Chapter 5. Interpretation of Contracts
Chapter 5. Interpretation of Contracts
Chapter 5. Interpretation of Contracts
Principle of Effectiveness
The principle of effectiveness is Art. 1375. Words which may have
basic in contract interpretation: different signification shall be
where two interpretations of the understood in that which is most in
same contract language are keeping with the nature and object of the
possible, one interpretation having contract.
the effect of rendering the contract
meaningless, while the other
interpretation would give effect to the In Keeping With Nature and Object of
contract as a whole, the latter Contract
interpretation must be adopted.
The principle is embodied in Article According to Article 1375, “words
1373 which reads, “If some which may have different
stipulation of any contract should signification shall be understood in
admit of several meanings, it shall that which is most in keeping with
be understood as bearing that the nature and object of the
import which is most adequate to contract.”
render it effectual.” As such, it is the duty of the courts to
place a practical and realistic
construction upon it, giving due
consideration to the context in which
Art. 1374. The various stipulations of it is negotiated and the purpose
contract shall be interpreted together, which it is intended to serve.
attributing to the doubtful ones that
sense which may result from all of them
taken jointly.
Art. 1376. The usage or custom of the parties, the contract shall be null and
place shall borne in mind in the void.
interpretation of ambiguities of a
contract, and shall fill the omission of
stipulations which are ordinarily In Case of Impossibility to Settle Doubts
established. By Other Rules
When it is absolutely impossible to
Usage or Customs settle doubts by the rules
established in the preceding articles,
Under Article 1376, “the usage or the following rules shall be
custom of the place shall borne in observed:
mind in the interpretation of 1. If the doubts refer to
ambiguities of a contract, and shall incidental circumstances of
fill the omission of stipulations which gratuitous contract, the least
are ordinarily established.” transmission of rights and
For example, where a contract of interest shall prevail;
lease of services did not prove for 2. If the contract is onerous, the
the amount of the compensation to doubt shall be settled in favor
be paid, this was determined by the of the greatest reciprocity of
rate customarily paid in the place interests.
where the services were rendered. 3. If the doubts are cast upon
the principal object of the
contract in such a way that it
Art. 1377. The interpretation of obscure cannot be known what may
words or stipulations in a contract shall have been the intention or
not favor the party who caused the will of the parties, the
obscurity. contract shall be null and