Pubs and Bars Research in Bangalore
Pubs and Bars Research in Bangalore
Pubs and Bars Research in Bangalore
3 Monkeys Brew Pub
The Biere Club
Barebones the Balcony Bar
Pecos Stones
Windmills Craftworks
Hangover pub
The 13th Floor
More attractive
visuals of IPL or
cricket match by
showcasing the
Collaborating with top corporate
companies like capegemini,google
etc. to let the corporate employees
know that they get brewed bonus and
can enjoy using the same on
weekdays or weekends.
Posting awards photos and certifications to let customers know that its one of the reputed brands
and moreover allowing tagging game with the friends which is quite exciting for customers and
increases the page reach by more tags created.
Linking the Zomato review on
Insta page creatively to let
visitors know that its reputed
Mentioning about the drinks in creative way on insta page attract customers and have a
psychological impact on their mind to visit the place once.
Mentioning about the ingredients to let the customers know that beer prepared is pure and
consistent one !!!
Mentioning about the health tips on insta page to make sure that pub or bar not only entertains
the customer but takes care of the customer safety too.
Rather than simple quiz on beer or any
other drink , this game can be
interesting for customers and attract
them to win Mr. or Miss . at the pub
that day .
Creative way to thank Corona Kids menu to attract the new target
warriors to let the visitors audience at the restaurant
think that brand is thinking
about others too rather than
only its profits
Open air cinemas to customers of the
club to attract the customers. Moreover
making sure to send them digital tickets
and also making them aware of the traffic
that day so that they can be on time.
To assign different roles to staff and sharing their experience of making the drink which is quite
creative way to attract the customers
Weather forecasting whether its good to have beer on that day to let the customers
know that club’s main priority is customer satisfaction and their health.
Sharing prices board on insta page to make the customers aware of the prices
and various discounts
Sanitizer picture to show that safety measures for COVID 19 are ensured and at the same time
using google to know that its ranked best in search
Bareworks post to let the customers know that they can work and enjoy drink and meals at the same
time. Moreover, the prices are best to afford !!!!
Showing inscription of
different era to let the
customers know that pub
takes care of historical
influences too !!!
To attract fitness freaks
who think drinking can
add on calories but it will
just make you enjoy the
party !!!
To let the customers know that safety
measures are ensured.
Cocktail bucket
concept – to attract
the customers who
want to share the
cocktail with friends
and can’t finish alone