NCRP - Sign 6
NCRP - Sign 6
NCRP - Sign 6
SUMMARY NCHRP Project 17-10 was conducted for the main purpose of revamping the 1994
edition of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway
Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals (hereafter referred to as the Supports Specifica-
tions). The project addressed specific technical topics; provided major updates based on
current codes and standards; presented new wind maps and wind loading criteria; and
introduced new sections on fiber-reinforced composites, wood structures, and fatigue
design. Project 17-10 resulted in a totally revised Supports Specifications that was sub-
mitted to the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (HSCOBS),
adopted in 1999, and published in 2001.
In spite of the extensive research efforts performed under NCHRP Project 17-10, a
number of technical issues still needed further investigation or refinement. The project
panel identified and prioritized a number of technical topics for study in NCHRP
Project 17-10(2). The main objective of NCHRP Project 17-10(2) was to enhance the
Supports Specifications developed under Project 17-10 and to provide a strategic plan
for future development of the specifications. Specific technical topics addressed by
Project 17-10(2) included the following:
• Wind load analysis. A report for consideration by the AASHTO HSCOBS was
prepared to address the basis for the differences in the wind speed maps, the dif-
ferences in design loads resulting from wind speed maps, and the treatment of
gusts in the 1994 and 2001 Supports Specifications. Approximate gust effect fac-
tors for wind-sensitive structures were also developed.
• Fatigue and vibration in noncantilevered support structures. Fatigue and vibra-
tion in noncantilevered support structures were studied, and a set of fatigue loads
was recommended. Additionally, connection details to minimize fatigue effects,
effectiveness of gussets in reducing fatigue problems, and vibration-mitigation
measures were evaluated and documented. The material is presented in a format
that is suitable for consideration for inclusion in the specifications.
• Foundations and anchor bolts. Selection criteria and design guidance for support
structure foundations were provided, and a simplified design method for anchor