Ocean Modelling: John C. Warner, Brandy Armstrong, Ruoying He, Joseph B. Zambon
Ocean Modelling: John C. Warner, Brandy Armstrong, Ruoying He, Joseph B. Zambon
Ocean Modelling: John C. Warner, Brandy Armstrong, Ruoying He, Joseph B. Zambon
Ocean Modelling
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ocemod
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Understanding the processes responsible for coastal change is important for managing our coastal
Received 23 January 2010 resources, both natural and economic. The current scientific understanding of coastal sediment transport
Received in revised form 7 June 2010 and geology suggests that examining coastal processes at regional scales can lead to significant insight
Accepted 14 July 2010
into how the coastal zone evolves. To better identify the significant processes affecting our coastlines
Available online 29 July 2010
and how those processes create coastal change we developed a Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave–Sed-
iment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System, which is comprised of the Model Coupling Toolkit to
exchange data fields between the ocean model ROMS, the atmosphere model WRF, the wave model
Coupled models
SWAN, and the sediment capabilities of the Community Sediment Transport Model. This formulation
SWAN builds upon previous developments by coupling the atmospheric model to the ocean and wave models,
WRF providing one-way grid refinement in the ocean model, one-way grid refinement in the wave model, and
Sediment transport coupling on refined levels. Herein we describe the modeling components and the data fields exchanged.
The modeling system is used to identify model sensitivity by exchanging prognostic variable fields
between different model components during an application to simulate Hurricane Isabel during Septem-
ber 2003. Results identify that hurricane intensity is extremely sensitive to sea surface temperature.
Intensity is reduced when coupled to the ocean model although the coupling provides a more realistic
simulation of the sea surface temperature. Coupling of the ocean to the atmosphere also results in
decreased boundary layer stress and coupling of the waves to the atmosphere results in increased bottom
stress. Wave results are sensitive to both ocean and atmospheric coupling due to wave–current interac-
tions with the ocean and wave growth from the atmosphere wind stress. Sediment resuspension at regio-
nal scale during the hurricane is controlled by shelf width and wave propagation during hurricane
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
To increase our capability to investigate impacts of storms on imations on a horizontal curvilinear Arakawa C grid and on a ver-
coastal systems, we have developed a coupled modeling system tical stretched terrain-following coordinate. Momentum and scalar
to investigate different physical process interactions. We began advection and diffusive processes are solved using transport equa-
with a coupled modeling system as described in Warner et al. tions and an equation of state computes the density field that ac-
(2008b) and have further developed that system to include concur- counts for temperature, salinity, and suspended-sediment
rent one-way grid refinement in the ocean model, concurrent one- contributions. ROMS provides a flexible structure that allows mul-
way grid refinement in the wave model, coupling of an atmo- tiple choices for many of the model components such as several
spheric model to include effects of sea surface temperature and options for advection schemes (second order, third order, fourth
waves, allow exchange of fields on refined grid levels, and provide order, and positive definite), turbulence models, lateral boundary
interpolation mechanisms to allow the different models to com- conditions, bottom- and surface-boundary layer submodels, air–
pute on different grids. Because only prognostic variables are ex- sea fluxes, surface drifters, a nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton
changed, the individual models can compute scalar and model, and an adjoint model for computing model inverses and
momentum fluxes that are not consistent between components. data assimilation. The code is written in Fortran90 and runs in se-
However, this allows sensitivity experiments to exchange prognos- rial mode on a single processor, or uses either shared- or distrib-
tic variable fields between model components. A consistent flux uted-memory architectures (OpenMP or MPI) to run on multiple
coupler is being implemented for future release. The original com- processors.
ponents and the recent improvements are described in Section 2. For this manuscript we have added a method for one-way grid
In Section 3 we demonstrate the application of the modeling sys- refinement into the ROMS model. The method is based on an ap-
tem and present results for an application to simulate Hurricane proach similar to a composed grid formulation by Warner et al.
