Pnge 450

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PNGE 450

Formation Evaluation

Catalog Description: Various well logging methods and related calculations with exercises in
interpretation of data from actual well logs.

1. EE 221 or Consent: Electrical Engineering
2. PNGE 310: Drilling Engineering

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

1. Familiarization to log curves and reading them.

2. Formation Temp. derivation and Rw estimation
3. Recognition of formation responses on GR, SP, .. logs
4. Application of Sonic logs
5. Deriving porosity from Neutron and Density logs and lithology from cross plots
6. Applying ARP’s law and estimating water saturation from Resistivity logs
7. Correction for shaly sand formations
8. Introduction to routine lab experiments for formation evaluation

Instructor: Mehrdad Zamirian, 325D Mineral Resources Building

Textbook: Bateman, Richard M., Openhole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation, SPE,
An Electronic Copy of the Course Notes is available on eCampus.

Chartbook: Free Download from Schlumberger website by registration.

PNGE 450
Formation Evaluation

• Week 1 Introduction
• Week 2 SP Log
• Week 3 GR Log
• Week 4 Resistivity Log
• Week 5 Aucostic Log
• Week 6 Density & Neutron Logs
• Week 7 Mid-Term Exam
• Week 8 Porosity, Cross Plots, & Lithology
• Week 9 Intro. to PETRA
• Week 10 Shaly Sands
• Week 11 Class Examples
• Week 12, 13 Petrophysics
• Week 14 Final Exam

• (Pop) Quizzes (Open/Closed book) 10%
• Project 35%
• Mid-term Exam (Closed Book) 25%
• Final Exam (Comprehensive & Closed Book) 30%

Final Grade** 100%

** All students are REQUIRED to watch the plagiarism avoidance tutorial available on e-campus, and take the
PLAGIRISM QUIZ by the beginning of the 2nd class session. Failing to take the quiz by the due date will result in 1%
deduction from the Final Grade for each day delay up to 10% of the Final Grade.

Grading Scale:

• A: 87-100 • D: 60-64.99
• B: 77-86.99 • F: < 60
• C: 65-76.99
PNGE 450
Formation Evaluation
Attendance Policy
• Class attendance is mandatory unless excused in advance or in the case of a documented
legitimate emergency.
• Students who are absent from class for any reason are responsible for all missed work.
• Students who miss a quiz or an exam will not be permitted to make it up.
• Make‐up exam will be given only when there is an excused absence.

Days of Special Concern:

• WVU recognizes the diversity of its students and the needs of those who wish to be absent
from class to participate in Days of Special Concern, which are listed in the schedule of
• Students should notify their instructors by the end of the second week of classes regarding
Day of Special Concern observances that will affect their attendance.
• Reasonable accommodation will be made for missed Quizzes or Exams as a result of
observing a Day of Special Concern.

Classroom Conduct:
• You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner while in this class.
• Be on time. Do not enter the classroom after the class has started.
• Attend to any personal needs (drink, restroom, phone calls, etc.) prior to class time.
• Do not return to class if you have to leave the class for any reason.
• While in the class, everyone is expected to remove their hats and sunglasses, put away the
newspaper, refrain from eating and drinking, and turn off cell phones.
• Bring your notes, paper, ruler, and a calculator to the class.

Please do not force the instructor to remind you that you should behave in a professional manner.

Course Policies:
• Assignments must be submitted ONLY online in MS Office doc(x) format.
• Assignments submitted in the office, via email, or placed in the mail box is not accepted.
• Late homework/project will not be accepted.
• For assignments, tables and plots created in the excel file MUST be original NOT the
screen shot. Otherwise, the grade for the assignment is ZERO.
• In case of an excused absence, the assignment must be submitted prior to the due.
• Zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, copying …). ANY
kind of academic dishonesty act will result in grade of “F” in the course and will be
reported to the University for taking proper action(s). Students with prior academic
dishonesty records would be recommended for “UF”.
PNGE 450
Formation Evaluation
Exam Policies:
• Mid-Term and Final Exam are closed book.
• Students are allowed to bring a single A4 size hand written cheat sheet (front and back)
including ONLY the required formulas.
• The cheat sheet MUST be submitted with the exam paper.
• No electric devices that has Wi-Fi or blue tooth capability is allowed during the exams.
• The calculator must be in compliance with NCEES calculator policy.
• The logging charts will be provided to the students.
• Students should bring 2 pencils, an eraser, and a ruler with them for the exam. Students
are not allowed to borrow anything from other students during the exam.

WVU Social Justice Statement

West Virginia University is committed to social justice. I concur with that commitment and
expect to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication, mutual
respect, and non‐discrimination. Our university does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex,
age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin. Any suggestion
as to how to further such a positive open environment in this class will be appreciated and given
serious consideration.
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to
participate in this class, please advise me and make appropriate arrangement with Disability
Services (293‐6700).

WVU Academic Integrity Statement

The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the foundation of its
mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant fraud. Therefore, I will
enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and assignments of this
For the detailed policy of West Virginia University regarding the definitions of acts considered to
fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing sanctions, please see the Student Conduct
Code at:

Should you have any questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any
other activity that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see me before
the assignment is due to discuss the matter.

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