz Dt pod(ets ttre locket. sold to another poo."
Sarah Havi ndts art exhibit or_€ns at the "Room 209--Dig it."
Metropolita Art l'luseun. 'rl,ook at tiE.t girlrs p nts,"
1980*Don &le, after scoring I gi?s Froggy
in the Worl rrlsnrt that sr.teet?"
Cup, is forced out ofttre
game 'af ter
eirg stopped on-!*- - Wi1lie wigidgit
19BL*Tdrlr lck lecves his hflr to 'rRipleyts thc Phrump
BeLleve Lt IIottt Ituseuro. s 'We are f rom Central ard r^te axe the
1982--6.J. S. studart court \,Jins a case. best."
Loch Kelly ns an Oscar for his stirrirp . Tetc
portrait of Lancelot Linlr's girlfrierd, Kissy Ra Ra
bda. General
1985-I{o on nake a joke about Mrs.
s urrdr
^L^-1.'^ rre
Ililhelmr s te bots. 'fI vrant my pf,ayrtt
Sarah ltrorri is on tile, Ln^d f l dllf c

19B4*A omi us year. Jay SPerco gets Eagle Beak

elected Pre ident of the IJ.S.A. a:iter !'lartha
running posed, I
1 985--The ierit Greek Society declares 14tr. Boyerts unicyele
I4rs, Cohn e 6 vu. Retep Xin
1986- Bob 11er gets a rrBrt arKl has a the old audit,:rium
heart att Mr. Lfeadfs "Dontt Panic,rt
Freshnran bal I teamrs gift fcrr Coadl writi ng out the Etar Spangled Banner
George and ch Dietz finally arrires. the Wall<-a-Thon
1987*James Wynran joins Alcoholir. s A working clock
Anonynous. "Shers over forty, she probably
Greg Stei user ld.ves up to one of his snol.€ s r
Our 7th grade Christuras dance
I988 *B ahbi neets Godzill a. June 161 L972?
5ar'laLcmiba snoles a cigarette without
burning flre r ^^F ^A l-.'[u ^ rLLw
*^t. +L
Lrr . i
\ 't (
198 9*Caro1 Kizziars, Dave Rocents, ard '
Le$lie Hu rs hair straighten o:t. T}IE RETUR}I OF' SIXTIES' NGTAI.GIAT
199g__t{r. ronuler wiru Giant elalom in 'trrri'(l
Wints 01 llere rve arc again rith nore questions
L99l*Jares Sturn narries Becky Sinden. about sirtiesr trivia. 1{o answers are
Bob MiLler 1ds on to a TD pass. provided, o! murse,
8021701 A. J.Hr S. is e).cavatedr lr Who was llorten Nork?
Fourd ! -S.
n ns-rbers of K-CLub sti1l 2. What were the nanEs of ghe tl^D
waitirg; brief case marlted. C.tI.1 fish on the Diver Dan Show?
one Nari he t; a tray of fozziLized 3. Who I'las Capta'.n Kangero:rs side-
hanburgers, sar.€. as ever; a bowl of ri ce .t,tclc I
pudding; o glant rabbit i{arvcy; 4, i{hat did Miss Louise say r.fren she
ore c€nera, and ore. universal gyn, sar.r throrgh the 1-ooking glass?
5. tr{hat channel were Ton Terrific
and l4anfred the l, Dog on?
6. What was Tontors horsers nane?
liglrthou se 7. Na:,e Dorna Reedrc childreu.
I, What r.ras Beaverrs brotherrs nare?
rnhuetter - tobie stanger -
slrip 9. llhat was the brand nahe of the
garah. nc'
- scott schnipper - sarah carro;s of the Sandy Becker Shovr?
norcig - baba hamilt6n - jake 1evine _
drarlie ni Ler - sally taylorr $UPER SONUS 9TUMPER:
Tho tirouse vrishcs everyore a 10. Wllat \.ras tire nane of the Frcnch
ha"ppy su r. to the C10ss
Good 1uc['" couple in lrlarner Brothers cartoor$?
of 1972 a , for the rest of you out
there, see you in Septanber.".or October ---Tobie Stanger
-. r. r.orr. . .
answers to sports qurg!
_/\= .,S 1. Highlanders.
?{ t'ri, ./.,
u\ fi:,'iti
v f.,l 2. tr'lalt Dropo and Pinlcy l{iggins.
3r Minnesota.
4. Bergen.
E rrLL|+
Dr- aLrrra
buurg r'-
rrf, aLeS.
their conference
Summlt arlvanced
record to 5 wins and 4 losses on a good
pitchirg effort by Rob Kelley and a well GOI.DOI'E t S SERVANflOF TWO MASTERS
balanced offensive attack. Sumr:rit started
off earLy as they came up \"rith three runs
in the seeond inning when Kelley singled I.le turn back the pages of tine nonr to
to 1aft, Dave llensler got on and Steve fifteenth century Venice. The towns-
Huttel €ingled to left to drive in a runr people are making ready for an acting
Then, with a nan on second and two outs, troupe, and the shor begins--S"gg! 0e
Jay Spereo clubbed a single into center Two Masters,, written by Carlo Goldoni
field to give Sunnit their thircl run and about 500 years ago.
the 1ead. Suffnitrs final talliescanre in The play has re-lritten (Sng1ish
the last tvo innings as Hensler and Frank lersion by Edward J. Dent), re-cast, anil
Clancey drove in runs. perfomed again this season at the
Surmit ft. Hidh Schml.
