EDU204 Course Outline Semester 2 2020

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Course Outline

Code: EDU204
Title: Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
School of: Education
Teaching Session: Semester 2
Year: 2020
Course Coordinator: Natalie McMaster Email:
Course Moderator: Dr Sharon Louth

Please go to the USC website for up to date information on the teaching sessions and campuses where this
course is usually offered.

1. What is this course about?

1.1 Description
This course introduces you to the technologies discipline area and ICT across the curriculum. You will learn
from traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies for teaching and learning with primary students.
You will engage in critical and creative thinking, including understanding interrelationships in systems when
solving complex problems and creating designed solutions. You will make informed and ethical decisions
about the role, impact and use of technologies in the economy, environment and society for a sustainable

1.2 Course topics

The Australian Curriculum Technologies - Design and Technologies Curriculum
• Technology and society
• Engineering principles and systems
• Food and fibre production and food specialisations
• Materials and technologies specialisations
• Design solutions
The Australian Curriculum Technologies - Digital Technologies
• Digital systems
• Representation of data
• Cyber safety and ethical issues
• Digital communications

2. What level is this course?

200 level Developing - Applying broad and/or deep knowledge and skills to new contexts. May require pre-
requisites and introductory level knowledge/skills. Normally undertaken in the 2nd or 3rd year of an
undergraduate program

3. What is the unit value of this course?

12 units

Semester 2 2020 Recfind File Number: F14819

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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

4. How does this course contribute to my learning?

Specific Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks Graduate Qualities or Professional
On successful completion of this course you You will be Standards mapping
should be able to: assessed on the Completing these tasks successfully
learning outcome will contribute to you becoming:
in task/s:
Demonstrate implementation of digital Task 1: Reflective Knowledgeable.
citizenship, which includes cyber ethics and folio Ethical.
cyber safety, as aspects of both digital
literacies and teaching the curriculum area of
technology and identify relevant school
legislation, policies and ethical considerations
when using technology
Demonstrate implementation of effective Task 1: Reflective Creative and critical thinkers.
learning within Design and Technologies and folio Knowledgeable.
Digital Technologies for primary schools by
evaluating learning theories, teaching
frameworks, Australian Curriculum content,
pedagogy and resources in a cross-curriculum
capacity. Analyse and reflect on ethical and
personal teaching knowledge and skills.
Implement teaching strategies and learning Task 1: Reflective Empowered.
activities in the Technologies and ICT discipline folio Knowledgeable.
areas for early childhood and primary school Task 2: Design
students that incorporates literacy, numeracy, challenge and
legislative, administrative and ethical sequence of
considerations. lessons with

5. Am I eligible to enrol in this course?

Refer to the USC Glossary of terms for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and antirequisites”.

5.1 Enrolment restrictions

Students must be enrolled in ED304 or UU301 or XU301

5.2 Pre-requisites

5.3 Co-requisites

5.4 Anti-requisites

5.5 Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills (where applicable)

ED304 students (Bachelor of Primary Education) will have successfully completed minimum of 6 Education
Courses, not including school placement courses.
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

6. How am I going to be assessed?

6.1 Grading scale
Standard – High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL)
6.2 Details of early feedback on progress
Students will be provided academic progress feedback during the first third of the teaching semester. This
feedback will be provided on the Task 1 reflective folio during the tutorials through group and individual
discussion activities.

6.3 Assessment tasks

Task Assessment Individual Weighting Duration/lengt When should I Where should
No. Tasks or Group % h submit? I submit it?
1 Reflective folio Individual 50% 1900 words Weekly starting Upload to
Week 1 with PebblePad via
final submission Blackboard
Friday week 7
by 5pm
2 Design Group 50% total: 4-6 hour Friday Week 10 Blackboard
Challenge and 45% - teaching sequence of by 5pm, Safe Assign
Sequence of sequence with lessons written along with
Lessons rationale on an approved Partner
5% - unit or lesson responsibility
collaboration plan template + form
and individual written
effort. rationale: 2500
word total.

Assessment Task 1: Reflective folio

Goal: The goal of this task is to engage in ongoing reflection on the online content and recommended
readings presented in the course materials on Blackboard and the weekly tutorial activities in
weeks 1-7.

