Periodic Review of PGR Panel Membership

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Periodic Review of Postgraduate Research

Programmes Panel Membership – Autumn 2016

For a Periodic Review of Postgraduate Research Programmes, a panel should consist of:
• At least two senior University of Southampton academics from outside the Faculty being
reviewed (these should be an Associate Dean and a Director of Graduate School).
• An External Advisor
• A Faculty Academic Registrar (not from the Faculty being reviewed)
• A member of the Quality, Standards and Accreditation Team (who will act as secretary)
• At least one PGR student from the University, but not from the Faculty being reviewed. A
suggestion for this role should be sought from SUS PGR Academic Quality Officer (currently
Giles Howard, Computer Science)

To ensure a split of reviews amongst staff members, please see the list below of staff who have
not yet taken part in a review panel. It would be preferable for staff in the list below to be involved
in reviews taking place in the 2016/17 academic year.

Emily Reid, ADE, FBLA Ian Talbot, DFGS, Humanities
Anne Baileff, ADE, Health Sciences Melanie Nind, DFGS, FSHMS
Andy Gravell/Mark French, ADE FPSE Tolga Betkas, DFGS, FBLA
Karen Morrison, ADE, Medicine Adam Prugel-Bennett DFGS, FPSE
Chris Bailey DFGS, Health Sciences
Frances Nyland, FAR, Medicine
Briony Thomson, FAR, Health Sciences
Nasseem Fazel-Hamedani, FAR, FEE
Jenny Atkins, FAR, FBL
Regina Armfield, FAR, FNES

The table below lists staff involvement in the PGR Periodic Reviews to date.

Year Semester 1 Semester 2

2013/14 n/a Researcher Development Graduate Centre
George Attard, ADE, FNES
Anna Barney, ADE, FEE
Claire Caffrey, Graduate School, FSHMS
2014/15 Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine
Environment (FEE) James Minney, ADE, Humanities
James Anderson, ADE, FSHMS Jeremy Webb, DFGS, FNES
David Shepherd, DFGS, FPSE Roz Stanton, FAR, FSHMS
Roz Stanton, FAR, FEE
2015/16 Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Faculty of Social, Human & Mathematical
James Anderson, ADE, FSHMS Sciences – excluding taught doctorates
Ashley Pringle, DFGS, Medicine Chris Jackson, ADE, FNES
Lesley Adams, FAR, FPSE Andy Chipperfield, DFGS, FEE
Jackie Ward, FAR, Humanities
University of Chichester
Derek McGhee, Head of Social
Sciences, FSHMS
Andrea Reiter, DFGS, Humanities
Jackie Ward, FAR, Humanities
2016/17 Faculty of Physical Sciences and Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)
Engineering (FPSE)
2017/18 Faculty of Natural and Faculty of Humanities
Environmental Sciences (FNES) FSHMS taught doctorates

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