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Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rehman, 31900, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia.
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Techologi PETRONAS, Persiaran
UTP, 32610, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia.

The effects of the surface waves generated by the wind have a significant effect on the currents. A wave
current coupled model plays an important role in the design of offshore structures. The interaction between
fluids such as incompressible ocean waves and current and offshore structures is significant with many
real-time applications in offshore engineering. These coupled models can be applied to Offshore Floating
Production Operating and offloading (FPSO), Wind or current turbines and offshore pipelines. The
complex issues related to the design are analyzed by using Computational Fluid Dynamics, which requires
an investigation of the multiphase flow between wave and current and the structure which is considered
restrictive due to the computational cost. If viscous effects are neglected then the single-phase flow models
have been recommended, where wave-current interaction have been modelled successfully. Models have
been developed where velocities and pressure are computed and the results can be verified with the
experimental results available in the literature. In this study the existing numerical methods, mesh types
are discussed along with their coupling methods. Here single-phase and multiphase models with small and
medium movement are reviewed and their applications are highlighted.
Keywords: Offshore fixed floating structures, wave current coupling, numerical modelling

1. Introduction

The offshore structures serve not only for Oil and gas exploration but they are also used for the
degeneration of energy from non-renewable energy sources like ocean winds, waves and currents such as
windmills, current energy generator. The deepwater offshore structures are more vulnerable to
environmental loadings such as wind-induced water waves and currents than shallow water. To make them
operational throughout their design life; it is utmost necessary to ensure the safety of such structures. In
past; due to their location and dealing with sensitive material, and environmental hazards associated with
the fossil fuels these structures had been designed with conservative loadings. Recently, due to advance in
shell technologies the hydrocarbon fuel prices have decreased. It is time to design offshore structures
efficiently to reduce the extra costs associated with them. For proper structural design, it is necessary to
consider the real environmental loads on the structure. The coupled and non-coupled wave-current
Corresponding Author
Mushtaq Nizamani (

© 2020 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 30 July 2020 doi:10.20944/preprints202007.0723.v1

interaction has been observed in many cases on the structure [1]. The analysis of such interactions needs
different mathematical approaches, observations and experiments. This interaction has been considered as
the most complex phenomenon, where current is superimposed with waves.

Initially, studies were performed in laboratory-based wave tanks but after the computational evolution,
the experimental tanks have been replaced by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical wave tanks
involving computational costs only. The combined wave-current interaction based on Navier-Stokes
equations has been studied by various researchers [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8]. Most of these studies are done
under Numerical wave tank simulations with different CFD solver techniques. Various open-source and
commercial codes are available for the simulation of flow dynamics. The accuracy of such simulation
depends upon the comparison of model validation results with available experimental works. The
experimental works regarding wave and current interaction have not been much studied due to limitations
of cost, space and measurements. Under such circumstances, the studies of one CFD techniques could be
compared with the results of other CFD technique as done in the study of [7 & 9].

The involvement of current with waves make flow characteristics complex. The superimposition of
current onto the wave in a numerical wave tank can be achieved either by introducing pressure inlet
boundary condition [4 & 6] or by velocity inlet boundary condition [3 & 11]. The velocity of waves remains
the same throughout the depth with velocity wavemaker while waves generated with pressure wavemaker
have varying current velocities with the depth. The FLUENT is a CFD commercial software of ANSYS
incorporation based on Finite volume method. The software is very effective in modelling the physical
phenomenon of flow and turbulence. The world supercomputing record has been set by this software with
scaling to 172,000 cores. It is very effective for RANS simulations. It has been successfully used in the
studies of [3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 12].

2. Previous Studies

The simultaneous occurrence of wave and current in ocean environments make their interaction as the
most prominent factor for the analysis of hydrodynamics of oceans [5]. The major environmental forces for
this region are considered to be waves and currents [6]. Every offshore structure before its design requires
the analysis of such hydrodynamic forces. Offshore structures have been studied by many authors using
frequency domain analysis [13, 14, 15] and Time domain analysis [13, 15, 16, 17]. The forces have been
determined by using the Morison equation and linear diffraction wave theory. The main determination of
the study involved capturing random wave responses in a surge, heave and pitch [18]. Such a response is
called Response Amplitude Operator (RAO).

