EDU204 Course Outline Semester 2 2020
EDU204 Course Outline Semester 2 2020
EDU204 Course Outline Semester 2 2020
Code: EDU204
Title: Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
School of: Education
Teaching Session: Semester 2
Year: 2020
Course Coordinator: Natalie McMaster Email:
Course Moderator: Dr Sharon Louth
Please go to the USC website for up to date information on the teaching sessions and campuses where this
course is usually offered.
5.2 Pre-requisites
5.3 Co-requisites
5.4 Anti-requisites
Format: Using a workbook provided in PebblePad, you will build an e-portfolio which documents your
understanding of Technologies curriculum and pedagogies. Each week in your folio (weeks 1-7)
you will complete the activities and engage in reflection to demonstrate your developing
knowledge in this curriculum area. Reflection on the online content and recommended readings
presented in the week 1-7 course materials on Blackboard and the weekly tutorial activities will
be part of the folio.
In tutorials you will be assigned design briefs which you will collaboratively design a solution for
by applying design and systems thinking and design processes to investigate ideas, generate
and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed solutions. The design process for each
design brief will need to be documented in your folio.
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Your folio will need to be completed in the PebblePad workbook provided. In week one you will
need to submit your workbook so that ongoing formative feedback can be provided on your
progress prior to the final submission date.
As a partner task, a Partner Role and Responsibilities form is to be completed that identifies the
aspects and proportion of the assignment each person investigated and prepared (5%). The
Partner Role and Responsibilities form is to be submitted through blackboard by Friday 5pm of
week 10.
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Course Outline: EDU204 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
This course will be delivered via technology-enabled learning and teaching. All lectures will remain in this
mode for Semester 2 2020. When government guidelines allow, students that elected on-campus study via
the class selection process will be advised when on campus tutorials and practical sessions will resume.
7 Definitions and distinctions of problem-based learning (PBL) and the learning theories
which underpin PBL.
8 The question of STEM and STEAM in and across the curriculum
9 Smart and Makerspace Classrooms: Plugged and unplugged ideas to support teaching
and learning.
10 Knowledge of current and emerging technologies
9. Risk management
Health and safety risks for this course have been assessed as low.
It is your responsibility as a student to review course material, search online, discuss with lecturers and
peers, and understand the health and safety risks associated with your specific course of study. It is also
your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the University’s general health and safety principles by
reviewing the online Health Safety and Wellbeing training module for students, and following the
instructions of the University staff.
Academic integrity means that you do not engage in any activity that is considered to be academic fraud;
including plagiarism, collusion or outsourcing any part of any assessment item to any other person. You are
expected to be honest and ethical by completing all work yourself and indicating in your work which ideas
and information were developed by you and which were taken from others. You cannot provide your
assessment work to others. You are also expected to provide evidence of wide and critical reading, usually
by using appropriate academic references.
In order to minimise incidents of academic fraud, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks,
when submitted to Blackboard, are electronically checked through SafeAssign. This software allows for text
comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that SafeAssign has
access to.