Chapter 3. Form of Contracts
Chapter 3. Form of Contracts
Chapter 3. Form of Contracts
Chapter 3
FORM OF CONTRACTS Exceptions: When Form Is Indispensable
The above rule that contracts may
be entered into in any form is not
Art. 1356. Contracts shall be obligatory, absolute. The second sentence of
in whatever form they may have been Article 1356 states that “when the
entered into, provided all the essential law requires that a contract be in
requisites for the validity are present. some form in order that it may be
However, when the law requires that a valid or enforceable, or that a
contract be in some form in order that it contract be proved in a certain way,
may be valid or enforceable, or that a that requirement is absolute and
contract be proved in a certain way, that indispensable.”
requirement is absolute and There are three (3) groups of
indispensable. In such cases, the right contracts where the requirement of
of the parties stated in the following form is absolute and indispensable:
article cannot be exercised. 1. Those contracts which
require a certain form for the
purpose of proving their
General Rule: No Form Required validity; and
2. Those contracts which
As a rule, no form is required in
require a certain form for the
order to make the contract binding
purpose of proving their
and effective between the parties
existence in order to be
thereto. This much is clear in the first
enforceable between the
sentence of Article 1356 which
states that “contracts shall be
3. Those contracts which
obligatory, in whatever form they
require a certain form, not for
may have been entered into,
the purpose of making the
provided all the essential requisites
contract valid and
for the validity are present.”
enforceable between the
In effect, what the first sentence of
parties, but simply for greater
Article 1356 is saying is that once a
efficacy or convenience or for
contract if perfected, it is, as rule,
the purpose of making the
contract effective as against
As a consequence of this rule, a
third persons.
contract may either be orally or in
writing and, if entered into in writing,
it may either be in a private or public
document. Form for Validity
In general, a certain form may be In this group of contracts, the law
prescribed by law for any of the expressly declares the contract to be
following purposes: void or invalid of the formality
1. Validity – its non- required by law is not complied with.
observance renders the The following are the contracts
contract void and of no which require a certain form for the
effect. purpose of their validity:
2. Enforceability – non- 1. Donation of personal
compliance therewith will not property exceeding Php
permit, upon the objection of 5,000.00 in value;
a party, the contract, 2. Donation of real property;
although otherwise valid, to 3. Donation proper nuptias;
be proved or enforced by 4. Contract of partnership when
action. real property is contributed to
3. Greater efficacy or the capital;
convenience – if not done, 5. Sale of parcel of land or any
would not adversely affect interest therein by an agent;
the validity or enforceability 6. Contract of antichresis;
of the contract between the 7. Sale or transfer of large
contracting parties cattle;
themselves. 8. Chattel mortgage contract;
The law further requires that the Contract of Partnership Where Real
acceptance must be made in the Property Is Contributed to the Capital
same deed of donation or in a
separate public document. If the A contract of partnership is defined
acceptance is mot embodied in a by law as one where two or more
public instrument, the donation shall persons bind themselves to
also be void. contribute, money, property, or
industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits
among themselves.
Requirement of Notification and Notation In order to constitute a partnership, it
Title to immovable property does not must be established that:
pass from the donor to the done by 1. Two or more persons bound
virtue of a deed of donation until and themselves to contribute
unless it has been accepted in public money, property, or industry
instrument and the donor duly to a common fund; and
notifies thereof. 2. They intended to divide the
It is necessary that formal notice profits among themselves.
thereof be given to the donor, and The agreement need not be formally
the fact that due notice has been reduced in writing, since statute
given must be noted in both allows the oral constitution of a
instruments (that containing the offer partnership, save in two instances, a
to donate and that showing of public instrument is required:
acceptance). 1. When immovable property or
Where the deed of donation fails to real rights are contributed;
show the acceptance, or where the and
formal notice of the acceptance, 2. When the partnership has a
made in a separate instrument, is capital of three thousand
either not given to the donor or else pesos or more.
not noted in the deed of donation Whenever immovable property is
and in the separate acceptance, the contributed to the partnership as
donation is null and void. capital, it is required that there must
be an inventory of said property,
signed by the parties, and attached
to the public instrument.
