Modeling of Severe Slug and Slug Control With OLGA: SPE Production & Operations August 2006
Modeling of Severe Slug and Slug Control With OLGA: SPE Production & Operations August 2006
Modeling of Severe Slug and Slug Control With OLGA: SPE Production & Operations August 2006
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With the recent developments in the oil and gas industry where the number of satellite fields
are increasing, the industry faces major challenges. A mixture of gas and oil is transported in
multiphase pipelines along the bottom of the sea from the wells and up through the riser to
the oilrig. The development of unstable flow in multiphase pipelines is a major and expensive
problem. The irregular flow results in poor oil/water separation, limits the production capac-
ity and causes flaring. Handling slug flow, thus, has become very important with regards to
increase the production rate and avoiding possible equipment damages.
In this paper we have developed a model of a physical process that generates slugs. The
model has been verified against experimental data. Several control strategies have been tested
on the model and the simulation results are presented. It is shown by simulation of multi-
phase flow that the unstable slug flow can be stabilized by feedback control. In addition, in-
teresting and important phenomena such as inverse response of the pressure at the top and
asymmetric response of the pressure at the bottom have been revealed and explained.
1. Introduction may cause poor separation and occasionally fluid
Multiphase pipelines connecting remote well- flooding. Oscillations in the separator pressure
head platforms and subsea wells are a common can result in increased flaring which is environ-
feature of offshore oil production. Recent devel- mentally benign and costly due to CO2 taxes.
opments indicate that this trend will be followed The degree of slugging depends on various fac-
in the future. In addition, the feasibility of using tors. The most important are pipeline pressure,
long-distance tie-back pipelines to connect sub- pipeline topology and production rate. Terrain
sea processing units directly to on-shore process- slugging is most likely to occur at low rates with
ing plants makes it likely that these will also be a low pipeline pressure towards the end of a
oil production face a major challenge. There have been reported considerable opera-
The slug phenomenon in multiphase flow lines tional problems and equipment damages due to
with both gas and liquid hydrocarbons has slugs. Some of the typical problems encountered
Slugging can be characterized as either hydrody- Large disturbances in the separator train, causing
namic or terrain slugging. Hydrodynamic slugs Poor separation, high water-in-oil percentage in
are built in horizontal parts of the pipeline when the oil outlet.
liquid and gas velocities are different. These Varying water quality at the separator water out-
slugs are usually short with higher frequency. lets, which in turn causes difficulties for down-
The inlet separator will in most cases handle stream water treatment system.
these slugs with less difficulties, since the Large and rapidly varying compressor operation,
ume of the separator. On the contrary a terrain Large pressure fluctuation, which causes reduc-
slug can contain a lot of liquid and represents a tion in lifting capacity of the wells.
great challenge to the downstream processing Various attempts have been made to avoid the
system. Level and pressure variations in the 1. problems associated with slug flow, [1-5]. Some
stage separator can be propagated in the down- of these are design related such as installing slug
stream process. Variations in the separator level catchers on-shore or increasing the size of the
first stage separators to provide the necessary
The process to be modelled is an experimental
buffer capacity. However, such solutions are not
set-up at the SINTEF Petroleum Research Multi-
appropriate due to high costs and needs for larger
phase Flow Laboratory [1] at Tiller outside
space capacity.
Trondheim. The gas SF6 and the liquid Exxsol
This paper describes the Olga1 simulation model
D80 are mixed in a 231m, 3” closed loop with a
of a physical process and compares the simula-
vertical riser for circulation of oil and gas. The
tion results with experimental data. Furthermore,
process equipments between the inlet and outlet
this paper shows how the Olga model can be
of the loop are shown in Figure 1. The first 100
used in the control design phase prior to testing.
meters have a -0.1° declination, then a 180° hori-
Phenomena such as inverse response of the pres-
zontal U-turn. The diameter of the U-turn is
sure at the top and asymmetric response of the
3.5m, corresponding to a length of 70 diameters.
pressure at the bottom have been revealed and
After the U-turn, the pipe is declined -0.7° for
explained. These phenomena play crucial rules in
about 105m, and finally a 15m vertical riser. The
the design of controller strategies for stabilizing
riser ends in a double bend, where the flow is
the unstable slug flow. This paper is organized as
directed downwards into an 8” vertical drop-leg.
