Implementation of Advanced Transfer Chute Designs
Implementation of Advanced Transfer Chute Designs
Implementation of Advanced Transfer Chute Designs
Frequently materials handling operations are compromised by transfer chute
problems ranging from high wear rates, blockages and ineffective loading of the
downstream conveyor. This paper will present the design flow implemented to
overcome problems in two case studies utilising Discrete Element Modelling
incorporating material characterisation. Material testing is relevant in achieving a
valid DEM simulation model and subsequently a valuable design tool for transfer
chute assessment and design. It is well recognised that in the current growth and
demand for mineral resources, leading to ever increasing conveyor capacities
associated with export terminals and mineral processing facilities that transfer chutes
are a key focus point. The successful performance of the transfer chute is also
dependent on operating with a “robust range” of material flowability and handling
characteristics. This requirement is crucial in accommodating minerals ores from
developing resources which are often more friable and stickier than in past decades.
This paper will include details of chute installations associated with iron ore and
coking coal, from the DEM simulations through to the performance of the installed
and commissioned plant.
Key words: Discrete element modeling; Transfer chute.
Technical contribution to the 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of
Ironmaking – ICSTI, 42nd International Meeting on Ironmaking and 13th International Symposium on
Iron Ore, October 14th to 18th, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Senior Consultant, Hatch, Wollongong, Australia.
Principal Engineer, Hatch, Johannesburg, Republic South Africa.
Graduate Engineer, Hatch, Johannesburg, Republic South Africa.
ISSN 2176-3135
The ability to model and investigate chute designs utilising computer aided design
utilising 3D models and Descrete Element Modeling is gaining wider acceptance in
the industry.
Additionally, benefits in the utilisation of a “soft” loading chutes consisting of a
profiled upper deflector operating in conjuction with “spoon” to load the receiving
conveyor is gaining a range of acceptance as compared to the more traditional rock
box and vertical impact plate style chutes. To confirm the chute performance prior to
fabrication and certainly installation stages (and subsequent redesign costs),
validation utilising DEM modeling is justified.
Set out in the subsequent sections are case studies of two chute installations,
utilising the key elements of engineering design flow within a multidiscpilinary design
team, and associated with the upgrade of the respective operations.
Transnet’s iron ore export terminal at Saldanha, South Africa, has undergone a
series of phased expansions to a capacity of 60Mtpa from pre-2006 to 2011. The
terminal’s stockyard consists of four stacker reclaimers and related stockyard
conveyors, designed for capacities of up to 10,000tph. The terminal handles thirteen
grades of iron ore with varying properties, some of which have high fines and clay
content and are highly abrasive.
Various problems were, however, experienced with some of the new equipment from
the upgrades. One such problem was the stockyard conveyor discharge chutes,
which experienced regular blockages and spillage, resulting in excessive plant
downtime. Hatch, in a JV, developed the concept redesign of the two stockyard
conveyor discharge chutes which were subsequently implemented to the new
ceramic lined dynamic or free flow chute configuration [1].
Due to the highly abrasive nature of the ore, initial terminal upgrade chute designs
were based on mini-rock box type chutes in order to minimize wear and incorporated
into low height shuttling head systems. However, this reduced height compromised
the chute design so that chute angles were insufficient to maintain ore velocity
through the restricted cross sectional area causing blockages at peak capacities.
Also, the limited height did not allow centralised flow on the downstream conveyor
resulting in off centre loading and spillage. Design checks based on material test
work data indicated that the current chute capacities could be limited to as little as
75% of the required peak capacity.
Figures 1a and 1b depict the experienced problems in regard to off centre loading of
the receival belt and skirting damage resulting from the belt mistracking. In an
attempt to centralise the flow profile plates were added to the outlets, but were found
to be ineffective, further reduced the chute cross sectional area, and a source of
additional maintenance due to excessive wear.
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Figure 1. (a) Off centre loading of receival conveyor (b) Damaged skirting.
Flow through the rock box chute was simulated for improved visualisaton of the chute
performance problems. The simulation, refer to Figure 2, confirmed the site
observations of low discharge velocities, limited cross sectional area (and choking at
peak capacity) and off centre loading and burden discharge direction onto the
downstream belt.
Figure 2. DEM simulation of Rock Box Chute, highlighting choking and low velocity loading.
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modelling for flow simulations during development of the conceptual design to better
visualize the flow patterns through the chute, and to optimise the design, as shown in
Figure 3 and Figure 4.
It was clear that the new design provided more than sufficient cross sectional area
that could accommodate larger surges. It showed the effectiveness of the new design
in directing flow, as required, while maintaining velocity, so that the discharge flow
matched the downstream belt speed and direction with very little impact.
Figure 3. DEM simulation of new Hood and Spoon Chute (front view).
Figure 4. DEM simulation of the new Hood and Spoon Chute (Side View).
At the end of 2010, after being in operation for 16 months, a total cumulative capacity
of 15Mt, there had been no significant wear in the spoon sections and they had not
required any maintenance. Figure 5 depicts the spoon liner configuration, and
operational performance, with minimal loading turbulence, no skirting and on centre
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Figure 5. (a) Spoon liner installation, (b) Spoon discharge in operating position.