Isabel. We provide a summary and conclusions in Section 4. (in press). The terminology of grid refinement in this manuscript
implies the methodology for structured grid models where there
2. Methods is a spatially large grid that encompasses the entire domain of
interest. This large grid is called the master parent grid. Within
The Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave–Sediment Transport the parent grid there are region(s) defined by the user that have in-
(COAWST) Modeling System we developed is comprised of several creased grid resolution, typically by a factor of 3 or 5. These are
components that include models for the ocean, atmosphere, sur- called child grids. There can be children within children, creating
face waves, sediment transport, a coupler to exchange data fields, a hierarchy of grids that allow specific regions of variably increased
and a method for regridding (Fig. 1). We use all publicly available resolution.
components. The Model Coupling Toolkit as the coupler to ex- For our example application the parent grid is large enough to
change data fields between the ocean model ROMS, the atmo- cover all of the domain of interest and has a set resolution to ade-
sphere model WRF, the wave model SWAN, and the sediment quately resolve basin scale dynamics. We use a grid that covers the
capabilities of the Community Sediment Transport Model. These entire US East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico on a 5 km scale
components, improvements to individual components, and the (Fig. 2, left panel). The spatial extent is large enough to allow
coupling are described below. dynamics of the Gulf Stream and the evolutions of tropical cy-
clones to be resolved within the domain. We developed a finer
2.1. Ocean model child grid for the Outer Banks and Cape Hatteras region in North
Carolina with a scale factor of 5, providing a refined grid on a
The ocean model is the Regional Ocean Modeling System 1 km resolution. The system is capable of handing multiple levels
(ROMS), a general class of free surface, terrain-following numerical of grid refinement but only two (one parent and one child) are used
models that solve the three dimensional Reynolds-averaged Na- for this application.
vier–Stokes equations (RANS) using the hydrostatic and Bous- The one-way nesting is achieved as follows. The parent grid
sinesq approximations (Shchepetkin and McWilliams, 2005, takes one complete baroclinic time step, which includes several
2009; Haidvogel et al., 2008). ROMS uses finite-difference approx- barotropic steps. The prognostic variables of the coarse parent grid
are then interpolated in space to fill boundary arrays for the next
finer child grid. The boundary arrays include multiple along-
boundary spatial cells to account for the fact that the different
advection schemes require varying numbers of grid points to com-
plete their stencil. The next level finer child grid can then take
‘‘Nrefined” (in our case 5) baroclinic time steps to advance the
child grid in time to the same level as the parent. At that moment
both parent and child grids are at the same time level and coupling
to the other models (wave and atmosphere) would occur. For more
than one child grid, the procedure is similar in that the parent and
each child will take one step until the finest child grid is reached.
Then the finest child grid must advance multiple times until it
reaches a concurrent time as its parent. This approach continues
with the children grids advancing until all the grids reach the mas-
ter parent level.
An example of an application of the grid refinement is shown in
Fig. 2, right panel. The colors display the sea surface temperature
(SST) with arrows showing surface currents. The coarse parent grid
is resolving the Gulf Stream and basin scale variability. The refined
child grid (insert) allows increased resolution along the coastal re-
Fig. 1. The COAWST Modeling System comprising a coupler (MCT) that provides
gion to resolve smaller scale dynamics and predicts a consistent
exchange between an ocean model, an atmosphere model, a waves model, and a SST and current pattern as the parent grid. This allows the region
sediment transport model. of interest to be resolved with an increased spatial resolution
232 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
Fig. 2. One-way grid refinement in the ocean model ROMS. Left: coarse and refined grid, only every 20th grid shown for clarity. Right: Sea surface temperature (SST) and
surface currents in the coarse and refined grids showing smooth transition of fields.
and be driven with forcings that are more dynamically consistent 2.3. Wave model
because the physics are being resolved on both grids with consis-
tent formulations. The wave model is Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN).
SWAN is a spectral wave model specifically designed for shallow
water that solves the spectral density evolution equation (Booij
2.2. Atmosphere model et al., 1999). SWAN simulates wind wave generation and propaga-
tion in coastal waters and includes the processes of refraction, dif-
The atmospheric model component in the coupled system is the fraction, shoaling, wave–wave interactions, and dissipation due to
Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Mod- whitecapping, wave breaking, and bottom friction.