Donation Proper Nuptias
Donations by reason of marriage or
donations proper nuptias are those Agency to Sell Land or Any Interest
which are made before its Therein
celebration, in consideration of the
same, and in favor of one or both of If the sale of parcel of land or any
the future spouses. interest therein is made through an
For a donation to be considered a agent, the law requires that the
donation proper nuptias, the authority of the agent must be in
following requisites must be present: writing. Thus, in Article 1874, it
1. It must be made before the states “When a sale of piece of land
celebration of marriage; or interest therein is through an
2. It must be made in agent, the authority of the latter
consideration of the must be in writing; otherwise the
marriage; and sale shall be void.”
3. It must be made in favor of If the authority of the agent is not in
one or both of the future writing, the law declares the sale of
spouses. the land belonging to the principal to
In this kind of donation, it is essential be void and not merely
that the donee or donees be either unenforceable.
of the future spouses or both of With respect to the sale of a parcel
them, although the donor may either of land, the law does not require any
be one of the future spouses or a form for its validity, although under
third person. the Statue of Frauds the sale is
required to be in writing for the
purpose of making the sale
Marriage Settlement
Qualification of the Rule
The Family Code requires that
marriage settlements and any When the sale is made by auction
modifications thereof shall be in and entry is made by the auctioneer
writing but it did not provide if such in his sales book, at the time of the
formality is not allowed. sale, of the amount and kind of
property sold price, names of the
purchasers and person on whose
Donation Proper Nuptias account the sale is made, it is
considered as sufficient
While donation proper nuptias are memorandum, in which case, the
contracts in consideration of a sale is enforceable between the
marriage, they are not governed by purchaser and the person on whose
the Statue of Frauds with respect to account the sale is made
their formalities. notwithstanding the absence of their
Instead, donations proper nuptias signatures in the auctioneer’s sales
are governed by the formalities book.
required in ordinary donations
pursuant to the provisions of Articles
748 and 749 in relation to Article 83.
Exception to the Rule
If the buyer accepts an receives part
Mutual Promise to Marry of the goods and chattels or pays at
the time some part of the purchase
A promise to marry is not covered by money, the transaction is taken out
the Statue of Frauds. An oral of the Statue of Frauds under the
promise of marriage can be proved doctrine of partial performance.
by parol evidence.
While, as a rule, a breach of promise
to marry per se is not an actionable
Leasing for More Than a Year and Sale of
wrong, there are instances where
Real Property
such oral promise is necessary in
actions for recovery of damages. Not all agreements affecting and
must be put in writing to attain
enforceability. Under the Statue of
Sales of Goods, Chattels or Things in Frauds, Article 1403 (2) (e), such
Action formality is only required contracts
involving leases for longer than one
A contract for the sale of goods, year, or for the sale of real property
chattels or things in action for a price or of an interest therein.
of Php 500.00 or more must be in
writing to be enforceable under the
Statue of Frauds.
Lease of Realty for Longer Period Than
The requirement of the Statute can
One Year
be satisfied, however, either by
having the contract itself in writing, Statue of Frauds requires that the
or by having a subsequent written contracts lease over real property be
memorandum of the oral agreement. in writing or be in some note or
Sale of Realty
Under the Statue of Frauds,
however, a sale of real property or Agreement to Pay Monetary Interest
any interest therein, to be
enforceable, is required to be in The law requires that the agreement
writing and signed by the party to pay monetary interest must be
against whom the contract is being express and in writing. On this
enforced. score, Article 1956 provides. “No
interest shall be due unless it has
been expressly stipulated in writing.”
