Product Guide EMPEROR 1600 and EMPEROR 1200 Carbon Blacks
Product Guide EMPEROR 1600 and EMPEROR 1200 Carbon Blacks
Product Guide EMPEROR 1600 and EMPEROR 1200 Carbon Blacks
Uniquely designed high jetness carbon blacks enable excellent color performance
and dispersability.
EMPEROR 1600 and EMPEROR 1200 premium carbon black pigments feature exceptional color performance and processability.
EMPEROR 1600 carbon black is designed for solvent-based applications and delivers deep black color with a blue undertone.
EMPEROR 1200 carbon black provides excellent color performance and hiding power. Both products disperse easily and enable
up to a 50% reduction in dispersant loading.
Key applications
EMPEROR 1600 and EMPEROR 1200 carbon blacks provide excellent color performance, a key requirement in a range of
applications, including:
Achieving jet black color often means utilizing carbon black pigments that are extremely difficult to work with. In comparison to
competitive products, our EMPEROR 1200 and 1600 products can enable higher carbon black loading in the millbase and reduce
the amount of dispersant required to stabilize the pigment, all with more than 3x the bulk density of competitive products,
reducing dust contamination in processing and improving industrial hygiene.
EMPEROR 1200 and 1600 carbon
blacks enable reduced milling time
and reduced dispersant loading, CARBON BLACK
both of which reduce overall cost.
The following steps should be taken
in the pre-mix step to realize this
Millbase formulation
EMPEROR 1200 and 1600 carbon blacks enable reduced dispersant loading
◆ Soak pigments before
and increased CB loading in the millbase compared to the leading competition.
pre-mix to facilitate mixing
Excess dispersing aid in the final formulation can result in higher total
◆ Pre-mix at high speed >1000 rpm formulation cost and poor color performance. Low millbase viscosity may result
until homogeneous in poor carbon black dispersion quality.
EMPEROR 1600 and 1200 carbon blacks feature our proprietary Softbead™ technology.
Softbead technology enables products to disperse as easily as powder-form carbon
blacks while also improving industrial hygiene by reducing dust levels associated with the
transport and processing of traditional powder-form carbon black. These new pigments also
wet-out more quickly and are easier to convey than standard powders.
EMPEROR and MONARCH are registered trademarks of Cabot Corporation. Softbead is a trademark of Cabot Corporation.
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