el (ARW; Skamarock et al., 2005). It is a nonhydrostatic, quasi-com- The wave model solves the action balance equation (Holthuij-
pressible atmospheric model with boundary layer physics schemes sen, 2008):
and a variety of physical parameterizations of sub-grid scale pro-
cesses for predicting meso- and microscales of motion. The model @N @cx N @cy N @cr N @ch N Sw
predicts three-dimensional wind momentum components, surface þ þ þ þ ¼ ð3Þ
@t @x @y @r @h r
pressure, dew point, precipitation, surface sensible and latent heat
fluxes, longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes, relative humidity, where N(r, h, x, y, t) is the action density spectrum, r is the relative
and air temperature on a sigma-pressure vertical coordinate grid. radian frequency (as observed in a frame moving with the ocean
WRF has been used extensively for operational forecasts (http:// current), h is direction normal to the wave crest, x and y are coordi-
www.wrf-model.org/plots/wrfrealtime.php) as well as for realistic nate space (expressible in both spherical and Cartesian coordi-
and idealized research experiments. nates), and t is time. The action density is defined as the wave
We have modified the WRF code to provide an enhanced bot- energy density (E) divided by the relative frequency (N = E/r) and
tom roughness when computing the bottom stress over the ocean. is solved because action density is conserved in the presence of cur-
For the Mellor-Yamada Nakanishi Niino (MYNN) level 2.5 plane- rents. The group velocities in x- and y-directions cx and cy in the sec-
tary boundary layer and associated surface layer scheme, the exist- ond and third terms represent propagation of action density in
ing method in WRF uses a bottom roughness length scale geographic space, the fourth term represents changes in relative
computed based on the stress: frequency due to variations in depth and currents with a propaga-
tion speed cr in frequency space, and the fifth term allows depth-
z0 ¼ ca u2 =g þ t=u ð1Þ and current-induced refraction with a speed ch in directional space.
The Sw term represents source and sinks of wave energy density as
where z0 is the surface roughness, ca is the Charnok coefficient described above.
(0.016) that is typical for rapidly rising seas, u* is the surface stress, SWAN allows input of time and spatial varying ocean currents
g is gravity, and t is the viscosity. We have modified the code to al- and water level. In a previous effort (Warner et al., 2008b) the
low the MYNN option to include effects of waves based on the Tay- ocean model ROMS was coupled to SWAN. The coupling was devel-
lor and Yelland (2000) formulation such that oped for both models operating on the same grid. Prognostic fields
that are exchanged between the models are described in Sec-
z0 ¼ 1200:0Hwave ðHwave =Lwave Þ4:5 þ 0:11t=u ð2Þ tion 2.7. In the ocean model, the wave fields are utilized to com-
pute forcings in the form of radiation stress gradients that allow
where Hwave is the significant wave height and Lwave is the mean wave-driven flows, to compute stokes velocities to provide correct
wavelength. This option is activated when coupling to the wave mass flux transport, and to compute wave-enhanced bottom stres-
model and was chosen as a representative method. Other methods ses. The wave model receives varying water levels, changes in
can easily be implemented in future releases. bathymetry and bottom roughness (to simulate morphological
J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244 233
variations due to sediment transport on the sea floor), and ocean model. However they are identified as a separate set of routines
currents. The ocean surface currents (us, vs) affect the wave action and can be extracted as a separate entity. The sediment routines
balance in two ways. One way is that the source term will use the consist of algorithms for suspended-sediment transport, bed load
10 m wind speed (Uwind, Vwind) from the atmosphere model modi- transport for current and wave–current forcing, enhanced bottom
fied by the local current (i.e. Uwind us, Vwind vs) thereby modify- stress due to surface waves, a multiple bed model to track stratig-
ing the wind stress (for example as in Kara et al. (2007)). A second raphy, morphology, and the ability to transport multiple sediment
way is to use the modified group velocities (cx + us, cy + vs) which in classes. These routines have been demonstrated to simulate a vari-
turn effects the wave number to allow current-induced refraction ety of inner shelf and estuarine sediment processes (Warner et al.,
(see for example, Holthuijsen, 2008, Appendix D; Fan et al., 2009a). 2008a; Harris et al., 2008; Ganju et al., 2009).
The SWAN model does have an existing formulation for nesting,
in which the user would run the parent grid and save data at loca- 2.5. Coupler
tions inside the parent grid that define the perimeter of the first
child grid. Once the parent simulation is completed, then the meth- The coupler is the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT; Larson et al.,
od would run the child grid with forcing obtained from the parent 2004; Jacob et al., 2005) that allows the transmission and transfor-
simulation, save data for the next grid down, and repeat. However, mation of various distributed data between component models
this method is cumbersome and because we use wave–current using a parallel coupled approach. MCT is a program written in For-
interactions, it would require the ocean model to be simulated in tran90 and works with the MPI communication protocol. It is com-
the same manner of saving boundary files to run finer child grids. piled as a set of libraries, which are linked during the compilation.