follows. The test loop, being modelled, is pre-
The vertical drop leg ends in a gas-liquid separa-
sented in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to the
tor, where the gas is drawn into a de-mister to
modelling and verification issues. Some interest-
remove droplets and then into the compressor.
ing and important observations are discussed in
The oil is drained to the horizontal separator, and
Section 4. In section 5, slug suppression by aims
recycled through the oil pump. At the inlet sec-
of active control has been discussed and several
tion the gas is mixed with the oil through a 45°
control strategies are tested on the developed
downward inclined pipe. The separated phases
model. Finally, some concluding remarks are
are fed to the single-phase velocity measurement
made in Section 6.
stations and routed through flow meters by
entire loop, but mostly along the last 100-meter • 105(m) pipe inclined –0.7 deg.
section and in the riser. The hold-up is measured • 15(m) vertical riser
by means of seven single-energy narrow-beam The x-y coordinates of the pipelines are shown in
gamma densitometers distributed along the pipe, Table 1. The topology of the pipeline is shown in
The frequency density responses presented in The pipeline has been modelled as 3” pipe with
this paper are generated using the FFT function inner diameter of 69mm. An internal roughness
3. Olga Modelling of Tiller Loop The pipeline is divided into pipe elements of
The main objective of this section is to develop constant cross sectional area with various
an Olga model that captures the main physical lengths. Each pipe is subdivided into sections.
mechanism of the slugs generated in the Tiller The number and the length of sections vary for
loop. The model developed in this section shows each pipe element. The pipeline model consists
some discrepancies such as offset in valve open- of 7 pipe elements with 50 sections.
component in the top pressure. The model is in- 3.2. Boundary Conditions. The pressure at
tended to be used in the control design stage of the inlet separator is assumed to be constant at
the study, therefore it is important that the flow 1.2 [bar]. Therefore, the outlet boundary condi-
and pressure oscillation frequencies and ampli- tion is modelled as a constant. In order to avoid
tudes are close to the real data. This point has numerical disturbances introduced in the model
been confirmed in our verification study. The an extra horizontal pipe is added to the top of the
of Olga 2000 version 2.03 is used in the simula- The pipeline inlet is modelled as a source with a
tions. The default value of delay constant is used. specified total mass flow rate. This module en-
3.1. Loop Topology. The loop has been sures a constant mass flow rate into the loop. The
modelled with the following topology: simulations were performed by a constant mass
• 100(m) pipe inclined -0.1 deg. flow rate of 0.8 [Kg/s]. The gas mass fraction is
3.2. Model Verification. A simulation is Figure 7. It can be seen that there is a discrep-
run to verify the model against the experimental ancy in the valve opening. The mean value of the
data. The simulation is run with fully open valve valve opening from measurements is about 24%,
as in the experiment. The comparison of the with automatic control. However, the mean value
pressures at the top and the bottom of the riser is of the simulated valve opening is about 46%.
the frequency and the amplitude match very well The following observations in the simulations are
in the case of pressure at the bottom of the riser. in accordance with what have been reported from
However, there is some discrepancy between the corresponding experiments in [6]. These behav-
simulated and measured pressure at the top of the iour may have a more significant impact on the
riser. From frequency density, upper plot, in responses in a larger scale system, where the
Figure 3 we can see that the main frequency length of the riser is significantly larger.
ear controllers. The controller must be tuned with during stable flow (almost constant pressure both
respect to the fastest response. This means e.g. at the top and at the bottom of the riser) gives a
that a pressure controller must be evaluated when pressure fall in the bottom of the riser as ex-
the pressure reference is decreased. The per- pected. However, we observed a temporary pres-
formance with an increased pressure reference sure increase in the top of the riser, before the
rium. This can result in a riser slug if the valve 5.1. Single Loop Bottom Pressure
opening change is sufficiently large. Similarly,
Control. This control scheme uses feedback
an increased valve opening gives an increased
from pressure at the bottom of the riser. The bot-
mass rate out of the riser, reduced relative veloc-
tom riser pressure will increase when the amount
ity between gas and liquid, increased differential
of liquid in the riser increases. The idea is to sta-
pressure across the valve, increased top pressure,
bilize the amount of liquid in the riser by using
less liquid in the riser and reduced bottom pres-
the topside choke, and in this way avoid slugs to
build up. The control structure is shown in
This behaviour of the top pressure imposes limi-
Figure 10.