Sumrnit bats wolce up in the sixth The perforrnbnce followed the tradition
inning against Springfielcl when the of "commedia.del arter'r and ltalian version
bonbers sent L3 nlen to the plate (L2 of the Englistr Shakespearian theatre. The
reaching safely in a row), scored seven pLay gives en air of orignality. Tire
runs, and collected eight hits. one of stage ttbecane'r Renaissance Venirce, with a
the highllghts of ttre gane cane when marvelous backdrop and flats painted by
Suimit tried the er:icide squeeze play Terry Dagradi, and a great patchr.tork cur-
with the bases loaded and no outs and tain. Sentimental canals and banana boatg
Jay Sperco laid down a per€ect bunt to were included in the setiling. The actirg
score the charging Dave HensLer from troupe brough 1n ali propsr scenery, and
third. Then Bob Owen followed with a costur€s with then the aisles. There
single to center to drive in 2 rl1ns, was cpnfusion, a si'rri11 wtlistler and on
Clancy singled, Caporaso d.rove ina run ttre stage began a narvelous interpretation
and Bob lliiler singled to center. Rob of Goldonits Renaissance lta1y.
Kelley \tas ne!.t up and with the bases 1o The plav indudee two sets of loverst
Loaded he valloped a long hit to score a couple of doddering oLd fathers-in-La$rt
three runs. That ra11y comPleEed the a fat innkeeper, a rirai.d, and a misehievoue
seoring 9-2. little harLequin who titLes the play.
Directing was l4rs. Judith Cohnr who did
Summit traveled to Caildwell to try a iragfrificent job, She siadr rrl chose
to cut Calc1we11ts first place lead to one the plery because it seeEed right fcn
and a half garaes andrdue to some great junior high students.'l
pitching aod tough defenser Sursnit han- Making their debut in the show busi-
dled Caldr.rell easilyr lr-]. Sperco and ness r,rorl.d r^rere Beeky Sinden and George
Ke1.Ley conbined for six of Sunrnitrs eight Butler as the all-tinre
lwersr Jane York
hits and three RBIrs out of four to spark and Steve i,Iegner as cot-trting teenagerst
the attack. Kelley a,lso pitched one'of Jim Hart'e and Jin Wyman in the fat}terly
the best garnes of the season, yieLding rotre s, l(ate Henson as innkeepert iSarah
onLy three hits and four waEks., Norrie as tte sexy maidr and Ted Nidser-
son in the starring ro1e, wearing a
Surnmit put together sone good bright red clown suit.
hitting, good defenee and sone great The cast plans to give a dror: for Lhe
pitching to wallop first place Madison chiLdr"en aL Overlook Hospital. "It was
6-0. Bob Miller came about as close as so much funrtr saidr assistant director
anyone can come to pitching a perfect Sarah Mcl{earl itwe want to do itover ard
over tt
game as he gave up onLy one hitr did not .
walk a man, fanned eight Madison batterst .W. FLetcher
and allowed only two men to reach bage.
Sumnit got all tire runs they. need.ed in
the first inning as they loaded the bases Tl{E SPORTS Qirrz rc '1}-D
f or Kelley who deli';erecl as usual r.rith a ALL SPORTS QUTZZES
single to left. liensler and Dirk I-eisher
ea,ch followed with sacrifice fliea for Anyore able to answer nore than three
fr.t^ mn?6 rrr nQ
of tle follo.ring questiono tlithort
cheating s is henceforth classified a
Sumnii: cane one gtep closer to a sports trivia expert.
Suburbsn Conference Championship when
they !sa.1 Cedar Grove 11-3. Mike CLoss 1. W\st was the naen of i'ier'r Yorkrs
supplied his leanr with all the runs they first A.L. franchise?
needed as he drove home four runs. 2. Nar,e the two rnen r,rho hit socc@ss-
fu11y i-n 12 straight turns ot batr
Surnmit ccrrbined hitding and fieiding 3. Where did the Pi-tsburg Condors
to beat Springf,ield and finish in a tie play the one season they didntt play in
for first in tle conference. The hitting D1'f f 6hrrrd?
Btars of the gane vere Dirk Leisher who 4. In rdrat ounty did Jin Bouton run
had an under the fence hone run, Steve for cleleliate to the Dqlocratic convention?
Huettel who hit a triple and Dave Hensler 5e What tean faced the New Yorli
sho had two hits and three RBIrs. Giants baseball- tean the last tine they
pLayed in l'lew ?oric? (ansners pap 4.)
*-Skip Bornheutter
--Scott Schnipper

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