Norton Fall Newsletter 2020

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8th Grade Assistant Principal  Pin ell as P ar k M idd le |  Fall 202 0

Amber Schmittdiel

8th grade School Counselor

Shanté Norton


8th Grade Office Clerk

Rosalia Croce
727-545-6400 ex 2038

FA M I L I E S W I TH A C A D E M I C A N D S O C I A L / E M O TI O N A L S UC CE S S ! To 8th grade
H E R E A T T HE P A R K , E V E R Y B O D Y C A N S OA R !

Hello, my name is Mrs. Norton and I am your 8th grade School

Counselor. This is my 9th full year here at Pinellas Park Middle School
and I can’t imagine being anywhere else! I hope this newsletter can
provide you with information to ensure your student has an amazing
8th grade year!

Helping you achieve

Important Info
your goals ❖ E-mail is the best way to get ahold of Mrs.
Norton (
Eighth grade year is a year of transition I will focus on academic advancement and ❖ Schedule change requests have not yet
into leadership, high school and a new setting goals for High School. I will be helping begun. This information is TBD.
way of keeping healthy and safe. I know it our students with the transition to high school ❖ I will invite your student to join my class on
is difficult for our students to handle the through classroom visits, h igh School Fairs, Microsoft Teams. This is where you can get
changes. I want to do everything I can to and information sessions for both students and
updates from me, mental health and socio-
help ease their worries, whether they will parents. Please do not hesitate to reach out to
emotional activities and information,
be here on campus or enrolled in MyPCS. me for any help or guidance. I will be here to
help them through the ups and downs. I am
communicate with me, and request
As their counselor, I am here for anything
here to celebrate their successes and get appointments. All conferences will be held
they might need. Their academic success
and social and emtional well being is at through their last year in the Thunderbird nest! via Microsoft Teams as well.
the top of my priority list! Throughout the We are excited to have you all as a part of our ❖ Be on time and attend all of your classes.
year, I will be holding several sessions to Thunderbird family! ❖ Be respectful; Be accountable; Be SAFE!
teach our students different ways to All the best, ❖ Have an amazing year!!
navigate the last year of middle school Mrs. Norton ❖ YOU MATTER!
and prepare for the years ahead.
organization, time management, conflict
resolution, and
Tips for Staying HEALTHY!
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) here are some things students can do to stay healthy:
• Wash and sanitize their hands more often; Keep physical distance from other students; Wear a
mask; Avoid sharing objects with other students, including water bottles, devices, writing
instruments, and books; Use hand sanitizer (that contains at least 60% alcohol.
• Check in with your child each morning for signs of illness. If your child has a temperature of
100.4 degrees or higher, they should not go to school
• If your child seems to need mental health or behavioral services (e.g., social skills training,
counseling), you may want to ask your School Counselor for more information on these services
MyPCS and our
Thunderbirds! SMART G OAL
If you are enrolled in MyPCS, here are some
amazing tips and resources that you can use S ETTING AND
for success. Remember, we are in this M Y PCS
together! If you have questions or need
assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out
to your grade level School Counselor!

• Stick to a schedule (see • Keep track of your

• Remember that curriculum sample schedule) progress report grades
and activities will be • Students who receive receive • Write down important
accessed via Canvas ESE, English Learner (EL) or phone numbers
Learning Management Gifted services or have a 504 • Notice all the helpful Specific- What exactly will
System (Found in plan will receive resources posted on
you do?
CLEVER) accomodations while enrolled our school website
• Class meetings and/or live- in MyPCS • More tips and Measurable- How will you
lessons will utilize • Track your assignments and information can be know if you meet your goal?
Microsoft Teams for what you are missing found on Achievable- What steps
student and teacher • Make note of important dates are you taking to reach your
interactions and tests /domain/11706
• All assignments will be • Keep track of your grades goal?
graded and posted into • Set SMART goals for your Relevant- What makes your
FOCUS progress and grades goal important to you?
Timely- When do you want
Each morning, students are expected to be present and engage in
to complete your goal?
virtual instruction each day within the designated schedule.

Connecting with Your Child’s School Counselor

American School Counselor Association gives parents a guide to connecting with me as your school counselor.
They say the following “Professional school counselors are trained in both educating and counseling students, allowing
them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers and the student in matters concerning the student’s goals,
abilities and any areas needing improvement. School counselors provide services not only to students in need, but to all
students. Meet or contact your child’s school counselor at least three times per school year. The beginning of a school
year is an excellent opportunity to initiate contact with your child’s school counselor and doing so can ensure your child’s
positive school experience. By communicating with one another at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year,
parents and counselors can have a definite impact on a child’s success. Discuss your child’s challenges and concerns
with the school counselor. As a parent, you know your child best. However, the school counselor can help you better
understand your child as a student. It’s important to encourage your child’s expression of needs, hopes and frustrations.
Learn about your child’s school and social connections from the school counselor. When you need information or
assistance, your child’s school counselor can help you get in touch with the appropriate school officials; learn about
school policies on behavior, attendance, and dress; know the school calendar of important dates and stay connected with
the school in many other ways. The school counselor can also help you locate resources in the community when you
need them. Work with the school counselor to identify resources and find solutions to problems.
If your child is having a problem at school, it is important to work with your child’s school counselor to find
solutions. Discuss resources available within and outside of the school, and get information on how such programs can
benefit your child. Your school counselor can be a valuable partner in your child’s education and preparation for life
beyond school” ( If you’ve gotten to the bottom of this newsletter, Thank you! Send me an email at, with the title of your favorite book. I will enter you in a random drawing (drawing held on 9/1/2020) for
an Amazon gift card. Lets have the best year EVER!
Manifesting a year of health, growth, safety and success,
Mrs. Norton

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