We chose to develop a methodology that allows all the parent and During model initialization each model decomposes its own do-
child grids of both the ocean and wave models to operate concur- main into sections (or segments) that are distributed to processors
rently so that wave–current interactions can occur at all spatial assigned for that component. Each grid section on each processor
levels. initializes into MCT, and the coupler compiles a global map to
We have implemented a new method for grid refinement into determine the distribution of model segments. Each segment also
the SWAN model to allow the parent and child grids to be simu- initializes an attribute vector that contains the fields to be ex-
lated concurrently (at the same time). The methodology is similar changed and establishes a router to provide an exchange pathway
to that described above for ROMS in that there is a master parent between model components. During the run phase of the simula-
grid that covers the entire region of interest and child grids in re- tion the models will reach a predetermined synchronization point,
gions of increased resolution. The user specifies the total number fill the attribute vectors with data, and use MCT _send and _receive
of grids (NGRIDS) that will be simulated concurrently. To accom- commands to exchange fields. Further details are described in
plish this we modified the code to allow the use of pointers for Warner et al. (2008c).
the main variables. The pointers are categorized into Fortran
groups called ‘‘TYPES”. Each TYPE is then allocated with a dimen- 2.6. Regridding
sion of NGRIDS. This allows each grid to be allocated with a differ-
ent size. For the application presented below the wave and ocean models
To run the model the parent grid takes one time step. Then the operate on the same grids and the atmosphere model runs on a
wave action density is interpolated in space from the parent grid to grid with a larger spatial extent. To allow the models to exchange
locations that define the perimeter of the next finer child grid. The data fields on different grids we use the Spherical Coordinate
pointers are updated to point to the child grid level and then that Remapping Interpolation Package (SCRIP; Jones, 1998) to compute
next child grid can advance ‘‘Nrefined” time steps (5 for our exam- interpolation weights. The weights are computed as a pre-process-
ple) until it reaches the same computational time as the parent. At ing step. They are read in during initialization, and used in the
this point there is no feedback to the parent (one-way grid refine- sparse matrix interpolation as described in Warner et al. (2008b).
ment for now). The parent is then available to advance one step in Currently we use the nearest neighbor method to compute the
time and the process continues. If there are multiple child grids, weights. Fig. 4 shows an example of regridding. In the left panel
the procedure is the same except that each grid takes one step until the atmosphere model has a spatial extent that covers most of
the finest grid is reached. The parent grid can only advance when the continental United States, Mexico, and Caribbean Islands. The
the finest grid has finished advancing to the same computational atmosphere grid is large enough to provide surface forcing for
time. An example of the one-way concurrent grid refinement for the ocean and wave models, but the ocean and wave model grids
SWAN is shown in Fig. 3. Here we see the significant wave height are rotated and with different cell sizes. The interpolation is re-
(colors) from Hurricane Isabel as it approaches landfall. The left pa- quired to transfer data between these grids. Also, as shown in
nel shows the larger scale parent grid. The right panel is a com- the right panel (Fig. 4), the ocean model cannot provide a full spa-
bined view showing the parent and the child grid solutions, with tial field of SST to the atmosphere model. Therefore the atmo-
the child grid outline with a dashed box. The child grid provides in- sphere model must also acquire data from other sources. For this
creased resolution of the wave heights and the wave fields are con- application we used data from the Global Forecasting System
tinuous from the parent through the child grid. (GFS: http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds083.2/) to provide complete
For the applications presented in this manuscript we chose to surface fields for the atmosphere model. Then, the GFS data is re-
use the same grids at each level of refinement for the ocean model placed by any fields that came from the ocean or wave model. This
and the wave model. The modeling system we developed has the allows data from different sources to be combined to allow a full
flexibility to allow the different models to operate on different coverage of fields. The combined data may need to be blended
grids. However this can complicate an application because it is along the boundaries to provide a seamless coverage. For the appli-
not apparent how to handle non-overlapping parts of each domain. cations presented here no blending was performed.
The sediment modeling component is from the Community The build scripts for the individual systems were modified such
Sediment Transport Modeling System (CSTMS; Warner et al., that the coupled system is compiled to produce one single execut-
2008b). Currently these components are integrated into the ROMS able. The modeling system runs in MPI and before execution the
234 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
Fig. 3. One-way grid refinement in the wave model SWAN. Left: US East coast 5 km grid showing larger scale wave field. Right: US East 5 km and refined 1 km grids
(dashed box shows outline). Colors are wave heights.
