Appraising The Total Curriculum

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Appraising the Total

Defination of Appraising Process
Ongoing appraisal is the deliberative, continuous, repeated,
and careful critique of curriculum ideas, products, and
processes during and after their creation, implementation,
and evaluation. It involves constant analytical comparison
between what is new and what has already been decided to
identify areas of coherence and inconsistency.
This appraisal is dependent on
• A commitment to the development, implementation, and evaluation of
an evidence informed, context-relevant, unified curriculum
• Knowledge of:
• Curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation processes
• The context in which the curriculum will be offered
• The philosophical and educational approaches of the curriculum
• The conceptual bases of the curriculum
• Students for whom the curriculum is being developed
• Decisions already made about the curriculum
• Professional judgment
Purposes of Ongoing Appraisal:

Ongoing appraisal is a quality assurance process in curriculum development,

implementation, and evaluation and is the basis of the recursive nature of
curriculum work. The purposes of ongoing appraisal are to ensure that:
• An evidence-informed, context-relevant, unified curriculum is developed.
• The curriculum is implemented and evaluated in a manner true to the
curriculum intent.
• Decisions and processes inconsistent with the curriculum intent are
identified early, and the necessary revisions are made.
• The curriculum work is of a suitable quality.
Ongoing Appraisal Processes in
Curriculum Work:
 As the term ongoing implies, the appraisal process is continuous during
all curriculum work.
 It begins with an understanding of the context in which the curriculum
will be offered and the curriculum decisions that have been made.
Then, as curriculum development teams work together, individual
members judge ideas that are proposed.
 The team discusses the ideas, examining and informally appraising
Criteria for Ongoing Appraisal in
Curriculum Work:
 In all curriculum work, five major criteria to ensure a
quality curriculum and against
 which curriculum work is appraised are:
•Relevance for the context in which it will be implemented
• Consistency with current evidence about practice,
• Congruence with the curriculum intent
• Logical progression
• Unity
Some Questions during process:

 Curriculum Development :
 What is the evidence, rationale, or theoretical base for
deciding this?
 How well does this work align with previous decisions and
completed work?
 Will these plans give opportunity for students to achieve
the stated goals or outcomes?
 How can ideas or processes be improved to be more
consistent with the curriculum intent?
 Curriculum Implementation:
 Are strategies to evaluate student learning consistent with the
philosophical and educational approaches?
 Are the methods suitable for the context?
 Is the language reflective of the curriculum’s philosophical
approaches and major concepts?
 How well do students understand the main ideas of the curriculum?
 How well do course processes provide opportunities for students to
achieve the stated goals or competencies?
 Are the expectations of students reasonable?
 How can ideas or processes be improved to be more consistent with
the curriculum intent?
 Curriculum Evaluation:
 During curriculum evaluation, appraisal questions about the evaluation
process might include:
 Are the curriculum evaluation strategies consistent with the philosophical
 Are the evaluation strategies providing information that will be useful in
making a judgment about the curriculum?
 Are all relevant stakeholders involved?
 How can the curriculum evaluation strategies be improved?
Cognitive Processes Inherent in
Ongoing Appraisal:
 Experienced educators will recognize that the intellectual work of ongoing
 includes cognitive processes common in education, research, and practice.
 A few of these interwoven and overlapping processes are briefly described,
along with their application to curriculum work.

Critical Thinking:
Curriculum developers must constantly do the following:
 Interpret evidence, theories, and philosophical approaches.
 Consider and explain the evidence and theory underlying proposed ideas.
 Take into account the context in which the curriculum will be implemented,
the philosophical bases of the curriculum, and the goals or outcomes they
want students to achieve.
 Establish and review their methods and standards for the curriculum work
In so doing, they interpret information and ideas, analyze the congruence with
other curriculum decisions, predict the outcomes of their ideas.

Constant Comparison:
Constant comparison is a process used in the analysis phase of grounded theory
research. The procedure includes the constant comparison of new data to
previously developed categories to assess whether the data fit or whether new
Evaluation is a process of judging the quality or worth of something. It entails
three steps. First, a standard is established. Then, data about the phenomenon
of interest are assembled or observed and compared to the established standard.
Finally, a judgment is made about whether the observed data represent an
acceptable level.

Curriculum development requires constant individual and collective reflection-in-action and
reflection-on-action. As curriculum developers propose and accept ideas, they constantly
appraise and revise them in response to group discussion and assessment of the ideas’
congruence with the curriculum intent and their own standards.
Professional Judgment:
In curriculum work, the quality of the judgments reached is improved by curriculum
development teams whose members have different perspectival emphases. For example, those
with an historical perspective will know what has worked in the past. Members with a future
orientation will see the possible consequences of ideas and what practice and education could
and should be
Types of Appraisal System:

Formal appraisal:
It is typically focus on long-term goals. Formal reviews are less frequent. For example, performance
appraisal interviews, management group or team meetings, and other communication between
managers, employees and peers.
Informal appraisal:
focus on short-term objectives and tasks or projects.It provide immediate feedback. Informal
appraisals occur when a manager provides significant feedback and direction to an employee outside
of a formal review meeting. 
Teacher performance appraisal:

 Schools must have an annual appraisal process for teachers

 Governing bodies and local authorities must have a written appraisal policy
for their teachers (including headteachers)
 Objectives set must contribute to improving the education of pupils
 The three hour limit on classroom observation (for performance
management purposes) no longer exists
 Teachers must be given a written appraisal report which sets out, an
assessment of their performance, an assessment of their training and
development needs and a recommendation on pay progression
How to write a self appraisal
 Highlight your accomplishments.
 Gather data to showcase your achievements.
 Align yourself with the company.
 Reflect objectively on any mistakes.
 Set goals.
 Ask for anything you need to improve.
 Get a second opinion

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