tations on the performance of the system from a
The controller parameters are shown in Table 4.
control point of view. This issue will be ad-
The simulation starts with fully open valve. The
dressed later in the paper.
slug period is about 204 seconds. The controller
5. Slug Control using Olga/Matlab
is then switched on after 350 seconds. The set-
This section is dedicated to the control issues of and bottom pressures are shown in Figure 11,
the model developed in Section 3. Scandpower, while the volumetric flow rate and the valve
in corporation with Norsk Hydro ASA, has de- opening are shown in Figure 12.
veloped an Olga/Matlab toolbox, [7]. This tool- 5.2. Cascade Control of Bottom Pres-
box establishes a client-server connection be-
sure and Flow Rate. The cascade control
tween the Matlab environment and The Olga
scheme used here is shown schematically in
2000 through Olga Server so that the simulation
Figure 13. The master, outer, controller is a
results from Olga 2000 becomes available for
pressure controller while the slave one, inner, is a
Matlab on-line. This toolbox allows for advanced
flow controller. Both controllers are of standard
process simulation and control. In the following,
PI type. The controller parameters are shown in
all the control schemes are implemented in the
Table 5. The simulation starts with fully open
Matlab environment and the Olga model is con-
valve. The slug period is 200[sec]. The controller
trolled and steered from a Matlab application.
is switched on 350 seconds after start. The slug is
suppressed immediately and the setpoint is over. The responses are shown in Figure 17 and
reached after 4 minutes. The pressures, flow rate Figure 18. It is clear from Figure 18 that, with
and the valve opening are given in Figure 14 and the controller being active, we have been able to
control schemes is the need for underwater A dynamic Olga multiphase simulation model of
measurement of pressure. This is a costly and the Tiller loop has been developed and verified
sometimes unreliable measurement. The control against test data. The model has captured the
scheme in this section removes this disadvantage physical mechanisms of the slugs generated in
by using the pressure upstream the choke as con- the Tiller loop. Important phenomena such as
trol variable in the master loop. This control inverse response of the top pressure and asym-
structure is shown in Figure 16 metric step response of the bottom pressure have
been reported.
It is clear from simulation results that the top Several control strategies have been tested on the
pressure shows some sort of non-minimum phase developed model. It appears that a cascade con-
behaviour. This is a well-known fact that the trol strategy with feedback from bottom pressure
bandwidth of such a system is upper bounded. and flow rate at the top of the riser is best capa-
The inverse response is a constraint that cannot ble of suppressing the slugs. However, this con-
be removed with linear feedback control. The trol strategy requires pressure measurement at
controller must therefore have low proportional the bottom of the riser. In absence of such meas-
gain and high integration time. The issue of non- urement an alternative strategy might be imple-
minimum phase behaviour of top pressure has mented. This is described in Section 5.3. This
been discussed in more details in Section 0. control strategy has a weakness. Due to the non-
This controller was difficult to tune. Instead, as minimum-phase behaviour of the system, it suf-
often in practical cases in the fields, first the fers from a limited bandwidth and therefore slow
valve was chocked manually to 30% opening. control action. Simulation showed that the con-
After a short period of time the controller took troller was not capable of suppressing the slugs
by it self. The choke was first choked back and References
then the controller took over. After that the con- 1. Hollenberg, J.F. and Wolf, S. and
Meiring, W.J., “ A Method to Suppress
troller was perfectly capable of achieving and Severe Slugging in Flow Line Riser
Systems” , 7th BHR Group Ldt. et al
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France, (1995).