Fig. 4. Atmosphere and ocean model grids. (A) The different model grids require interpolation to regrid fields. (B) Different grids require multiple data sources to provide full
spatial coverage of data for the larger domain.
user sets the number of processors that will be allocated for each in the COARE algorithm (Fairall et al., 1996) to compute ocean sur-
model (ocean, atmosphere, and wave). During initialization each face stresses and ocean surface net heat fluxes. The ocean model
processor from each model initializes with MCT (as described pre- provides SST to the atmosphere model. The ocean provides surface
viously) and MCT identifies the distribution of model components currents (us, vs), free surface elevation (g), and bathymetry (bath)
on all the processors. MCT can then determine the grid distribu- to the wave model. The surface currents are averaged using a for-
tions. During execution the models will advance in time until they mulation of Kirby and Chen (1989) that integrates the near-surface
reach a user defined synchronization point. At that time each mod- velocity over a depth controlled by the wave number. The wave
el fills its attribute vector to exchange prognostic variables through model provides significant wave height (Hwave) and wave length
MCT to other models. (Lwave) to the atmosphere and the ocean models. The atmosphere
The variables that are exchanged are shown in Fig. 5. Panel 5D model uses these wave values to compute an enhanced sea surface
shows the data fields exchanged for the fully coupled system. The roughness as described in Eq. (2). The wave model also provides to
atmosphere model provides 10-m surface winds (Uwind, Vwind) to the ocean model wave direction (Dwave), surface and bottom peri-
the wave and ocean models. The atmosphere also provides to the ods (Tsurf, Tbott), percent wave breaking (Qb), wave energy dissipa-
ocean model the atmospheric pressure (Patm), relative humidity tion (Wdissip), and bottom orbital velocity (Ub). These parameters
(RH), atmospheric surface temperature (Tair), cloud fraction are used by the ocean model in the COARE algorithm to provide
(cloud), precipitation (rain), shortwave (SWrad) and longwave an increased surface roughness and in the sediment transport algo-
(LWrad) net heat fluxes. The ocean model uses these parameters rithms for bed load transport and bottom stress mobilization. The
J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244 235
Fig. 5. Definition of four test applications showing configurations of data fields exchanged. Lower right panel (case D) shows all the fields that can be distributed.
wave parameters are also available to compute wave-driven flows, nudged to the tracer fields from HYCOM with a time scale of
however, these processes are not activated in this application. The 20 days. Simulations without nudging revealed that nudging did
sediment model can provide spatially-varying bottom roughness not greatly affect the ocean model response for this experiment,
as different grain sizes are mobilized and transported. The varying an expected result since this was only a several day simulation.
roughness is fed back to the ocean and wave models. Five tidal constituents of the M2, N2, S2, O1, and K1 were imposed
The current configuration of the coupled system provides ex- on the lateral open boundaries with constituents obtained from the
changes of data fields between the different models. This will allow ADCIRC tidal data base (Mukai et al., 2001).
the system to test model sensitivity by varying the exchange of Initial conditions for the wave model are obtained by running
prognostic variable fields between different components. However the model for a steady state simulation using North America Regio-
the exchange of data fields does not necessarily provide a consis- nal Reanalysis (NARR) winds. The boundary conditions for this ini-
tent set of fluxes exchanged between each model. Below we inves- tial stationary steady state simulation and the non-stationary
tigate the effect of exchanging different prognostic variables. simulation were obtained from the NOAA NCEP Wave Watch 3
Future release of the modeling system will have a consistent flux model output archive (ftp://www.polar.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/his-
coupler capability. tory/waves/). Fields of wave height, period, and direction were
interpolated to points along the open boundary of the wave model
to create parametric ‘TPAR’ files. These files were used by SWAN to
3. Application compute Jonswap spectra during the simulation.
Initial and boundary conditions for the atmosphere model were
The system is applied to investigate dynamics during Hurricane obtained from global forecasting system (GFS) 1 degree data NCEP
Isabel. The hurricane reached Category 5 status on the Saffir-Simp- Final Analysis (http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds083.2/). Simulations
son Scale and made landfall as a Category 2 slightly north of Cape (not shown) using only this coarse grid data for initial conditions
Lookout on the US East Coast on September 18, 2003 at approx yielded hurricanes that were too low in intensity. Attempts to
1700 h. Results for the hurricane best track were obtained from use a simple vortex formulation for an initial condition provided
the National Weather Service Tropical Cyclone Report on Hurricane hurricanes with appropriate intensity but resulted in trajectories
Isabel (http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2003isabel.shtml). that were severely diverted. The best alternative for our experi-
ment was to provide the simulation with an initial condition based
3.1. Model setups on realistic conditions from the GFS data but modified to account
for the lack of intensity due to the coarse grid data. We chose to
All the simulations were initialized to start with a model time of modify the initial conditions to provide a more realistic condition
September 15, 2003. Initial conditions for the ocean model fields of by adjusting the wind and pressure fields (Uwind, Vwind, and PMSL)
currents, depth-averaged currents, water level, salinity, and tem- to be scaled to have maximum values consistent with observations
perature as well as lateral boundary conditions for currents, salin- from the National Hurricane Center (http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
ity, and temperature are obtained from the global HYCOM 2003isabel.shtml). The scaling occurs over a radius of 600 km start-
simulation (http://hycom.coaps.fsu.edu/thredds/catalog.html). ing from the center of the hurricane and extending radially out-
During the simulation, the interior temperature and salinity were ward. This adjustment maintained the original location as
236 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
Air pressure (mbar) 970
15 16 17 18 19 20
September, 2003
Fig. 7. Hurricane intensity time series for the observed and four model scenarios.