Product: A reflective folio in PebblePad

Format: Using a workbook provided in PebblePad, you will build an e-portfolio which documents your
understanding of Technologies curriculum and pedagogies. Each week in your folio (weeks 1-7)
you will complete the activities and engage in reflection to demonstrate your developing
knowledge in this curriculum area. Reflection on the online content and recommended readings
presented in the week 1-7 course materials on Blackboard and the weekly tutorial activities will
be part of the folio.

In tutorials you will be assigned design briefs which you will collaboratively design a solution for
by applying design and systems thinking and design processes to investigate ideas, generate
and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed solutions. The design process for each
design brief will need to be documented in your folio.
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

Your folio will need to be completed in the PebblePad workbook provided. In week one you will
need to submit your workbook so that ongoing formative feedback can be provided on your
progress prior to the final submission date.

Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to:

• Demonstrate application of design and systems thinking and design processes to
investigate ideas, generate and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed
solutions for design briefs
• Apply knowledge of the concepts, substance and structure of the Technologies
• Analyse the essential curriculum links within and between the two subjects of the
Australian Curriculum: Technologies.
• Analyse and interpret cyber safety/cyber ethics in relation to teaching and learning
• Evaluate and select ICT’s to support teaching and learning the Technologies curriculum
• Identify applications of the SAMR model in the integration of ICT in teaching and
• Application and references to relevant and up to date literature on TPACK, SAMR, ICT,
Digital Technologies and Design Technologies across the curriculum and teacher
professional learning
• Written communication skills and academic literacies including grammar, English
expression, APA7 referencing conventions and technical accuracy

Assessment Task 2: Design Challenge and Sequence of Lessons

Goal: The goal of this task is to demonstrate knowledge of the Australian Curriculum: Design and
Technologies subject, and technological, pedagogical and content knowledge, through creation
of a Design Challenge sequence of lessons for primary school students, based on the Design
Product: Design Challenge Sequence of Lessons + Written Rationale
Format: Your group will be assigned a technologies topic and context for the design challenge.
You and your partner are to design and develop a written 4-6 day (4-6 hour) sequence of
lessons, appropriate to a primary school-year level from Prep to Year 6 which aligns to the topic
and context your group is assigned. The teaching sequence is to derive from the Design and
Technologies subject of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies and integrate with other
curriculum areas, including ICT as a general capability. The sequence of lessons will use a
problem-based learning approach whereby, the primary school-aged students collaboratively
apply design and systems thinking and design processes to investigate ideas, generate and
refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed solutions for an identified authentic need.
Consideration should be given to appropriateness and authenticity to the age group,
collaboration between the students, lesson sequence and appropriate alignment between the
curriculum outcomes, lesson’s objective(s) and the assessment(s).

Submitted through Safe Assign in Blackboard.

Provide references in APA format.

As a partner task, a Partner Role and Responsibilities form is to be completed that identifies the
aspects and proportion of the assignment each person investigated and prepared (5%). The
Partner Role and Responsibilities form is to be submitted through blackboard by Friday 5pm of
week 10.
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to:

• Apply knowledge and understanding of the Technologies curriculum including
alignment of curriculum outcomes, lesson objectives and assessment
• Sequence an innovative Design Challenge for students in primary school to engage in
problem-based learning
• Demonstrate implementation of age-appropriate pedagogy
• Demonstrate written communication skills and academic literacies including English
expression grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA referencing conventions
• Contribute to group collaboration.

7. What are the course activities?

7.1 Directed study hours
A 12 unit course will have total of 150 learning hours which will include directed study hours (including
online if required), self-directed learning and completion of assessable tasks. A blended learning approach
is used to deliver this course, including a mix of synchronous and asynchronous materials and activities
accessed through Blackboard. Directed study hours may vary by location. Student workload is calculated at
12.5 learning hours per one unit.

This course will be delivered via technology-enabled learning and teaching. All lectures will remain in this
mode for Semester 2 2020. When government guidelines allow, students that elected on-campus study via
the class selection process will be advised when on campus tutorials and practical sessions will resume.

7.2 Course content

Week # / What key concepts/content will I learn?
Module #
1 The critical, ethical, legal and safety issues facing pre-service and practising teachers
regarding the use of ICT and technologies in schools.
2 Review of the TPACK and SAMR Models

3 Overview of the Technologies curriculum. Knowledge of the concepts, substance and

structure of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies subject.
4 Knowledge of the concepts, substance and structure of the Australian Curriculum:
Design and Technologies subject.
5 Alignment between the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the
Australian Curriculum: Technologies curriculum.
6 Knowledge, concepts and structure of the backward design process for lesson planning.