The high impact areas in the hood honeycomb have also performed well. Small
patches of localised wear occurred at the outer edges of the impact area in the hood,
just outside the honeycomb. The rate of wear in these patches relative to that in the
main honeycomb impact area proves the effectiveness of the honeycomb design in
reducing wear. Refer Figure 6 depicting the hood in operation and wear liner fillet
refurbishment for life extension before complete hood replacement.
Figure 6. (a) Hood installation with honeycomb (b) Hood wear performance with liner plate fillet.
refurbishment at 3 Mt throughput
Due to the research and development that went into this new chute design the
project cost was slightly high compared to a more off the shelf solutions that various
companies provide. The project cost was approximately US $320,000.00 for material
test work conceptual designs and fabrication. With the initial investment already
made, any similar chutes, in future, would be a cost effective investment.
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material model and utilising the EDEM software. The simulations provides some
insight into the challenging area of modelling WSO (Wet and Sticky Ores) in DEM
The transfer chute was designed to direct coarse product coal and de-watered filter
cake to either of two paths, downwards into a product bin or forward onto a second
conveyor. The product coal is loaded onto the conveyor belt first and then at an
intermediate loading station filter cake (conveyed from horizontal vacuum belt filters)
is layered on top of the product coal.
A key concern was the sticky characteristic of the filtercake, and the deflector
performance due to the first impact from this material due to being layered on top of
the product coal burden. Figure 7 depicts the nature of the filtercake.
Coal samples were collected from the operating plant for both the product coal and
filtercake and tested by BMEA to determine appropriate material model parameters
for DEM simulation, refer [2]. This calibration is considered relevant for bulk materials
where there has not been an established experience, or where chute performance is
critical under difficult material characteristics.
Figures 8a and 8b depict the chute configuration and the two positions of the
deflector plate respectively. As indicated the deflector is a profiled curve lined with
stainless steel, and with an upper pivot. In the through loading arrangement the coal
stream is directed onto a loading spoon for controlled feed of the collection conveyor.
Figure 8. (a) Deflector up for through loading onto collection conveyor, (b) Deflector down for
discharge into bin below.
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Figure 9 presents a detail of the coal stream separation from the DEM modelling and
represents the clumping nature of the filtercake layer as compared to the underlying
burden of sized product coal. For comparison Figure 9b with the chute in operation,
indicates reasonable agreement with the DEM model, with the clumping and distinct
coal layers apparent.
Figure 9. (a) Detail of filtercake clumping within trajectory, (b) Coal production trajectory detail
adjacent deflector chute.
Operationally the transfer chute performs well for the deflector contact and discharge
into the bin below. Figures 10a and 10b presents detail of the two deflector positions
and the respective trajectories. The full “bore” exit discharge from the deflector
(Figure 11b) is pleasing and without problem. The forward trajectory has not been as
effective due to construction tolerances, and coal buildup on sections of the chute
wall away from the main trajectory. This has necessitated hose out the coal buildup
and “exercising” of the deflector gate to disrupt the buildup.
Figure 10. (a) Detail of trajectory, through loading, (b) Detail of trajectory in contact with deflector, and
discharge into bin.
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A learning from the DEM modelling and subsequent operation of the redesigned
chute relates to the interpretation of the DEM results. As shown in Figures 10a and
11, the inside of the chute head box is coated over time with fine coal adhering to the
surface. This buildup can become problematic. Referring to Figure 9a the DEM
model indicated this tendency or “risk” with the separated particle “spatter” from the
underside of the main trajectory.
Figure 11. Detail of through loading spoon and fine coal buildup directly adjacent the primary
trajectory stream.
Two chute design and installation case studies have been presented on quite
different but challenging materials due to the parameters of high capacity, material
abrasiveness, and highly cohesive material (as in the coal filtercake). The
engineering design flow included the key steps of:
Physical testing of relevant material parameters in order to verify the material
model parameters for the DEM desktop simulations.
DEM simulation of the material flows and design cases, including worst case
situations, for example capacity surges, higher moisture content and
consequently increased material cohesion levels to test the “robustness” of the
design concepts.
Closing the design process by site investigation of the transfer chute once in
production, and comparison with the design DEM modelling .
The challenge for industrial application of DEM Modelling is that of WSO bulk
materials, and correct determination of the adhesion / buildup features. Due to the
slow rate of adhesive buildup, (and possibly significant computation times required),
the need for perhaps a risk based assessment would be beneficial, in identifying
secondary operational issues of the DEM simulation results.
Jenike & Johanson for their involvement in the Bulk Terminal Saldanha Bay iron ore
chute redesign.
ISSN 2176-3135
BMEA and DEM Solutions for their involvement in the product coal transfer chute, the
subject of the second case study.
1 VAN DER MERWE, S., VAN AARDE, N., Dynamic Chute Application, Aust. Bulk
Handling Review, Jul/Aug., p.16-19, 2011.
2 MOORE, B.A., FUATA, J., COLE, S., LaROCHE, R., GRIMA, A., WYPYCH, P. Designed
for Utmost Reliability. Mining Magazine. Jan/Feb, p. 38-43, 2012.