not a major drawback. In practice, a well is stabi- 2. Havre, K. and Dalsmo M., “ Active
Feedback Control as the Solution to
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Then, the controller takes over and decreases the 3. Skofteland, G. and Godhavn, J-M., “
Suppression of slugs in Multiphase
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The controller with feedback from bottom pres- mental Results “, Proc. Of Multiphase,
San Romeo, Italy, (2003).
sure is preferable since the controller is faster 4. Havre, K. and Stray, H., “ Stabilization
of Terrain Induced Slug Flow in Multi
and reaches its pressure setpoint faster than a Phase Pipelines “, Servomøtet, Trond-
heim, Norway. (November 1999).
simple bottom pressure controller. 5. Courbot, A., “ Prevention of Severe
Slugging in the Dunbar 16" Multiphase
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6. Godhavn, J.M., Fard, M. And Fuchs, P.
H., “ New Slug Control Strategies,
Tuning and Experimental Results “,
Journal of Process Control, Vol.15,
(August 2005).
7. Fard, Mehrdad P., “ The OLGA-
Matlab Toolbox”, Technical Report
No. NH-00036701, Norsk Hydro
Figure 1 Diagram of the Tiller loop.
Figure 3 Frequency density and time response for the pressure at the top.
Figure 4 Frequency density and time response of the pressure at the bottom of the riser.
Figure 5 Comparison between the simulated and measured pressures at the bottom of the riser.
Figure 6 Comparison between the simulated and measured pressures at the top of the riser.
Figure 8 Inverse response at the top pressure with increasing valve opening.
Figure 9 Inverse response at the top pressure with decreasing valve opening.
Figure 11 Simulated pressure response at the top and bottom of the riser with single pressure controller.
Figure 12 Simulated flow response and valve opening with single pressure controller.
Figure 14 Simulated pressure response at the top and bottom of the riser with cascade controller.
Figure 15 Simulated flow rate and valve opening with cascade controller.
Figure 17 Simulation: Pressure responses with cascade control, feedback from top pressure and volumetric
flow rate.
Figure 18 Simulation: Flow rate and valve opening with feedback cascade control, feedback from top pres-
sure and volumetric flow rate.
Figure 1 Diagram of the Tiller loop.
Figure 2 The topology of the pipelines
Figure 3 Frequency density and time response for the pressure at the top.
Figure 4 Frequency density and time response of the pressure at the bottom of the riser.
Figure 5 Comparison between the simulated and measured pressures at the bottom of the riser.
Figure 6 Comparison between the simulated and measured pressures at the top of the riser.
Figure 7 Comparison between the simulated and measured valve opening.
Figure 8 Inverse response at the top pressure with increasing valve opening.
Figure 9 Inverse response at the top pressure with decreasing valve opening.
Set point
Gas outlet
Inlet separator
Oil outlet
Water outlet
Figure 11 Simulated pressure response at the top and bottom of the riser with single pressure
Figure 12 Simulated flow response and valve opening with single pressure controller.
Figure 13 . Cascade control structure of bottom pressure and volumetric flow.
Figure 14 Simulated pressure response at the top and bottom of the riser with cascade controller.
Figure 15 Simulated flow rate and valve opening with cascade controller.
Figure 16 Cascade control structure of top pressure and volumetric flow.
Figure 17 Simulation: Pressure responses with cascade control, feedback from top pressure and
volumetric flow rate.
Figure 18 Simulation: Flow rate and valve opening with feedback cascade control, feedback from
top pressure and volumetric flow rate.
X 0 100 110 190 215 215 215 217
Y 0 -0.17 -0.17 -1.57 -2 12.3 12.85 12.85
Table 1 X-Y coordinates of the pipe topology.
Name : Mehrdad P. Fard
Company: Hydro
Work history:
1996-1997: Teaching Assistant, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2000- Now : Hydro
1996: MSc, Engineering Cybernetics, NTH, Trondheim, Norway
2001: PhD, Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Work history:
1997-2001: Kongsberg Seatex ASA
2001- Now : Statoil ASA
1992: MSc, Engineering Cybernetics, NTH, Trondheim, Norway
1997: PhD, Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Work history:
1992-1998: ABB and TTS
1998- Now : Hydro
1988: MSc, Naval Architecture, NTH, Trondheim, Norway
1992: PhD, Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway