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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017

Author: Juan Emanuel Venturelli File: Samet.rtd

Address: Project: Perfil "C" Samet PC-03-G

Symbol Values Unit Symbol description Section


Cross-section properties: PC-03-G 44x44x2.5

Ax 377.424 mm2 Cross-section area

Ay 133.338 mm2 Shear area - Y-axis
Az 214.182 mm2 Shear area - Z-axis
J 809.132 mm4 Torsional constant
Iy 90839.288 mm4 Moment of inertia of a section about the Y-axis
Iz 117060.882 mm4 Moment of inertia of a section about the Z-axis
Zy 5343.588 mm3 Plastic section modulus about the Y (major) axis
Sy 3788.990 mm3 Elastic section modulus about the Y-axis
Zz 6297.468 mm3 Plastic section modulus about the Z (minor) axis
Sz 5320.949 mm3 Elastic section modulus about the Z-axis
d 44.00 mm Height of cross-section
bf 44.00 mm Width of cross-section
tf 0.00 mm Flange thickness
tw 0.00 mm Web thickness
ry 15.51 mm Radius of gyration - Y-axis
rz 17.61 mm Radius of gyration - Z-axis


Fy 180.00 MPa Specified minimum yield strength of material
Fu 300.90 MPa Specified minimum tensile strength
E 199948.02 MPa Longitudinal elasticity coefficient

Partial factor method LRFD

Fib 0.90 Resistance factor for flexure [F1.(1)]

Local buckling

Lamf 0.00 Width-To-Thickness ratio for a flange [Table B4.1a,b]

Lamw 0.00 Width-To-Thickness ratio for a web [Table B4.1a,b]
Section class for simple bending (My moment)
Lamf_p_My 12.67 Limiting slenderness for compact flange [Table B4.1b]
Lamf_r_My 32.99 Limiting slenderness for noncompact flange [Table B4.1b]
ClassF_My Compact Flange class [Table B4.1b]
Lamw_p_My 125.32 Limiting slenderness for compact web [Table B4.1b]
Lamw_r_My 189.98 Limiting slenderness for noncompact web [Table B4.1b]
ClassW_My Compact Web class [Table B4.1b]
Section class for simple bending (Mz moment)
Lamf_p_Mz 12.67 Limiting slenderness for compact flange [Table B4.1b]
Lamf_r_Mz 32.99 Limiting slenderness for noncompact flange [Table B4.1b]
ClassF_Mz Compact Flange class [Table B4.1b]
Lamw_p_Mz 125.32 Limiting slenderness for compact web [Table B4.1b]
Lamw_r_Mz 189.98 Limiting slenderness for noncompact web [Table B4.1b]
ClassW_Mz Compact Web class [Table B4.1b]

Date : 24/06/20 Page : 1

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017
Author: Juan Emanuel Venturelli File: Samet.rtd
Address: Project: Perfil "C" Samet PC-03-G

Symbol Values Unit Symbol description Section

Parameters of lateral buckling analysis:

Rm 1.00 Cross-section monosymmetry parameter [Comm.F1]

Cb 1.00 Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor [F1.(3)]
Lb 2000.00 mm Laterally unbraced length of a member (lateral-torsional [F]

Internal forces

Mry 10.00 N*m Required flexural strength

Mrz 10.00 N*m Required flexural strength

Nominal strengths:

About the Y axis of cross-section

Mpy 961.85 N*m Nominal plastic bending moment [F]
Mny 961.85 N*m Nominal flexural strength [F]
About the Z axis of cross-section
Mpz 1133.54 N*m Nominal plastic bending moment [F]
Mnz 1133.5 N*m Nominal flexural strength [F]
Design strengths:

About the Y axis of cross-section

Fib*Mpy 865.66 N*m Design plastic bending moment [F]
Fib*Mny 865.66 N*m Design flexural strength [F]
About the Z axis of cross-section
Fib*Mpz 1020.19 N*m Design plastic bending moment [F]
Fib*Mnz 1020.19 N*m Design flexural strength [F]

Verification formulas:

UF(H1_1b) 0.02 Mry/(Fib*Mny) + Mrz/(Fib*Mnz) Verified


RAT 0.02 Efficiency ratio Section OK

Date : 24/06/20 Page : 2

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