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Presentation 2024

Nica's Araro Cookies

Presented By: Professor:

Monica Bless Angel Jhoan Gatdula
1. Excutive Summary
2. Product/Services
3. Target Customers
4. Unique Selling Proposition and
Competitive Analysis
5. Pricing and Sales Volume Potential
6. Location Analysis
7. Marketing Strategies Vll.1 and Vll.2
8. Retention Strategy
9. Financial Projections and Goal
For the selling of this product, the social media
platform, and selected store will be used to
reach out all the possible customers in Hermosa
Executive Summary to Balanga City, Bataan. The specific social
media application will be Facebook, Instagram
and Tiktok because of the largest users of this
The Araro Cookies is a common giveaway in Bataan. As
the name suggests, these cookies are made of
social media that everyone were engaged.
arrowroot flour,duck egg yolks, milk, rendered lard, and While in selected store we can choose
sugar which gives it a distinct delicate and powdery supermarkets, groceries, mall, and market
texture. Araro are similar in texture and are sometimes
confused with puto seco, another powdery Filipino
biscuit. But araro are not as dry as puto seco and have a
milky and buttery taste. They're melt-in-your-mouth
treats perfect for a midday snack. Delicious with coffee
or tea! Araro cookies serves as one of the most famous
delicacies here in Bataan. This tasty treat is perfect to
bring home as pasalubong for your family and friends,
this cookies will definitely bring them a happy memory
and tummy, not because of their taste but because of
their shapes and milky color too.
The product was made to enhance
guest experience. Providing high-
Product/Services quality food and service can leave a
lasting positive impression on guests,
The Nica's Araro Cookies was made in order to represent our leading to repeat business and positive
province which is Bataan in the view of the fact that these are reviews. Revenue generation. Food sales
made with love and right amount of sweetness. The product can be a significant source of revenue
stand as an interesting treats for the tourists, for them able to for province, municipality and other
think of the province of Bataan. Nica's Araro Cookies will comes hospitality establishments.
with different sizes like bites, medium, large and shapes with
flower, round, square. The role of the product for the tourists is The seasonality to my business may
to provide an experience that is unforgettable, special, and experience due of the changes of the
authentic, and therefore helps destinations gain a competitive capital and ingredients. So in order to
advantage over rival destinations. This cookies made by maintain the good relationship between
preserving the history of the province while fostering innovation my business and tourists, we will cope
and expanding the tourism industry's offerings. Food tourism up in this seasonality through giving
supports local agriculture, food systems, communities, and them a reasonable updates why does
culture by raising visitor demand for locally produced food. the changes of price happened. Hence,
the high quality taste of the product will
remain at ease that the tourists still
stay to choose our cookie brand.
From the stated demographic
Target Customers profile for customers,
specifically tourists from other
places that wants to visit
Bataan are most favourable in
Tourists from different places that mostly visiting Bataan
our product. For the reason
during the dry season, as well as customers from my own
province. Product descriptions can entice and interest that they don't just travel for
them, and we offered a reasonable price that they believe places, but for the products
will help them to satisfied their cravings for delicacies that also.
is not too sweet but light and delicious. This product is
available at a reasonable price for everyone and Nica's
Araro Cookies can eaten by kids too because of its soft
textures. It can be purchased at supermarkets, groceries,
mall, market or even online. Tourists who wants to bring a
gift for their family, special someone and friends will
benefit from this.
Unique Selling Proposition and
Competitive Analysis
This is an example of how even a quirky USP can attract
tourists interest. As an being example of tourists, this kind of
delicacies can make me attract to try it at least once, but if
However, many competitors also
the cookies meet my expectation, will definitely repurchased already exist and had a name in the
it. The outstanding essence of my product is an delicacies market like for indirect competitors.
dedicated for tourists. In which they can bring the product For indirect Competitors are the
everywhere they will go, because of its convenient packaging. MikeLens supermarket and Anne
And if you, as a tourists are not comfortable bringing you the Rachels. To address the needs of my
whole container, you can try our product that packaging is customers better that competitors is
paper and in a bite sizes, so that even in your small bag or through quit seeing clients as
wallet will fit in. For the pain point that we're forecasting to examination subjects and on second
resolve right away is the flexible cost of the product that thought start to consider them to be
being processed in order to made the "Nicas Araro Cookies". accomplices in product improvement
In which the target market that needed to be attract even to have a better relationship.
there's a price changes in my costing, I still throughly
planning the whole marketing to attain the goal and success
of my product.
Pricing and Sales Volume Potential
Pricing and Projected Income
Location Analysis
I'm considering Supermarkets Store like SM, Robinsons, Public
Market and online selling as part of attracting tourists since
practically everyone more engage in social media, particularly
tourists/travelers, who are the target of my business.
Each of the member of my family will be part as an admin to
lead the website that i'm using thoroughly according to the
business operation. The social media platform that we're using
will be Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok since the majority of
tourists are engaged in those programs, and we picked them
because those apps have the largest quantity of users.
Since my business is just getting started, I will not hire a
developer for a while since the fund of the business is still
under the operation of the product. And for the sake of the
operation of the business even developer is not yet involve, I
will use all the possible guidelines to help me on how does
business being operated for a beginners like me.
Marketing Strategies
The way to present my product and services is to: Always be polite to the customers, Honestly, Bulding
relationships with customers and Online Marketing. For the packaging of the product will be ziplock or paper
for those who will buy bites sizes, and plastic jar with handle that was easy to carry when they bought it.