The wave-current interaction with structures involved the numerical approaches in these studies. This
numerical approach is based on the potential flow theory, linear waves and small current velocity
approximation. The coexisting field of the wave with current involves the separation of the velocity
potential. This separation is done into the unsteady potential of wave and current. It becomes easier to
determine the elevation of water surface around an offshore structure under the coexisting field of wave
and current. The unsteady wave potential and current velocity are substituted in first-order dynamic surface
boundary condition to obtain the water surface elevation [19]. One of the studies involved the time-domain
method [13]. The regular waves diffraction and radiation effects were determined due to current with a 2-
D body. The observation proved the current effects on offshore structures and a non-linear relation with
currents was shown with first and second-order results.
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Surface wind stress, bottom friction, wave climate, wave field, depth and current refraction and
modulation of the absolute and relative wave period are the most common wave-current interaction
mechanisms reviewed [16,17,18]. The change is slow drift motions, wave run-up and wave forces have
been observed due to the combination of waves and currents [19]. It has been observed that wave and
current occur at the same time in the oceans. A resonance is normally created when wave and current
interact with the structure. This resonance causes slow drift motions. The prediction of such motions is also
very important from the engineering perspective. The pure wave interaction with the offshore structures
has been observed differently as compared to wave current coupled interaction. When time-domain results
were compared with the frequency domain, no difference was found in these studies.

The long-crested wave along with current produce more forces as compared to short crested wave
involving current. The experimental study of [20] made comparisons between short crested wave with
current and long-crested wave with currents. It was found in the study that long-crested wave with the
current was able to produce 45% more forces as compared to short crested wave with the current. The
author of the study suggested that further study was required to be conducted regarding short crested waves
involving six-degree-of-freedom. It has been observed that in intermediate and shallow waters, the short
crested wave remains dominant while for the deep waters long-crested waves are dominant. Due to lack of
proper data, the offshore structures are designed for the long-crested waves.

The short crested waves along with current produce different results than the long-crested waves with
the current. In the analytical study of [2], the effects of the current having uniform velocity were studied on
the short crested wave. The wave parameters on which the effect was studied were wave frequency, wave
run-up, wave force and inertia. The water depth was found to be in inverse relation with the short crested
wave having uniform current and total wave number was having a direct relation. The wave frequency was
influenced by the current velocity and current incident angle. Details of various numerous studies involving
wave, current and structure have been briefly described with the purpose, observations and suggestions of
the study in Table 1.

3. Wave and Current Fields in offshore environments

The dimensionless quantities are the key to the numerical analysis of flow so non-dimensional
parameters are preferred. The most used non-dimensionless parameters are, wave height (H/𝑔𝑇 2 ), wave
steepness (H/L) and water depth (d/𝑔𝑇 2 ). In a numerical wave tank, the waves are generated at the inlet to
simulate the wave parameters as shown in Figure 1. Without the presence of current, the free surface
displacement Eq. 1 and velocity potential Eq. 2 can be written as;

𝐻 (1)
𝜂= sin ( 𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔 𝑡 )
𝑔 𝐻 cos ℎ 𝑘 ( ℎ + 𝑧 ) (2)
𝜙= cos( 𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔 𝑡 )
2 𝜔 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑘 ℎ

Where, 𝜂 is free surface displacement, H is wave height, (𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔 𝑡) is wave phase angle, ∅ is velocity
potential, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is water depth, k is wave number, and t is time.
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Table 1: Some recent studies on Wave-current interaction with structures

Author Nature of Study Purpose of the study Observations and Suggestions Ref.
& Year Exp. Anal. Num. No
of Study
Wang - Anal. - Short crested wave-current interactions with Total wave number has a direct relation with the short crested 2
(2019) composite bucket foundation for the windmill. wave-current interaction and inverse relation with the water depth.
Effects of uniform current on wave frequency, The inertia and drag coefficient increases under increased velocity
wave run-up, wave force and inertia were only if the relative angle is smaller than 90.
investigated. Drag coefficients on composite The current velocity and current incident angle also influence the
bucket foundation wave frequency. Main incident forces occur under the condition
of current incident forces being parallel to the direction of wave

C.Y.Ng Exp. - - The dynamic responses of Truss spar were The long-crested waves with current were found to produce (45%) 20
(2017) determined under the conditions of short more responses than short crested waves with the current.
crested wave and long-crested wave with Suggestion 1: Further study needs to be conducted by considering
currents. A comparison of both waves with the wind loads also. Suggestion 2: The study should include surge,
current was made. sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw (Six degree-of-freedom).