Payment of monetary interest is
Representations As to Credit of Third allowed only if:
Persons 1. There was an express
To bring the case within the stipulation for the payment of
operation of the Statute of Frauds, interest; and
the representation must have been 2. The agreement for the
made by a stranger to the contract in payment of interest was
which credit was extended, or as reduced in writing.
otherwise stated, the representation Collection of interest without any
must relate to third person’ credit. stipulation therefor in writing is
prohibited by law.
While the creditor may not legally
compel the debtor to pay monetary
Express Trust Over Immovable or Any
interest pursuant to an oral
Interest Therein
agreement for its payment, should
Express trusts are created by the debtor decide to voluntarily pay
intention of the trustor or of the the same, the creditor is
parties. nevertheless authorized to retain the
These express trusts are those payment.
which are created by the direct and
positive acts of the parties, by some
writing or deed, or will, or by words Art. 1357. If the law requires a document
either expressly or impliedly evincing or other special form, as in the acts and
an intention to create a trust, contracts enumerated in the following
although no particular words are articles, the contracting parties may
required for its creation, it being compel each other to observe that form,
sufficient that a trust is clearly once the contract has been perfected.
intended. This right may be exercised
An express trust concerning an simultaneously with the action upon the
immovable r any interest therein contract.
cannot be proved by parol evidence.
It must be proven by some writing or
deed. Remedy Granted Under Article 1357:
Right to Compel Each Other to Observe
Required Form
Under Article 1357, its enforceability All other contracts where the
is recognized as each contracting amount involved exceeds Five hundred
party is granted the right to compel pesos must appear in writing, even a
the other to execute the proper private one. But sales of good, chattels,
public instrument so that the valid or things in action are governed by
contract of sale can be duly Article 1403, No. 2 and 1405.
registered and can bind third
Form For Greater Efficacy or
Convenience: Purpose and Effect of
Requisites for Exercise of Right Under Form in Article 1358
Article 1357
There are certain contracts which
Before the remedy under Article are provided to be in a public
1357 can be availed of, it is required document under Article 1358.
that the contract between parties However, the requirement of a public
must have been perfected first and document is not for the validity or
that it is already valid and enforceability of the contract but only
enforceable as to form. Article 1357 for its greater efficacy or
says that the remedy therein convenience or to bind third
provided us available only “once the persons.
contract has been perfected.”
In order for said remedy to be Contracts Required to be in Public
exercised, it is necessary that the Document for Convenience
following requisites must concur: 1. Acts and contracts which have for
1. The contract us perfected; their object the creation,
2. It is valid as to form; and transmission, modification or
3. It is also enforceable under extinguishment of real rights over
the Statute of Frauds. immovable property; sales of real
Thus, when a contract is enforceable property or of an interest therein are
under the Statute of Frauds, and a governed by Article 1403, No. 2 and
public document is necessary for its 1405;
registration in the Registry of Deeds, 2. The cession, repudiation or
the parties may avail themselves of renunciation of hereditary rights or
the right under Article 1357. those of conjugal partnership of
3. The power to administer property, or
Art. 1358. The following must appear in a any other power which has for its
public document: object an act appearing or which
should appear in a public document,
1. Acts and contracts which have or should prejudice a third person;
for their object the creation, 4. The cession of actions or rights
transmission, modification or proceeding from an act appearing in
extinguishment of real rights over a public document.
immovable property; sales of real
property or of an interest therein
are governed by Article 1403, No.
2 and 1405; Contracts Required to be in Writing
2. The cession, repudiation or Under Article 1358
renunciation of hereditary rights The last paragraph of Article 1358
or those of conjugal partnership requires that “all other contracts
of gains; where the amount involved exceeds
3. The power to administer property, Five hundred pesos must appear in
or any other power which has for writing, even a private one. But
its object an act appearing or sales of good, chattels, or things in
which should appear in a public action are governed by Article 1403,
document, or should prejudice a No. 2 and 1405.”
third person; The writing required in the last
4. The cession of actions or rights paragraph is merely for convenience
proceeding from an act appearing and not for the purpose of validity
in a public document. and enforceability.