Marriage Settlements
Marriage Settlements
Marriage Settlements
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
General Provisions
the last paragraph of the preceding
TheProperty Regime
foregoing of forfeiture
rules in Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
likewise apply even if both parties are in
bad faith.
Art 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Art 116. All property acquired during the
Chapter or in the marriage settlements, marriage, whether the acquisition appears
the community property shall consist of to have been made, contracted or
— — —
all the property owned by the spouses at registered in the name of one or both
the time of the celebration of the spouses, is presumed to be conjugal unless
marriage or acquired thereafter. the contrary is proved.
Art 92. The following shall be excluded Art 117. The following are conjugal — — —
from the community property: partnership properties:
3. Property, fruits, and income acquired 3. The fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due
before the marriage by either spouse or received during the marriage from the
— — —
who has legitimate descendants by a common property, as well as the net fruits
former marriage from the exclusive property of each spouse
What Constitutes
Property Regime of Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
5. All taxes and expenses for 5. All taxes and expenses for preservation — — —
preservation upon the separate property upon the separate property of each spouse
of each spouse used by the family used by the family
6. Expenses to commence or complete a 6. Expenses to commence or complete a
professional or vocational course, or professional or vocational course, or other — — —
other activity for self-improvement activity for self-improvement
7. Antenuptial debts insofar as they have 7. Antenuptial debts insofar as they have — — —
redounded to the benefit of the family redounded to the benefit of the family
Art 95. Whatever may be lost during the Art 123. Whatever may be lost during the
marriage in any game of chance, betting, marriage in any game of chance, betting,
sweepstakes, or any other kind of sweepstakes, or any other kind of gambling,
gambling, whether permitted or whether permitted or prohibted by law,
— — —
prohibted by law, shall be borne by the shall be borne by the loser and shall not be
loser and shall not be charged to the charged to the community but any
community but any winnings shall form winnings shall form part of the community
part of the community property. property.
Property Regime of Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
Art 96. Administration and enjoyment Art 124. Administration and enjoyment
shall belong to both spouses jointly. In shall belong to both spouses jointly. In case
case of of disagreement, the husband’s of of disagreement, the husband’s decision
decision shall prevail subject to recourse shall prevail subject to recourse to the
to the court by the wife for a proper court by the wife for a proper remedy
remedy which must be availed of within which must be availed of within five years
five years from the date of the contract from the date of the contract implementing
implementing such decision. such decision.
In the event that one spouse is In the event that one spouse is
incapacitated or unable to participate in incapacitated or unable to participate in the
the administration, the other spouse may administration, the other spouse may
assume sole powers of administration. assume sole powers of administration.
— — —
These powers do not include disposition These powers do not include disposition
and encumbrance without the authority and encumbrance without the authority of
of the court or the written consent of the the court or the written consent of the
other spouse. In the absence of such, other spouse. In the absence of such,
disposition and encumbrance shall be disposition and encumbrance shall be void.
Ownership, void. However, the transaction shall be However, the transaction shall be
Administration, construed as a continuing offer on the construed as a continuing offer on the part
Enjoyment and part of of the consenting spouse and the of of the consenting spouse and the third
Disposition third lerson, and may be perfected as a lerson, and may be perfected as a binding
binding contract upon the acceptance by contract upon the acceptance by the other
the other spouse or authorization by the spouse or authorization by the court before
court before the offer is withdrawn by the offer is withdrawn by either or both
either or both offerors. offerors.
Art 98. Neither spouse may donate any Art 125. Neither spouse may donate any
community property without the consent community property without the consent
of the other. However, either spouse of the other. However, either spouse may
— — —
may without consent make moderate without consent make moderate donations
donations for charity or on accasions of for charity or on accasions of family
family rejoicing or family distress rejoicing or family distress
Art 99. The absolute community Art 126. The absolute community — — —
terminates: terminates:
1. Upon the death of either spouse 1. Upon the death of either spouse — — —
2. When there is decree of legal — — —
separation 2. When there is decree of legal separation
3. When the marriage is annulled or 3. When the marriage is annulled or — — —
declared void declared void
4. In case of judicial separation of 4. In case of judicial separation of property
property during the marriage under during the marriage under Articles 134 to — — —
Articles 134 to 138 138
Property Regime of Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
Art 100. The separation in fact shall not Art 127. The separation in fact shall not — — —
affect the regime except that: affect the regime except that:
1. The spouse who leaves the conjugal 1. The spouse who leaves the conjugal
home or refuses to leave therein, home or refuses to leave therein, without
— — —
without just cause, shall have no right to just cause, shall have no right to be
be supported supported
The obligations to the fanily mentioned The obligations to the fanily mentioned in
the preceeding paragraph refer to marital,
in the preceeding paragraph refer to parental or property relations. — — —
marital, parental or property relations.
A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the
A spouse is deemed to have abandoned
other when he or she left the conjugal
the other when he or she left the
dwelling without any intention of returning
conjugal dwelling without any intention
The spouse who has left the conjogual
of returning The spouse who has left the
home for a period of three months or has
conjogual home for a period of three
failed within the same period to give any
months or has failed within the same
information as to his or her whereabouts
period to give any information as to his shall be prima facie presumed to have no
or her whereabouts shall be prima facie
intention of returning to the conjugal
presumed to have no intention of
returning to the conjugal dwelling.
Art 102. Upon dissolution, the following Art 129. Upon dissolution, the following
— — —
procedure shall apply: procedure shall apply:
Property Regime of Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property
1. An inventory shall be prepared, listing 1. An inventory shall be prepared, listing
separately all the properties of the separately all the properties of the conjugal
— — —
absolute community and the exclusive partnership and the exclusive property of
property of each spouse each spouse
2. The debts and obligations of the 4. The debts and obligations of the absolute
absolute community shall be paid out of conjugal partnership shall be paid out of
its assets. In case of insufficiency, the the conjugal assets. In case of insufficiency,
spouses shall be solidarily liable for the the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the — — —
unpaid balance with their separate unpaid balance with their separate
properties in accordance with the properties in accordance with the
provisions of second paragraph of Article provisions of second paragraph of Article
94. 121.
6. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the 9. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the
Liquidation parties, the conjugal dwelling and the lot parties, the conjugal dwelling and the lot on
on which it is situated shall be which it is situated shall be adjudicated to
adjudicated to the spouse with whom the spouse with whom the majority of the
the majority of the common children common children choose to remain.
choose to remain. Children below 7 years Children below 7 years old deeme to have — — —
old deeme to have chosen the mother chosen the mother unless the court decide
unless the court decide otherwise. In otherwise. In case there is no such majority,
case there is no such majority, the court the court shall decided taking into
shall decided taking into consideration consideration the best interests of said
the best interests of said children. children.
Property Regime of Unions Without
Section Absolute Community Conjugal Partnership of Gains Separation of Property Regime of Separation of Property