Kim - - Num. To Investigate the combined wave and current Under combined wave and current situations, an increase in 3
(2016) loads on a cylinder under the regular wave current velocity increases the wave height and wavelength.
environment. Suggestion 1: numerical simulations for actual jacket structure
because complex flow interactions occur at the multiple legs of the
Suggestion 2: Vortex induced motion (VIM) and vortex-induced
vibrations (VIV) around the structure.

C.Y.Ng Exp. - - Wave-current interaction with truss spar Dynamic responses of the truss spar model due to wave with 21
(2016) current are greater as compared to wave without current. Maybe
because current velocity provides additional lateral force in the
water body which increased the structure resonance.
Dynamic responses were found to be greater under wave with the
current. One-unit increase in the current velocity was found to
increase surge by 24.8%, heave by 31.1% and pitch by 32.2%.
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Windt - - Num. Development of an impulse source based WCI Impulse source wave maker is able to accurately create the desired 6
(2018) model with simultaneous generation of current wave field. The tank layout effectively shields the current
velocity profile (CVP) and Free Surface Wave generation area from wave action. Generated waves can pass
(FSW) in a numerical wave tank (NWT). through the numerical beaches.
Suggestions 1: Further work is required to recreate flow profiles
Suggestions 2: the tendency of decreasing wave height and phase
shift for waves travelling in current direction is captured correctly.

Zhang - - Num. WCI in the bottom boundary layer to obtain Turbulent current was generated by a pressure-inlet boundary 7
(2016) the periodic velocities in the bottom boundary condition and a pressure-outlet condition at the other end. Wave
layer to know the degree of agreement with the was generated by giving a velocity-inlet boundary condition.
experimental work. Total mesh cells were Reflected waves were absorbed the numerical beach which is
fixed 200000 due to limited computational based on adding a sink term to the momentum equation. The
power so no more refined mesh. convergence test was carried out and basic test took 60 hours
(Normal for numerical studies). For smooth best, results show
good agreement with the experimental results for mean velocities
and periodic velocities. Results could be helpful for wind farms
designers and sediment transport studies.
Suggestion: Further research need to be carried out to investigate
the equivalent phenomenon under real wave environments either
by numerical experiments or by field tests.

Zhang Exp. - - Wave-currents effects in free surface turbulent Changes in velocity profile were observed. Wave presence causes 5
(2016) flow where waves of different frequencies the reduction in mean velocity near free surface. Near bed changes
were superimposed on current field. Changes are not much significant for intermediate and deep waters. When
in mean velocities, turbulence intensities, and waves propagate along with current. The resultant Reynolds stress
Reynolds shear stress were investigated. increases rapidly near the bed decreases until mid and finally
changes sign in the upper region.
Suggestion 1: The investigation of interaction between irregular
wave with current be carried out.
Suggestion 2: In present study, wave frequency was studied
mainly. Studies involving wavelength need to be carried out.
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The free surface displacement has two parameters associated with it i.e. Kinematic and dynamic both
of which need to be satisfied with velocity potential. If pressure 𝑝𝜂 is assumed to be consistent at free
surface 𝑧 = 𝜂(𝑥, 𝑡) than dynamic boundary condition for the free surface can be represented with the
Bernoulli equation as eq. (3):

𝜕𝜙 1 (3)
− + |𝛻 𝜙 2 | + 𝑔𝑧 = 𝐶(𝑡)𝑧 = 𝜂(𝑥, 𝑡)
𝜕𝑥 2

The description of water particle in the horizontal direction can be made as:

