Formula Page: Alexa Crawls Alexa Crawls DY
Formula Page: Alexa Crawls Alexa Crawls DY
Formula Page: Alexa Crawls Alexa Crawls DY
Formula Page
On this page I have posted Tesla coil formulas for a reference to those who prefer to make
calculations on paper. Below is a table of formulas on this page.
Ohm's Law Transformer Input and Output Capacitive Reactance
Inductive Reactance Resonant Circuit Formula Spiral Coil
Helical Coil Inverse Conical Coil Secondary Coil Dimensions
Medhurst Toroid Capacitance Sphere Capacitance
Plate Capacitors Leyden Jar Capacitors AC RMS/Peak Voltage
Rotary Gap Firing Rotary Gap Electrode Speed Energy for L and C
Ohm's Law
E = IZ P = IE
E = volts
I = current in amps
Z = impedance or resistance in ohms
P = power in watts
Transformer Input and Output
EP = primary voltage
IP = primary current in amps
ES = secondary voltage
IS = secondary current in amps
Capacitive Reactance
XC = capacitive reactance in ohms
F = frequency in hertz
C = capacitance in farads
Inductive Reactance
F = frequency in hertz
L = inductance in henrys
C = capacitance in farads
Spiral Coil Inductance
C = capacitance in picofarads
D1 = outside diameter of toroid in inches
D2 = diameter of cross section of toroid in inches
This equation courtesy Bert Pool.
Sphere Capacitance
C = capacitance in picofarads
R = radius in inches
Plate Capacitors
C = capacitance in microfarads
K = dielectric constant
A = area of each plate in square inches
N = number of plates
D = distance between plates in inches (thickness of dielectric)
Leyden Jar Capacitors
C = capacitance in microfarads
K = dielectric constant
D = diameter of jar in inches
H = height of jar in inches
T = thickness of jar in inches
AC RMS and Peak Voltage
ERMS = 0.7071·E P
ERMS = RMS voltage
EP = peak voltage
Rotary Spark Gap Firings per Second
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