The image of the product that will be use is to develop instantly to the mind of every customers, the
ingredients and motivations will be put there too for the attraction of it to everyone.

The product packaging that I presented in the market was highly consistent in terms of the quality and good
looking of it. And the detailed label was ready marked at the packaging in which if there's some product
matters needed to be address then, they can contact us from the stated details that was written at the

The packaging also will be completely sealed but easy to open at the same time and more presentable to the
customers that easy to carry. After they bought the product from me, they can reuse the ziplock and plastic
jar whenever they wanted.

For the distribution of my product will be communicated as the official social media sites that can easily
publicized about the product that I offered. Also the essence of those platform is to have an easy transaction
between my business and customers. They can direct message our official account and continue the
transaction until then.
Marketing Strategies
For the promotion of my product, with the use of social media we will update and reach
out every possible target market to heads up with the product that I'm selling. The
promo that they can avail will be a good foundation for me to encourage customers to
buy. For the advertising, like from the previous part stated. I will use Facebook,
Instagram and Tiktok that will stand as an advertising purposes aside from transaction.
I will also come up to produce tarpaulins that presented are product and contact details
in designated areas.

In order for the customers to had a perfect impression for the services of us along with
the product. Rest assured that I and admins will be briefly knowledgable on how does
the customers approach appropriately and professionally.
Retention Strategy

In order for the customers to returned for our business

and gain their trust. I will let the every customers to
post their feedbacks to the public freely as they can.
Also as the continuous of the business operation, I can
provide or offer loyalty program to encourage more to
repurchase from the product that I had.
Financial Projection and Goal Setting
The Nica's Araro Cookies projected 10 jars to be sell a week. The
selling price amounted to Php. 250.00 in each, then the budgeted
sales revenue a week is equal to Php. 2,500.00. In four weeks
operation, the projected net sales amounted to Php. 10,000.00 less
the total cost of sales which is Php. 5,400.00 and the difference of
it will be the total gross profit which is Php. 4,600.00. I expected an
other expenses which is recognized as an petty cash amounted to
Php. 150.00 per week. The petty cash will stand as an emergency
purposes during the business operation. Because in business
operation I thought that there's really an instances that we need
something to purchase that was not under the cost of sales of the
product. After diminished all the other expenses that difference of
it will be the net profit or my business. And the total net profit from
the projected income statement amounted to Php. 1,000.00
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