𝜕𝜙 (4)
𝑢=− = 𝐴𝑘 cos ℎ 𝑘(ℎ + 𝑧) sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡) + 𝑈
𝑢2 = 𝑈 2 + 2𝐴𝑘𝑈 cos ℎ (ℎ + 𝑧) sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡) +
(𝐴𝑘)2 cos ℎ2 𝑘(ℎ + 𝑧) sin2 (𝑘𝑥 − 𝜎𝑡) (5)

Where Ak is the velocity component for the horizontal direction and it is small in magnitude so (𝐴𝑘)2
is just negligible. So now the Eq. (3) for z=0 can be written as Eq. (6) or eq. (7):

1 2
𝐶(𝑡) = [𝑈 + 2𝐴𝑘𝑈 cos ℎ (ℎ + 𝑧) sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡)]
2 (6)
−𝐴𝜔 cos ℎ 𝑘ℎ 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡) + 𝑔𝜂
𝑈 2 𝐴𝜔 𝑘𝑈 (7)
𝜂(𝑥, 𝑡) = − + (1 − ) cos ℎ 𝑘ℎ sin(𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡) + 𝐶(𝑡)
2𝑔 𝑔 𝜔

The water particle velocity should be within specified physical conditions to satisfy the boundary
condition so if satisfied, water particle motion will be considered as the kinematic boundary condition. So
under this situation, 𝑧 − 𝜂(𝑥, 𝑡) = 0 at any arbitrary moment in the boundary. Now kinematic boundary
condition at the free surface will be as shown in Eq. (8);

𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜙 𝜕𝜂 𝜕 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜙 𝜕𝜂
( − )+𝜂 ( − )+⋯
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 (8)
𝜕𝜙 𝜕 𝜕𝜙
=− −𝜂 ( ) + ⋯ ., 𝑧=0
𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧

When we arrange Eq. (8) by linear terms, it can be rewritten as Eq. (9):
𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜙 (9)
+𝑈 =− , 𝑧=0
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
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Figure 1. Sketch of wave and current fields near offshore structure in the offshore environment

The currents are directed motions of seawater generated by the action of earth rotation, wind,
temperature, water salinity and gravity of sun and moon. They are not like waves and flows at greater
distances in the oceans and play a vital role in the earth’s climate. They can be divided into deep water
currents and surface water currents. The deepwater currents move under the influence of temperature and
density of water while the surface currents move under the influence of wind.

By assuming a uniform current for the whole depth of the tank, the velocity potential of Eq. (2) can be
rewritten as Eq. (10):
𝜙 = 𝐴 cos ℎ 𝑘( ℎ + 𝑧 ) cos( 𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔 𝑡 ) − 𝑈𝑥 (10)
Where U is current velocity, H is wave height, k is wave number, h is water depth, 𝜔 is frequency, and
𝐴= 2 𝜔 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑘 ℎ

The amplitude of wave with the consideration of current can be written as Eq. (11):

𝑔𝐻 (11)
2 𝜔 (1 − 𝜔 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑘 ℎ

By putting, 𝜂 and 𝜙 in equation (6), we can obtain the equation for the dispersion relation with current
velocity (U) as shown in Eq. (12);

𝑔 𝑘 tanh 𝑘ℎ (12)
𝜔2 = 2
(1 − 𝜔 )

𝜔 = 𝑘𝑈 + √𝑔 𝑘 tanh 𝑘ℎ (13)

𝜔𝑒 = 𝜔 − 𝑘𝑈 (14)

Where 𝜔 is the absolute frequency and 𝜔𝑒 is encounter frequency.

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4. Numerical Wave Tank Approach

The wave, current and their interaction can be measured by different technologies currently available.
Previously, the ocean environments have been studied on the laboratory basis only. But due to limitations
involved with the experimental works, the wave-current interaction has not extensively been studied under
field conditions. The advancement in the computational field has created new opportunities for fluid
dynamics. The most cost-effective way to study such an environment is by the use of computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) techniques. These techniques involve the modelling of ocean waves and currents in open
source and commercial computer codes.