approaching landfall. This case was actually more intense than ob- 45 ms1 until landfall on 18 September when they begin to de-
served. For the other cases, in general, increasing the model inter- crease dramatically. The WRF only simulation (blue line) shows
actions reduces the intensity. For the WRF–ROMS case (black line) an approximately constant wind speed near 60 ms1 until landfall,
the intensity is approximately 10–15 mb too weak. As the waves greater than the best track. This increased strength is consistent
from SWAN are introduced to ROMS (red line), the intensity is with the slightly greater intensity (lower pressure). As other com-
again reduced and for the Fully Coupled case (green line) the inten- ponents of the system are included, the strength decreases initially
sity is reduced even further. The trend of the track lines (moving and then maintains a nearly constant value from 16 to 18 Septem-
south) and the intensities (decreasing) were consistent as more ber. The WRF-ROMS simulation (black line) demonstrates a de-
physical processes interacted except for the Fully Coupled case. crease in wind speed to approximately 50 ms1. With adding
For this last case the track moved back to the north but the inten- waves to ROMS (red line) the wind speed continues to decrease,
sity continued to decrease. and finally the Fully Coupled case (green line) has a decrease in
wind speed to 35 ms1. All of the simulations show increasing
3.3.3. Hurricane strength strength between September 17 and 18 as the hurricane is still
As with the intensity relations, the hurricane strengths (based in deep water before it reaches the continental shelf edge. Also
on maximum wind speeds) follow similar trends (Fig. 8). The ob- shown are the Hurricane Research Division (HRD; http://
served best track (cyan line) demonstrates sustained winds of www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/index.html; Powell et al., 1998) winds
70 ms1 until 15 September, and then shows approximately a lin- (magenta line). These winds are derived from multiple sources of
ear decrease until 17 September. The winds then level off at data including aircraft, ships, buoys, etc. For this time series the
Wind speed (m s−1)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Days Sept 2003
Fig. 8. Maximum wind speeds for the observed and four model scenarios, also including the HRD winds.
238 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
peak winds shown are stronger than the observed best track time low the different models to compute different derived quantities
series. The HRD winds will be used to drive the wave model in a such as stress or fluxes. For example the atmosphere model and
section to follow. the ocean model will compute different stresses at the air–sea
interface. The surface stress for the ocean model (Fig. 10) demon-
strates strong variability depending on the level of coupling. For
3.3.4. Bottom stress
the WRF–ROMS case (upper right), on September 18 the stress
The atmospheric bottom stress is computed in the MYNN sur-
reaches nearly 3 N m2 with increased stresses located in regions
face layer scheme. The stresses for the different configurations on
of increased strength. Increasing the level of coupling to allow
day 18 September hour 0000 are shown in Fig. 9. For the WRF only
the waves from SWAN into the ocean model (lower left) creates
simulation (upper left) the bottom stress reaches over 2 N m2 and
a greatly increased surface stress. For this case the wind strength
the eye is well defined. Coupling WRF–ROMS (upper right) allows
was slightly reduced (as shown previously) but the increase in sur-
feedback of SST to the atmosphere model. This feedback provides a
face stress is due primarily to the increased surface roughness from
reduced SST (as a result of the hurricane-forced ocean upwelling)
the waves. This is consistent with the WRF simulation of adding
for the atmosphere as compared to the WRF only simulation and
waves to WRF in that it had the same effect of increasing the stress.
reduces the intensity and strength, hence the surface stress. Add-
Adding waves to WRF for the fully coupled system (lower right)
ing the coupling of waves to the ocean model (lower left) further
decreases the surface stress in the ocean model because the wind
reduces the stress. This is caused by waves increasing ocean mix-
strength from WRF is weaker and also the waves are weaker (be-
ing, and therefore further reducing the ocean SST. The reduced
cause they are driven by the winds).
