Topic: Safety Tips For Hiking Submitted To: Maim Ghulam Fiza Submitted By: M. Hamza Hashmi

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Safety Tips for Hiking

Submitted to:

Maim Ghulam Fiza

Submitted by:

M. Hamza Hashmi
Definition of Hiking:
Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments,
often in mountainous or other scenic terrain. People often hike on hiking trails.

Hiking Skills for Safety:

For the most part, hiking is walking. Pretty much anyone can do it and improve
their mind and body through exercise, fresh air, and open spaces. There some
special skills that may come in handy for certain situations you might
encounter on your hiking trips. Take a few minutes to read up and you just
might enjoy your next hiking experience a bit more.
Keep a Pace:
Learn the basic pacing, resting, and rhythm skills for an enjoyable hike.

Crossing Water:
Take care and cross rivers and streams the right way, or not at all.

High Altitude
Prepare for treks over 9000 feet and recognize problems early for safe

Hot Weather
Besides taking extra water, learn other valuable skills and tips for beating the

Cold Weather:
Cold weather requires more clothes, more food, more time, pretty much more
of everything. But, its a special time that rewards the determined hiker with
rare views of the wild around us.
Essentials Hiking Equipment:
Sunglasses, sun cream and a sun hat
Spare warm clothing
Headlamp and/or handheld torch
First-aid kit
Fire starter
More food and water than you need
Extra Hiking Essentials for safety precautions:
Lip balm : to prevent your lips from chapping.
Spare batteries :in case your headlamp runs out of juice.
Water filtration system : this will be useful if you run out of water supplies.
Emergency shelter : this can be in the form of a tent, a bivy, a storm shelter or
even just an emergency reflective blanket.
Sleeping bag : in case you get caught in low-light and need the camp the night
Whistle : this can be life-saving if you get lost and need to get attention.

Insect repellent : very useful for when the midges come out to play.
Binoculars : you may be able to see an escape route that you can’t see with
your naked eye.
Trekking poles :these can be used for stability while walking while also making
great splints should there be any injuries.

 Safety precautions for successful Hiking:

 Hike with a “buddy” when at all possible. If you choose to hike alone,
make sure someone knows where you are headed and when you should
be expected back (and check in with them when you do return).
 Avoid venturing off the beaten path. Staying on marked trails is
important, regardless of how familiar you think you are with an area.
Shortcuts can also cause erosion and damage to the environment.
 Stay hydrated and bring drinking water. Orange County may have
perfect weather most of the year, but on the trails you’ll find that
staying hydrated in the hot sun is vital. Bring water with you and drink
plenty ahead of time.
 Know where you are going ahead of time. Check out the trail you plan
to hike ahead of time to know what you are getting into. Will you need
to be prepared for steep slopes or is it more of a casual stroll?
 Keep an eye out for poison oak. Make sure you know how to identify
poison oak ahead of time to prevent touching it. If you do, wash the area
right away with some mild soap and water (water if that is all that you

have). Pat dry the area with a clean towel.

 Watch the Weather:

Yes. "it's a dry heat" - but Arizona's temperature can be deceiving and
deadly. Hike when it's cool outside, try early mornings and evenings
when there's more shade.
 Dress Appropriately:
Wear proper shoes, clothing. hat and sunscreen,
 Bring Water:
Hydrate before you go. Have plenty of water, more than you think you
need. Turn around and head back to the trailhead before you drinkhalf
of your water
 Keep in Contact: Carry a mobile phone
 Team Up:
Hike with others. If hiking solo, tell someone your stort and end times,
and location
 Be Honest:
Do you have a medical condition? Asthma, heart problems, diabetes,
knee or back problems? Don't push yourself (Even trained athletes have
been caught off guard by getting dehydrated on Arizona trails)
 Don't Trailblazer:
Enjoy the Sonoran Desert beautiful and undeveloped landscape, but
please stay on designated trails
 Take Responsibility:
Don't be "that person - the one who wasn't prepared, shouldn't have
been there for health reasons or ignored safety guidelines, Be the
responsible hiker, who takes a hike and does it right!

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