The numerical simulation with the help of CFD has enabled us to properly create the ocean like
environments in numerical tanks. The promising results have been obtained to various researchers who
simulated ocean flows in numerical tanks using Reynold’s Average Navier-stokes (RANS) equations.
Numerical wave tank flumes are developed in commercial and open-source CFD codes. These flumes are
mostly based on the finite volume method (FVM). The Stokes and continuity equations are used as the
governing equations. Depending on the flow conditions, either Navier-stokes (NS) or Reynolds Average
Navier Stokes (RANS) equations are used to model the incompressible flow. The volume of fluid is the
most suitable method for tracking the free surface. Table 2 shows some of the recent studies of numerical
wave tank simulation with RANS equations. Most of the Numerical tanks mentioned in Table 2 have
applied the turbulent model. All the numerical wave tank use the artificial damping zone to reduce the
reflection effects of the waves generated in the tank. Every model involves initial and boundary conditions.
The waves and currents are generated at the inlet of the tank while the reflected waves are absorbed at the
outlet of the tank. The numerical wave-current flume shown in Figure 2 gives the full details of initials and

Figure 2. A numerical wave tank defined with each of its boundary [30]

Providing the most favourable initial and boundary conditions is the key to towards the successful
simulations. Some of the studies under review involved the pressure based waver maker at the inlet
boundary of the wave tank [4, 6]. While on the contrary, the studies of [3, 11] involved velocity based
wavemaker. When the authors compared their obtained results with the results of experimental works, the
studies involving velocity wavemaker gave the best comparisons. The pressure-based studies provided the
best results for the wave condition only. While for current and wave-current interaction, their simulation
was not promising enough. The wave tank based on the pressure as a current producing source provided
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fluctuating current values concerning the depth of the water while in case of velocity, the value of current
remained the same throughout the depth. The author of study [6] concluded that the location of the current
source in the model should be further studied to get the best results for the current and wave-current
interaction cases too.
The RANS equations are most common among the researchers involving less computational costs. The
simulations based on RANS equations provide the best simulation results. The accuracy of simulations
mainly depends upon the boundary conditions chosen. Most of the studies mentioned in this paper involve
the same source region for waves and current except the study of [6] where two separate sources were
chosen. This study also involved two separate beaches too, to avoid the reflection effect of these sources.
Most of these studies were performed in the two-dimensional domain. Involvement of the Three-
dimensional domain consumes an extra computer memory and requires some special computers. The
accuracy of such simulation depends upon the comparison of model validation results with available
experimental works. The experimental works regarding wave and current interaction have not been much
studied due to limitations of cost, space and measurements. Under such circumstances, the studies of one
CFD techniques could be compared with the results of other CFD technique as done in the study of [7, 9].

Most of the studies mentioned in Table 2 were carried out with commercial CFD solver "FLUENT"
which is the most popular tool for the simulations of turbulence. Some studies have involved the use of
open source tools too. The most popular CFD opensource software is OpenFOAM. The commercial
software is intended to provide ease to the user while open source software involves not many favourable
user-friendly interfaces.

Kim et al [3], studied wave-current interaction and load analysis using finite volume method (FVM)
based numerical wave tank. CFD studies were done in FLUENT software, where governing equations were
discretized by the finite volume method. He used 3rd order Monotone upstream centred scheme (MUSCL)
for convection term. The velocity and pressure coupled with Pressure implicit with the splitting of operator
(PISO) method. The k-ε model was used for the turbulent stress term in the governing equation. He used
Volume of the fluid method with implicit High-resolution interface capturing (HRIC) for the air-water

Zhang et al. [4], developed a numerical wave tank in FLUENT software by using Navier Stokes
equations to study the wave and current interaction in the bottom boundary layer. The flow was modelled
by RANS equations and the Volume of the fluid method was used to track the free surface. K-ε model was
used and at the bottom boundary layer, a low Reynolds number scheme was used instead of high Reynolds’s
Number scheme. The waves generated were second-order Stokes waves by using velocity inlet boundary.
The validation of the wave tank was made by using the experimental data of Kemp, [23]. The implicit high-
resolution interface capturing method was used.