SST causes a reduced intensity and strength which create a lower
surface stress. The Fully Coupled model (lower right) allows the
waves to feed back into WRF. This fully coupled simulation demon-
3.4.2. Sea surface temperature
strates a slight increase in atmospheric surface roughness over the
The sea surface temperature (SST) also varies significantly be-
previous simulation. The waves feeding to the atmosphere model
tween the different coupling cases (Fig. 11). For the WRF only case
create an increased roughness length (z0). Even though the wind
(upper left) the SST is updated every 12 h from a global RTS data
speed is lower, the total stress is slightly increased.
set of 1° resolution. On 18 September there is a slight evidence
of the hurricane track near 28° lat–72° lon with a temperature of
3.4. Ocean results about 25.5 °C. For the WRF–ROMS coupled case (upper right) the
hurricane track is now completely visible in the form of a cool
3.4.1. Surface stress wake, with a decrease in SST to nearly 24 °C. By increasing the
For the coupling method currently implemented the prognostic complexity of the coupling, adding waves from SWAN to ROMS
variables are exchanged between the different models. This can al- (lower left) shows a greater decrease in SST to almost 21 °C. This
Fig. 9. Bottom stress (N m2) of the atmosphere model for the four model scenarios at 18 September 0000 h.
J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244 239
Fig. 10. Ocean surface stress (N m2) for the four model scenarios at 18 September 0000 h. (upper left was WRF only and did not have an ocean component).
Fig. 11. Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) for the 4 model scenarios and the SST from GOES satellite at September 18 hour 0000.
is due to the waves creating a greater surface roughness and creat- more consistent with the observations than the WRF only simula-
ing increased mixing. The fully coupled system (lower right) does tion. However, the inclusion of the waves to the ocean and atmo-
not demonstrate as strong of a cooling because the strength is sphere model (lower left) shows increased mixing as compared
diminished and the ocean surface stress was reduced creating less to the other simulations and this produces the lowest SST values.
mixing. The SST decreases to about 22 °C. Comparing the modeling
scenarios to the a value of SST derived from the GOES satellite 3.5. Wave results
imagery (right side of Fig. 11) shows that the SST clearly identifies
a cool wake in the hurricane path with an SST minimum of approx- 3.5.1. Wave heights
imately 24 °C. The coupled simulations that included an ocean Wave heights are compared at four different locations (Fig. 12).
model clearly identify a stronger surface wake signature and are The observations (cyan lines) are from 3 offshore buoys at deeper
240 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
locations and 1 buoy near the coast. The offshore buoys begin to of the larger wave heights. The coupled simulations produce waves
show impact of propagating swell near September 16. The 41001 that are closest to the observed. However, the wind fields for those
buoy observation has a peak near the middle of the 18th because simulations were weaker than observed.
it is farthest from the track. The buoy 41002 is close to the track Wave heights are also affected by the currents (Fig. 13). Typi-
and peaks just before the hurricane passes. The 41025 buoy was cally tidal inlets and narrow passageways with strong currents
also close to the track and stopped recording data after September identify locations of significant wave–current interaction. How-
18. The FRF buoy recorded the entire event and measured peak ever, the Gulf Stream also contains strong currents parallel to the
wave heights just slightly after landfall. Comparing the model re- coast with speeds over 1 ms1. As such they can also be affected
sults to the simulations shows strong differences amongst the sim- by waves. As waves encounter a current, the current will create
ulations. For the simulations that have been discussed so far, only refraction of the wave field. The refraction will change the direc-
the cases that used SWAN can be shown. This includes the WRF– tion of the wave propagation and cause non-linear interactions.
ROMS, ROMS–SWAN case (red line). For this case the magnitudes As the hurricane approaches landfall, the wave heights increase
of wave heights are in general agreement with the observations; to over 20 m (Fig. 13, left side). The waves that propagate in a
however the timing of the peak is too early because the hurricane direction opposing the currents will be the strongest effected by
was propagating too fast (as demonstrated previously). For the the currents. The currents will reduce the wave propagation speed
Fully Coupled case (green line) the wave heights are reduced be- creating a decrease in the wave length. Fig. 13 right side shows the
cause the hurricane intensity and wind speeds were less than the difference in wave heights between a simulation where the wave
previous simulation due to enhanced surface roughness. As an model was provided with the currents minus a simulation where
additional simulation, a SWAN only simulation was forced with a the currents were not provided to the wave model. The waves in-
blended NARR + HRD wind field (blue line). This simulation pro- creased by as much as 20% when the currents are allowed to inter-
duces wave heights that are too large at all the offshore buoys. act with the wave model. Similar results were obtained by Fan
The combined wind field was shown to have wind speeds that et al. (2009b) for simulations of Hurricane Ivan. However Fan
were greater than the best track winds and this may be the cause et al. identified a reduction in the wave heights when including
Wave height (m)
10 41001
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Wave height (m)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Wave height (m)
10 41025
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Wave height (m)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Fig. 12. Comparison of wave height time series for the 4 model scenarios.