7 Definitions and distinctions of problem-based learning (PBL) and the learning theories
which underpin PBL.
8 The question of STEM and STEAM in and across the curriculum

9 Smart and Makerspace Classrooms: Plugged and unplugged ideas to support teaching
and learning.
10 Knowledge of current and emerging technologies

Please note that the course activities may be subject to variation.

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8. What resources do I need to undertake this course?

Please note that course information, including specific information of recommended readings, learning
activities, resources, weekly readings, etc. are available on the course Blackboard site. Please log in as soon
as possible.

8.1 Prescribed text(s)

Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below as they are required:
Author Year Title Publisher
Albion, P., Campbell, C., 2018 Technologies Education for the Primary Cengage
& Jobling, W. Years

8.2 Specific requirements

Students enrolled in this course are required to bring a laptop or tablet with Internet connectivity to class
each week.

9. Risk management
Health and safety risks for this course have been assessed as low.
It is your responsibility as a student to review course material, search online, discuss with lecturers and
peers, and understand the health and safety risks associated with your specific course of study. It is also
your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the University’s general health and safety principles by
reviewing the online Health Safety and Wellbeing training module for students, and following the
instructions of the University staff.

10. What administrative information is relevant to this course?

10.1 Assessment: Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the ethical standard of university participation. It ensures that students graduate as a
result of proving they are competent in their discipline. This is integral in maintaining the value of
academic qualifications. Each industry has expectations and standards of the skills and knowledge within
that discipline and these are reflected in assessment.

Academic integrity means that you do not engage in any activity that is considered to be academic fraud;
including plagiarism, collusion or outsourcing any part of any assessment item to any other person. You are
expected to be honest and ethical by completing all work yourself and indicating in your work which ideas
and information were developed by you and which were taken from others. You cannot provide your
assessment work to others. You are also expected to provide evidence of wide and critical reading, usually
by using appropriate academic references.

In order to minimise incidents of academic fraud, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks,
when submitted to Blackboard, are electronically checked through SafeAssign. This software allows for text
comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that SafeAssign has
access to.

10.2 Assessment: Additional requirements

Eligibility for Supplementary Assessment
Your eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying:
a) The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4%
b) The course is graded using the Standard Grading scale
c) You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

10.3 Assessment: Submission penalties

Late submission of assessment tasks will be penalised at the following maximum rate:
• 5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) per day for the first two days from the date identified
as the due date for the assessment task.
• 10% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the third day
• 20% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and
including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.
• A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date
identified as the due date for the assessment task.
Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late.
To request an extension, you must contact your Course Coordinator and supply the required
documentation to negotiate an outcome.

10.4 Study help

In the first instance, you should contact your tutor, then the Course Coordinator. Additional assistance is
provided to all students through Academic Skills Advisers. To book an appointment or find a drop-in session
go to Student Hub.
Contact Student Central for further assistance: +61 7 5430 2890 or
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy

10.5 Links to relevant University policy and procedures

For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including:
• Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs
• Review of Assessment and Final Grades
• Supplementary Assessment
• Administration of Central Examinations
• Deferred Examinations
• Student Academic Misconduct
• Students with a Disability
Visit the USC website:

10.6 General Enquiries

In person:
• USC Sunshine Coast - Student Central, Ground Floor, Building C, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy
• USC Moreton Bay – Service Centre, Ground Floor, Foundation Building, Gympie Road, Petrie
• USC SouthBank - Student Central, Building A4 (SW1), 52 Merivale Street, South Brisbane
• USC Gympie - Student Central, 71 Cartwright Road, Gympie
• USC Fraser Coast - Student Central, Student Central, Building A, 161 Old Maryborough Rd, Hervey
• USC Caboolture - Student Central, Level 1 Building J, Cnr Manley and Tallon Street, Caboolture
Tel: +61 7 5430 2890

10.7 School specific information

The assessment tasks in this course support pre-service teachers to explicitly demonstrate the following
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate):

Assessment Task Australian Professional Standards

for Teachers (Graduate)
Task 1: Reflective folio 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 4.5,
7.1, 7.2
Task 2: Design Challenge and Sequence of Lessons 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2,
3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

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