Christine et al. [6], studied wave-current interaction without involving any offshore structure by using
impulse-based wave-current interaction (WCI) model. Waves and currents were simultaneously generated
through the inclusion of source terms, added to the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations.
He used depth varying current velocities but his model was unsuccessful to produce the best results for the
wave-current interaction. It gave the best results for the waves only.
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Table 2 Wave tank simulations with different CFD techniques involving wave, current and structures.

Author Year CFD Turbulence CFD code Free NWT Dimensions (m) Wave Wave Parameters Ref.
Solver Model surface TYPE L W D Type Height Period
Hans 2019 RANS k-w REEF3D LSM 2D,3D 38 5 7 Regular 1.6-1.7 4.0-6.0 10
Christine 2019 RANS - OpenFOAM VOF 2D - - 0.74 Regular 0.037 1.1 6
Salwa 2017 RANS - Python VOF 2D,3D 20 10 4 Regular - 5.3 31
Dagli 2017 RANS k-e FLUENT VOF - - - - Regular - - 32
Paci 2016 RANS k-e OpenFOAM VOF 3D - - - Regular 0.25-3 1.5-2.0 33
Kim 2016 RANS k-e FLUENT VOF 2D 45 - 2 Regular 0.1 1.41 3
Zhang 2016 RANS K-e FLUENT VOF 2D 12.86 - 0.2 Regular 0.02 1 4
Silva 2016 RANS k-e CFX - 2D 30 - 2.1 Regular 0.08 1.80 8
Zarruk 2015 LES - - VOF 3D 1 0.3 0.26 Solitary 0.2 - 34
Sonia 2015 RANS k-e FLUENT VOF 3D 10 1.8 1.25 Regular - - 11
Rodriguez 2015 LES - - - - - - - - - - 36
Persic 2014 LES - OpenFOAM VOF - - - - - - - 22
Zhang 2014 RANS k-e - VOF 3D 25 7 20 Solitary 4.0 - 5
Chen 2014 RANS k-w OpenFoam VOF - - - - - - - 35
Anton 2014 RANS & k-e FLUENT VOF - - - - - - - 7
Leonardo 2014 RANS k-w SST OpenFOAM VOF - - - - - - - 37
Markus 2013 URANS k-w SST OpenFOAM VOF - - - - - - - 24
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Hans et al. [10], used the Finite volume method (FVM) by using OpenFOAM. He used the 5th order
Finite difference weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme for the field equations. He used
the projection method to calculate the pressure in the Navier-stokes equation. The K-ω model was used
along with Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for turbulence closure. Cartesian grid
approach was utilized for high order discretization scheme. Ghost cell immersed boundary method
(GCIBM) was employed for wave structure analysis.

Markus et al. [24 & 25], also used the same approach as [3] but he used Fenton model [26] to create the
depth varying currents The results were found to be more successful but he used nonlinear waves with
unsteady flow conditions using Unsteady Reynold’s Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations. He used
stream function wave theory to validate his waves generated in the wave tank and compared the results of
non-uniform current with uniform currents. His studies mostly involved wave kinematics and no offshore
structure was used in the model.

5. Summary and Conclusion:

For the safety of offshore structures, it is important to account all the environmental loads acting on the
structure. Previously, these forces were assessed and analysed using experimental and analytical
approaches. The advancement in computational power has replaced the method of analysis from the
traditional one to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Various CFD Tools including open source and
commercial software are available now a day. Open-foam and ANSYS FLUENT software has most widely
been used for the application of CFD in offshore engineering. Due to the user-friendly interface, the fluent
software has been the choice of researchers for the applications of CFD in offshore engineering. These
studies have taken the simplest form of offshore structure but due to the complex interaction of wave-
current with offshore structures, it is necessary to use the geometry of offshore structure close to the actual


This research work is supported by the Universiti Abdul Rahman (UTAR) under the research funded
by an FRGS grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia (FRGS/1/2018/TK01/UTAR/02/4).

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[3] Kim, S.Y., (2016). Numerical simulation of wave and current interaction with a fixed offshore
[4] Zhang, X., Simons, R., & Buldakov, E., (2016). A Numerical Study of wave-current interaction in
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[5] Zhang, J., S., Zhang, Y., Jeng, D., S., Liu, P., L., & Zhang, C., (2014). Numerical Simulation of
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