J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244 241
Fig. 13. Effect of currents on waves. Colors are wave heights in meters. Arrows are ocean surface currents. Left: Wave heights for the Fully Coupled system. Right: difference
in wave heights if the currents are not allowed to affect the wave model (note difference color scale).
Fig. 14. Bottom stress computed by the ocean model for the 4 model scenarios on 18 September hour 0000 (note upper left panel is WRF only and does not have an ocean
242 J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244
the effects of currents because the waves and currents were in the but different in magnitude. This is mainly due to the variability of
same direction. For our scenario, the waves and currents were pre- the bottom stress as described above. As the hurricane approached
dominately in the opposite direction (waves to the southwest landfall, the wave heights are over 10 m on September 18 (Fig. 15,
opposing a northeastward Gulf Stream) and led to an increase in upper left). The waves are stronger in the right front quadrant of
these wave heights. the hurricane, but the waves affect the entire US East coast. The
waves create an enhanced bottom stress along the entire coast
3.6. Sediment results (Fig. 15, upper right). The maximum bottom stress is not necessar-
ily correlated with the location of maximum wave heights because
3.6.1. Ocean bottom stress of differences in water depth. The maximum waves are offshore of
The sediment transport is controlled largely by the bottom Cape Hatteras in deeper water. As the waves propagate, the oscilla-
stress computed in the ocean model. The various cases allow a tory motion is distributed down through the water column. In dee-
comparison of the impact on bottom stress (Fig. 14 for day 18 Sep- per water the waves do not feel or affect the sea floor. As the waves
tember). For the WRF-ROMS case there was no wave model, so the propagate landward, however, they impinge on the ocean bottom
bottom stress is due only to the ocean currents and is greatly re- and lose energy through dissipation due to bottom friction. This en-
duced, showing a maximum peak value over the inner shelf of ergy loss is converted to mechanical energy for sediment transport.
approximately 2 N m2. With the inclusion of waves to the ocean The stress is strong on the shallower regions at the shoals off the
model, the WRF–ROMS ROMS–SWAN simulation shows a greatly Carolina Capes. Large stresses are also seen at the Nantucket Shoals
increased bottom stress with maximum values on the Cape shoals and Georges Bank off Cape Cod. These features persist year-round
and on the inner shelf adjacent to the landfall region. The maxi- and are largely associated with strong tidal currents (e.g. Loder,
mum combined wave–current stress is over 5 N m2. For the Fully 1980; Loder and Greenberg, 1986; He and Wilkin, 2006). The inner
Coupled case the bottom stress is slightly reduced because the shelf sediment is responding to the increased bottom stress due to
wind strength is slightly diminished resulting in reduced waves waves (Fig. 15, lower left). The suspended sediment shows large
and this relates to reduced orbital velocities on the sea floor, reduc- concentrations across the entire inner shelf with greatest values
ing the bottom stress. The maximum stress is slightly less than near the location of landfall. Increased resuspension is also visible
5 N m2 with the greatest values on the Cape associated shoal fea- off Cape Cod where the stresses were high. The model can track
tures and in the tidal inlets. the change in bed elevation due to the sediment mobilization,
transport, and deposition. After landfall the bed thickness (Fig. 15,
3.6.2. Sediment response lower right) shows predominant erosional patterns along the inner
The sediment response is described only for the Fully Coupled shelf north of Cape Hatteras all along the eastern seaboard. Strong
case. Results for the other simulations are similar in their response erosion also occurred off Cape Cod on Georges Bank. South of Cape
Fig. 15. Sediment response. Panels A, B, and C are at September 18 before landfall: (A) wave heights; (B) bottom stress; (C) suspended-sediment concentration. Panel D is at
September 19 after landfall showing change in bed elevation along the US East coast.
J.C. Warner et al. / Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 230–244 243
Hatteras there is erosion on the north face of the Cape associated University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Funding
shoals and deposition on the southern face of the shoals. The loca- is in part from the USGS Carolinas Coastal Change Processes Pro-
tion of maximum erosion is consistent with the location of maxi- ject. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive pur-
mum stress. Bed elevations closer to the hurricane path in poses only and does not imply endorsement by the US
Onslow Bay show changes on the order of 5–10 cm, consistent with Government.
observations (Wren and Leonard, 2005).
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